PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | Empires and Dynasties

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Empires and Dynasties | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers

Empires and Dynasties

Empires and Dynasties

Q No: 1 Chandra gupta founded an empire in 321 B.C. that encompassed most of the subcontinent, it was called ________

  1. Gupta empire
  2. Mauryan empire
  3. Chandra empire
  4. Ashoka empire

Q No: 2 Buddhist emperor ashoka belonged to which dynasty?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Mauryan
  3. Chandra
  4. Gupta

Q No: 3 Gupta dynasty ruled over most of India from 320 A.D. to ________

  1. 575 A.D.
  2. 510 A.D.
  3. 550 A.D.
  4. 475 A.D.

Q No: 4 Roman empire was established in 27 B.C. by ________

  1. Octavian
  2. Julius ceaser
  3. Mark antony
  4. Brutus

Q No: 5 Name the dynasty which ruled china from 202 to 220 A.D. and during this period Buddhism was introduced in china _________

  1. Chin
  2. Han
  3. Dengh
  4. Haun

Q No: 6 Name the capital of byzantine empire _______

  1. Demascus
  2. Rome
  3. Constantinople
  4. Ankara

Q No: 7 In 395 A.D. roman empire was divided into two parts the eastern part of empire was called ________

  1. Byzantine empire
  2. Eastern roman empire
  3. Eastern empire
  4. None of them

Q No: 8 Holy roman empire was weakened by the reformation and the thirty years war and was finally abolished in 1806 by ________

  1. Alexander
  2. Napoleon
  3. Nelson
  4. None of them

Q No: 9 Persian empire was founded in 549 B.C. by the great _________

  1. Darius I
  2. Cyprus
  3. Cambyses
  4. None of them

Q No: 10 By whom Persian empire was finally broken in 331 B.C. ?

  1. Greeks
  2. Muslims
  3. Romans
  4. None of them

Q No: 11 A.D. 618 to 907 is regarded as the golden age of Chinese civilization by many historians. Name the dynasty which ruled china during the period ________

  1. Kum dynasty
  2. Chin dynasty
  3. Tang dynasty
  4. Xiang dynasty

Q No: 12 Tang dynasty finally collapsed in ________

  1. 896 A.D.
  2. 907 A.D.
  3. 902 A.D.
  4. 925 A.D.

Q No: 13 Han dynasty was founded after collapse of chin dynasty who was the founder of han dynasty?

  1. Li han
  2. Liu bang
  3. Liu bon
  4. Liu bing

Q No: 14 Who was the founder of Umayyad dynasty?

  1. Yazid
  2. Marwan
  3. Mu’awiya (R.A)
  4. Walid I

Q No: 15 When was Umayyad dynasty established by Hazrat Mu’awiya (R.A)?

  1. 675 A.D.
  2. 661 A.D.
  3. 695 A.D.
  4. 680 A.D.

Q No: 16 What was the tenure of Mu’awiya (R.A) caliphate?

  1. 675 A.D. – 695 A.D.
  2. 661 A.D. – 675 A.D.
  3. 670 A.D. – 685 A.D.
  4. 665 A.D. – 675 A.D.

Q No: 17 Who ascended the throne from Mu’awiya (R.A)?

  1. Marwan
  2. Walid bin marwan
  3. Sulaiman
  4. Yazid I

Q No: 18 At the time tragedy of Karbalah occurred which dynasty was ruling the Islamic world?

  1. Fatimids
  2. Umayyad
  3. Abbasids
  4. None of them

Q No: 19 Name the Umayyad ruler in whose reign Muslim forces successfully entered sub-continent, africa and spain?

  1. Walid bin marwan
  2. Sulaiman
  3. Mu’awiya II
  4. Walid bin abdul mailk

Q No: 20 Tariq bin zyad, musa bin nasir and Muhammad bin qasim the most famous and successful generals of Islamic history belonged to which reign?

  1. Abbasid
  2. Umayyad
  3. Fatimids
  4. Ottoman

Q No: 21 Umayyads ruled over Islamic world from?

  1. 661 A.D. – 750 A.D
  2. 656 A.D. – 725 A.D
  3. 675 A.D. – 650 A.D
  4. 666 A.D. – 755 A.D

Q No: 22 Umer bin Abdul Aziz apart from the Holy Prophet’s first four successors, is acknowledged as a caliph in the true sense of the world was a ruler of which dynasty?

  1. Abbasids
  2. Fatimids
  3. Umayyad
  4. Ottoman

Q No: 23 Abbasids ruled over most of the Islamic world from 750 A.D. till?

  1. 1250 A.D
  2. 1258 A.D
  3. 1249 A.D
  4. 1245 A.D

Q No: 24 Name the Abbasid ruler who possessed a legendry position and ruled over most of the Islamic world from 783-809 A.D.

  1. Muhammad Al Amir
  2. Haroon ur Rashid
  3. Al Mu’tasim Billah
  4. None of them

Q No: 25 Name the first Abbasi caliph.

  1. Abu Abbas
  2. Abu Al Abbas as Saffah
  3. Abbas bin Saffah
  4. Abbas bin Hamza

Q No: 26 Sultan Muhammad the conqueror of Constantinople belonged to which dynasty?

  1. Abbasids
  2. Umayyids
  3. Ottomans
  4. Fatimids

Q No: 27 Sulaiman the Magnificent equally acknowledged by the Christian world ruled most of the Islamic world from 1520 A.D. to 1566 A.D. belonged to?

  1. Ottoman dynasty
  2. Umayyids dynasty
  3. Abbasids dynasty
  4. Fatimids dynasty

Q No: 28 Which Turkish tribe created Ottoman Empire?

  1. Anatolia
  2. Serbia
  3. Asia Minor
  4. Central Asia

Q No: 29 Which treaty in 1878 A.D. forced Ottoman Empire to give up Romania, Serbia, Montenegro and other territories?

  1. Treaty of Viena
  2. Treaty of Sevilles
  3. Treaty of San Stanfandand
  4. Treaty of Izmir

Q No: 30 Which war completed the expulsion of Ottoman Empire from Europe during 1912-13?

  1. World War
  2. Agnicourt War
  3. Balkan War
  4. Boer War

Q No: 31 Ottoman Empire was eliminated from the world map in?

  1. 1919 A.D
  2. 1925 A.D
  3. 1932 A.D
  4. 1922 A.D

Q No: 32 Sultan Muhammad established Ghazni dynasty in?

  1. 979 A.D
  2. 974 A.D
  3. 971 A.D
  4. 970 A.D

Q No: 33 After the downfall of Ghazni dynasty which dynasty was established in the sub continent?

  1. Slave dynasty
  2. Ghori dynasty
  3. Khaliji dynasty
  4. Mughal

Q No: 34 The early Turkish Empire which is popularly known as Slave dynasty was established in 1206 and lasted till?

  1. 1280 A.D
  2. 1285 A.D
  3. 1290 A.D
  4. 1270 A.D

Q No: 35 Who was the first ruler of Slave dynasty?

  1. At-Tutmash
  2. Qutub ud Din Aibak
  3. Ghias ud Din Balban
  4. Bushan ud Din Tughluq

Q No: 36 Name the dynasty which was founded by Muhammad Ibn Tughj and ruled over Egypt and Syria from 935 to 969.

  1. Sayyids
  2. Ikhshiddis
  3. Fatimids
  4. Sarasins

Q No: 37 Which of the Mongol ruler ruled China from 1260 to 1294?

  1. Ogotar Khan
  2. Butu Khan
  3. Halaku Khan
  4. Kublai Khan

Q No: 38 During the reign of which dynasty the Chinese invented block printing and produced first block printed book in 868 A.D.?

  1.  Han dynasty
  2. Tang dynasty
  3. Chin dynasty
  4. Dong dynasty

Q No: 39 Mongols conquered northern China in 1215 A.D. and established a vast empire in Mongolia. Which of the following was the Capital?

  1. Tibet
  2. Karakoram
  3. Xiang
  4. Baku

Q No: 40 Which dynasty was founded after the downfall of slave dynasty in sun continent?

  1. Ghori
  2. Mughal
  3. Khilji
  4. Ghazni

Q No: 41 Khilji dynasty was established in 1290 who was the founder of Khilji dynasty?

  1. Jalal ud Din Firuz
  2. Alla ud Din Khilji
  3. Burhan ud Din
  4. Ghias ud Din

Q No: 42 After Khilji which dynasty came into power in sub continent?

  1. Memlaks
  2. Mughals
  3. Tughluq
  4. Syeds

Q No: 43 Who was the founder of Tughluq dynasty?

  1. Firoz Shah Tughluq
  2. Muhammad bin Tughluq
  3. Ghiyas ud Din Tughluq
  4. Shams ud Din Tughluq

Q No: 44 Syed dynasty was founded in 1414 A.D. by?

  1. Mubarak Shah Temur
  2. Khizer Khan Temur
  3. Muhammad Shah Temur
  4. Alaud din Alam Temur

Q No: 45 The Lodhis dynasty was established in 1451 A.D. by?

  1. Sikandar Lodhi
  2. Bahlol Lodhi
  3. Ibrahim Lodhi
  4. Islmail Lodhi

Q No: 46 Which was the last ruling dynasty of Delhi Sultanate of India?

  1. Mughal
  2. Lodhi
  3. Khilji
  4. Slave

Q No: 47 Who was the founder of Mughal dynasty?

  1. Humayun
  2. Babar
  3. Akbar
  4. Jahangir

Q No: 48 For how many years Mughal Empire ruled over India?

  1. 290
  2. 390
  3. 295
  4. 331

Q No: 49 Name the only Mughal emperor who was thoroughly defeated and had to live in exile before recapturing India?

  1. Jahangir
  2. Aurangzeb
  3. Humayun
  4. Shah Jahan

Q No: 50 At his death in 1707, nearly the whole sub continent was under his rule?

  1. Jahangir
  2. Aurangzeb
  3. Shah Jahan
  4. Akbar

Q No: 51 Byzantine Empire collapsed when Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in?

  1. 1418
  2. 1448
  3. 1453
  4. 1458

Q No: 52 The British Empire began in the early 17th century by founding of colonies in?

  1. India
  2. Canada
  3. North America
  4. South America

Q No: 53 Name the two regions won by British from French in 18th century?

  1. Turkey and Egypt
  2. Canada and Woya
  3. Egypt and Africa
  4. Canada and India

Q No: 55 Which country has abolished 230 years old monarchy in 2008?

  1. Maldives
  2. Nepal
  3. Bhutan
  4. Sri Lanka

Q No: 56 Moorish Kingdom of Granda (Spain) surrendered to Christians in the year

  1. 1453
  2. 1492
  3. 1526
  4. 1556

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