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51. Which one of the following is the study of fossils choose correct one?

  1. Ecology 
  2. Physiology 
  3. Paleontology  
  4. Evolution   

52. The study of structures of organisms, their cells and their organelles at moelcular level is known as which among the following?

  1. Molecular biology  
  2. Environmental biology 
  3. Microbiology 
  4. Cell biology 

53. Biology is the scientific study of which among the following?

  1. Plants 
  2. Animals 
  3. Bacteria 
  4. Living organisms  

54. Which one of the following is not the character of living organisms choose correct one? 

  1. They can acquire and use energy 
  2. They can grow in size 
  3. They respond to stimuli 
  4. They do not adopt to the environment    

55. The study of animals is known as which among the following?

  1. Geography 
  2. Topography 
  3. Zoology    
  4. Botany

56. Biologists mainly deal with matters relating to which among the following? 

  1. Living part of nature 
  2. Non living things influencing living things 
  3. How life works 
  4. All three a b and c   

57. Which disease was one of man’s important biological problems which ,like other diseases was associated with a large number of biological problems which among the following? 

  1. Cholera
  2. Small pox. 
  3. Malaria.  
  4. Tetanus. 

58. It is disease which used to exist in the past in most countries of old world choose correct among following

  1. Small pox. 
  2. Malaria.  
  3. Measals. 
  4. Cholera 

59. Who first discovered plasmodium growing and multiplying in the blood of man  which among the following?

  1. T.H .Morgan. 
  2. Ronald Ross.  
  3. A.F.A.King.
  4. Grass. 

60. Anatomy is the study of which among the following?

  1. Environmental relations 
  2. Heredity 
  3. Functions of parts of organism 
  4. Internal gross structure  

61. Biology is the scientific study of which among the following? 

  1. Plants 
  2. Animals 
  3. Bacteria 
  4. Living organisms  

62. Which one of the following is not the character of living organisms choose correct one?

  1. They can acquire and use energy 
  2. They can grow in size 
  3. They respond to stimuli 
  4. They do not adopt to the environment  

63. The word Malaria means which among the following?

  1. Good air . 
  2. Bad air.  
  3. Sweet air. 
  4. None of the above. 

64. Which disease killed more peoples than any other death causing factors including all other diseases,natural calamities and wars which among the following?

  1. Small Pox 
  2. Mjeasles. 
  3. Malaria.  
  4. Tetanus 

65. Malaria is more common in which among the following?

  1. Tropical areas.  
  2. Southern areas. 
  3. Eastern areas. 
  4. All over the word 

 66. Physician of Egypt,China,India, Italy and Greece described the malarial disease even about which among the following?

  1. One thousand year ago. 
  2. Two thousand years ago  
  3. Three thousand years ago. 
  4. Four thousand years ago.

67. Which is the cause of malaria infection which among the following?

  1. Bacteria. 
  2. Plasmodium.  
  3. Algae. 
  4. Viruses. 

 68. In 1878, who observed the real cause of malaria i.e Plasmodium which among the following?

  1. Laveran.  
  2. Ronal Ross. 
  3. A.F.A.King. 
  4. Grassi. 

69. In 1889 who studied the life cycle of Plasmodium in Anopheles mosquito and discovered the relationship between mam,mosquito Plasmodium choose which among the following is correct?

  1. Grassi.  
  2. Ronal Ross. 
  3. A.F.A. King . 
  4. All of the above. 

70. In 1878,who discovered tiny creatures under the microscope in the red blood cells of a material patient which among the following?

  1. Robert Hooke. 
  2. Laveran.  
  3. Galilio. 
  4. A.F.A.King. 

71. Who first discovered plasmodium growing and multiplying in the blood of man which among the following?

  1. T.H .Morgan. 
  2. Ronald Ross.  
  3. A.F.A.King. 
  4. Grass. 

72. Anopheles mosquito carries Plasmodium which causes malaria in which among the following?

  1. Humans.  
  2. Animals. 
  3. Sparrows. 
  4. All of the above. 

73. Plasmodium is which among the following?

  1. Symbiont. 
  2. Parasite.  
  3. Saprophyte. 
  4. All of the above. 

74. During the severe attack, the temperature of a malarial victim may rise up to which among the following?

  1. 97%F. 
  2. 98%F. 
  3. 100%F. 
  4. 106%F.  

75. During the malarial attack the rate of heart beat and breathing may which among the following?

  1. Decrease. 
  2. Increase.  
  3. Remains constant. 
  4. All of the above. 

76. The life cycle of malarial parasite was first of all studied by Grassi in which among the following?

  1. 1800. 
  2. 1808.  
  3. 1878 D. 1883. 

77. In 1808 the life of cycle of malarial parasite was first of all studied by which among the following?

  1. Grassi.  
  2. A.F.A.King. 
  3. Ronald Ross. 
  4. Laveran. 

78. Who studied the life cycle of Plasmodium in female mosquito to discover relationship between man,mosquito and Plasmodium which among the following? 

  1. Ronald Ross. 
  2. Laveran. 
  3. A.F.A.King. 
  4. Grassi.  

79. The infected carrier female Anopheles injects malarial parasite in the form of which among the following?

  1. Sporozoites.  
  2. Parasites. 
  3. Merozoites. 
  4. Saprophytes. 

80. The sporozoites (A form of Plasmodium ,A cause of Malarial) enter the liver through the which among the following?

  1. Blood.  
  2. Lymph. 
  3. Oesophagus. 
  4. Small Intestine. 

81. The theory which states that all animals and plants are composed of cells and cell products is known as which among the following?

  1. Cell Theory.  
  2. Atomic Theory. 
  3. Bohr’s Theory. 
  4. None of the above. 

82. Which Of the following ,which of the most fundamental generalization in biology which among the following?

  1. Micor-biology. 
  2. Microscope. 
  3. Cell theory.  
  4. Discovery of Cell. 

83. The first phase of sexual reproduction of malarial parasite completes in the which among the following?

  1. Stomach of man. 
  2. Stomach of mosqutio.  
  3. Liver of man. 
  4. Liver of mosquito. 

84. In the liver of malarial patient,each aprozoite divides producing a large number of new cell called which among the following?

  1. Merozoites.  
  2. Neurons. 
  3. Saprophytes. 
  4. all of the above. 

85. The first useful microscope was invented shortly before which among the following?

  1. 1500. 
  2. 1600.  
  3. 1700. 
  4. 1800. 

86. In 1610, who made microscope and used it to observe very small animals which among the following?

  1. Robert Hooke. 
  2. Galilo.  
  3. Aristotle. 
  4. Laveran. 

87. Who observed nucleus in the cells of orchids under the microscope which among the following?

  1. Robert Hook. 
  2. A.F.A.King. 
  3. Galilieo. 
  4. Henri Dutrochet.  

88. In 1831, Robert Brown discovered a title spherical body within a box like cells of living plant which he called the which among the following?

  1. Nucleus.  
  2. Vacuole. 
  3. Golgi Bodies. 
  4. Centrosome. 

89. In the cells of liver the sprozoites multiply for about how many days to produce large number of merozoites which among the following?

  1. 6 Days. 
  2. 12 Days.  
  3. 18 Days. 
  4. 24 Days. 

90. In which blood cells the sprozoites of saliva pass and multiply there for 12 days which among the following?

  1. RBCs.  
  2. WBCs. 
  3. Platelets. 
  4. None of the above. 

91. Which plant cells give support to plant body which among the following?

  1. Phloem cells.  
  2. Xylem cells. 
  3. Sclerenchymatous cells.  
  4. Parenchyma cells. 

92. Who formulated Cell theory which among the following?

  1. Schwan. 
  2. M.J.Schleiden. 
  3. Henri Dutrochet. 
  4. Both A & B  

93. The great contributing of Sch-wan was which among the following? 

  1. What he saw. 
  2. How interpreted what he saw.  
  3. Cell discover. 
  4. None of the above. 

94. The function of an organism is the result of sum of activities and interaction of the which among the following?

  1. Neurons. 
  2. Tissues. 
  3. Muscles. 
  4. Cell units.  

95. Which cell can contract and relax which among the following?

  1. Muscle cells.  
  2. Excreterov cells. 
  3. Nervous cells. 
  4. Respitatory cells. 

96. Which cells secrete harmones which among the following?

  1. Tissue cells.. 
  2. Museles cells 
  3. Respiratory. 
  4. Glands.  

97. Which is the basic structural as well as functional unit for all organisms which among the following?

  1. Tissue. 
  2. Cell.  
  3. Gland. 
  4. Atom. 

98. Which of the following blood cells carry oxygen which among the following?

  1. W.B.Cs. 
  2. Platelets. 
  1. R.B.Cs. 
  2.  All of the above. 

99. In plants and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant are conducted through which among the following?

  1. Xylem vessels.  
  2. Phloem vessels. 
  3. Vascular bundle. 
  4. All of the above. 

100. In plants which cells are concerned with transport of food which among the following?

  1. Phloem vessels.  
  2. Xylem vessels. 
  3. Vascular bundle. 
  4. None of the above.