PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | ISLANDS AND PENINSULAS

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ISLANDS AND PENINSULAS | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers



Q NO:   Iberian peninsula is a part of _______

  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these

Q NO:   Diego Garcia is an island in _______

  1. Arabian sea
  2. Bay of Bengal
  3. Indian ocean
  4. Gulf of aden

Q NO:   What is a peninsula?

  1. A  narrow bit of land
  2. A mountainous island
  3. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides of land
  4. A range of hills

Q NO:   The largest(biggest) peninsula in the world is _______

  1. Southern india
  2. Eastern india
  3. Alaska
  4. Arabia

Q NO:   Which of the following is the world’s largest island?

  1. Bomeo
  2. Sri lanka
  3. New guinea
  4. Kalaalit numaat (Greenland)

Q NO:   New guinea island is located in _______

  1. South atlantic
  2. Sea of china
  3. Indian ocean
  4. Southwest pacific

Q NO:   Which is the second largest island of the world?

  1. Bomeo island
  2. Baffin island
  3. New guinea island
  4. Madagascar

Q NO:   Which is the third(3rd) largest island of the world?

  1. Honshu
  2. Baffin
  3. Bomeo
  4. None of these

Q NO:   Folkland islands are disputed between(among) two countries _______

  1. China and japan
  2. England and argentina
  3. USA and Russia
  4. None of these

Q NO:   Java island is located in _______

  1. Indian ocean
  2. South pacific ocean
  3. Sea of japan
  4. Sea of china

Q NO:   Sumatra island is under the control of _______

  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Russia
  4. Japan

Q NO:   Honshu island is a part of _______

  1. China
  2. Thailand
  3. Japan
  4. Russia

Q NO:   The largest island of Indian ocean is _______

  1.  Madagascar
  2. Sumatra
  3. Baffin
  4. Bomeo

Q NO:   The 2nd  largest island of atlantic ocean is _______

  1. Britain
  2. Baffin
  3. Bomeo
  4. Java

Q NO:   Great Britain is an island located in _______

  1. Pacific ocean
  2. Atlantic ocean
  3. Indian ocean
  4. None of these

Q NO:   Cuba is an island of _______

  1. Pacific ocean
  2. Carribbean ocean
  3. Indian ocean
  4. Atlantic ocean

Q NO:   West indies consists of how many islands?

  1. 1000
  2. 1100
  3. 1200
  4. 1400

Q NO:   There are how many islands in indonesia?

  1. 12000
  2. 13000
  3. 14000
  4. 15000

Q NO:   Which is the largest(biggest) archipelago of the world?

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. West indies
  4. Japan

Q NO:   Marona island is under the control of _______

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. USA
  4. China

Q NO:   A group of 100 islands in west indies in called _______

  1. Diego Garcia
  2. Virgin island
  3. Honshu
  4. Bomeo

Q NO:   Indonesia consists of how many islands?

  1. 1200
  2. 1300
  3. 900
  4. 1400

Q NO:   The famous island located at the south of Hudson river is called _______

  1. Manhattan
  2. Bomeo
  3. Baffin
  4. Madagascar

Q NO:   Cathy pacific is an _______

  1. Island
  2. Peninsula
  3. Lake
  4. River

Q NO:   A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides is called(known) _______

  1. Island
  2. Peninsula
  3. Delta
  4. Strait

Q NO:   Which is the largest island in Indian ocean(sea)?

  1. Madagascar
  2. Bomeo
  3. Baffin
  4. Java

PPSC Mcqs pdf | PPSC General Knowledge Book

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