Top 1000+ Database Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 18

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851.Which of the following types of information is used by the top level managers ?

  1. Both [A] and [B]
  2. Operational information
  3. Technical information
  4. Strategic information

852.Which is not a DBMS package?

  1. Unify
  2. Ingress
  3. IDMS
  4. All are DBMS packages

853.Which of the following types of information is used by the top level managers ?

  1. Operational information
  2. Technical information
  3. Both [A] and [B]
  4. Strategic information

854.Which is a DBMS package?

  1. Unify
  2. Ingress
  3. IDMS
  4. DBMS packages

855.The data dictionary tells the DBMS ?

  1. What files are in the database
  2. All
  3. What attributes are possessed by the data
  4. What these files contain

856.An association between students and courses is :

  1. 1:1 relationship
  2. 1:M relationship
  3. M:M relationship
  4. None

 857.The database environment has all of the following components except :

  1. users
  2. separate files
  3. database
  4. database administrator

858.The key to a cost-effective data input operation is :

  1. OCR equipment
  2. validity checks
  3. validation
  4. employee motivation

859.complex entities can be constructed using the following operation :

  1. SUM
  2. Union
  3. Aggregation
  4. Collection

860.The logical data structure with a one-to-many relationship is a :

  1. network
  2. tree
  3. C chain
  4. relationship

861.Which of the following is an example for network database ?

  1. IDBS
  2. Ingress
  3. Oracle
  4. DBMS
  5. Option

 862.Which of the following is a hierarchical database ?

  1. Oracle
  2. DBII
  3. Ingress
  4. SYSTEM2000

863.Which of the following is not an element of Database ?

  1. Schema objects
  2. Indexes
  3. Tables
  4. Database Administrator

 864.Data processing comprises of :

  1. Capturing of data
  2. Storing of data
  3. Updating and retrieving data
  4. All

865.Embedded pointer provides :

  1. a secondary access path
  2. a physical record key
  3. an inverted index
  4. all

866.File is the collection of all related :

  1. Database
  2. Records
  3. Fields
  4. File

867.The distinguishable parts of a record are called :

  1. files
  2. data
  3. fields
  4. database

868.A view of a database that appears to an application program is known as :

  1. schema
  2. subschema
  3. virtual table
  4. None of these

869.Primitive operations common to all record management systems include :

  1. Print
  2. Sort
  3. Look-up
  4. All

 870.Administrative supervision of database activities is the responsibility of the :

  1. Database administrator
  2. DP Manager
  3. DB Manager
  4. DP Administrator

871.Administrative supervision of database activities is the responsibility of the :

  1. Database administrator
  2. DP Manager
  3. DB Manager
  4. DP Administrator

873.The set of all possible values of data items is called :

  1. Domain
  2. Attribute
  3. Tuples
  4. None

 874.Model based on user’s requirements is :

  1. Logical model
  2. Physical model
  3. Conceptual model
  4. None

875. Another form of JOIN, known as equijoin, links tables on the basis of an equality condition that compares specified columns of each table.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

876.In a relational table, each table must have an attribute or a combination of attributes that uniquely identifies each row.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none                    

877.I n a relational table, each table row (topless) does not necessarily represent a single entity occurrence within the entry set.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none             

878.In a relational table, each column represents an attribute and each column has a distinctive name.              

 intersection represents a single data value.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none

879.In a relational table, each value in a column must conform to the same data format.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

880.Each column in a relational table has a specific range of values knows as the attribute object.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none

881.The order of the rows and columns in a relational table is immaterial to the DBMS.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none

882. Some older DBMSs might impose constraints restricting the table names to ten characters.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

883 .Some older DBMSs might impose constraints restricting the column names to ten characters.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

884. Some older DBMSs impose constraints that allow column names to start with a digit.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

885. Numeric data are data on which you can perform meaningful arithmetic procedures.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

886. Character data can contain any character or symbol intended for mathematical manipulation.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

887. Date attributes contain calendar dates stored in a special format known as Julian date format.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

888. Logical data can have only a true or false (yes or no) condition.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

889. The proper use of foreign keys is crucial to exercising data redundancy control.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none    

890. An entity set is a named collection of entities that share common characteristics.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. none

891 Nulls, if used improperly, can create problems because they can represent ____.

  1. a default value 
  2. zero
  3. a known, but missing, attribute value   
  4. an unsuitable value

892. The entity integrity rule requires that ____.

  1. all primary key entries are unique
  2. a part of the key may be null
  3. C. foreign key values do not reference primary key values
  4. duplicate object values are allowed

893. Data are classified, according to their format and function, into which categories?

  1. Numeric and character 
  2. Numeric, character, and date
  3. Numeric and logical        
  4. Numeric, character, date, and logical    

894. A table is perceived as a ____.       

  1. flat structure     
  2. linked structure
  3. two-dimensional structure        
  4. graph                   

895. According to E.F. Coded, another word for the term “relation” is ____.      

  1. data file                               
  2. table
  3. data index                          
  4. data query           

896. The logical view of the relational database is facilitated by the ____.         

  1. wizard                  
  2. use of tables
  3. creation of queries using the wizard
  4. creation of data relationships based on a construct known as a table

897. Each table must have a ____ key.  

  1. primary                               
  2. foreign
  3. secondary          
  4. logical   

898. The key’s role is based on a concept known as ____.           

  1. consistency       
  2. determination
  3. availability          
  4. uniqueness       

899. A super key is any key that uniquely identifies each ____ uniquely.            

  1. entity   
  2. table
  3. object in a table               
  4. structure in a table         

900.  A primary key ____.           

  1. is a minimal super key   
  2. must be numeric
  3. is always the first field in each table
  4. must be unique