Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 10

Q No 1:Which of these does not account for software failure ?
A: Increasing Demand
B: Low expectation
C: Increasing Supply
D: Less reliable and expensive
C (Answer)

Q No 2:What are attributes of good software ?
A: Software maintainability
B: Software functionality
C: Software development
D: Software maintainability & functionality

Q No 3:Which of these software engineering activities are not a part of software processes ?
A: Software dependence
B: Software development
C: Software validation
D: Software specification

Q No 4:Which of these is incorrect ?
A: Software engineering belongs to Computer science
B: Software engineering is a part of more general form of System Engineering
C: Computer science belongs to Software engineering
D: Software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software

Q No 5:Which of these is true ?
A: Generic products and customized products are types of software products
B: Generic products are produced by organization and sold to open market
C: Customized products are commissioned by particular customer
D: All of the mentioned

Q No 6:Which of these does not affect different types of software as a whole?
A: Heterogeneity
B: Flexibility
C: Business and social change
D: Security

Q No 7:The fundamental notions of software engineering does not account for ?
A: Software processes
B: Software Security
C: Software reuse
D: Software Validation

Q No 8:Which of these is not true ?
A: Web has led to availability of software services and possibility of developing highly distributed service based systems
B: Web based systems have led to degradation of programming languages
C: Web brings concept of software as service
D: Web based system should be developed and delivered incrementally

Q No 9:Build & Fix Model is suitable for programming exercises of ___________ LOC (Line of Code).
A: 100-200
B: 200-400
C: 400-1000
D: above 1000

Q No 10:RAD stands for
A: Relative Application Development
B: Rapid Application Development
C: Rapid Application Document
D: None of the mentioned

Q No 11:Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change?
A: Build & Fix Model
B: Prototyping Model
C: RAD Model
D: Waterfall Model

Q No 12:Which is not one of the types of prototype of Prototyping Model?
A: Horizontal Prototype
B: Vertical Prototype
C: Diagonal Prototype
D: Domain Prototype

Q No 13:Which one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model?
A: Quick Design
B: Coding
C: Prototype Refinement
D: Engineer Product

Q No 14:Which of the following statements regarding Build & Fix Model is wrong?
A: No room for structured design
B: Code soon becomes unfixable & unchangeable
C: Maintenance is practically not possible
D: It scales up well to large projects

Q No 15:RAD Model has
A: 2 phases
B: 3 phase
C: 5 phases
D: 6 phases

Q No 16:What is the major drawback of using RAD Model?
A: Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required
B: Increases reusability of components
C: Encourages customer/client feedback
D: Increases reusability of components, Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required

Q No 17:SDLC stands for
A: Software Development Life Cycle
B: System Development Life cycle
C: Software Design Life Cycle
D: System Design Life Cycle

Q No 18:Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
A: Waterfall Model
B: Prototyping Model
C: RAD Model
D: both Prototyping Model & RAD Model

Q No 19:Software engineers do not need to consider hardware when designing a computer-based system.
A: True
B: False

Q No 20:Which of the following can be elements of computer-based systems?
A: Documentation
B: software
C: people
D: hardware
E. all of the above(Answer)

Q No 21:The system engineering process usually begins with the
A: detailed view
B: domain view
C: element view
D: world view
D. world view(Answer)

Q No 22:To construct a system model the engineer should consider which of the following restraining factors?
A: assumptions
B: budget
C: constraints
D: schedule
E. both a and c(Answer)

Q No 23:By following modern system engineering practices simulation of reactive systems is no longer necessary.
A: True
B: False
B. False(Answer)

Q No 24:During business process engineering, three different architectures are examined.
A: Applications, data, technology infrastructure
B: communications, organization, financial infrastructure
C: network, database, reporting structure
D: systems, requirements, data structure
A. (Answer)

Q No 25:Which elements of business processing engineering are the responsibilities of the software engineer?
A: business area analysis
B: business system design
C: construction and integration
D: information strategy planning
E: Both b and c
E. both b and c(Answer)

Q No 26:In agile process models requirements engineering and design activities are interleaved.
A: True
B: False

A. True(Answer)

Q No 27:In win-win negotiation, the customer’s needs are met even though the developer’s need may not be.
A: True
B: False
B. False(Answer)

Q No 28:In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility
A: True
B: False

B. False(Answer)

Q No 29:

The most common reason for software project failure is lack of functionality
A: True
B: False

B. False(Answer)

Q No 30:The goal of product engineering is to translate the customer’s desire for a set of defined capabilities into a working product.

A. True(Answer)

Q No 31:The architecture components for product engineering are
A: data, hardware, software, people
B: data, documentation, hardware, software
C: data, hardware, software, procedures
D: documentation, hardware, people, procedures

Q No 32:

. The top level of the hierarchical model of a system is known as the
C. SCD(Answer)

Q No 33:

. The system model template contains which of the following elements
A: input
B: output
C: user interface
D. all of the above(Answer)

Q No 34:

. UML notations that can be used to model the hardware and software elements of a system are
A: Activity diagrams
B: lass diagrams
C: Deployment diagrams
D: Use-case diagrams
E: a, b, and c
E. a, b, and c(Answer)

Q No 35:

It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.
A: True
B: False
A. True(Answer)

Q No 36:

The system specification describes the
A: Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system
B: implementation of each allocated system
C: element software architecture
D: time required for system simulation
A. Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system(Answer)

Q No 37:

The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to
A: examine the system model for errors
B: have the customer look over the requirements
C: send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns
D: use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement
D. use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement(Answer)

Q No 38:

The use of traceability tables helps to
A: debug programs following the detection of run-time errors
B: determine the performance of algorithm implementations
C: identify, control, and track requirements changes
D: none of the above
C. identify, control, and track requirements changes(Answer)

Q No 39:

The job of the requirements engineer is to categorize all stakeholder information in a way that allows decision makers to choose an internally consistent set of requirements.
A: True
B: False
A. True(Answer)

Q No 40:

The nature of collaboration is such that all system requirements are defined by consensus of a committee of customers and developers.
A: True
B: False
B. False(Answer)

Q No 41:

Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model?
A: activity diagram
B: class diagram
C: dataflow diagram
D: state diagram
C. Dataflow diagram(Answer)

Q No 42:

Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another.
A: True
B: False
A. True(Answer)

Q No 43:

During project inception the intent of the of the tasks are to determine
A: basic problem understanding
B: nature of the solution needed
C: people who want a solution
D: none of the above
E: a, b, c

E. a, b, c(Answer)

Q No 44:

Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of
A: budgeting
B: scope
C: understanding
D: volatility
E: b, c, d
E. b, c, d(Answer)

Q No 45:

A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development
A: True
B: False
B. False(Answer)

Q No 46:

It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one.
A: True
B: False

A. True(Answer)

Q No 47:

Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception?
A: What will be the economic benefit from a good solution?
B: Who is behind the request for work?
C: Who will pay for the work?
D: Who will use the solution?
C. Who will pay for the work? (Answer)

Q No 48:Non-functional requirements can be safely ignored in modern software development projects
A: True
B: False
B. False(Answer)

Q No 49:

In collaborative requirements gathering the facilitator
A: arranges the meeting place
B: can not be a customer
C: controls the meeting
D: must be an outsider
C. controls the meeting(Answer)

Q No 50:

Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?
A: exciting
B: expected
C: mandatory
D: normal
C. mandatory(Answer)