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101. Hard disk is a ———–device  

  1. Backing Storage 
  2. Storage 
  3. Temporary 
  4. Hardware 

102. Compact Disk (CD) is a ————–device 

  1. Storage 
  2. Backing  
  3. Hardware 
  4. None Of Theme 

103. Maximum storage capacity of a floppy disk is which among the following:

  1. 720 KB 
  2. 1.2 MB 
  3. 2 MB 
  4. 1.44 MB 

104. A floppy disk is available in—————sizes 

  1. One 
  2. Two 
  3. Three 
  4. Four 

105. You can store maximum————–amount of data in 5.25” floppy disk 

  1. 720KB 
  2. 1.2KB 
  3. 2 MB 
  4. 1.44 MB 

106. Which of the following is called/known as unit of Computer memory choose one

  1. Bit 
  2. Nibble 
  3. Byte  
  4. Word 

107. Sequence of 4 bits is called which among the following

  1. Bit 
  2. Nibble  
  3. Byte 
  4. Word 

108. Combination of 8 bits is called which among the following

  1. Bit 
  2. Nibble 
  3. Byte  
  4. Word 

109. Abbreviation of Binary Digit is which among the following:

  1. Bit 
  2. Nibble 
  3. Byte 
  4. Word 

110. 1024 Bytes is equal to which among the following:

  1. 1024KB 
  2. 1 Mega Bytes 
  3. 1 Gega Bytes 
  4. 1 Kilo Bytes 

111. The center processing unit of a computer consist 3 units namely among the following? 

  1. Arithmetic Logic Unit , Control Unit, Memory Unit  
  2. High level unit, control unit, body unit 
  3. Arithmetic logic unit, body unit, memory unit 
  4. None of these 

112. How many bits is a byte among the following? 

  1. 8  
  2. 12 
  3. 16 

113. Computers calculate number in what mode among the following? 

  1. Decimal 
  2. Octal 
  3. Binary  
  4. None of these 

114. What is the White book among the following? 

  1. Specifications for CD-R, CD-RW Disks 
  2. Specifications for digital Audio CD 
  3. Specifications for computer data cd 
  4. Specifications for VCD and photo CD  

115. In which year was ASCII formed among the following? 

  1. 1963  
  2. 1973 
  3. 1983 
  4. 193 

116. 1 KB is equal  to which among the following? 

  1. 1024 Bytes  
  2. 1000 Bytes 
  3. 1256 Bytes 
  4. 1064 Bytes 

117. Where is the location of headquarters of intel? 

  1. Santa Clara, California  
  2. Redmond, Washington 
  3. Tucson, Arizona 
  4. Richmond, Virginia 

118. Second largest search engine of the internet is which among the following? 

  1. Google 
  2. MSN 
  3. Yahoo  
  4. Bing 

119. What type of devices are computer speaker or headphones among the following? 

  1. Input 
  2. Output  
  3. Both A & B 
  4. None of these 

120. “INI” Extension refers usually to what kind of file among the following? 

  1. Image file 
  2. System file  
  3. Both A and B 
  4. None of these 

121. Where among the following does most data go first within a computer memory hierarchy? 

  1. Ram  
  2. Rom 
  3. Both a and b 
  4. CPU 

122. What is the capacity of a standard pc floppy among the following? 

  1. 2 MB 
  2. 1.44 MB  
  3. Both a & B 
  4. None of these 

123. Which of the following is not a Unix or Linux variant among the following? 

  1. Debian 
  2. Dos  
  3. Both a & b 
  4. None of these 

124. What is clock cycle among the following? 

  1. CPU processing speed  
  2. The accuracy of a computer 
  3. A and b 
  4. None of the above 

125. Which media holds more information  among the following? 

  1. DVD  
  2. CD Rom 
  3. Floppy Disk 
  4. None of these 

126. All computer must have which among the following? 

  1. Operating system  
  2. Word processing software 
  3. A and b 
  4. None of These 

127. MPG extension refers usually to what kind of file among the following? 

  1. Image 
  2. Animation / Movie File  
  3. A & B 
  4. None of these 

128. Which part is the “brain” of the computer among the following? 

  1. Keyboard 
  2. Mouse 
  3. CPU  
  4. Ram 

129. ROM is composed of among the following? 

  1. Micro processors  
  2. Micro chromium 
  3. Micro chromium 
  4. None of these 

130. Which of the following term is used to describe the starting point, or main page of a web site among the following? 

  1. First page 
  2. Links page 
  3. Initial page 
  4. Home page  

131. Which computer acts/perform as a server for other computer on the network among the following? 

  1. Mainframe 
  2. Host  
  1. Main server 
  2. Master 

132. Who is known as father of computer among the following? 

  1. Charles Babbage  
  2. Alan turing 
  3. Bill gates 
  4. Tim burners-lee 

133. Internet mostly uses for purpose of  among the following? 

  1. Entertainment 
  2. Business 
  3. E-mail  
  4. Chat 

134. What type of devices are cds or dvds among the following? 

  1. Output
  2. Input 
  3. Electric 
  4. Storage  

135. Which among the following create pretty good privacy ( pgp )? 

  1. Paul Zimmerman 
  2. Ken thompson 
  3. Bill gates 
  4. Tim burners 

136. Which is kind of computer memory is both static and nonvolatile among the following? 

  1. Rom  
  2. Ram 
  3. Ran 
  4. Nam 

137. Which among the following type of device is a digital camera? 

  1. Output 
  2. Input  
  3. Electric 
  4. Mechanic 

138. Choose one Which of the following is not a network command? 

  1. Ping 
  2. Netcfg  
  3. Bill tim 
  4. Bmw 

139. Choose one Which of the following is not an internet browser?

  1. Internet explorer 
  2. Google chrome 
  3. U torrent  
  4. Mozilla 

140. What is a cookie choose one among the following?

  1. Internet information file  
  2. Hacker file 
  3. Customary file 
  4. None of these 

141. The bar displayed/expressed at the bottom of the desktop is known as which among the following? 

  1. Title bar 
  2. Menu bar 
  3. Tool bar 
  4. Task bar  

142. You can shut down, standby, restart the computer by using among the following? 

  1. Desktop 
  2. Start button  
  3. Menu bar 
  4. Task bar 

143. The software that removes viruses form disk are known as which among the following? 

  1. Virus killer 
  2. Remover 
  3. Destroyer 
  4. Anti virus  

144. Which among the following component makes it easy to delete and undelete files and folders? 

  1. Windows explorer 
  2. My documents 
  3. Control pannel 
  4. Recycle bin  

145. The option that makes it easier for people with disabilities to operate a compute  is which among the following? 

  1. Accessibility  
  2. Display 
  3. Settings 
  4. Fonts 

146. The image or color set to the background of the desktop  is which among the following? 

  1. Screen sever 
  2. Picture 
  3. Monogram 
  4. Wallpaper  

147. The device that enables the computer to make a dial-up networking  is which among the following? 

  1. Mouse 
  2. Monitor 
  3. Keyboard 
  4. Modem  

148. Which component provides a tree like view of disks its files and folder among the following? 

  1. My computer 
  2. Control panel 
  3. Start menu 
  4. Windows explorer  

149. Which of the following lets you browser the contents of you computer among the following? 

  1. My documents 
  2. Windows explorer 
  3. My network places 
  4. My computer  

150. A convenient place to store documents, graphics, or other files that you want to access quickly  is which among the following? 

  1. My documents  
  2. Folder 
  3. My computer 
  4. My networks places