When East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan?
What is length of Pakistan-India border?
When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?
Which country opposed Pakistan’s membership in United Nations?
Fatima Jinnah Joined AIML in?
Who is secretary of state for India in cabinet mission?
When did Pakistan become member of United Nations?
Durand line was demarcated in?
Name of Governor General after Nazim-ud-Din?
Real name of Tipu Sultan was?
“Khaki Shadows” book was written by?
State of Kashmir was purchased by?
Fourteen Points was presented by?
First edition of Asar-us-Sanadid appeared in 1846 by?
Afghanistan gained its independence in?
Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called?
Chief election commissioner office term for?
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan became Chief Judge In?
The first Pakistani Postal stamp was issued in?
Nuclear power plant in Pakistan was established in?