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Chapter 11

Heat And Thermodynamics

Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following options

1          The degree of hotness or coldness of an object is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Temperature

(b) Chemical energy

(c) Mechanical energy

(d) Heat

2.         Temperature is a property that determines choose which one is correct:

(a) The ability of a body to transfer heat

(b) A body with lower thermal conductivity

(c) A body with higher thermal conductivity

(d) How much energy is present in the body

3          Something which flows from a hot body to a cold body is known as choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat

(b) Internal energy

(c) Temperature

(d) None of these

4          The direction of the flow of heat between two bodies depends upon which among the following option choose which one is correct:

(a) Thermal conductivity

(b) Internal energies

(c) Temperature

(d) Specific heat

5          The branch of physics which deals with the transfer of heat into other form of energy is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat and temperature

(b) Thermodynamics

(c) Mechanics

(d) All of above

6          Sum of all forms of molecular energies of a substance is called its choose which one is correct:

(a) External energy

(b) Kinetic energy

(c) Potential energy

(d) Internal energy

7          A relationship between the mechanical work and heat energy has derived by choose which one is correct:

(a) Joule

(b) Newton

(c) Kelvin

(d) Einstein

8          The pressure of a gas is defined as choose which one is correct:

(a) Force per unit area

(b) Mass per unit volume

(c) Energy per unit volume

(d) Energy per unit area

9          Pressure of a gas depends upon choose which one is correct:

(a) The mass of molecules

(b) Molecular speed

(c) Number of molecules

(d) All of above

10.       When a gas is compressed choose which one is correct:

(a) Its temperature decreases

(b) Its internal energy decreases

(c) Its temperature increases

(d) None of these

11.       The pressure exerted by the gas molecules on the walls of the vessel is due to choose which one is correct:

(a) Continuous collision of its molecules

(b) Free motion of its molecules

(c) Momentum of its molecules

(d) All of above

12.       Select the statement that agrees the kinetic molecular theory of gases choose which one is correct:

(a) Molecules of a gas suffer elastic collisions

(b) There are large number of molecules in a finite volume

(c) Molecules do not exert force except during collision

(d) All of the above

13        The expression for pressure exerted by an ideal gas is given by choose which one is correct:

(a) p= 

(b) p=

(c) p=

(d) p=

14        Mean square velocity of gas molecules moving along x-direction is represented by choose which one is correct: 

(a) <Vy2>

(b) <Vx2>

(c) <Vz2>

(d) None of these

15        The Boltzmann constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avogadro’s number NA is choose which one is correct:

(a) K = R/NA/

(b) K = NA/R

(c) K = No,/R

(d) None of these

16.       The value of Boltzman gas constant K is choose which one is correct:

(a) 1.38 x 10-34 J.K-1

(b) 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1

(c) 1.38 x 10-32 J-K-1

(d) 1.38 x 10-27 J.K-1

17        Mercury is used as a thermometric substance because of one among the following choose which one is correct:

(a) It does not stick to glass

(b) Its specific heat is low

(c) Its expansion is uniform

(d) All of above

18        Fahrenheit scale was originally used in choose which one is correct:

(a) Meteorology

(b) Clinical thermometer

(c) Clinical thermometer and meteorology

(d) None of these

19        Mercury thermometer was constructed by choose which one is correct:

(a) Rutherford

(b) Ampere

(c) Lord Kelvin

(d) Einstein

20.       The average translational kinetic energy of the molecules show itself in the form of choose which one is correct:

(a) Viscosity

(b) Density

(c) Velocity

(d) Temperature

21        At constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Charle’s law

(b) Boyle’s law

(c) Heat law

(d) None of these

22.       At constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Charle’s law

(b) Boyle’s law

(c) Heat law

(d) None of these

23.       Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volume of all gases contains the

same number of kilo moles is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Charle’s law

(b) Boyle’s law

(c) Avogadro’s law

(d) Law of pressure

24        The mathematical form of an ideal gas laws is choose which one is correct:

(a) PV = nRT

(b) PT = nRv

(c) PV = nR

(d) TV = nRP

25        The value of universal gas constant R is choose which one is correct:

(a) 8314 J/mole-K

(b) 83.10 J/mole-K

(c) 8314 J/ K-mole K

(d) 8.314 J/K mole-K

26        The unit of pressure of gas is choose which one is correct:

(a) N/m

(b) Pascal

(c) Atmosphere

(d) All of these

27        Avogadro’s number is known as the number of molecules in choose which one is correct:

(a) One mole of a substance

(b) Total volume of a substance

(c) Unit volume of substance

(d) One kg of a substance

28        At constant pressure, the graph between volume and absolute temperature is choose which one is correct:

(a) Parabola

(b) Straight line

(c) Hyperbola

(d) None of these

29        At constant temperature, the graph between volume and pressure is choose which one is correct:

(a) Parabola

(b) Straight line

(c) Hyperbola

(d) None of these

30        For a gas obeying Boyle’s law if pressure is doubled, the volume of a gas becomes choose which one is correct:

(a) One half

(b) No change

(c) Double

(d) None of these

31        The Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale will have the same reading when temperature is choose which one is correct:

(a) 370°

(b) 574.250

(c) 414.50

(d) 388°

32        Mathematically Boyle’s law can be written as choose which one is correct:

(a) PV = Constant

(b) P/V = Constant 

(c) V/P = Constant

(d) None of these

33        Mathematically, Charle’s law can be written as choose which one is correct:

(a) T.V = Constant

(b) V/T= Constant

(c) T/V = Constant

(d) None of these

34        A diatomic gas contains only choose which one is correct:

(a) Translational K.E

(b) Rotational K.E

(c) Vibrational K.E

(d) All of these

35        Boyle’s law is an example of choose which one is correct:

(a) Isothermal process

(b) Adiabatic process

(c) Mechanical process

(d) None of these

36        The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to choose which one is correct:

(a) Root mean square velocity of the molecules

(b) Mean square velocity of the molecules

(c) Mean velocity of the molecules

(d) None of these

37        Gas law PV’ = Constant is for choose which one is correct:

(a) Isothermal process

(b) Adiabatic process

(c) Isobaric process

(d) Iso choric process

38.       The ratio of universal gas constant and Avogadro’s number is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Universal constant

(b) Boltzmann constant

(c) Equilibrium constant

(d) None of these

39.       Which one of the following gases is the nearest approach to an ideal gas choose which one is correct:

(a) Oxygen

(b) Nitrogen

(c) Hydrogen

(d) Carbon dioxide

40.       Real gases strictly obey gas laws choose which one is correct:

(a) At high pressure and low temperature

(b) At low pressure and high temperature

(c) At high pressure and high temperature

(d) At low pressure and low temperature

41        Gas constant per molecule of the gas is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Rydberg’s constant

(b) Boltzmann’s constant

(c) Stefan’s constant

(d) Molar gas constant

42        If some quantity of water put in a shallow vessel allowed to evaporate, its temperature choose which one is correct:

(a) Decreases

(b) Increases

(c) Remains constant

(d) None of these

43        When we heat a substance the energy associated with its atoms / molecules is choose which one is correct:

(a) Increased

(b) Decreased

(c) Remains constant

(d) Becomes zero

44        When a substance is heated, then heat is converted into choose which one is correct:

(a) Internal energy

(b) Initial energy

(c) External energy

(d) Chemical energy

45        The internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon one among the following options choose which one is correct:

(a) Pressure

(b) Volume

(c) Temperature

(d) All of above

46.       Work done by the system on its environment is considered as choose which one is correct:

(a) Zero

(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) None of these

47.       Work done on the system by its environment is taken as choose which one is correct:

(a) Zero

(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) None of these

48.       Which statement about internal energy is correct choose which one is correct:

(a) The internal energy of a system can be increased without transfer of energy by heating

(b) The internal energy of a system depends only on its temperature

(c) When the internal energy of a system is increased, its temperature always increased

(d) When two systems have the same internal energy, they must be at the same temperature

49        The sum of total energy of all the molecules of a substance is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat energy

(b) Efficiency

(c) Internal energy

(d) Power

50        The first law of thermodynamics is a special case of the choose which one is correct:

(a) Charle’s law

(b) Law of conservation of momentum

(c) Boyle’s law

(d) Law of conservation of energy

51        which  principles which deals with the heat energy and its transformation into mechanical energy  will be known as choose which one is correct:

(a) Laws of thermodynamics

(b) Law of conservation of mass

(c) Law of conservation of energy

(d) First law of thermodynamics

52        First law of thermodynamics is the restatement of choose which one is correct:

(a) Law of conservation of mass

(b) Law of conservation of energy

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

53        Mathematically the first law of thermodynamics can be expressed as choose which one is correct:

(a) Q =U + W

(b) Q=W-U

(c) Q = U – W

(d) W=Q+ U

54        In thermodynamics, the change in the internal energy depends upon choose which one is correct:

(a) The initial state of temperature only

(b) The final state of temperature only

(c) The initial and final states of the temperature

(d) None of these

55        The process under which the system undergoes a change of state at constant volume is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Adiabatic process

(b) Isothermal process

(c) Isochoric process

(d) Isobaric process

56        The process in which the pressure of a system remains constant is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Isochoric process

(b) Isobaric process

(c) Adiabatic process

(d) Isothermal process

57        The temperature of the system remains constant will be known as choose which one is correct:

(a) Isochoric process

(b) Isothermal process

(c) Adiabatic process

(d) Isobaric process

58        That process in which no heat enters or leaves the system will be known as choose which one is correct:

(a) Isochoric process

(b) Isothermal process

(c) Isobaric process

(d) Adiabatic process

59        Any thing which have distinct boundaries is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Environment

(b) System

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

60.       Any thing which have no distinct boundaries is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Environment

(b) System

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

61.       A system in which there is no transfer of mass and energy across the boundary is called choose which one is correct:

(a) An isolated system

(b) An open system

(c) A closed system

(d) None of these

62        A system in which there is no transfer of mass across the boundary is called choose which one is correct:

(a) An isolated system

(b) An open system

(c) A closed system

(d) None of these

63        In isothermal process choose which one is correct:

(a) U= W

(b) U=-W

(c) Q=U

(d) Q = W

64.       In an adiabatic process choose which one is correct:

(a) Q = 0

(b) Q = W

(c) U =Q

(d) None of these

65.       An isothermal process is represented by the mathematical equation choose which one is correct:

(a) P/T= Constant

(b) V/T = Constant

(c) PV = Constant

(d) PV = Constant

66        The expression PV’ = Constant holds good in choose which one is correct:

(a) Adiabatic process

(b) Isothermal process

(c) Isobaric process

(d) None of these

67.       In an isothermal process, internal energy of the system choose which one is correct:

(a) Decreases

(b) Increases

(c) Remains constant

(d) None of these

68        The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kg of a substance through 1°C is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Specific heat

(b) Molar heat capacity

(c) Heat of fusion

(d) All of above

69.       The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance through 1 K is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat capacity

(b) Molar heat capacity

(c) Specific heat

(d) None of these

70.       The difference between Cp and Cy is equal to choose which one is correct:

(a) Molar gas constant

(b) Boltzmann constant

(c) Universal gas constant

(d) None of these

71        The ratio for diatomic gas like air is choose which one is correct: 

(a) 1.40

(b) 1.30

(c) 1.29

(d) 1.67

72        1 kilocalorie is equal to choose which one is correct:

(a) 1.17 watt-hour

(b) 117.0 watt-hour

(c) 11.7 watt-hour

(d) None of these

73        Mark the correct statement choose which one is correct:

(a) Specific heat of mono-atomic gases is greater than those of poly-atomic gases

(b) Specific heat of mono-atomic gases is less than those of poly-atomic gases

(c) Specific heat of mono-atomic gases is equal to those of poly-atomic gases

(d) None of these

74        The amount of heat energy required to evaporise one kg of a liquid at its boiling without change of temperature is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat of fusion

(b) Heat capacity

(c) Heat of vaporization

(d) Latent heat of vaporization

75        Specific heat of different substances varies because of choose which one is correct:

(a) Different K.E of molecules of unit mass

(b) Different number of molecules in unit mass

(c) Same number of molecules in unit mass

(d) Same K.E of molecules of unit mass

76        A process which can be retraced in reverse order without produces any change in the environment is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Irreversible process

(b) Reversible process

(c) Isothermal process

(d) Adiabatic process

77        A process which cannot be retraced in the reverse order is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Irreversible process

(b) Reversible process

(c) Isothermal process

(d) Isochoric process

78        Which one is the example of irreversible process choose which one is correct:

(a) Compton effect

(b) Melting ice

(c) Heat engine

(d) Work done against friction

79        Which one is the example of reversible process choose which one is correct:

(a) Compton

(b) Melting ice

(c) Heat engine

(d) Work done against friction

80        For diatomic gas Cv = 5R/2 herefore y for this gas is choose which one is correct:

(a) 35/4

(b) 5/7

(c) 4/35

(d) 7/5

81        For mono-atomic gas Cv = 3R/2 therefore y for this gas is choose which one is correct:

(a) 15/4

(b) 4/15

(c) 5/3

(d) 3/5

82        A device which convert heat energy into mechanical energy is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Heat engine

(b) Pettier engine

(c) Carnot engine

(d) All of above

83        An ideal heat engine has 100% efficiency only if its exhaust temperature is choose which one is correct:

(a) Less than input temperature

(b) Greater than input temperature

(c) Equal to input temperature

(d) OK

84        It is impossible for heat engine to convert all heat into useful work, the law called choose which one is correct:

(a) Second law of thermodynamics

(b) First law of thermodynamics

(e) Law of conservation of energy

(d) None of these

85        The statement, it is impossible for a self-acting machine, to transfer heat from a lower to higher temperature refers to choose which one is correct:

(a) First law of thermodynamics

(b) Law of conservation of mass

(c) Second law of thermodynamics

(d) None of these

86        When the temperatures of source and sink of a heat engine become equal, the entropy change will be choose which one is correct:

(a) Maximum

(b) Minimum

(c) Zero

(d) None of these

87        The efficiency of heat engine whose lower temperature is 17°C and the high temperature of 200°C is choose which one is correct:

(a) 35%

(b) 80%

(c) 90%

(d) 25%

88        The centigrade and Fahrenheit scales will have the same reading when the temperature is choose which one is correct:

(a) 70°

(b) -80°

(c) -40°

(d) 120

89        An engine which convert heat energy into useful work upto 35% to 40% is choose which one is correct:

(a) Petrol engine

(b) Heat engine

(c) Diesel engine

(d) Carnot engine

90.       An engine which gives maximum efficiency is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Carnot engine

(b) Heat engine

(c) Petrol engine

(d) All of above

91.       The temperature scale which is independent of the nature of the substance used in the thermometer is called choose which one is correct:

(a) Absolute or Kelvin scale

(b) Fahrenheit scale

(c) Centigrade scale

(d) Thermodynamics scale

92        In carnot engine at the end of the cyclic path, the temperature of working substance is choose which one is correct:

(a) Zero

(b) Less than initial temperature

(c) Greater than initial temperature

(d) Equal to initial temperature

93        If the temperature of the source increases, then the efficiency of carnot engine is choose which one is correct:

(a) Remains constant

(b) Increases

(c) Decrease

(d) None of these

94        The efficiency of carnot engine depend upon choose which one is correct:

(a) Sink temperature

(b) Source temperature

(c) Both source and sink

(d) The working substance

95        Carnot’s cycle is an example of choose which one is correct:

(a) Irreversible process

(b) Reversible process

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

96        Entropy is the measure of choose which one is correct:

(a) Disorder of the system

(b) Order of the system

(c) Internal energy

(d) Potential energy of the system

97.       The number of spark plugs needed in the diesel engine is choose which one is correct:

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 0

(d) 4

98        Entropy of the universe is increasing due to choose which one is correct:

(a) Use of energy into work

(b) Depletion of ozone

(c) Power generation process

(d) All of above

99        The concept of entropy was introduced by the scientist choose which one is correct:

(a) R Clausius

(b) Newton

(c) Kelvin

(d) Carnot Sadi

100.     No entropy change is associated with choose which one is correct:

(a) Isobaric process

(b) Isochoric process

(c) Isothermal process

(d) Adiabatic process

101.     The petrol engine is based on the principle of choose which one is correct:

(a) Kelvin cycle

(b) Carnot cycle

(c) Clausius cycle

(d) Cyclic process

102.     Four stroke petrol engine has the following process choose which one is correct:

(a) 1

(b) 4

(c) 2

(d) 3