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The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of a two-digit number is less than the original number by 45. If the sum of the two digits of the number so obtained is 13, then what is the original number choose which one is correct?

A. 49

B. 94 (Answer)

C. 83

D. Either (a) or (b)

E. None of these


The sum of five consecutive even numbers of set x is 440. Find the sum of a different set of five consecutive integers whose second least number is 121 less than double the least number of set x choose which one is correct?

A. 248

B. 240 (Answer)

C. 228

D. 236

E. None of these


In a series of six consecutive even numbers, the sum of the second and sixth numbers is 24. What is the fourth number choose which one is correct?

A. 8

B. 12 (Answer)

C. 6

D. 14

E. None of these


The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. The difference of the digits is 6. Find the number choose which one is correct?

A. 93

B. 39

C. 75

D. 48

E. Either (a) or (b) (Answer)


The tens digit of a two-digit number is two more than its unit digit. The two-digit number is 7 times the sum of the digits. Find the units digits choose which one is correct?

A. 1

B. 2 (Answer)

C. 3

D. 4

E. None of these


Solve the equation for x : 6x – 27 + 3x = 4 + 9 – x (Answer)

A. 4 (Answer)

B. 5

C. 6

D. -4

E. None of these


Solve the equation for x : 19(x + y) + 17 = 19(-x + y) – 21

A. -1 (Answer)

B. -2

C. -3

D. -4

E. None of these


The cost of 2 chairs and 3 tables is Rs.1300. The cost of 3 chairs and 2 tables is Rs.1200. The the cost of each table is more than that of each chair by__________ choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.70

B. Rs.75

C. Rs.50

D. Rs.60

E. None of these (Answer)


The denominator of a fraction is 1 less than twice the numerator. If the numerator and denominators are both increased by 1, the fraction becomes 3/5. Find the fraction choose which one is correct?

A. 2/3

B. 3/5

C. 4/7

D. 5/9 (Answer)

E. None of these


The cost of 10 kg of apples is equal to the cost of 24 kg of rice. The cost of 6 kg of flour equals the cost of 2 kg of rice. The cost of each kg of flour is Rs.20.50. Find the total cost of 4 kg of apples, 3 kg of rice and 5 kg of flour choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.849.40

B. Rs.877.40 (Answer)

C. Rs.901.60

D. Rs.815.20

E. None of these


A question paper consists of five problems, each problem having three interval choices. In how many ways can a candidate attempt one or more problems choose which one is correct?

A. 63

B. 511

C. 1023 (Answer)

D. 15


In a class there are 20 boys and 25 girls. In how many ways can a boy and a girl be selected choose which one is correct?

A. 400

B. 500 (Answer)

C. 600

D. 20


In how many ways can three consonants and two vowels be selected from the letters of the word “TRIANGLE” choose which one is correct?

A. 25

B. 13

C. 40

D. 30 (Answer)


A bag contains nine yellow balls, three white balls and four red balls. In how many ways can two balls be drawn from the bag choose which one is correct?

A. ⁹C₂

B. =C₂

C. ;⁶C₂ (  nswer)

D. ;<C₂


How many four digit even numbers can be formed using the digits {2, 3, 5, 1, 7, 9}

A. 60 (Answer)

B. 360

C. 120

D. 240


The number of ways in which six boys and six girls can be seated in a row for a photograph so that no two girls sit together is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. (6!)2

B. 6! * ⁷P₆

C. 2(6!)

D. 6! * 7


A letter lock consists of three rings each marked with six different letters. The number of distinct unsuccessful attempts to open the lock is at the most__________ choose which one is correct?

A. 216

B. 243

C. 215 (Answer)

D. 729


A committee has 5 men and 6 women. What are the number of ways of selecting a group of eight people choose which one is correct?

A. 165 (Answer)

B. 185

C. 205

D. 225


What are the number of ways to select 3 men and 2 women such that one man and one Women are always selected choose which one is correct?

A. 100

B. 60

C. 30 (Answer)

D. 20


The number of permutations of the letters of the word ‘MESMERISE’ is___________ choose which one is correct?

A. 9!/(2!)2 3! (Answer)

B. 9!/(2!)3 3!

C. 9!/(2!)2 (3!)2

D. 5!/(2!)2 3!


The number of arrangements that can be made with the letters of the word MEADOWS so that the vowels occupy the even places choose which one is correct?

A. 720

B. 144 (Answer)

C. 120

D. 36


A boy has nine trousers and 12 shirts. In how many different ways can he select a trouser and a shirt choose which one is correct?

A. 21

B. 12

C. 9

D. 108 (Answer)


There are 30 people in a group. If all shake hands with one another , how many handshakes are possible choose which one is correct?

A. 870

B. 435 (Answer)

C. 30!

D. 29! + 1


In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘OPTIC  L’ be arranged so that the vowels always come together choose which one is correct?

A. 120

B. 720 (Answer)

C. 4320

D. 2160


In how many ways can a group of 5 men and 2 women be made out of a total of 7 men and 3 women choose which one is correct?

A. 63 (Answer)

B. 90

C. 126

D. 45


In how many different ways can four books A, B, C and D be arranged one above another in a vertical order such that the books A and B are never in continuous position choose which one is correct?

A. 9

B. 12 (Answer)

C. 14

D. 18


There are two identical red, two identical black, and two identical white balls.In how many different ways can the balls be placed in the cells (Each cell to contain one ball) shown above such that balls of the same colour do not occupy any two consecutive cells choose which one is correct?

A. 15

B. 18

C. 24 (Answer)

D. 30


Twelve people from a club, by picking lots. One of them will host a dinner for all once in a month. The number of dinners a particular member has to host in one year is________ choose which one is correct?

A. One

B. Zero

C. Three

D. Cannot be determined (Answer)


A person ordered 5 pairs of black socks and some pairs of brown socks. The price of a black pair was thrice that of a brown pair while preparing the bill the bill clerk inter-changed the number of black and brown pairs by mistake which increased the bill by 100% what was the number of pairs of brown socks in the original order choose which one is correct?

A. 10

B. 15

C. 20

D. 25 (Answer)


Three dice (each having six faces with each face having one number from 1 or 6) are rolled.

What is the number of possible outcomes such that at least one dice shows the number 2 choose which one is correct?

A. 36

B. 81

C. 91 (Answer)

D. 116


A mixed doubles tennis game is to be played two teams(each consists of one male and one female) There are four married couples. No team consists of a husband and his wife. What is the maximum number of games that can be played choose which one is correct?

A. 12

B. 48

C. 36

D. 42 (Answer)


In a question paper, there are four multiple choice type questions, each question has five choices with only one choice for it’s correct answer. What is the total number of ways in which a candidate will not get all the four answers correct choose which one is correct?

A. 19

B. 120

C. 624 (Answer)

D. 1024


In how many different ways can six players be arranged in a line such that two of them, Asim and Raheem are never together choose which one is correct?

A. 120

B. 240

C. 360

D. 480 (Answer)


Six points are marked on a straight line and five points are marked on another line which is parallel to the first line. How many straight lines, including the first two, can be formed with these points choose which one is correct?

A. 29

B. 32 (Answer)

C. 55

D. 30


6 of 5/8 / 5/8 – 1/8 = ______ choose which one is correct?

A. 6 1/8

B. 5 3/4

C. 6 3/4

D. 5 7/8 (Answer)


(22 * 495 + 891 * 44) / (33 * 176 + 55 * 264) = _________ choose which one is correct?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 69/28 (Answer)

D. 66/17


[(62.25/2.5) + (12.5/0.5)] / [(0.75 * 9) + (3.5 * 3.5)] = _________ choose which one is correct?

A. 1 17/38

B. 1 38/17

C. 2 38/17

D. None of these (Answer)


(180/37 of 14.8) / (17/60.1 of 180.30) = _______ choose which one is correct?

A. 1.4 (Answer)

B. 1.6

C. 1.5

D. 1.2


45/100 * 125 + 22.22 = ________ choose which one is correct?

A. 78 (Answer)

B. 76

C. 74

D. 72


12 3/4 * (1 2/17 / 8 1/6) / 5 4/3 = __________ choose which one is correct?

A. 1

B. 27/98 (Answer)

C. 6/17

D. 27/17


Which of the following groups of fractions is in descending order choose which one is correct?

A. 8/15, 9/13, 6/11

B. 8/15, 6/11, 9/13

C. 9/13, 6/11, 8/15 (Answer)

D. 6/11, 8/15, 9/13


The value of (2.75)3 – (2.00)3 – (0.75)3 is__________ choose which one is correct?

A. 3 * 2.75 * 2.75 * 2.75

B. 3 * 2.00 * 2.00 * 2.00

C. 3 * 2.75 * 0.75 * 2.75

D. 4.5 * 2.75 (Answer)


{20 – [7 – (3 -2)] + 1/3 (4.2)} / 1.4 = ________ choose which one is correct?

A. 11 (Answer)

B. 12

C. 14

D. 19


Jameel gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same time, Nasir gets on an elevator at the 51st floor of the same building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates,then at which floor will their paths cross choose which one is correct?

A. 19

B. 28

C. 30 (Answer)

D. 37


A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 22

B. 23

C. 24

D. 26 (Answer)


Free notebooks were distributed equally among children of a class. The number of notebooks each child got one-eighth of the number of children. Had the number of children been half, each child would have got 16 notebooks. Total how many notebooks were distributed choose which one is correct?

A. 256

B. 432

C. 512 (Answer)

D. 640


In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 per hour for overtime. If he earns Rs. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for______ choose which one is correct?

A. 160

B. 175 (Answer)

C. 180

D. 195


105.126 * 35.201 – 90.23 * 3 + 55.11 * 27.01 = ____________ choose which one is correct?

A. 4890 (Answer)

B. 40000

C. 271

D. 5996


(0.9 * 0.9 – 0.8 * 0.8)/1.7 = _________ choose which one is correct?

A. 0.1 (Answer)

B. 0.2

C. 0.3

D. 0.4


5/8 * 2(2/5 – 5/4) / 1 1/4 = _________ choose which one is correct?

A. 1/5 (Answer)

B. 4/5

C. 6/5

D. 8/5


12(13/18) + 16(11/27) – 10(5/9) = _________ choose which one is correct?

A. 182/3

B. 1831/54 (Answer)

C. 18

D. 201/2


Positive integers indicated by x and y satisfy 3 1/x * y 2/5 = 13 3/4, the fractions being in their lowest terms, then x =  choose which one is correct? and y = ____________ choose which one is correct?

A. x = 4, y = 8

B. x = 4, y = 4

C. x = 2, y = 4

D. x = 8, y = 4 (Answer)


If (461 + 462 + 463 + 464) is divisible by  choose which one is correct?, then  choose which one is correct? =_____________ choose which one is correct?

A. 3

B. 11

C. 13

D. None of these (Answer)


rectangular measure 8cm on length and it’s diagonals measures 10cm what is the perimeter of the rectangular choose which one is correct?

A. 36cm

B. 38cm

C. 28cm (Answer)

D. 18cm


The perimeter of a floor of a room is 18m.What is the area of four walls of the room if it; a height is 3m choose which one is correct?

A. 21 Sq.m

B. 42 Sq.m

C. 54 Sq.m (Answer)

D. 108 Sq.m


parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40 m and one of its diagonals is 80 m long then its area is:__________ choose which one is correct?

A. 480 sq.m

B. 320 sq.m

C. 600√15 sq.m (  nswer)

D. 450√15


If a square and a rhombus stand on the same base then the ratio of the areas of the squares and the rhombus is:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. greater than 1

B. equal to 1 (Answer)

C. equal to 1/2

D. equal to ¼


In a rhombus whose area is 144 one of its diagonals is twice as long as the other. The lengths of its diagonals are:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 24 cm,48cm

B. 12cm,24cm (Answer)

C. 6√2cm,12√2cm

D. 6cm,12cm


The length of a rope by which a cow must be tethered in order that she may be able to graze an area of 9856 sq.m is:________ choose which one is correct?

A. 56m (Answer)

B. 64m

C. 88m

D. 168m


The circumferences of two concentric circles are 176 m and 132 cm respectively. What is the difference between their radii choose which one is correct?

A. 5 m

B. 7 m (Answer)

C. 8 m

D. 44 m


The diameter of a circle is 105 cm less than the circumference what is the diameter of the circle choose which one is correct?

A. 44 cm

B. 46 cm

C. 48 cm

D. 49 cm (Answer)


A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ration of 6:5 The smaller side if the rectangle is:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 30 cm

B. 60 cm (Answer)

C. 72 cm

D. 132 cm


If the diameter of a circle is increased by 100 % its area is increased by:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 100%

B. 200%

C. 300% (Answer)

D. 400%


If the radius of a circle be reduced by 50% its area is reduced by:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 25 %

B. 50%

C. 75% (Answer)

D. 100%


Area of a square with side x is equal to the area of a triangle with base x. The altitude of the triangle is:________ choose which one is correct?

A. x/2

B. x

C. 2x (Answer)

D. 4x


If the diagonal of a square is doubled. How does the area of the square change choose which one is correct?

A. Becomes fourfold (Answer)

B. Becomes threefold

C. Becomes twofold

D. none of the above


If the base of rectangle is increased by 10 % and the area is unchanged then the corresponding altitude must be decreased by:________ choose which one is correct?

A. 9 1/11 % (Answer)

B. 10%

C. 11%

D. 11 1/9 %


The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth, if length is decreased by 5 cm and the breadth is increased by 5 cm. The length of the rectangle is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 20 cm

B. 30 cm

C. 40 cm (Answer)

D. 50 cm


C. 120m × 36m (Answer)

D. 135m × 32m


Which one of the following has a greater perimeter than the rest choose which one is correct?

A. A square with an area of 36

B. An Equilateral Triangle with a side of 9 cm

C. A rectangle with 10 cm as length and 40 as area (Answer)

D. A circle with a radius of 4 cm


The perimeter of a semi circle is 144 cm then the radius is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 25 cm

B. 28 cm (Answer)

C. 30 cm

D. 35 cm


The radius of a semicircle is 6.3 cm then its perimeter is choose which one is correct?

A. 35.4 cm

B. 32.4 cm (Answer)

C. 32 cm

D. 30 cm


What is the ratio between perimeters of two squares one having 3 times the diagonal then the other choose which one is correct?

A. 4:8

B. 1:4

C. 6:2

D. 3:1 (Answer)


A rope of which a calf is tied is increased from 12 m to 23 m, how much additional grassy ground shall it graze choose which one is correct?

A. 1120 m2

B. 1250 m2

C. 1210 m2 (Answer)

D. 1200 m2


The cross-section of a cannel is a trapezium in shape. If the channel is 10 m wide at the top and 6 m wide at the bottom and the area of cross-section is 640 sq m, the depth of channel is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 20 m

B. 60 m

C. 40 m

D. 80 m (Answer)


The side of a rhombus is 26 m and the length of one of its diagonals is 20 m. The area of the rhombus is_______ choose which one is correct?

A. 529 sq m

B. 240 sq m

C. 260 sq m

D. 480 sq m (Answer)


An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle of length 20m and width 14m. A pit 6m long 3m wide and 2.5m deep is dug in a corner of the field and earth taken out of the pit is spread uniformly over. The remaining area of the field. The level of the field has been raised by________ choose which one is correct?

A. 15.16cm

B. 16.17cm

C. 17.18cm (Answer)

D. 18.19m


A tank is 7m long and 4m wide at what speed should water run through pipes 5cm broad and 4cm deep so that in 6 hours and 18 minutes, the water level in the tank rises by 4.5cm choose which one is correct?

A. 12km/hr

B. 10km/hr (Answer)

C. 14km/hr

D. None of these


What part of a ditch 48m long 16.5 broad and 4m deep can be filled by the earth got by digging a cylindrical tunnel of diameter 4m and length 56m choose which one is correct?

A. 1/9

B. 2/9 (Answer)

C. 7/9

D. 8/9


Find the least number which when divided by 35 leaves remainder 25, when divided by 25 leaves remainder 15 and when divided by 15 leaves remainder 5 choose which one is correct?

A. 420

B. 515 (Answer)

C. 435

D. 518

Page 285


What is the least number which when divided by 8, 12, 18 and 24 leaves the remainders 4, 8, 14 and 20 respectively choose which one is correct?

A. 78

B. 68 (Answer)

C. 58

D. None


The wheels revolve round a common horizontal axis. They make 15, 20 and 48 revolutions in a minute respectively. Starting with a certain point on the circumference down wards. After what interval of time will they come together in the same position choose which one is correct?

A. 1 min (Answer)

B. 2 min

C. 3 min

D. None


Two numbers 4242 and 2903 when divided by a certain number of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find the number choose which one is correct?

A. 101

B. 103 (Answer)

C. 107

D. 113


There are four prime numbers written in ascending order of magnitude. The product of the The first three are 385 and of the last three are 1001. Find the fourth number choose which one is correct?

A. 5 (Answer)

B. 7

C. 11

D. 13


A room is 4 meters 37 cm long and 3 meters 23cm broad. It is required to pave the floor with minimum square slabs. Find the number of slabs required for this purpose choose which one is correct?

A. 485

B. 431

C. 391 (Answer)

D. 381


LCM of two numbers is 138. But their (Greatest common divisor) GCD is 23. The numbers are in a ratio 1:6. Which is the largest number amongst the two choose which one is correct?

A. 46

B. 138 (Answer)

C. 69

D. 23


Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers is 8 while their Least Common Multiple is 144. Find the other number if one number is 16.

A. 108

B. 96

C. 72 (Answer)

D. 36


The L.C.M. of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. Then sum of the number is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 28

B. 32

C. 40 (Answer)

D. 64


The smallest fraction, which each of 6/7, 5/14, 10/21 will divide exactly is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 30/7 (Answer)

B. 30/98

C. 60/147

D. 50/294


What will be the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30 choose which one is correct?

A. 196

B. 630 (Answer)

C. 1260

D. 2520


Which of the following fractions is the largest choose which one is correct?

A. 7/8 (Answer)

B. 13/16

C. 31/40

D. 63/80\


The H.C.F of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their L.C.M are 13 and 14. The the larger of the two numbers is___________ choose which one is correct?

A. 276

B. 299

C. 322 (Answer)

D. 345


Find the highest common factor of 36 and 84.

A. 4

B. 6

C. 12 (Answer)

D. 18


1095/1168 when expressed in simplest form is:

A. 13/16

B. 15/16 (Answer)

C. 17/26

D. 25/26


Which of the following has the most number of divisors choose which one is correct?

A. 99

B. 101

C. 176 (Answer)

D. 182


Calculate the number of bricks, each measuring 25 cm * 15 cm * 8 cm required to construct a wall of dimensions 10 m * 4 m * 5 m when 10% of its volume is occupied by mortar choose which one is correct?

A. 4000

B. 5000

C. 6000 (Answer)

D. 7000

D. 1220 cm2


The slant height of a cone is 12 cm and radius of the base is 4cm, find the curved surface of the cone.

A. 74 π cm2

B. 36 π cm2

C. 48 π cm2 (  Answer)

D. 24 π cm2


The area of a base of a cone is 30 cm2. If the height of the cone is 6cm, find its volume choose which one is correct?

A. 120 cm3

B. 40 cm3

C. 50 cm3

D. 60 cm3 (Answer)


The volumes of two cubes are in the ratio 27: 125, what shall be the ratio of their surface areas choose which one is correct?

A. 6:25

B. 3:5

C. 9:25 (Answer)

D. 16:25


I. x2 + 9x + 20 = 0,

II. y2 + 5y + 6 = 0 to solve both the equations to find the values of x and y choose which one is correct?

A. If x < y (Answer)

B. If x > y

C. If x ≤ y

D. If x ≥ y


I. x2 – x – 42 = 0,

II. y2 – 17y + 72 = 0 to solve both the equations to find the values of x and y choose which one is correct?

A. If x < y (Answer)

B. If x > y

D. If x ≥ y

C. If x ≤ y


Find the quadratic equations whose roots are the reciprocals of the roots of 2×2 + 5x + 3 = 0 choose which one is correct?

A. 3×2 + 5x – 2 = 0

B. 3×2 + 5x + 2 = 0 (Answer)

C. 3×2 – 5x + 2 = 0

D. 3×2 – 5x – 2 = 0


If a and b are the roots of the equation x2 – 9x + 20 = 0, find the value of a2 + b2 + ab choose which one is correct?

A. -21

B. 1

C. 61 (Answer)

D. 21


The arithmetic mean of the scores of a group of students in a test was 52. The brightest 20% of they secured a mean score of 80 and the dullest 25% a mean score of 31. The mean score of the remaining 55% is___________ choose which one is correct?

A. 45

B. 50

C. 51.4 approx. (Answer)

D. 54.6 approx.


The average age of a husband, wife and their child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife and the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The present age of the husband is___________ choose which one is correct?

A. 19 years (Answer)

B. 23 years

C. 28.5 years

D. 29.3 years


Sarfaraz obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out of 100) in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are his average marks choose which one is correct?

A. 65

B. 69

C. 72

D. None of these (Answer)


A total of 3000 chocolates were distributed among 120 boys and girls such that each boy received 2 chocolates and each girl received 3 chocolates. Find the respective number of boys and girls choose which one is correct?

A. 70, 50

B. 60, 60 (Answer)

C. 50, 70

D. 40, 80


What are Prime Numbers choose which one is correct?

A. Which can be divided by Odd Numbers

B. Which can be divided by Even Numbers

C. Which can be divided by Number 1 & by itself Number (Answer)

D. Which can be divided by any Number


Twelve inches equal to how many centimeters choose which one is correct?

A. 30.48 (Answer)

B. 29

C. 34.12

D. 24


Who is Called the Father of Calculus choose which one is correct?

A. Al-Khwarizmi

B. Aristotle

C. Herodotus

D. Isaac Newton (Answer)


1 inch is equal to__________ choose which one is correct?

A. 2.4 cm

B. 2.5 cm

C. 2.54 cm (Answer)

D. None


If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students respectively is 50, 55, 60, then the average marks of all the students is:

A. 53.33

B. 54.68 (Answer)

C. 55

D. None of these


Masood purchased a plot for Rs. 8,000. He sells the plot to Aftab at a profit of 20%. Aftab in turn sells that plot to Zahid at a loss of 20%. The plot costs Zahid  choose which one is correct?

A. Rs. 12,000

B. Rs. 10,000

C. Rs. 8670

D. Rs. 7680 (Answer)