Top 1000+ Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 14
651. Which values of the integer _value will the following code becomes an infinite loop?
int number=1;
while (true {
cout << number;
if (number == 3 break;
number += integer value; }
any number other than 1 or 2
- only 0
- only 1
- only 2
652.Which of the following is used with bit manipulation?
- Un-signed integer
- Signed double
- Un-signed double
653.With user-defined data type variables (Objects self-assignment can produce?
- Syntax error
- Logical error
- Link error
- None
654.Assignment operator is used to initialize a newly declared object from existing
- True
- False
655.When an object of a class is defined inside another class then?
- Constructor of enclosing class will be called first
- Constructor of inner object will be called first
- Constructor and Destructor will be called simultaneously
- None of the given option
656.In the member initialize list, the data members are initialized,
- From left to right
- From right to left
- In the order in which they are defined within class
- None of the given options
657.New operator allocates memory from free store and return?
- A pointer
- A reference
- .A integer
- N.A float
658.”new” and “delete” keywords are in C++ language.
- Built-in- Function
- Operators
- Memory Allocation Function
- None of the given options
659.&& is ——————– operator
- An arithmetic
- Logical
- Relational
- Unary
660.Which of the following function are included in ctype.h header file?
- isdigit(int c
- isxdigit(int c
- tolower(int c
- All of the above
661.Disks are devices having access time of milliseconds.
- Electro-physical, 6
- Electro-Mechanical, 4
- Electro-physical, 5
- Electro-Mechanical,
662.All preprocessor directives are started with the symbol
- *
- @
- #
663.When we use manipulators in our program then which header file should be included?
- iostream.h
- stdlib.h
- stdio.h
- iomanip.h
664.setprecision is a parameter less manipulator.
- True
- False
665.Which of the following is NOT a preprocessor directive?
- #error
- #Define
- #line
- #Ndefine
666.We can do arithmetic with references like pointers.
- True
- False
667.What does (*this represents)?
- The current function of the class
- The current pointer of the class
- The current object of the class
- A value of the data member
668.Friend function of a class is
- Member function
- Non-member function
- Private function Public function
669.A function can declare itself a friend of a c
- True
- False
670.Overloaded delete operator function takes the same parameter as an argument returned by new operator function.
- True
- False
671.The second parameter of operator functions for << and >> are objects of the class for which we are overloading these operators.
- True
- False
672.A template function must have at least generic data type
- Zero
- One
- Two
- Three
673.A template function must have only generic data types.
- True
- False
674.We cannot make a member function of a class as template function.
- True
- False
675.Which character is inserted at the end of string?
- new line
- tab
- null
- carriage return
676…….is used for
- calculation
- reading
- assigning value to variables
- None of the given options.
677.The object may be used both for file input and file output
- fstream,
- ifstream,
- ofstream,
- none of the given options.
678.Which of the following function calling mechanism is true for the function prototype given below?
- Call by value
- Call by reference using pointer
- Call by reference using reference variable
- None of the given options
679.The programs in which we allocate static memory, run essentially on _
- Heap
- System Cache
- None of the given options
- Stack
680.Overloaded delete operator function takes parameter of void pointer and returns
- void
- void pointer
- pointer to an object
- pointer of type int
681.What should be the return type of the constructor?
- int
- same as object type
- constructors do not return any thing
682. It is a way of reusing the code when we contain objects of our already written classes into a new class?
- True
- False
683.Templates are not X type?
- true
- false
684.The functions used for dynamic memory allocation return pointer of type
- int
- float
- void
- double
685. Types of software
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
686.seekg and write are functionally
- Different
- Identical
- Two names of same function
- None of the above
687.When a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of memory addresses
- According to data type
- 1 byte exactly
- 1 bit exactly
- A pointer variable cannot be incremented
688.The Setw is a parameterized manipulator
- True
- False
689. The (Eof bad( good( , clear( all are manipulators)?
- True
- False
690. We will use variable in functions that return reference?
- Local
- Global
- Global or static
- None of the given option
691.The declaratory of Plus (+ member operator function is?
- Class-Name operator + (Class-Name RHS
- operator Class-Name +
- operator Class-Name +rhs
- Class-Name operator +
692.The compiler will not provide a copy constructor if we do not provide it?
- True
- False
693.What is the functionality of the following syntax to delete an array of 5 objects new operator?
- delete array;
- Deletes all the objects of array
- Deletes one object of array411
- Do not delete any object
- Results into syntax error
694.What is the sequence of event when allocating memory using new operator?
- Only block of memory is allocated for objects
- Only constructor is called for objects
- Memory is allocated first before calling constructor
- Constructor is called first before allocating memory
696.What is the sequence of events when de allocating memory using delete operator?
- Only block of memory is de allocated for objects
- Only destructor is called for objects
- Memory is de allocated first before calling destructor
- Destructor is called first before de allocating memory and delete operators cannot be overloaded as member functions?
- True
- False
698.The operator function of << and >> operators are always the member function of a class?
- True
- False
699.A template function must have at least ———- generic data type?
- Zero
- One
- Two
- Three
700.If we do not mention any return_value_type with a function, it will return an value?
- int
- void
- double
- float