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Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following options

1.         Physics is science based primarily on

(a) Hypothesis

(b) Experiments        

(c) Definition   

(d) None of these

2.        The branch of science Which deals with living things

(a) Biological Science

(b) Physical Science  

(c) Social Science      

(d) Humanities 

3.         The branch science which deals With the properties of matter and energy and relation between them Kcalied

(a) Chemistry 

(b) Physics               

(c) Biology                 

(d) Mathematics

4.         Physics is an fmp;rtant part of

(a) Biological Science

(b) Physical Science

(c) Social Science        

(d) Humanities

5.         How many frontiers of fundamental science

(a) Two           

(b) Three       

(c) Four

(d) five

6.         Electron belongs to which kind of frontiers of fundamental science?

(a) World of extremely small          

(b) world of extremely large

(c) World of complex matter  

(d) None of these

7.         Which among the following branch of physics which is concerned with Ultimate particles of which the matter is composed is

(a) Plasma physics    

(b) Nuclear physics    

(c) Atomic physics     

(d) Particle Physics

8.         The Branch of physics which deals with velocities approaching the speed of light is called

(a) Relativistic mechanics   

(b) Quantum mechanics

(c) Classical mechanics        

(d) wave mechanics

 9.        The branch of physics which•deals with the structure and properties of solids is called

(a) Particle Physics    

(b) Thermodynamics 

(c) Solid state physics

(d) Molecular Physics

10.       The overlapping of physics and other fields gave birth to

(a) Biophysics

(b) Astrophysics

(c) Geophysics

(d) All of these

11.      Physical quantities are often divided into

(a) Two categories   

(b) Three categories

(c) Four categories     

(d) Seven categories 

12.       The quantities which are defined in terms of other physical quantities are called

(a) Derived quantities

(b) Base quantities     

(c) Abstract quantities

(d) None of these 

13.       principal characteristics of an ideal standard are

(a) Accessible

(b) Invariable  

(c) Both a & b 

(d) All of these

14.       Ttw base quantity among following is

(a) Temperature

(b) Torque

(c) Force

(d) Velocity

 15.      Which of the following is the derived quantity?                     

(a) Length       

(b) Time         

(c) Mass         

(d) Weight

16.       The prefix atto stands for:     

(a) Temperature         

(b) Torque      

(c) Force        

(d) Velocity

17.       The base units in units are

(a) Two           

(b) Three        

(c) Four          

(d) Seven

18.       Sl unit of temperature is

(a) °F

(b) K

(c) °C

(d) All of these

19.       Sl unit Of Intensity Of light is 

(a) mole          

(b) candela    

(c) ampere

(d) Ketvin

20.       Which of the following in not a unit of time

(a) Light year

(b) Leap year

(c) Lunar month

(d) nano second

21.       Sl unit of work is

(a) erg

(b) electron volt          

(c) joule         

(d) kilowatt-hour

22.       Which physical quantity has unit

(a) Electric charge   

(b) Electric Current      

(c) Power

(d) Electric potential

23.       Which of the following is not a unit Of young modulus?

(a) Nm-2          

(b) Nm-2

(c) dyne cm-2

(d) megapascal

24.       Light year is unit of    

(a) Intensity of light    

(b) temperature          


(d) Length

25.       Which among the following pairs of units will both SI base units?

(a) Ampere, degree Celsius   

(b) Ampere, kelvin

(c) Coulomb. degree celsius  

(d) Coulomb, keWin 

26.       Supplementary units are       

(a) Two          

(b) Three        

(c) Four

(d) Five

27.       Sl units of plane angle (two dimensional) is

(a) Degree      

(b) Radian     

(c) None

(d) All of these

28.       SI units of solid angle (three dimensional) is 

(a) Degree      

(b) Radian      

(c) Both

(d) Steradian 

29.      Three dimensional angle subtended at the center of the sphere by an area of Its surface equals to the square of the radius of the sphere is calledIhr-18

(a) Degree

(b) Radian

(c) Meter

(d) Steradian

30.       Which Is base quantity          

(a) area          

(b) volume      

(c) length       

(d) velocity

31.       Which is least sub-multiple?  

(a) atto

(b) femto        

(c) pico          

(d) nano

32.       Which is the greatest sub-multiple?

(a) giga           

(b) tera

(c) peta                                  

(d) exa

33.       The ratio of one giga-meter to one exa-mete/ is equål to

(a) One giga   

(b) One tera   

(c) One pico

(d) One nano

34.       The ratio of nano-meter to one atto meter is 

(a) One giga  

(b) One tera   

(c) One pico   

(d) One nano

35′       Steradian is the angle which lies in

(a) three dimension

(b) Two dimension     

(c) One dimension     

(d) None of these.

36.       73560 is round off as 

(a) 73.6           

(b)  73.7

(c) 74.00

(d) None

37.       Sl system is built up by how many kings of units      

(a) Six

(b) five

(c) four

(d) three

38.       Which among of the following is not a unit of energy:                                             

(a) kilowatt    

(b) Ere

(c) Joule         

(d) Kilowatt hour

39.          The type of system errors are

(a) Personal errors

(b) Instrumental errors

(c) Theoretical errors

(d) None

40.           Errors in certain measurements occur due to

(a) Inappropriate technique

(b) Negligence

(c) Faultily apparatus   

(d) All of these

41.       The uncertainty  may due to 

(a) Limitation of an instrument           

(b) Limitation of human senses

(c) Natural Variance of the object      

(d) All of these

42.       Error due to incorrect design or calibration of measuring devices are called

(a) Personal errors     

(b) Systematic errors          

(c) Random errors.    

(d) All of these

43.       Systematic error in the measurement can be reduced

(a) By taking the average ot all the measurements

(b) By comparing the histrument with another which is be more accurate.

(c) By improving the quality of measuring instrument

(d) By improving the experimental techniques

44.       Random error can be minimized by

(a) By taking the average of all the measurements         

(b)  By reducing zero error in device

(c) By improving the experimental techniques          

(d) By using instrument of small least count

45.       The error which has same effect that upon all measurements of a particular quantity is called

(a) Personal errors     

(b) Systematic errors          

(c) Random errors     

(d) All of these 

46.       The zero errors belongs to the category Of              

(a) Personal errors     

(b) Random errors     

(c) Systematic errors           

(d) All of these

47.       Which among the following Error occur due to negligence and inexperience of a person is known as

(a) Personal errors   

(b) Systematic errors 

(c) Random errors     

(d) All of these 

48.        If error in measurement of radius of circle is 2%, then permissible error in area will be choose which one is correct:          

(a) 1%

(b) 2%

(c) 4%

(d) 8%

49.       In any measurement the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit are called choose which one is correct:

(a) Whole numbers    

(b) Fractional numbers   

(c) Significant figures   

(d) Random no

50.       Significant figures in 0.000476 are choose which one is correct:

(a) Two           

(b) Three                  

(c) Four          

(d) Six

51.       Significant figures in 0.00100 are choose which one is correct:

(a) Two           

(b) Three

(c) Four   

(d) Six

52.       Significant figures in 8.70 x 104 are choose which one is correct:                   

(a) Two           

(b) Three

(c) Four   

(d) Five 

53.       Significant figures in 0. 70S555 are choose which one is correct:

(a) Two           

(b) Three                    

(c) Four          

(d) Six

54.       In the measurement of 8000Kg, if the least count of scale is 10 Kg. then the numbers Of significant figures are choose which one is correct:

(a) Two           

(b) Three       

(c) Four          

(d) Six

55.         The zero is significant only when it choose which one is correct:

(a) lies before the decimal point        

(b) lies left to   significant digit

(c) lies right to the significant digit      

(d) lie; between the two significant digits

56.       The zero to the •t of significant figures is choose which one is correct:

(a) Significant 

(b) Not significant

(c) May or may not be significant  

(d) None of these

57.       The zero to the léft of significant figures is choose which one is correct:

(a) significant 

(b) not significant    

(c) may or may be significant

(d) none 

58.       Number of Significant figures with degree of approximation choose which one is correct:

(a) Increases 

(b) Decreases

(c) remains unchanged

59.       In case of multiplication or division of numbers, the number of significant figures in answer should be equal to significant figures of the factor choose which one is correct:

(a) Having least  number of significant figure      

(b)  Having maximum number of significant figure

(c) NO restriction for number of sW1ificant figures  

(d) None Of these

60,       In case of addition or subtraction of numbers, the number of decimal places in ‘answer should be equal to the factor containing choose which one is correct:

(a) Smallest number of decimal places

(b)  Largest number of decimal places

(c) No restriction for decimal places

(d) None of these       

61        Dimensional analysis helps in choose which one is correct:

(a)Finding relation between quantities

(b) To convert one unit into another

(c) To confirm the correct answer

(d) All of the above

62        The dimension of force is choose which one is correct:

(a) [ML2T2)

(b) [M2L-2T]

(e) [MLT -2]

(d) [MLT]

63        The dimension (ML2T2] belongs to choose which one is correct:

(a) Pressure

(b) Energy

(c) Momentum

(d) Power

64        [ML-1T0) is the dimension of choose which one is correct:

(a) Surface density

(b) Linear mass density

(c) Volume mass density

(d) Weight density

65        The dimensions of weight are choose which one is correct:

(a) [LT2)

(b) [LT-1]

(e) [MLT-2]

(d) [ML’T]

66        The dimensions of power are choose which one is correct:

(a) [ML2T-3]

(b) [ML2T-2]

(c) [MLT’)

(d) None of these

67        The dimension of density are choose which one is correct:

(a) [ML2]

(b) [M2TL2]

(c) [ML-3)

(d) None of these

68        circumference of the earth was determined by choose which one is correct:

(a) Ibn-al-Haitham

(b) Bohr

(c) Chadwick

(d) Al-Beruni

69        Hahn discovered uranium fission in choose which one is correct:

(a) 1935

(b) 1939

(c) 1938

(d) 1940

70        Period of audible sound waves is choose which one is correct:

(a) 4x 102 sec

(b) 1x 10-3 sec

(c) 8 x 10-1 sec

(d) 1x 103 sec

71        Which among the following Errors are due to incorrect design of a device are known as choose which one is correct:

(a) Systematic error

(b) Random error

(c) Physical error

(d) None of these

72        The solution of the problem 6 x10-8/ 3 x10-2= is correct given by choose which one is correct:

(a) 2 x 10-4

(b) 2x 10-5

(c) 2 x 10-10

(d) 2x 10-6

73        Which of the following is a correct relation which one is correct:

(a) 1 metre = 10-3 centimeter

(b) 1 decimetre = 10-2 centimetre

(c) 1 millimetre = 10-4 metre

(d) None of these

74        Density of air is 1.2 kg/m3. It can be expressed in gm/cmo by choose which one is correct:

(a) 1.2 x 10-6

(b) 12 x 10-4

(c) 1.2 x 106

(d) 12 x 103

75        The period of the earth is equal to choose which one is correct:

(a) One solar day

(b) One lunar day

(c) One astronomical day

(d) None of these

76        One peta is equal to choose which one is correct:

(a) 10-12

(b) 1015

(c) 10-15

(d) 10°

77        One exa is choose which one is correct:

(a) 1018

(b) 10-15

(c) 2015

(d) 10-12

78        The diameter of the milky way is choose which one is correct:

(a) 1025 m

(b) 1020 m

(c) 1030 m

(d) 10-30 m

79        The diameter of an atom is choose which one is correct:

(a) 10-10 m

(b) 10-12 m

(c) 10m

(d) 10-15 m

80        The diameter of a nucleus is choose which one is correct:

(a) 10-12 m

(b) 10-10 m

(c) 10-20 m

(d) 10-15 m

81        Which one of the following scientists made some contributions to geometrical optics choose which one is correct:

(a) Euclid

(b) Plato

(c) Archimedes

(d) None of these

82        The founder of mathematical physics is choose which one is correct:

(a) Archimedes

(b) Plato

(c) Euclid

(d) Aristotle

83        The dimensions of [ ½ at2] are that of choose which one is correct:

(a) Velocity

(b) Force

(c) Time

(d) Length

84        Which one of the following Muslim Mathematision determined the earths circumference choose which one is correct:

(a) Ibn-Sina

(b) Al-Khawrizmi

(c) Al-Beruni

(d) None of these

85        Symbolically solid angle is represented as choose which one is correct:

(a) rad

(b) Sr

(c) 0

(d) Cd

86        73.650 rounded off upto one decimal is choose which one is correct:

(a) 73.6

(b) 73.7

(c) 74.00

(d) 73.65 103.9

87        [LT2] is dimensional formula for choose which one is correct:

(a) Velocity

(b) Force

(c) Acceleration

(d) Momentum

88        The angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the circumference an arc, equal is length to the radius, is choose which one is correct:

(a) 57.3°

(b) 3′

(c) 37.5°

(d) None of these

89        Solid angle is       dimensional angle.

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) Both (a), (b)

(d) None of these

90        The error is constant for error.

(a) Random

(b) Systematic

(c) Both (a), (b)

(d) All

91        For 0.0036 no. of significant digits choose which one is correct:

(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 1

92        The number of significant figures, with the increases degree of approximation choose which one is correct:

(a) Decreases

(b) Increases

(c) Remains unchanged

(d) None of these

93        The number of significant figure in 8.80 x 106 kg is choose which one is correct:

(a) 1

(b) 5

(c) 3

(d) 6 62.

94        The number 64.350 is rounded off as choose which one is correct:

(a) 64.35

(b) 64.46

(c) 64.36

(d) 64.4

95        In scientific notation, the number 0.01 may be written as choose which one is correct:

(a) 10-2

(b) 104

(c) 10 x 10-4

(d) 1×10-4

96        The number of significant figures in 0.809999 is choose which one is correct:

(a) 2

(b) 5

(c) 3

(d) 4

97        If length = 0.233 m and width = 0.178 m,which among the following is  the most accurate area expressed space of significant figures is choose which one is correct:

(a) 0.041 m2

(b) 0.0415 m2

(c) 0.041747 m2

(d) None of these

98        The number 0.0001 in scientific notation is choose which one is correct:

(a) 1x 104

(b) 10-3

(c) 10 x 104

(d) 10-4

99        One mega is equal to choose which one is correct:

(a) 106

(b) 106

(c) 103

(d) 109

100      Significant figures in 0.000546 are choose which one is correct:

(a) 3

(b) 4

(C) 5

(d) 1