Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 13

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Q No 1:Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-level design?
A: Dependency Inversion Principle
B: Interface Segregation Principle
C: Open-Closed Principle
D: Parsimonious Complexity Principle


Q No 2:The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level.
A: True
B: False


Q No 3:Classes and components that exhibit functional, layer, or communicational cohesion are relatively easy to implement, test, and maintain.
A: True
B: False


Q No 4:Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system.
A: True
B: False


Q No 5:In component design elaboration requires which of the following elements to be describe in detail?
A : Algorithms
B: Attributes
C Interfaces
D: Operations
E: b, c, d


Q No 6:In component-level design persistent data sources refer to
A: Component libraries
B: Databases
C: Files
D: All of the above
E: b and c


Q No 7:WebApp content design at the component level focuses on content objects and the manner in which they interact.
A: True
B: False


Q No 8:A WebApp functional architecture describes the key functional components and how they interact with each other.
A: True
B: False


Q No 9:Component-level design for mobile apps is not any different from component-based design for Web apps.
A: True
B: False


Q No 10:Which of these constructs is used in structured programming?
A : branching
B: condition
C: repetition
D: sequence
E: b, c, d


Q No 11:In component-based software engineering, the development team examines the requirements to see which are amenable to composition, rather than construction, before beginning detailed design tasks.
A: True
B: False


Q No 12:Which of the following is not one of the major activities of domain engineering?
A: analysis
B: construction
C: dissemination
D: validation


Q No 13:Which of the following factors would not be considered during component qualification?
A : application programming interface (API)
B: development and integration tools required
C: exception handling
D: testing equipment required


Q No 14:Which is the following is a technique used for component wrapping?
A : black-box wrapping
B: clear-box wrapping
C: gray-box wrapping
D: white-box wrapping


Q No 15:Which of the following is not one of the issues that form a basis for design for reuse?
A : object-oriented programming
B: program templates
C: standard data
D: standard interface protocols


Q No 16:In a reuse environment, library queries are often characterized using the ________ element of the 3C Model.
A: concept
B: content
C: context
D: all of the above


Q No 17:Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail?
A : Box diagram
B: Decision table
C: ER diagram
D: Flowchart


Q No 18:A decision table should be used
A : To document all conditional statements
B: To guide the development of the project management plan
C: Only when building an expert system
D: When a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component


Q No 19:A program design language (PDL) is often a
A : Combination of programming constructs and narrative text
B: Legitimate programming language in its own right
C: Machine readable software development language
D: Useful way to represent software architecture


Q No 20:In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software.
A: True
B: False

Q No 21:Which of the following interface design principles does not allow the user to remain in control of the interaction with a computer?
A: allow interaction to interruptible
B: allow interaction to be undoable
C: hide technical internals from casual users
D: only provide one rigidly defined method for accomplishing a task

Q No 22:Which of the following interface design principles reduce the user’s memory load?
A: define intuitive shortcuts
B: disclose information in a progressive fashion
C: establish meaningful defaults
D: provide an on-line tutorial
E: a, b, c

Q No 23:The reason for reducing the user’s memory load is make his or her interaction with the computer quicker to complete.
A: True
B: False

Q No 24:Interface consistency implies that
A: each application should have its own distinctive look and feel
B: input mechanisms remain the same throughout the application
C: navigational methods are context sensitive
D: visual information is organized according to a design standard
E: b and d

Q No 25:If past interactive models have created certain user expectations it is not generally good to make changes to the model.
A: True
B: False

Q No 26:Which model depicts the profile of the end users of a computer system?
A: design model
B: implementation model
C: user model
D: user’s model

Q No 27:Which model depicts the image of a system that an end user creates in his or her head?
A: design model
B: user model
C: system model
D: system perception

Q No 28:Which model depicts the look and feel of the user interface along with all supporting information?
A: implementation model
B: user model
C: user’s model
D: system perception

Q No 29:Which of these framework activities is not normally associated with the user interface design processes?
A: cost estimation
B: interface construction
C: interface validation
D: user and task analysis

Q No 30:Which approach(es) to user task analysis can be useful in user interface design?
A: have users indicate their preferences on questionnaires
B: rely on the judgement of experienced programmers
C: study existing computer-based solutions
D: observe users performing tasks manually
E: c and d

Q No 31:Object-oriented analysis techniques can be used to identify and refine user task objects and actions without any need to refer to the user voice.
A: True
B: False

Q No 32:The computer’s display capabilities are the primary determinant of the order in which user interface design activities are completed.
A: True
B: False

Q No 33:It is sometimes possible that the interface designer is constrained by environmental factors that mitigate against ease of use for many users
A: True
B: False

Q No 34:One means of defining user interface objects and actions is to conduct a grammatical parse of the user scenario.
A: True
B: False

Q No 35:Interface design patterns typically include a complete component-level design (design classes, attributes, operations, and interfaces).
A: True
B: False

Q No 36:Several common design issues surface for almost every user interface including
A: adaptive user profiles
B: error handling
C: resolution of graphics displays
D: system response time
E: b and d

Q No 37:It is more important to capture the user’s attention with flashy features than ergonomically sound screen layouts when building a WebApp.
A: True
B: False

Q No 38:Several usability measures can be collected while observing users interacting with a computer system including
A: down time for the application
B: number of user errors
C: software reliability
D: time spent looking at help materials
E: b and d 


Q No 39:Which of the following is not one of the elements of a design pattern?
A: context
B: environment
C: problem
D: solution

Q No 40:RubberNecking is an example of a classic generative pattern.
A: True
B: False

Q No 41:A frame work is a reusable mini-architecture that serves as a foundation which other design patterns can be applied?
A: True
B: False

Q No 42:Finding patterns built by others that address design problems is often more difficult that recognizing patterns in the application to be built.
A: True
B: False

Q No 43:A pattern language
A: encompasses a collection of patterns
B: is implemented using hypertext
C: resembles the structure of natural languages
D: None of the above

Q No 44:The concepts and techniques discussed for ___________ can be used in the conjunction with a pattern-based approach.
A : Architectural design
B: Component-level design
C: User interface design
D: All of the above

Q No 45:It is important to reduce the coupling among design patterns so that they can be treated as independent entities
A: True
B: False

Q No 46:Real life design solutions may not always lend themselves to a top-down approach.
A: True
B: False

Q No 47:Which of the following problem types are used to label columns in a pattern organizing table?
A: Business
B: Context
C: Database
D: Infrastructure
E: c and d

Q No 48:Most mistakes in pattern-based design can be avoided by judicious use of review techniques.
A: True
B: False

Q No 49:Before choosing an architectural design pattern it must be assessed for its appropriateness to the application and overall architectural style.
A: True
B: False

Q No 50:Unlike architectural patterns, component-level design patterns may be applied to solve subproblems without regard to system context.
A: True
B: False

Q No 51:Most user interface design patterns fall with in one of ____ categories of patterns.
A: 5
B: 10
C: 25
D: 100

Q No 52:WebApp design patterns can be classified by considering which of the dimensions listed below?
A : Aesthetics
B: Design focus
C: Granularity
D: Usability
E: b and c

Q No 53:Which of the following are levels of design focus that can be used to categorize WebApp patterns?
A : Behavioral patterns
B: Functional patterns
C: Layout patterns
D: Navigation patterns
E: b and d

Q No 54:Which of the levels of granularity that can be used to describe WebApp patterns?
A : Architectural patterns
B: Component patterns
C: Design patterns
D: Interactions patterns
E: a, b, c

Q No 55:Mobile app user interface patterns can be represented as a collection of best of breed screen images.
A: True
B: False 
