Top 1000+ Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 10
451.A C++ class is similar to?
- Structure
- Header File
- Library File
- None of the give
452. What problem (s may occur when we copy objects without using deep copy constructor?
- Dangling pointer
- Memory Leakage
- All of the given
- System crash
453. Suppose that the Test class does not have an overloaded assignment operator. What happens when an assignment a=b; is given for two Test objects a and b?
- The automatic assignment operator is used
- The copy constructor is used
- Compiler error
- Run-time error
454.A static member function can be called, even when a class is not?
- Declared
- Define
- Instantiated
- Called
455.Identify which of the following overloaded operator function’s declaration is appropriate for the given call?
- Rational_number_1 + 2.325
- Where Rational_number_1 is an object of user defined class Rational_number.
- Rational_number operator+ (Rational_number & obj;
- Rational_number operator+ (double& obj;
- Rational number operator+ (Rational number &obj, double& num;
- operator+ (double& obj;
456.provide the facility to access the data member?
- accessor function
- private function
- inline function
- None of the given
457.Constant objects cannot change their state?
- True
- False
458.The relationship indicates that an object contains other objects?
- None of given
- ‘has-a’
- ‘is-a’
- ‘be-
459.Which one of the following features of OOP is used to derive a class from another?
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Data hiding
- inheritance a relationship?
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- abstraction
- encapsulation
461.satisfy the condition of polymorphism?
- Carbon
- Diamond
- Coal
- all of the given
462.A generalization-specialization relation between classes are implemented using?
- data hiding
- friend classes
- encapsulation
- inheritance
463.The >= operator can be overloaded?
- True
- False
464.In order to free the memory occupied by the object, we use?
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
465.Which of the following is not an example of multiple inheritances?
- Mermaid
- Woman
- None of the given
- Amphibious Vehicle
466.Static variable can be initialized more than once?
- True
- False
467.A generic class showing all the common attributes and a behavior of other classes represents a very important feature in oop called?
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphisms
- Abstraction
468.In order to free the memory occupied by the object, we use?
- Constructor
- Destructor
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
469.Which of the following is not an example of multiple inheritances?
- Mermaid
- Woman
- None of the given
- Amphibious Vehicle
470.Static variable can be initialized more than once?
- True
- False
471.A generic class showing all the common attributes and a behavior of other classes represents a very important feature in oop called?
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
472.We can get only one unique value which can be used by all the objects of that class by the use of?
- static variables
- dynamic variables
- instance variables
- data members
473.A-member function having the same name as that of a class and a ~ sign with it is called?
- Constructor
- Getter
- Setter
- Destructor
474. We can also use member functions with insertion and extraction objects
- True
475.If the statements int j, k; j = ; k= ; int* q, * r; extraction < < *q < < ‘ ‘ < < * r ; are executed, what will be displayed?
- The values of j and k
- The addresses of q and r
- The addresses of j and k
- garbage values
476. Which one of the following operators is a unary operator?
- OR (||)
- AND (&&)
- XOR (^)
- Complement operator (~)
477. The statement i++; is equivalent to
- i = i + i;
- i = i +;
- i = i – ;
- i –;
478.If we open a file stream myfile for reading, what will give us the current position of the file pointer?
- tellg()
- tellp()
- seekg()
- seekp()
479.Application Software’s are used to?
- Type letters
- Control computer hardware
- Solve end user problems
- Develop Graphics
480. When we write a class template the first line must be?
- template < class class_type>
- template < class data_type>
- template < class T >, Here T can be replaced with any name but it is preferable.
- class template
481. When a macro takes arguments then it is called?
- Function
- Procedure
- Parameterized macro
- Simple macro
482.By default an array of characters is passed by value to a function?
483.Using dynamic memory is more efficient than the static memory?
- True
484. Using dynamic memory is more than the static memory?
- Costly
- Expansive
- efficient
- Difficult
485. Before exiting the program, make sure that the allocated memory has freed?
- True
486.A preprocessor directive is identified by symbol?
- #
- $
- %
- ##
487.The default constructor has no arguments?
- True
488.The data members of the class are initialized at runtime?
- True
489.if (a>b && a>c) then the condition will be true only if?
- Both a>b and a>c is true
- a>b is false and a>c is true
- a>b is true and a>c is false
- Both a>b and a>c is false
490.In while loop the loop counter must be initialized?
- Within the loop
- Before entering the loop
- At the end of the loop
- None of the given s
491… of a variable means the locations within a program from where it can be accessed.
- Data type
- Visibility
- Value
- Reference
492. Switch support data.
- Integer
- Character
- Float
- Both integer and character
493.A function is a block of statements that can be defined once and used ________ in the program.
- One time
- Two times
- Three times
- As many times as user wants
494. statement is used to terminate the processing of a particular case and exit from switch structure?
- if
- go to
- break
495.The most suitable data type for number 5.5 is?
- char
- int
- short
- float
496.X is an integer variable; what does X++ means?
- Add two times in X value
- Add in X value
- Add in X value
- None
497.The operators ++ and –- are used to increment or decrement the value of a variable
Which of the following loops checks the test condition at the end of the loop?
- While
- Do-While
- For
- Nested Loop
498.Information hiding is?
- Encapsulation, Inheritance
- Encapsulation, Abstraction
- Encapsulation, Polymorphism
- Overloading
499. The good model will be related to a real-life problem?
- Closely
- Loosely
- Openly
- All
500.Which features of OOP will be used to derive a class from another?
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Data hiding