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Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following options

1          Which among the following is’nt a hydrocarbon?

(a) Methane (CH4)

(b) Ethane (C2H6)

(c) Water (H20)

(d) Ethyne (C2H2)

2          Carbon has valency:

(a) 3

(b) 4 .

(c) 5

(d) 6

3          Which of the following property is not present in hydrocarbons?

(a) High melting point

(b) Non-polar property

(c) Solubility in non-polar solvent

(d) Poor conductivity:

4          Hydrocarbons having high molecular mass are:

(a) Gases

(b) Liquid

(c) Solids  .

(d) All of these

5          Hydrocarbons having double bond are

(a) Alkane

(b) Alkene

(c) Alkyne

(d) Alkyl

6          Methane forms natural gas about

(a) 84% . . .

(b) 85%

(C) 86%

(d) 87%

7          The density of alkane increases with the increase of

(a) M.P

(b) B.P

(c) Molecular size

(d) Bonds.

8          Which are the characteristics property of alkanes

(a) Displacement reactions

(b) Double displacement reaction

(c) Substitution reaction

(d) Redox reaction

9          Incomplete combustion of alkanes produce

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Oxygen

(c) Chlorine gas

(d) Carbon monoxide

10        Alkynes being more reactive than

(a) Alkanes .

(b) Alkenes

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these

11        Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides take place in the presence of

(a) Alcoholic KOH

(b) Aqueous NaCl

(c) Alcoholic NaCl

(d) Aqueous KOH

12        A solution of bromine in water having colour

(a) Dark brown’

(b) Purple

(c) Red – brown

(d) Violet

13        Traces of acetylene are present in coal gas about

(a) 0.06%

(b) 0.07%

(c) 0.08%

(d) 0.09%

14        What is the formula of methane

(a) CH3

(b) CH4

(c) CH2

(d) C2H5

15        Formula of nascent hydrogen is

(a) H2

(b) [H]

(c) H3

(d) All of these

16        Which of the following is not an organic solvent

(a) C2H5OH

(b) CHCl3

(c) CCI4

(d) H2O

17        Methane is also called

(a) Marsh gas

(b) Inert gas

(c) Natural gas

(d) Both (a) and (c).

18        Alkenes is also called

(a) Paraffins 

(b) Olefins

(c) Acetylenes

(d) All of above

19        · Ethene reacts with H2SO4 at temperature of

(a) 150°C

(b) 16°C

(c) 180°C

(d) 453 K

20        Banaspati Ghee is also called

(a) Vegetable oil

(b) Margarine

(c) Cooking oil 

(d) Coconut oil

21        Ethylene oxide is used as

(a) Anti-freezer

(b) Solvent

(c) Fumigant

(d) Poisonous mustard gas

22        Banana when riped produces gas

(a) Ethene 

(b) Methane

(c) Noble gas

(d) Oxygen gas

23        Addition of hydrogen is called

(a) Reduction

(b) Oxidation

(c) Redox

(d) All of these

24        Which of the following is not a example of open chain hydrocarbon

(a) CH4

(b) C3H2

(c) C2H6

(d) C6H6

25        Number of bonds present in methane

(a) 2 

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 5

26        Which of the following is not a function of chloroform

(a) Solvent in rubber

(b) Dry cleaning

(c) Solvent in waxes

(d) Anaesthesia

27        Which of the following has higher energy

(a) Alkane

(b) Alkene

(c) Alkyne 

(d) All of these

28        Which is used as Antifreeze

(a) Di-ethyl ether

(b) Ethyl alcohol

(c) Ethylene oxide

(d) Ethylene glycol

29        Alkanes are also called

(a) Paraffins

(b) Olefins

(c) Acetylenes

(d) Acetaldehyde

30        Due to increase in molar mass which property increases

(a) B.P

(b) M.P

(c) Volatility

(d) Both a & b

31        The compound having at least one benzene ring are called

(a) Aromatics

(b) Alkane

(c) Alkene

(d) Alkyne

32        What is the most necessary condition for the reaction of CH4 with halogen?

(a) Catalyst

(b) Pressure

(c) Sunlight

(d) High temperature

33        Glyoxal is oxidize into

(a) KMnO4

(b) Glycol

(c) Oxalic acid

(d) Acetic acid

34        The example of rubber’s are:

(a) Neoprene

(b) Butadiene

(c) Chloroprene

(d) Furan

35        Which among the following is a synthetic fibre

(a) Nylon

(b) Rayon

(c) Polyesters

(d) All of these

36        Detergents are the sodium salts of

(a) Sulphuric acid

(b) Alkyl hydrogen sulphite

(c) Sodium carbonate

(d) Cholesteryl benzoate

37        Due to which property alkane are used a fuel

(a) Combustion

(b) Halogenation

(c) Oxidation

(d) Reduction

38        Alcohol is soluble in water due to

(a) Hydrogen bonding,

(b) Lone pair of water

(c) Covalent bonding

(d) All of above

39        Which of the following is not alcohol

(a) C2H5OH

(b) C3HOH

(c) CH3OH

(d) Ca(OH)2

40        paraffins means

(a) Highly reactive

(b) Less reactive

(c) Oil forming

(d) None of these

41        Number of bonds in propene is

(a) 6

(b) 7.

(c) 8

(d) 9

42        Which compound is used for welding process

(a) CH4

(b) KMnO4

(c) Acetylene

(d) Ethylene

43        Amorphous forms of carbons are

(a) Coal

(b) Charcoal

(c) Carbon black

(d) All of these

44        Alkenes are insoluble in

(a) Organic solvent

(b) Alcohol

(c) Water (H2O)

(d) Both b&c

45        Which of the following does not occur free in nature

(a) Ethylene

(b) Acetylene

(c) Propylene

(d) Pentene

46        The formula of oxalic acid is

(a) (COOH)2



(d) COOH

47        Alkyne forms

(a) Single bond

(b) Double bond

(c) Triple bond

(d) Ionic bond

48        Di-methyl acetylene is also called

(a) Ethyne

(b) Propyne

(c) Butyne

(d) Hexane

49        Which one of the following is a substitution reaction

(a) Halogenation of alkane

(b) Dehydration of alkane

(c) Hydrolysis of alkane

(d) Hydrogenation

50        Alkanes having carbon range are liquid

(a) C4 to C6.

(b) C5 to C10 

(c) C8 to C10.

(d) Both a & b