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By selling 50 meters of cloth. I gained the selling price of 15 meters. Find the gain percent choose which one is correct?

A. 35%

B. 30%

C. 40%

D. 42 6/7% (Answer)


The cost price of 13 articles is equal to the selling price of 11 articles. Find the profit percent choose which one is correct?

A. 15 5/15%

B. 18 2/11% (Answer)

C. 16 2/3%

D. 30%


By selling 12 pencils for a rupee a man loses 20%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20% choose which one is correct?

A. 8 (Answer)

B. 9

C. 12

D. 16


The C.P of 15 books is equal to the S.P of 18 books. Find his gain% or loss% choose which one is correct?

A. 16 2/3% loss (Answer)

B. 100/3% loss

C. 50/3% profit

D. 100/3% loss


The C.P of 10 pens is equal to the S.P of 12 pens. Find his gain % or loss% choose which one is correct?

A. 16 2/3% profit

B. 50/6% profit

C. 16 2/3% loss (Answer)

D. 100/3% loss


By selling 150 mangoes, a fruit-seller gains the selling price of 30 mangoes. Find the gain percent choose which one is correct?

A. 20%

B. 25% (Answer)

C. 18%

D. 30%


If a man lost 4% by selling oranges at the rate of 12 a rupee at how many a rupee must he sell them to gain 44% choose which one is correct?

A. 7

B. 8 (Answer)

C. 9

D. 10


By selling a house for Rs.45000, it was found that 1/8 of the outlay was gained, what ought the selling to price to have been in order to have lost 5 p.c choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.3875

B. Rs.38000 (Answer)

C. Rs.40000

D. Rs.42000


A man sells a horse for Rs.800 and loses something, if he had sold it for Rs.980, his gain would have been double the former loss. Find the cost price of the horse choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.900

B. Rs.875

C. Rs.850

D. Rs.860 (Answer)


A trader bought a car at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at a 40% increase on the price he bought it. What percent of profit did he make on the original price choose which one is correct?

A. 10%

B. 11%

C. 12% (Answer)

D. 15%


What profit percent is made by selling an article at a certain price, if by selling at 2/3rd of that price, there would be a loss of 20% choose which one is correct?

A. 20% (Answer)

B. 25%

C. 13 1/30%

D. 12%


A single discount equivalent to the discount series of 20%, 10% and 5% is_______ choose which one is correct?

A. 25%

B. 30%

C. 31.6% (Answer)

D. 33.5%


The list price of an article is Rs.65. A customer pays Rs.56.16 for it. He was given two successive discounts, one of them being 10%. The other discount is________ choose which one is correct?

A. 3%

B. 4% (Answer)

C. 5%

D. 6%


The sale price sarees listed for Rs.400 after successive discounts is 10% and 5% is________ choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.357

B. Rs.340

C. Rs.342 (Answer)

D. Rs.338


A watch was sold at a loss of 10%. If it was sold for Rs.140 more, there would have been a gain of 4%. What is the cost price choose which one is correct?

A. Rs.1000 (Answer)

B. Rs.1140

C. Rs.860

D. Rs.760


The cost price of a radio is Rs.1500 and it was sold for Rs.1230, find the loss % choose which one is correct?

A. 18% (Answer)

B. 9%

C. 15%

D. 6%


An article is bought for Rs.600 and sold for Rs.500, find the loss percent choose which one is correct?

A. 16 4/3%

B. 100/3%

C. 16%

D. 16 2/3% (Answer)


An article is bought for Rs.675 and sold for Rs.900, find the gain percent choose which one is correct?

A. 16 2/3%

B. 30%

C. 33 1/3% (Answer)

D. 33 1/6%


A cycle is bought for Rs.900 and sold for Rs.1080, find the gain percent choose which one is correct?

A. 16 2/3%

B. 20% (Answer)

C. 18%

D. 25%


The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is:________ choose which one is correct?

A. 4.37%

B. 5% (Answer)

C. 6%

D. 8.75%


Ramees buys goods worth Rs. 6650. He gets a rebate of 6% on it. After getting the rebate, he pays sales tax @ 10%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the goods.

A. Rs. 6876.10 (Answer)

B. Rs. 6999.20

C. Rs. 6654

D. Rs. 7000


Ghafoor went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items choose which one is correct?

A. Rs. 15

B. Rs. 15.70

C. Rs. 19.70 (Answer)

D. Rs. 20


Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week choose which one is correct?

A. Rs. 200

B. Rs. 250 (Answer)

C. Rs. 300

D. None of these


Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively.What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get choose which one is correct?

A. 57% (Answer)

B. 60%

C. 65%

D. 90%


The tank full of petrol in Haroon’s motorcycle lasts for 10 days, if he starts using 25% more every day for how many days will the tank full of petrol last choose which one is correct?

A. 5days

B. 6days

C. 7days

D. 8days (Answer)


If Mobeen while selling two goats at the same price makes a profit of 10% on one goat and

suffers a loss of 10% on the other, he

A. Makes no profit and no loss

B. Makes a profit of 1%

C. Suffers a loss of 1% (Answer)

D. Suffers a loss of 2%


A gardener increases the area of his rectangular garden by increasing its length by 40% and

decreasing by 20%. The area of the new garden choose which one is correct?

A. Has increase by 20%

B. Has increased by 12% (Answer)

C. Has increase b 8%

D. Is exactly the same as the old area


If the price of petrol is increased by 20% by what percentage should the consumption be decreased by the consumer if the expenditure on petrel remains unchanged choose which one is correct?

A. 16 2/3% (Answer)

B. 6 2/3%

C. 8%

D. 15%


In a survey it was found that 80% of those surveyed owned a car while 60% of those surveyed owned a mobile phone, if 55% owned both a car and a Mobile phone, What percent of those surveyed owned a car or a mobile phone or both choose which one is correct?

A. 65%

B. 80%

C. 85% (Answer)

D. 97.5%


Two numbers X and Y are respectively 20% and 28% less than a third number Z. By what percentage is the number Y less than that of the number X choose which one is correct?

A. 8%

B. 9%

C. 10% (Answer)

D. 11%


In an examination, every candidate took physics or mathematics or both 65.8% took physics and 59.2% took mathematics; the total number of candidates was 2000. How many candidates took both physics and mathematics choose which one is correct?

A. 750

B. 500 (Answer)

C. 250

D. 125


In a company, 60% of the employees are men, of this 40 % are drawing more than Rs. 50000 per year. 36% of the total employees of the company draw more than Rs.50000 per year then What is the percentage of women who are drawing less than Rs. 5000 per year choose which one is correct?

A. 70% (Answer)

B. 60%

C. 40%

D. 30%


A city has a population of 300000 out of which 180000 are males 50% of the population is illiterate if 70 % of the males are literate, then the number of literate females is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 24000 (Answer)

B. 30000

C. 54000

D. 60000


In a test a candidate attempted only 8 Questions and secured 50% marks in each of the questions if the obtained a total of 40% in the test and all questions in the test carried equal marks, how many questions were there in the test choose which one is correct?

A. 8

B. 10 (Answer)

C. 15

D. 16


In a town 45% population read magazine A, 55% magazine B, 40% read Magazine C, 30% read magazines A and B, 15% read magazines B and C, 25% read magazines A and C and 10% read all the three magazines. What percentage do not read any magazine choose which one is correct?

A. 10%

B. 15%

C. 20% (Answer)

D. 25%


Candidates in a competitive examination consisted of 60% men and 40% women 70% men and 75% women cleared the qualifying test and entered the final test where 80% men and 70% women were successful choose which one is correct? Which of the following statements is correct choose which one is correct?

A. Success rate is higher for women

B. Overall success rate is below 50%

C. More men cleared the examination than women (Answer)

D. Both ‘   A’ and ‘B’


The price of a certain item is increased by 15 %. If a consumer wants to keep his expenditure on the item same as before how much percent must he reduce his consumption of that item choose which one is correct?

A. 10 20/23 %

B. 13 1/23 % (Answer)

C. 16 2/3 %

D. 15 %


If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 250 % and the denominator is increased by 400 % The resultant fraction is 7/19. What is the original fraction choose which one is correct?

A. 10/19 (Answer)

B. 5/9

C. 9/5

D. 19/7


The value of a plant depreciates by 10 % annually. If the present value of the plant is Rs. 100000, then what will be its value after 2 years choose which one is correct?

A. Rs. 8000

B. Rs 10000

C. Rs. 18000

D. Rs. 81000 (Answer)


Three candidates in an election received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get choose which one is correct?

A. 11. 6 %

B. 60 %

C. 76. 4 %

D. None of these (Answer)


10 % of the electorate did not cast their votes in an election between two candidates. 10 % of the votes polled were found invalid. The successful candidate got 54 % of the valid votes and won by a majority of 1620 votes. The number of voters enrolled on the voter’s list was___________ choose which one is correct?

A. 25000 (Answer)

B. 33000

C. 35000

D. 40000


In an election between two candidates 75 % of the voters cast their votes. Out of which 2 % of the voters were declared invalid. A candidate got 9261 votes which were 75 % of the total valid votes. The total number of voters enrolled in that election was:__________ choose which one is correct?

A. 10000

B. 16400

C. 16800 (Answer)

D. 18000\


In an election between two candidates. One got 55 % of the total valid votes. 20 % of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500. The number of valid votes that the other candidate got was_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 2700 (Answer)

B. 2900

C. 3000

D. 3100


8 % of the voters in an election did not cast their votes in the election, there were only two candidates. The winner by obtaining 48 % of the total votes defeated his contestant by 1100 votes. The total number of voters in the election was_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 21000

B. 2200

C. 23500

D. 27500 (Answer)


A reduction of 20 % in the price of rice enables a person to buy 3.5 kg more rice for Rs. 385. The original price of rice is:________ choose which one is correct?

A. Rs. 20 per kg

B. Rs. 22.50 per kg

C. Rs. 25 per kg

D. Rs. 27.50 per kg (Answer)


The sum of two numbers is 2490. If 6.5 % of one number is equal to 8.5 % of the other then the numbers are:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 989, 1501

B. 1011, 1479

C. 1401, 1089

D. 1411, 1079 (Answer)


Of the 1000 inhabitants of a town 60 % are males of whom 20 % are literate. If of all the inhabitants 25 % are literate. Then what percent of the females of the town are literate choose which one is correct?

A. 22. 5 %

B. 27.5 %

C. 32. 5 % (Answer)

D. 37.5 %



In two successive years, 100 and 75 students of a school appeared at the final examination. Respectively 75 % and 60 % of them passed. The average rate of pass is:_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 68 4/7 % (Answer)

B. 78 %

C. 80 %

D. 80 4/7 %


The quality of water that should be added to reduce 9 ml. Lotion containing 50 % alcohol to a lotion containing 30 % alcohol is_________ choose which one is correct?

A. 3 ml

B. 4 ml

C. 5 ml

D. 6 ml (Answer)


Fresh grapes contain 80 % water, dry grapes contain 10 % water. If the weight of dry grapes is 250 kg. What was its total weight when it was fresh choose which one is correct?

A. 1000 kg

B. 1100 kg

C. 1125 kg (Answer)

D. 1225 kg