Top 1000+ Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 07

301. Which operator will not take any argument if it will be overloaded?

  1. /
  2. +
  3. None of the given

 302. Which type of relationship exists between fan and wings?

  1. Aggregation
  2. Association
  3. Composition
  4. Inherit

 303.  Which type of relationship exists between “Account” class and “Saving Account” class?

  1. Inheritance
  2. Composition
  3. Aggregation

 304.  Select correct inheritance relationship between “Nationality” class and “Citizen” class. “Nationality” is parent class 

  1. while “Citizen” is child class.
  2. class Citizen: public Nationality
  3. class Citizen: public Nationality
  4. class Nationality: public Citizen
  5. class Nationality: public Citizen

 305. How we will initialize an array of objects, only _____________ will be called

  1. Overloaded Constructor
  2. Default Object
  3. Default Constructor
  4. None of the above

306. Data items in a class that will be private.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. False
  4. both data and functions can be private or public.

307.The compiler to substitute the code within the function definition for every instance of a function call will be?

  1. virtual
  2. inline
  3. instance
  4. none of the given

308. Objects will be do communicate with each other through ________

  1. Messages
  2. Data members
  3. Both of above
  4. None of the above
  5. Messages.

309. Which will not be the feature of object-oriented programming?

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Exception handling
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Exception handling.

310.The member function of public will be exposed by a class is called surface

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. False

311. If class parent will support all the operations of class children, then class parent will:

  1. Class parent is behaviorally compatible with class Children
  2. Class Parentis behaviorally incompatible with class Children
  3. Class Parent is independent of class Children
  4. None of the given

312.Class A is behaviorally compatible with class B. which type of relation exists between fan and wings in this sentence?

  1. Aggregation
  2. Association
  3. Generalization
  4. Composition
  5. Composition

313.What will be about the sub-typing in case of inheritance?

  1. In sub-typing a new class is derived from existing where the derived class shows some extended behavior of its parent.
  2. In sub-typing a new class is derived from existing which is a restricted form of its parent class.
  3. In sub-typing a class is derived from existing one where the derived class should be abstract.
  4. None of the given
  5. In sub-typing a new class is derived from existing where the derived class shows some extended behavior of its parent.

314. Which type of mechanism for create objects and will define user data types.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
  3. FALSE.

315. Which of will not be an integral part of an object?

  1. state
  2. behavior
  3. Protected data members
  4. All of given
  5. All of given.

315.A template will provide convenient way to make a family of.

  1. variables and data members
  2. classes and exceptions
  3. programs and algorithms
  4. functions and classes

316.A class template will be inheriting from another class template.

  1. True
  2. False

317.The function call will be determined at run time.

  1. instance
  2. virtual
  3. operator
  4. none of given

318.The class hierarchy What will be for “is a kind of” relationships?

  1. shows the same relationships as an organization chart.
  2. describes “has a” relationships.
  3. shows the same relationships as a family tree.
  4. none

 319.The sender of message will not to know the exact class of receiver in______.

  1. Abstraction
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Inheritance
  4. none of the given

320.A function call will be at run-time in_________ .

  1. non-virtual member function
  2. virtual member function
  3. Both non-virtual member and virtual member function.
  4. None of given

321.The virtual table explicitly.

  1. True
  2. False

322.Binding means that target function for a call that is selected at compile time.

  1. Static
  2. Dynamic
  3. Automatic
  4. None of given

323.The function will be call at run time.

  1. instance
  2. virtual
  3. operator
  4. none of given

324.Which line will produce error. Class phone: private Transmit, private Receiver { } 1. int main() 2. { 3. phone obj; 4. Transmit* obj1 = &obj; 5.

  1. Received obj2 = &obj; 6.}.
  2. 3rd line will produce error
  3. 4th line will produce error
  4. 3rd and 4th line will produce error.

325.The following statements: 1) intArray[5]; 2) int *Person Array= arrays;

  1. These statements will compile successfully
  2. Error in first statement
  3. Error in second statement
  4. None of given options

326.What will the procedure of reusable software relate to________.

  1. Structure program
  2. generic programming
  3. procedural programming
  4. None of the given

327.Function template will have a parameter.

  1. True
  2. False

328.The default inheritance mode will be?

  1. Public inheritance
  2. Protected inheritance
  3. Private inheritance
  4. None of these options

329.With same names of the two function, parameters and return type can exist in,

  1. Function overloading
  2. Function overriding
  3. Operator overloading
  4. None of these options

330.Consider the code below, class A {}; class B: public A { }; class C: public B { }; Then B is,

  1. Direct base class of C
  2. Direct base class of A
  3. Direct child class of C
  4. None of these

331.Virtual functions will allow you to?

  1. create an array of type pointer-to-base class that can hold pointers to derived classes.
  2. create functions that can never be accessed.
  3. group objects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function code.
  4. use the same function call to execute member functions of objects from different classes.

 332.The virtual table can be done explicitly.

  1. True
  2. False

333.The first line definition of Template Class must be:

  1. template <type name T>
  2. type name <template T>
  3. Template Class <Class Name>
  4. Class <Template T>

334.Consider the following statements: 1) int arrays [5]; 2) int *parry = arrays’;

  1. These statements will compile successfully
  2. Error in first statement
  3. Error in second statement
  4. None of given options

335. The dynamic binding and polymorphism will be achieved when member function will be __.

  1. private
  2. public
  3. virtual
  4. inline

336. The depended function of template will be use where code and behavior will be identical.

  1. True
  2. False

337.Consider the code below, class class1{protected: int i;}; class class2 : private class1 { }; Then int member i of class1 is ____ in class2,

  1. public
  2. protected
  3. private
  4. none of the given options

 338.The specialization can be ?

  1. Replace child class with its base class
  2. Replace base class with its child class
  3. Replace both child and base classes interchangeably
  4. None of the given options

339.Consider the code below, class class X{ public: void func1(); }; class class Y : public class X { }; Function func1 of class X is ____ in class2,

  1. public
  2. protected
  3. private
  4. none of the given options

340.The illegal way to make objects of one class members of another class.

  1. True
  2. False

341.An abstract class is useful when no classes should be derived from it.

  1. there are multiple paths from one derived class to another.
  2. be instantiated from its.
  3. you want to defer the declaration of the class.

342.In resolution order compiler search firstly _______.

  1. The Generic Class?
  2. ordinary function template
  3. Partial Specialization
  4. Complete Specialization

343.template<> class Vector {void** p; //…. void*& operator[] ((int i); };

  1. This specialization can then be used double type pointers
  2. This specialization can then be used as the common implementation for all Vectors of pointers.
  3. This specialization can then be used as the alltype implementation for one type classes.
  4. This specialization should be used for Vectors of all type int types.

  344.The derived class pointer can be assigned to base class pointer in private inheritance?

  1. Main function
  2. In derived class member and friend functions
  3. In base class member and friend functions
  4.        D.     None of the given options

345.Which statement will be true for concrete class?

  1. it implements an virtual concept.
  2. it cannot be instantiated
  3. none of given
  4. it can be instantiated

 346. The function call will be determined at run time.

  1. virtual
  2. operator
  3. none of given

347. What will be the pattern of specialization after the name data types?

  1. meta types
  2. virtual types
  3. pointers type

348.C++ dynamic binding and polymorphism will be achieved when member function will be __.

  1. private
  2. public
  3. virtual
  4. inline

349.Consider the code below, class class1 {protected: void func1(); }; class class2 : public class1 { }; Function func1 of class1 is ____ in class2,

  1. public
  2. protected
  3. private
  4. none of the given options

350.Consider the code below, class class1{ protected: int i; }; class class2 : protected class1 { }; Then int member i of class1 is ____ in class2,

  1. public
  2. private
  3. protected
  4. none of the given