PPSC Lecturer Biology Solved Past Papers | PPSC Lecturer Biology 2022 Paper 2

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PPSC Biology Lecturer Solved Past Papers

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Lecturer Zoology Past Paper 2018

Q NO 1.At cytokinesis, in plants, a structure phragmoplast is formed from vesicles which originate from?

A: Lysosomes

B: Centriole

C: Golgi complex

D: Glyoxysome

Q NO 2.An alpha helix is an example of ……. structure of protein?

A: Primary

B: Secondary

C: Tertiary

B: Quaternary

Q NO 3.Central molecular diagram of Biology is?

A: DNA → DNA → protein

B: DNA → RNA → protein

C: RNA → DNA → protein

D: RNA→ protein → RNA

Q NO 4.An enzyme …… the activation of energy of the reaction?

A: Lowers

B: Raises

C: Dose not affect

D: None of these

Q NO 5.Which cell type you will prefer to take the nucleus of cloning?

A: B-cell


C: Embryonic cell

D: Sperm

Q NO 6.Where you do transfer nucleus for cloning?

A: Enucleated cell

B: Enucleated egg

C: Egg

D: Sperm

Q NO 7.With respect to outside, the inside of neutron is at rest is ……?

A: More negatively charged

B: More positively charged

C: Same charge

D: Zero electrical potential

Q NO 8.What is the normal resting potential of a neuron?

A: -70 mv

B: +70 mv

C: 0 mv

D: -90 mv

Q NO 9.What are characters of stem cells?

A: Self-renewing

B: Can differentiate each other

C: Both A & B

D: None of these

Q NO 10.Prions are made up of ……?

A: Viruses



D: Protein

Q NO 11.Larva of a sponge is known as?

A: Planula Larva

B: Trochophore Larva

C: Glochidium Larva

D: Amphiblasula Larva

Q NO 12.Sycone belongs to ……. class?

A: Calcarea

B: Porifera

C: Desmosspongia

D: Hexactinellida

Q NO 13.The class corals is?

A: Anthozoa

B: Scyphozoa

C: Hydrozoa

D: None of these

Q NO 14.A renal portal system is found in?

A: Man

B: Horse

C: Rabbit

D: Frog

Q NO 15.These are free-living Platyhelminthes?

A: Cestoda

B: Trematoda

C: Turbellaria

D: Nematoda

Q NO 16.Turner’s syndrome is represented by ……?





Q NO 17.Synthesis of RNA and proteins take place in ……?

A: S Phase

B: M Phase

C: G1 phase

D: G2 Phase

Q NO 18.Why are there more males with color blindness than females?

A: The gene is found on the Y chromosome

B: The recessive gene is marked by another X chromosome in females

C: All the sons of the affected man will have color blindness

D: None of these

Q NO 19.During meiosis, the chromosomes become daughter chromosomes during?

A: Prophase 1

B: Metaphase II

C: Anaphase II

D: None of these

Q NO 20.The genetic disorder scale cells anemia is an example of?

A: Pleiotropy

B: Homozygous dominance

C: Epistasis

D: None of these

Q NO 21.Which of the following is correct for Aneuploidy?

A: 3n+1

B: 4n+1

C: 2n+1

D: None of these

Q NO 22.The X rays diffraction studies by …… played key role to the discovery of DNA structure?

A: Watson & Crick

B: Franklin

C: Chargaff

D: None of these

Q NO 23.The triplet code of CAT in DNA is represented as ……. in mRNA and ……. in tRNA?





Q NO 24.In Turner’s syndrome?

A: Premature cataract is common

B:  The cells contains 45 chromosomes

C: The offspring’s have 50% of inheriting the disease

D: The patient is below the average height

Q NO 25.The following is a steroid hormone?

A: Testosterone

B: Cortisol

C: Aldosterone

D: Growth hormone

Q NO 26.Insulin is a human ……?

A: Gene

B: Protein

C: Glucose

D: None of these

Q NO 27.Fibrinogen is found in …….?

A: Bile and produced in liver

B: Blood and produces by RBCS

C: Blood and produced in liver

D: None of these

Q NO 28.Petromyzon belongs to which class?

A: Angatha 

B: Gnathostomata

C: Protochordata

D: None of these

Q NO 29.Lateral line system is present in?

A: Fish

B: Frog

C: Reptiles

D: None of these

Q NO 30.Classification of Arthropoda is based on the number and structure of?

A: Eyes and winds

B: Body segments and appendages

C: Muscles and ligaments

D: Gills and heart

Q NO 31.The True nervous system was first developed in?

A: Annelida

B: cnidarians

C: Flat worm

D: Sponge

Q NO 32.The Uniqueness of adult Echinoderms is due to …….?

 A: Penta-radial symmetry , Hydrocoele

B: Bilateral symmetry , Hydrocoele

C: Bilateral symmetry, enterocoele

D: Penta-radial symmetry , enterocoele

Q NO 33.The larva form of liver fluke has cilia?

A: Reia

B: sporocyst

C: Meracidium

D: Metacercaria

Q NO 34.Which of the following is evidence that molluscs and annelids may have a common ancestor?

A: They have setae

B: They have a trochophore larva

C: Neither group has lungs

D: They include both marine and terrestrial animals

Q NO 35.The arboreal adaptations are those that help the animal to line in or on?

A: Burrows

B: Air

C: Rocks

D: Trees

Q NO 36.Ctenoid scales are present on the bodies of?

A: Chondrichthyes

B: Osteichthyes

C: Cyclostomes

D: Myxini

Q NO 37.Birds that fly at high altitudes need an especially efficient respiratory system because?

A: At high altitude the air sacs do not function

B: There is little oxygen in the atmosphere at high altitudes

C: At high altitudes birds flap their wings faster

D: There is little carbon dioxide at high altitudes

Q NO 38.When cell wall is removed from plant cell then it is called?

A: Protoplasts

B: Protoblasts

C: Mytoplast

D: Prothallus

Q NO 39.The virus used during cell fusion technique is?

A: Rous sarcoma

B: Influenza

C: Retrovirus

D: Sandal

Q NO 40.Nucleolar organizer is separated from rest of chromosome?

A: Primary constriction

B: Chromomere

C: Secondary constriction

D: Centromere

Q NO 41.This chemical inhibits protein synthesis in Prokaryotes?

A: Amanitin

B: Cyclohexamide

C: Penicilline

D: Chloramphenicol

Q NO 42.Linker region have …… base pairs when nucleosomes repeat after every 200 bp?

A: 34

B: 44

C: 54

D: 64

Q NO 43.Nucleic acids absorb ultraviolet light at?

A: 320 nm

B: 260 nm

C: 480 nm

D: 660 nm

Q NO 44.RNA polymerase III transcribe the gene/s of?




D: All of these

Q NO 45.Reinnitiation of DNA duplication within the same cycle is prevented in?

A: Eukaryotes

B: Prokaryotes

C: Viroids 

D: Viruses

Q NO 46.hymine dimmers damage in DNA is produced by ……..radiations?

A: Gamma

B: Infra-red

C: Ultraviolet

D: All of these

Q NO 47.Which of the following is responsible to cause Klinefelter’s syndrome?





Q NO 48.Which of the following is initiation codon?





Q NO 49.This factor is necessary for transcriptional initiation in prokaryotes?

A: Alpha

B: Beta

C: Gamma

D: All of these

Q NO 50.Methyl group is attached to carbon number 5 of?

A: Thymine

B: Cytosine

D: Guanine

D: Uracil

Q NO 51.The retention of the larval forms and structures in adults is known as?

A: Metamorphosis

B: Retrogressive growth

C: Paedomorphosis

D: Puberty

Q NO 52.In the embryonic life, the RBC’s are formed in the spleen and?

A: Thymus

B: Kidney

C: Liver

D: Stomach

Q NO 53.This germinal layer in animal embryo gives rise to lungs?

A: Endoderm

B: Ectoderm

C: Mesoderm

D: Protostome

Q NO 54.The process by which the outside cell layer moves towards the deeper layer of the embryonic cell termed as?

A: Epiboly

B: Emboly

C: Regression

D: Inversion

Q NO 55.In oocyte development lamp brush chromosome serves as the hub of …… activity?

A: Replicational

B: Transcriptional

C: Transitional

D: Polyteny

Q NO 56.The development of a whole individual is technically termed as?

A: Allometry

B: Morphometry

C: Ontogeny

D: Orthometry

Q NO 57.What is the name of a functional kidney in fishes?

A: Pronephros

B: Mesonephros

C: Metanephros

D: Opisthonephros

Q NO 58.The hormone responsible for the Amphibian metamorphosis is?

A: Growth hormone

B: Calcitonin

C: Thyroxine


Q NO 59.Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of protoplast due to ……. of water?

A: Endosmosis

B: Diffusion

C: Active transport

D: Ex-osmosis

Q NO 60.Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste of?

A: Fish and Amphibian

B: Amphibian and Reptiles

C: Reptiles and Birds

D: Birds and Mammals

Q NO 61.The breakdown of alveoli occurs in?

A: Emphysema

B: Asthma

C: Tuberculosis

D: Pollen allergy

Q NO 62.The heart of class Pisces is?

A: Single circuit

B: Double circuit

C: Triple circuit

D: Open circuit

Q NO 63.The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by the enzyme?

A: Fibrin stabilizing factor

B: Thrombinase

C: Prothrombinase

D: Hydroxylase

Q NO 64.The sarcoplasmic reticulum in the muscle cells acts as a store of ……. ions?

A: Potassium

B: Sodium

C: Calcium

D: Magnesium

Q NO 65.This protein has anti-viral activity?

A: Interferon

B: C-reactive

C: Insulin

D: Growth factor

Q NO 66.Ring form ribose sugar is known as?

A: Ribopyranose

B: Ribofuranose

C: Furoribanose

D: None of these

Q NO 67.The positive charge on Histones is due to an abundance of the following amino acids?

A: Valine or Histidine

B: Arginine or Lysine

C: Proline or Methionine

D: Alanine or Valine

Q NO 68.ptyalin is an amylase which digests starch and glycogen to?

A: Sucrose

B: Lactose

C: Maltose

D: Galactose

Q NO 69.Metal ions used by many enzymes to change their non-functional active sites to functional ones are called?

A: Co-enzymes

B: Apo-enzymes

C: HoloenzYmes

D: Co-factor

Q NO 70.The breakdown of a glucose molecule in two molecules of pyruvate results in the production of ……. ATP molecules?

A: 2

B: 4

C: 36

D: 38

Q NO 71.In glucose molecule, the number of asymmetric carbon atoms is?

A: One

B: Two

C: Three

D: Four

Q NO 72.Which of the following is NOT an amino acid?

A: Glutamic acid

B: Aspartic acid

C: Glutarnine

D: Palmitic acid

Q NO 73.What will be the frequency of T in a population if tasters are 64%?

A: 0.24

B: 0.4

C: 0.6

D: 0.8

Q NO 74.The process in which bacteria take up the DNA released from lysed cells nearby or surrounding medium is?

A: Generalized Transduction

B: Conjugation

C: Specialized transduction

D: Transformation

Q NO 75.Blood group system ABO was discovered by?

A: Bernstein

B: Landsteiner

C: Correns

D: T.H. Morgan

Q NO 76.Which is the correct order, from smallest to largest of base pairs?

A: Plasmid, transposon, chromosomal DNA

B: chromosomal DNA, transposon, plasmid

C: Transposon, plasmid, chromosomal DNA

D: Plasmid, chromosomal DNA, transposon

Q NO 77.Phenotype ratio of monohybrid crosses with incomplete dominance?

A: 3:1

B: 1:2:1

C: 2:2

D: 9:3:3:1

Q NO 78.Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what will be the genotype frequency of heterozygote, where frequency alleles being studied are 0.7 and 0.3?

A: 0.42

B: 0.5

C: 0.48

D: 0.21

Q NO 79.The most abundant and best-known greenhouse gas is?

A: Methane

B: CO2


D: Nitrogen

Q NO 80.Mangrove forests are common in?

A: Bahawalpur

B: Karachi

C: Murree Hills

D: Quetta

Q NO 81.The environment where evaporation exceeds precipitation is called?

A: Desert

B: Tropical

C: Temperate

D: Coniferous

Q NO 82.This step ios absent in the Calvin cycle?

A: Carbon fixation

B: Oxidation

C: Reduction

D: Regeneration of CO2 acceptor (RuBP)

Q NO 83.Grassland ecosystems are common in Pakistan like in?

A: Chinji

B: Lal Sunhara

C: Magalla

D: Deosai

Q NO 84.A large regional community primarily determined by climate is?

A: Biome

B: Biotype

C: Ecotone

D: Range

Q NO 85.Which of the following trophic level represents the carnivores?

A: Producers

B: Primary consumers

C: Secondary consumers

D: Decomposers

Q NO 86.Without this phenomenon average temperature of the earth might be less than -71°C?

A: Ozone depletion

B: Greenhouse effect

C: Deforestation

D: Desertification

Q NO 87.Morphology similar or identical populations which are reproductively isolated are?

A: Sibling species

B: Allopatric species

C: Parapatric species

D: Geographical species

Q NO 88.These rocks are rich in fossils?

A: Igneous rocks

B: Sedementary rocks

C: Metamorphic rocks

D: Salt mines

Q NO 89.Human dentition is of type?

A: Lophodont

B: Selenodont

C: Bunodont

D: Hypsodont

Q NO 90.Darwin was strongly influenced by the book An Essay on the Principles of Population written by?

A: Erasmus

B: Linnaeus

C: Wallace

D: Malthus

Q NO 91.Sahara desert demark the regions?

A: Ethiopian and Palearctic

B: Oriental and Neotropical

C: Ethiopian and Oriental

D: Palearctic and Nearctic

Q NO 92.An endemic species is ……?

A: Epidemic disease

B: A taxonomist’s mistake

C: A taxonomist’s choice

D: Which is found uniquely in one place

Q NO 93.The specimen on which the taxonomic description is based is?

A: Holotype

B: Homotypic

C: Heterotypic

D: Homonym

Q NO 94.This is small locally located Subpopulation of organisms subjected to selection?

A: Cline

B: Phenon

C: Deme

D: Axon

Q NO 95.Wildlife of Pakistan includes a unique aquatic mammal protected by various wildlife agencies?

A: Blue Dolphin

B: Porpoise

C: Sea Whale

D: Blind Dolphin

Q NO 96.An organism that has escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to a wild state is called?

A: Native

B: Vulnerable

C: Ferals

D: Semi-wild

Q NO 97.When a single gene effects two or more traits, the phenomenon is called?

A: Transposition

B: Transduction

C: Epistasis

D: Pleiotropy

Q NO 98.This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid?

A: Oleic acid

B: Linleic acid

C: Palmitic acid

D: Palmitleic acid

Q NO 99.Insulin has 51 amino acids, which are arranged in two polypeptide chains having?

A: 20 & 31 amino acids

B: 11 & 40 amino acids

C: 21 & 31 amino acids

D: 25 & 26 amino acids

Q NO 100.In Microcephaly, the individuals are born with small?

A: Skull

B: Eyes

C: Brain

D: Hands