English Grammar Mcqs With Answers Pdf | PPSC English Mcqs with Answers PDF 06

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Today we will discuss about the important PPSC English mcqs with answers pdf from which English grammar mcqs with answers pdf for PPSC Test can be set up for the Subject of PPSC English (grammar vocabulary & comprehension) mcqs pdf for upcoming PPSC Tehsildar and other Papers. Similarly We have also set small English Grammar MCQs Online Tests with answers for the PPSC Test Preparation. Moreover we have recorded all PPSC Test related preparation videos and sessions for the subject of ppsc english mcqs pdf with solutions.

How to Prepare PPSC English Mcqs with Answers Pdf

If you want to get command on these English grammar mcqs with answers pdf for PPSC Test Preparation then you should attempt all PPSC English Grammar MCQs Online Tests with answers and other PPSC practice tests which we have prepared for you people and placed below. Moreover MCQ’sFoundry.com is the only platform which is providing free ppsc english mcqs past papers / english comprehension and composition mcqs with answers pdf from PPSC English Mcqs past papers for Test Preparation.

501. Have you already heard this …?

a) newes

b) news

c) new

502. How many natural … do you know?

a) phenomena

b) phenoms

c) phenomenon

503. I can’t remember all these … .

a) formulaes

b) formulae

c) formulas

504. There are a few … in deserts.

a) oasis

b) oasises

c) oases

505. There are many … in these waters.

a) salmon

b) salmons

c) salmones

506. There are a lot of … in the club.

a) person

b) people

c) persones

507. There are four … on the table.

a) knifese

b) knives

c) knive

508. We saw nine … in the zoo.

a) wolfs

b) wolfes

c) wolves

509. How much … of birds are there in the world?

a) specieses

b) speciess

c) species

510. This airport can switch more than 400 … every day.

a) aircraftes

b) aircraft

c) aircrafts

Some, any, a lot of, numerous, much

511. There is … coffee on the shelf.

a) many

b) any

c) some

512. We don’t have … milk.

a) some

b) any

c) many

513. There are … students in the class.

a) many

b) much

c) a little

514. There is … sugar in my cup of tea.

a) a few

b) any

c) a lot of

515. We don’t have … time for it.

a) few

b) much

c) many

516. It’s late but he hasn’t come yet. I think … has happened.

a) anything

b) something

c) some

517. How … photos do you need?

a) many

b) a lot of

c) lots of

518. We don’t have … bread.

a) many

b) a few

c) much

519. She eats … sweets normal.

a) a little

b) many

c) much

520. There is … good furniture in this mall.

a) a lot of

b) many

c) much

521. I would like … cheese, please.

a) any

b) much

c) some

522. Steve, I hope you’ll tell me … good.

a) anything

b) something

c) some

523. Katelyn doesn’t have … knowledge at Maths.

a) much

b) many

c) any

524. I don’t receive … letters from him.

a) no

b) much

c) many

525. I don’t read … newspapers at all.

a) a lot of

b) many

c) any

526. I haven’t heard … bulletin about him for a extended time.

a) any

b) some

c) a few

527. I’ve heard … . I think we are not alone in the house.

a) anything

b) something

c) some

528. We didn’t have … success with that task.

a) a few

b) many

c) much

529. There are … cats on the bench.

a) a little

b) any

c) many

530. We’ve seen … animals in the zoo today.

a) a lot of

b) a little

c) much

531. I don’t want to take … luggage with me.

a) many

b) any

c) some

532. It’s too dark, I can’t see … .

a) something

b) anything

c) some

533. We haven’t got … salt.

a) some

b) a few

c) much

534. There are … books on the shelf.

a) many

b) a little

c) much

535. I have … money left after shopping.

a) a little

b) a few

c) many

536. Would you like … tea?

a) any

b) a few

c) some

537. I think … is wrong with my smartphone. I can’t send a message.

a) anything

b) something

c) any

538. We have … black pepper left for cooking supper.

a) a little

b) a few

c) few

539. I want to make a cake but I don’t have … flour.

a) much

b) a few

c) some

540. I see … people outside.

a) much

b) any

c) many


541. If you … hard, you … the exam.

a) will study/pass

b) study/will pass

c) will study/will pass

d) study/pass

542. If I … Steve, I … harder.

a) were/would study

b) would be/would study

c) were/studied

d) would be/studied

543. If Maria … everything, she … any problems.

a) will tell/hasn’t

b) tells/won’t have

c) tell/hasn’t

d) will tell/won’t have

544. Simon is being very rude. If I … him, I … those things.

a) were/wouldn’t say

b) were/didn’t say

c) would be/wouldn’t say

d) would be/didn’t say

545. If I … this book, I … a lot of information.

a) will read/can get

b) read/ will be talented to get

c) would read/can get

d) read/ will can get

546. If it … sunny, I … skiing.

a) will be/go

b) will be/will go

c) is/go

d) is/will go

547. If she … the contest, she … very happy.

a) won/was

b) would win/would be

c) would win/was

d) won/would be

548. If the weather … fine next Sunday, we … to the park.

a) is/will go

b) will be/go

c) is/go

d) will be/will go

549. If you … me I … you.

a) would call/helped

b) called/would help

c) would call/would help

d) called/helped

550. If I … her, I … her the magazine.

a) see/will give

b) will see/give

c) will see/will give

d) see/give

551. If you … more attentive you … the exam.

a) were/would pass

b) would be/passed

c) would be/would pass

d) were/passed

552. He … ill if he … so much ice-cream.

a) falls/will eat

b) will fall/eats

c) will fall/will eat

d) falls/eats

553. If you … louder I … her address well.

a) would speak/heard

b) would speak/would hear

c) spoke/would hear

d) spoke/heard

554. I … you if I … your bag.

a) call/will find

b) call/find

c) will call/will find

d) will call/find

555. If I … him I for the autograph.

a) would meet/would ask

b) would meet/asked

c) met/asked

d) met/would ask

556. He … angry if he … about this.

a) will be/will hear

b) will be/hears

c) is/hears

d) is/will hear

557. If I … you I … in cold water.

a) were/didn’t swim

b) would be/wouldn’t swim

c) were/wouldn’t swim

d) was/didn’t swim

558. If she … at home we … her everything.

a) is/will tell

b) will be/tell

c) will be/will tell

d) is/tell

559. If I … an actor I … roles in action movies.

a) were/chose

b) were/would choose

c) would be/would choose

d) would be/chose

560. If you … so slowly we … late.

a) will drive/will be

b) drive/are

c) will drive/are

d) drive/will be

561. If I … one billion dollars I … a half to charity.

a) had/donated

b) had/would donate

c) would have/would donate

d) would have/donated

562. If she … early we … dinner with her.

a) will return/have

b) returns/have

c) will return/will have

d) returns/will have

563. If I … an Olympic medal I … it to my family.

a) won/dedicated

b) won/would dedicate

c) would win/would dedicate

d) would win/dedicated

564. The police … her if they … her.

a) arrest/catch

b) arrest/will catch

c) will arrest/will catch

d) will arrest/catch

565. If I … taller I … a model.

a) would be/was

b) would be/would be

c) were/was

d) were/would be

566. If Chris … late I … without him.

a) is/leave

b) will be/will leave

c) will be/leave

d) is/will leave

567. If Steven … brave he … on safari.

a) were/went

b) would be/would go

c) were/would go

d) would be/went

568. If you … attentive you … the exam.

a) will be/pass

b) will be/will pass

c) are/will pass

d) are/pass

569. If I … you I … to the concert alone.

a) were/wouldn’t go

b) were/didn’t go

c) would be/wouldn’t go

d) would/didn’t go

570. I … to help you if you … me what is wrong.

a) try/will tell

b) try/tell

c) will try/tell

d) will try/will tell

Reported Speech

571. Steve said: “I work every day.”

a) Steve said that he was working every day.

b) Steve said that he had worked every day.

c) Steve said that he worked every day.

d) Steve said that he would work every day.

572. Rachel: “I’m playing the piano now.”

a) She told that she was playing the piano now.

b) She told that she was playing the piano then.

c) She told that she played the piano then.

d) She told that she had played the piano now.

573. Dexter said: “I’ve bought a new car recently.”

a) He said that he had bought a new car recently.

b) He said that he bought a new car recently.

c) He said that he has bought a new car recently.

d) He said that he would have bought a new car recently.

574. Charlie said: “I’ll go to the cinema tomorrow.”

a) He said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.

b) He said that he will go to the cinema the next day.

c) He said that he would go to the cinema next day.

d) He said that he went to the cinema the next day.

575. Ali said: “Don’t disturb me, please.”

a) Ali said to me don’t disturb him.

b) Ali asked me didn’t disturb him.

c) Ali asked me not to disturb him.

d) Ali said to me I disturbed him.

576. My little brother said: “I will never go to the circus again!”

a) My little brother said that he would have never gone to the circus again.

b) My little brother said that he would never go to the circus again.

c) My little brother said that he had never gone to the circus again.

d) My little brother said that he was never going to the circus again.

577. Paul asked me: “Will you visit Tom with me tomorrow?”

a) Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him tomorrow.

b) Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him tomorrow.

c) Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him the next day.

d) Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him the next day.

578. Marry: “I don’t like onion!”

a) She told that she hadn’t liked onion.

b) She told that she would like onion.

c) She told that she didn’t like onion.

d) She told that she wasn’t liking onion.

579. Tracy: “I’m driving to work now.”

a) Tracy told that she drove to work now.

b) Tracy told that she had been driving to work then.

c) Tracy told that she was driving to work now.

d) Tracy told that she was driving to work then.

580. Mother: “I’ve cooked pasta.”

a) Mother said that she has cooked pasta.

b) Mother told that she had cooked pasta.

c) Mother said that she cooked pasta.

d) Mother told that she had been cooking pasta.

581. Kate: “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

a) Kate said that she would do it tomorrow.

b) Kate said that she did the next day.

c) Kate said that she would do it the next day.

d) Kate told that she had done it tomorrow.

582. Paul: “When does the train arrive?”

a) Paul asked when the train arrived.

b) Paul asked when did the train arrive.

c) Paul asked when had the train arrived.

d) Paul asked when the train did arrive.

583. Farhan: “Don’t go there alone.”

a) Farhan asked me didn’t go there alone.

b) Farhan asked me not to go there alone.

c) Farhan asked me do not to go there alone.

d) Farhan asked me hadn’t gone there alone.

584. Alice: “John is always polite.”

a) Alice said that John was being always polite.

b) Alice said that John would be always polite.

c) Alice said that John had always been polite.

d) Alice said that John was always polite.

585. Simon: “I’m taking a shower now.”

a) Simon said that he was taking a shower now.

b) Simon said that he was taking a shower then.

c) Simon said that he had been taking a shower then.

d) Simon said that he had been taking a shower now.

586. Mia: “Oh no, I’ve left my tickets at home.”

a) Mia told that she left her tickets at home.

b) Mia told that she had been leaving her tickets at home.

c) Mia told that she has left her tickets at home.

d) Mia told that she had left her tickets at home.

587. Tiffany: “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.”

a) Tiffany told that she had gone to the gym the next day.

b) Tiffany told that she went to the gym tomorrow.

c) Tiffany told that she would go to the gym tomorrow.

d) Tiffany said that she would go to the gym the next day.

588. Sister: “Don’t put this T-shirt on.”

a) She asked me did not put this T-shirt on.

b) She asked me did not put that T-shirt on.

c) She asked me not to put that T-shirt on.

d) She asked me to put not this T-shirt on.

589. Mary: “I typically leave home at 9 o’clock.”

a) She said that she typically left home at 9 o’clock.

b) She said that she would typically leave home at 9 o’clock.

c) She said told that she was typically leaving home at 9 o’clock.

d) She told that she had typically left home at 9 o’clock.

590. Tom: “Will you go there with me?”

a) Tom asked me I would go there with him.

b) Tom asked me if I would go there with him.

c) Tom asked me if would I go there with him.

d) Tom asked me if I went there with him.

591. Stephanie: “I’m doing my homework now.”

a) She told that she was doing her homework now.

b) She told that she had been doing her homework then.

c) She told that she was doing her homework then.

d) She told that she had been doing her homework now.

592. Carla: “I’ve forgotten my e-mail password.”

a) Carla told that she has forgotten her e-mail password.

b) Carla told that she forgot her e-mail password.

c) Carla told that she had forgotten her e-mail password.

d) Carla told that she had been forgetting her e-mail password.

593. Dexter: “I’ll read this book next month.”

a) Dexter said that he would read that book the month after.

b) Dexter told that he would read that book next month.

c) Dexter told that he read that book the month after.

d) Dexter told that he had read that book next month.

594. Teacher: “Don’t be so lazy.”

a) Teacher asked us did not to be so lazy.

b) Teacher asked us not to be so lazy.

c) Teacher asked us did not be so lazy.

d) Teacher asked us to be not so lazy.

595. Jane: “Mike plays the violin.”

a) Jane told that Mike played the violin.

b) Jane told that Mike had played the violin.

c) Jane told that Mike was playing the violin.

d) Jane told that Mike would play the violin.

596. The coach: “Don’t be too late.”

a) The coach asked me had not to be too late.

b) The coach asked me did not to be too late.

c) The coach asked me not to be too late.

d) The coach asked me would not to be too late.

597. Kate: “I’ll be there at 8 p.m.”

a) She told that she had been there at 8 p.m.

b) She said that she has been there at 8 p.m.

c) She said told that she was there at 8 p.m.

d) She said that she would be there at 8 p.m.

598. Teresa: “He has done everything wrong again.”

a) Teresa said that he did everything wrong again.

b) Teresa said that he had been doing everything wrong again.

c) Teresa said that he has done everything wrong again.

d) Teresa said that he had done everything wrong again.

599. Jill: “I’m writing a letter now.”

a) Jill told that she had been writing a letter then.

b) Jill said told that she was writing a letter now.

c) Jill said told that she was writing a letter then.

d) Jill told that she had been writing a letter now.

600. Melanie: “Where have you bought these shoes?”

a) She asked me where I had bought those shoes.

b) She asked me where had I had bought those shoes.

c) She asked me where did I buy those shoes.

d) She asked me where I bought those shoes.

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