PPSC 2021 Past Papers Paper 44 ASI Anti Corruption | PPSC Past Papers 2021 pdf | PPSC MCQs 2021

1. There are immense stretches of space

(A) Vast 

(B) Small

(C) Little 

(D) Fearful

2. The poet looked(seemed) into the luminous swirls of the water.

(A) Misery 

(B) Dim

(C) Bright 

(D) Dark

3. The writer was reckless with misery

(A) Quiet 

(B) Talkative

(C) Rash 

(D) Slow

4. The driver was reluctant to take Abdul with him.

(A) Willing 

(B) Eager

(C) Drunk 

(D) Hesitant

5. Churchill would whip his pupils  hard for not knowing English.

(A) Praise 

(B) Encourage

(C) Admire 

(D) Beat

6. I had to be vigilant until each mouthful was securely behind my teeth.

(A) Careful 

(B) Versatile

(C) Serious 

(D) Fast

7. Mr. Chips has been ragged  a good deal. 

(A) Honored 

(B) Teased

(C) Cheated 

(D) Invited

8. The sudden hush as he took his place at the bench on the dais.

(A) Noise 

(B) Silence

(C) Fear 

(D) Excitement

9. Not that Mr. Chips was boastful or conceited

(A) coward 

(B) Brave 

(C) Proud 

(D) Afraid

10.  There was this new craze(fed) for bicycling. 

(A) Trend 

(B) Compulsion

(C) Greed 

(D) Hatred


11. He is jealous __my fame.

(A) from 

(B) of

(C) over 

(D) on

12. She is repenting ___her past.

(A) of 

(B) for

(C) on 

(D) with

13. My brother is good ___Mathematics

(A) for 

(B) of

(c) over 

(D) at

14. Sargodha is famous __producing best quality oranges.

(A) for 

(B) about

(c) on 

(D) with

15. Do ___Rome as the Romans do.

(A) in 

(B) of

(C) Within 

(D) at

Choose the correct form of verb

16. You cannot go because it __heavily.

(A) Rains 

(B) has rained

(C) Is raining

(D) rained

17. I was reading a novel when they ____to see me.

(A) Were coming

(B) come

(C) Had come

(D) came 

18. The book ___two years ago

(A) Is published

(B) Was published

(C) Published 

(D) Has been published

19. He ___to Karachi tomorrow morning.

(A) Goes 

(B) Will go

(C) Went 

(D) is going

 20. We ———our dinner when it started raining last night.

(A) Had 

(B) Had had

(C) Have had

(D) will have had

Choose the correct Spellings.


 (A) Proceder

(B) Precedure 

(C) Procedure

(D) Procedur


(A) Receive

(B) Reiceve 

(C) Receve 

(D) Rieceve


(A) Frequent

(B) Frequnt 

(C) Fregent

(D) Frequente


(A) Disciplene

(B) Descipline 

(C) Discipline

(D) Discepline


(A) Subordinate

(B) Subordinat 

(C) Sabordinate

(D) Subordenate


(A) Pageant

(B) Pegent 

(c) Pagint 

(D) Pigent


(A) Mosquito 

(B) Musquito

(C) Mosquitou

(D) Mosquoito


(A) Prirequisite

(B) Prereqisite 

(C) Prerequisit

(D) Prerequisite


(A) Pivot 

(B) Pivote

(C) Pivout 

(D) Pivoti


(A) Continous

(B) Continuos 

(c) Continuous

(D) Continuouse

31. The price of a mobilephone  is Rs. 8600 inclusive of a 10% General(common) Sales Tax. What is the original(real) price of the mobilephone?

(A) 8,000 

(B) 7818

(C) 10,000 

(D) 7.000

32. Alia bought a Jewelry set for Rs. 84,000/ and sold(marketed) for 85500 Find the percentage% of profit? 

(A) 1.79% 

(B) 1.80%

(C) 1.81% 

(D) 1.82%

33. A symbol having a fixed(permanent) numerical value named is 

(A) Variable 

(B) Literals

(c) Constant

(D) Binomial

34. Harris bought 10 ice creams. He gave Rs 1 thousand to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper returned him Rs. 250. For how much did he buy 1 ice cream?

(A) 50 

(B) 75

(c) 100 

(D) 150

35. The total price of a pen is Rs 42 and of the note book is Rs. 18. How many pens and note books you can buy for Rs. 480 in equal quantity(numbers)?

(A) 8, 8 

(B) 7, 7

(C) 6, 6 

(D) 9.9

36. After(later) 32 years from now, a boy will be 5 times as old as he was 8 years back. Now boy age is ?

(A) 20 Years

(B) 19 Years 

(C) 18 Years

(D) 17 Years

37. Divide  an amount(sum) of 200 between(among) Rehman & Usman such that Rehman get Rs 50 more than twice as much as Uman gets. How much Rehman will get?

(A) 50 

(B) 150

(C) 175 

(D) 185

38. A linear equation consists(contain) of polynomials of degree

(A) One 

(B) Two

(C) Three 

(D) Four

39. A symbol represented(showed)  by a literal and can take various numerical values is called (named)

(A) Constant 

(B) Literal

(C) Variable

(D) Polynomial

40. A bus  covers the distance of 360 kilometers in 5 hours. What will be the speed of bus in kilo meters per hours?

(A) 72

(B) 73

(c) 74 

(D) 75

41. Cathay Pacific is the airline of 

(A) Italy 

(B) Hong Kong

(C) India 

(D) France

42. The currency of Syria is: 

(A) Dollar 

(B) Pound

(C) Guilder 

(D) Peso

43. Thar is the desert of: 

(A) Subtropical

(B) Cold Winter

(C) Polar 

(D) Cool coastal

44. “Naples” is the seaport of 

(A) United States 

(B) Italy

(C) Norway

(D) England

45. The capital of Sweden is: 

(A) Stockholm

(B) Oslo

(C) Tallinn 

(D) Christina

46. “BSS’ is the news agency of: 

(A) Bangladesh

(B) Belarus

(C) Britain 

(D) Brunel

47. The name of Norway’s parliament is: 

(A) Stortinget

(B) Congress

(C) National Assembly 

(D) Senate

48. Kuril Islands are situated between: 

(A) China and India

(B) Russia and Japan

(C) India and Russia 

(D) US and Afgan

49. Durand agreement was concluded among  British India and Afghan Amir

(A) Abdur Rehman Khan

(B) Abdul Khaliq

(c) Sharif Khan 

(D) Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan

50. Which city is called(named) gate way of Pakistan? 

(A) Islamabad

(B) Karachi

(c) Multan 

(D) Lahore

51. Jaillanwala Bagh massacre took place in: 

(A) Lahore 

(B) Amritsar

(c) Delhi 

(D) Agra

52. Who were popularly known as Red shirts?

(A) Congress

(B) Khudai Khidmatgar 

(C) Socialists

(D) Democrats

53. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in London in: 

(A) 1930 

(B) 1931

(C) 1933 

(D) 1934

54. Moplah Rebellion of 1922 took place in——–: 

(A) Kashmir 

(B) Kerala

(C) Assam 

(D) None of these

55. In Bengal, the headquarters of East India Company were situated(located)  at:

(A) Fort St. David

(B) Fort William 

(C) Fort St. George

(D) Bengal khan

56. The state of Jammu & Kashmir was ruled by ___

(A) Ghulab Singh

(B) Ghulab Khan

(C) Ghulab Dev 

(D) Ghulab Chandergarh

57. After Nile, which is second longest(biggest) river of world? 

(A) Amazon 

(B) Missisippi

(C) Indus 

(D) Kabul 

58. What is the cause of dengue fever? 

(A) Plasmodium

(B) Virus

(C) Bacteria 

(D) Both A&B

59. Pakistan became ILO member in: 

(A) 31 Oct, 1947

(B) 14 Sep. 1947 

(C) 14 Nov, 1947

(D) 14 Dec, 1947

60. 1st May is observed all over the world as Labor Day in honor of working people of:

(A) Moscow

(B) Beijing 

(C) Chicago

(D) Cairo

61. “Jinnah of Pakistan” was written(penned) by: 

(A) LH. Qurashi

(B) Stanley Wolpert 

(C) K.B Sayyed

(D) KK Aziz

62. Islamabad was chosen as a capital(center) in the __year:

(A) 1956 

(B) 1957

(C) 1958 

(D) 1959

 63. Allama Iqbal delivered/conveyed his famous address at Allahabad in:

(A) 1923 

(B) 1930

(C) 1938 

(D) 1940

 64. Rachna Doab is located among  two rivers which are:

(A) Indus & Chenab

(B) Jehlum & Chenab 

(C) Ravi & Chenab

(D) Sutlej & Ravi

65. Radcliffe was __by profession:

(A) A doctor 

(B) An Engineer

(C) A lawyer

(D) A Dentist

66. Day of Deliverance was observed on: 

(A) 23 Mar, 1940

(B) 14 Aug. 1947 

(c) 15 Aug, 1940

(D) 22 Dec, 1939

67. Water makes _of our blood 

(A) 95% 

(B) 94%

(C) 93% 

(D) 92%

68. Which  is a land locked country?

(A) Spain 

(B) Sudan

(c) Poland 

(D) None of these

69. Baku is the seaport on: 

(A) Black Sea

(B) Caspian Sea

(C) Mediterranean Sea 

(D) Red Sea

70. Which of the following is largest country of South America?

(A) Argentina

(B) Brazil 

(C) Colombia

(D) Chile

71. World population is expected(projected)——— to reach by the year 2025

(A) 10 billion

(B) 8 billion

(C) 9 billion 

(D) 11 billion

72. Which  is the greatest wool producer country in the world?

(A) Holland 

(B) Australia

(C) Sri Lanka

(D) India

73 Mirage is an example of: 

(A) Refraction of Light 

(B) Reflection of Light

(C) Deviation of Light 

(D) Polarization of Light

74. Saint Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya established(formed) a “Khankaha” in city of

(A) Delhi 

(B) Lahore

(C) Multan 

(D) Ajmer

75. British parliament is: 

(A) Bi-Cameral

(B) Tri-cameral 

(C) Unicameral

(D) None of these

76. Planet closest to Earth: 

(A) Mars 

(B) Neptune

(C) Venus 

(D) Mercury

77. The term “Butterfly Stroke” is links  with: 

(A) Swimming

(B) Wrestling

(C) Boxing 

(D) Jadu

78. The 2nd  Battle(fight) of Panipat was fought during the reign of:

(A) Babur 

(B) Akbar

(C) Humayun

(D) Aurangzeb

 79. A stretch of land surrounded by water on all sides is called as:

(A) Strait 

(B) Peninsula

(C) Island 

(D) Delta

80. Which of the following  animal is unable to stick out its tongue? 

(A) Tortoise 

(B) Hungal

(C) Crocodile

(D) None of these

81.  Old name of “Oslo”, the capital city of Norway is ——–?

(A) Norwania

(B) Loro Sae 

(C) Chiristiania

(D) Atlantica

82. The term that best mention the shape of the earth:

(A) Eclipse 

(B) Geoid

(C) Globe 

(D) Sphere

83. The Second Summit conference of the OIC was held in the year:

(A) 1970 

(B) 1971

(C) 1973 

(D) 1974

84. Anti-corruption Department is a part of: 

(A) Police Department

(B) S & GAD

(C) FIA 


 85. Mount Hira is in:

(A) Madina 

(B) Muscat

(c) Makkah

(D) Taif 

86۔ بہادر شاہ ظفر کہاں دفن ہیں؟

  • دلی
  • آگرہ
  • رنگون
  • ڈھاکہ

 87۔مسدس “مدوجزر اسلام” کس کی تخلیق ہے؟

  • حالی
  • اقبال
  • ذوق
  • میر

88۔غالب نے اپنی زندگی کا بیشتر حصہ کس شہر میں گزارا؟

  • دکن
  • اجمیر
  • آگرہ
  • دلی

 89۔فیض احمد فیض کہاں پیدا ہوئے؟

  • لاہور
  • سیالکوٹ
  • کراچی
  • فیصل آباد

90۔” یادگار غالب “کس شاعر کی تخلیق ہے ؟

  • حالی
  • اسد اللہ خان غالب
  • آزاد
  • حسرت موہانی

91۔”جاوید نامہ “کس شاعر کی تخلیق ہے؟

  • علامہ اقبال
  • انعام اللہ جاوید
  • مجید امجد
  • مرزا دبیر

92۔ “محبت تمام کرنا “معنی ہیں؟

  • دلیل نہ دینا
  • اعتراض کی گنجائش نہ کرنا
  • گڑ بڑ پیدا کر نا

93۔”قلعی کھل جانا “کا کیا مطلب ہے؟

  • رنگ ضائع ہونا
  • قسمت خراب ہونا
  • پچھتاوا کرنا
  • بھید ظاہر ہونا

94۔”ڈوبتے کو کو تنکے کا سہارا” قواعد کی رو سے ہے-

  • ضرب المثل
  • محاورہ
  • کہاوت
  • قول

 95۔اصغری اور اکبری کس ناول کے دو مشہور کردار ہیں ؟

  • طوطا کہانی
  • آگ کا دریا
  • مراۃ العروس
  • راجہ گدھ

 96۔قرآن کریم کی کون سی سورت کو زینت القرآن کہتے ہیں؟

  • سورۃ البقرہ
  • سورہ اخلاص
  • سورۃ الفاتح
  • سورۃ الرحمن

 97۔قرآن حکیم نے میں کل کتنے پیغمبروں کا ذکر ہے؟

  • 27
  • 21
  • 25
  • 26

 98۔میثاق مدینہ دنیا کا کونسا تحریری دستور ہے؟

  • پہلا
  • دوسرا
  • چوتھا
  • تیسرا

99۔ مکہ کب فتح ہوا؟

  • 634
  • 632
  • 630
  • 636

 100۔قبلہ کب تبدیل ہوا؟

  • 3 ہجری
  • 2 ہجری
  • 4 ہجری
  • 5 ہجری