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 555.Which TL command is used to permanently save any transaction into database?

  1. rollback
  2. save point
  3. commit
  4. None of the above

556.Which TL command restores the database to last committed state?

  1. Rollback
  2. save point
  3. commit
  4. None of the above

 557. ……… is used to control privilege in Database

  1. Data Manipulation Language
  2. D data definition Language
  3. Data Query Language
  4. Data control Language

 558.Which model remains operative until the software is required?

  1. () Waterfall model
  2. () Incremental model
  3. () Prototyping model
  4. () Spiral model

 559.In oracle, which table space is the minimum required when creating a database?

  1. System table space
  2. Undo table space
  3. temporary table space
  4. None of the above

 560.Which of the following is another name for weak entity?

  1. Dominant
  2. child
  3. Owner
  4. )None of the above

561.ODBC is based on   

  1. ++ language
  2. RMS
  3. Structured Query Language
  4. language

562.OLAP stands for      

  1. Online Arithmetic Processing
  2. Online Analysis Processing
  3. Processing
  4. None of the above

563.The             operation allows the combining of two relations by merging pairs of tuples, one from each relation, into a single tuple.

  1. Join
  2. Intersection
  3. Union
  4. None of the above

564.                  is the multiplication of all the values in the attributes.

  1. Set difference
  2. cartesian product
  3. Intersection
  4. None of the above

565. Which command is used to remove a relation from an SQL database?

  1. Delete
  2. Remove
  3. Drop
  4. None of the above

567.In SQL, the spaces at the end of the string are removed by                 function .

  1. Lower
  2. String
  3. Trim
  4. None

568. … is used to save permanently any transaction into database

  1. Commit
  2. kite
  3. Save point
  4. None

569.A unit of storage that can store one or more records in a hash file organization is denoted as           

  1. Bucket
  2. Disk pages
  3. Blocks
  4. Nodes

570.Which of the following operator used for appending two strings?

  1. %
  2. &
  3. +
  4. ||

571.The management information system (MIS) structure with one main computer system is called a_              

  1. Decentralized MIS structure
  2. Distributed MIS structure
  3. Centralized MIS
  4. None of the above

572.The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called

  1. data base
  2. data file
  3. data record

573.Which operator is used to select values within a range?

  3. None

574.Which of the following is the most common type of Join?

  4. None

575.DBMS may be combined with or used by               type of transaction manager.

  1. DB2
  2. Customer Information Control System (CICS)  
  3. Oracle
  4. None

576.The            clause is used to specify the number of records to return.

  3. None

577. In SQL, Wildcard characters are used with the                 operator.

  1. LIKE
  2. RANGE
  4. None

578.Which operator allows to specify multiple values in a WHERE Clause?

  1. LIKE
  2. IN
  4. None

579.In SQL ,which of the following wildcard character is used as a substitute for Zero or more characters?

  1. *
  2. _
  3. ^
  4. %  

580.The basic unit of PL/SQL variant is called a  

  1. cell
  2. table
  3. None
  4. block

581.Which of the following is a special type of stored procedure that is automatically invoked whenever the data in the table is modified?

  1. Curser
  2. Both (A) & (B)
  3. None
  4. Trigger

582.                        are used to temporarily rename a table or heading of a column.

  1. Wildcards 
  2. Constraints Joins
  3. Aliases

583.Which of the following is used to generate a square root of a number?

  1. My SQL RAND Function
  2. My SQL AVG Function  
  3. My SQL SQRT Function

584.Which data type is used to store up to , characters?

  1. Memo
  2. Text
  3. Integer

585.Which of the following operator combines two or more SELECT statements?

  1. In
  2. Like
  3. Union

586. Long data type allows whole numbers between

  1. 0 to
  2. -, to ,
  3. -,,, to ,,,

 587.Which of the following datatype holds a string with maximum length of  characters?

  1. Text
  2. Medium Text
  3. Long Text  
  4. Tiny Text

588. In E-R Diagram, the total participation by entities is represented as             

 Dashed line

  1. Rectangle
  2. Double rectangle 
  3. Double line

589.Intersection operator is used to obtain the                 tuple

  1. Unique
  2. Common 
  3. Different

590.Which is a low level operator?

  1. Insert 
  2. Update 
  3. Directory

591.The LAST() function is only supported in     

  1. MS Word 
  2. MS Access 
  3. MS Excel

 592.                are used to specify the rules for the data in a table


  1. Aliases
  2. Wildcards
  3. Constraints

 593.….is the complex search criteria in the where clause

  1. Substring
  2. Drop Table 
  3. None
  4. Predicate

594.Which of the following clause is an additional filter that is applied to the result?

  1. Group-by
  2. Select
  3. Order by
  4. Having

595.                is the process of organizing data into related table

  1. Generalization
  2. Specialization
  3. None
  4. Normalization

596. Which of the following is used to determine whether of a table contains duplicate rows?

  1. Like Predicate 
  2. Null predicate In
  3. Predicate
  4. Unique predicate

597. The candidate key is that you choose to identify each row uniquely is called_           

  1. Foreign Key
  2. Alternate Key
  3. None
  4. Primary Key

598.An operator is basically a join followed by a project on the attributes of first relation is known

  1. Join
  2. Inner Join
  3. Full Join 
  4. Semi-Join

599.Which of the following is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations

      and maintains consistency across the relations?

  1. Entity
  2. Integrity
  3. Constraints

600.….allows a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table

  1. Insert Into Select
  2. Insert Into
  3. Select Into
  4. Auto Increment