Top 1000+ Database Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 13

601.Which  of the following constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed

  1. Default
  2. Unique
  3. None
  4. Check

602.A Foreign key in one table points to a                    key in another table

  1. Alternate
  2. Default 
  3. None
  4. Primary

603. Domain constraints, functional dependency and referential integrity are special forms

  1. Foreign key
  2. Primary key
  3. Referential constraint
  4. Assertion

604. 4NF stands for

  1. Fourth Normal Fraction
  2. Fourth Negative File
  3. Fourth Normal Form

605. Which of the following field type is used to store photograph of employees?

  1. Memo 
  2. Picture
  3. Photo 
  4. OLE

606.                statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set

by one or more columns

  1. Select
  2. Distinct
  3. None
  4. Group By

607.Which of the following method can be used to add more tables in a database?

  1. Design View 
  2. Table Wizard 
  3. None
  4. Both 

608.Which of the following field type is the best to store serial numbers?

  1. Number
  2. Text 
  3. Memo
  4. Auto Number

609.The feature that database allows to access only certain records in database is            

  1. Reports
  2. Forms 
  3. Table
  4. Queries

610.A collection of interrelated records is called a

  1. Database
  2. Spreadsheet
  3. Management
  4. information system
  5. Text file

611. The method of file organization in which data records in a file are arranged in a specified  according to    key field is known as the

  1. Sequential access method
  2. Queuing method
  3. Predetermined method
  4. Direct access method

612. Unlike filters queries can be saved as in a database.

  1. Database
  2. Filters
  3. Objects
  4. All

 613.Database created using DBMS package

  1. Database created in MS-Word
  2. Database created in EXCEL
  3. All of the above
  4. External database is…

614.ROLLBACK in a database is ____ statement.

  1. DDL
  2. DML
  3. DCL
  4. TCL

615. Report generators are used for store data input by a user

  1. Retrieve information from files
  2. with queries
  3. Both a, b

616.The logical data structure with a one-to-many relationship is a

  1. Tree
  2. Chain
  3. Network
  4. All

617.In a database, related fields are grouped to

  1. File
  2. Bank
  3. data
  4. Data record

618.The database environment has all the following components except

  1. Database administrator
  2. Database
  3. User
  4. Separate files

619.Which database handles full text data, image, audio and video?

  1. Video on demand database
  2. Graphics database
  3. Traction database
  4. Multimedia database

620.In a large DBMS

  1. each user can access every sub schema
  2. each sub schema contains every field in the logical schema
  3. all
  4. each user can “see” only a small part of the entire database

621.A network schema

  1. stores data in tables
  2. restricts the structure to a one-to-many relationship
  3. none 
  4. permits many-to-many relationships

 622.Administrative supervision of database activities is the responsibility of the

  1. DB manager
  2. DP manager
  3. VP-DP administration
  4. Database administrator

   623.Each table must have a ____ key.

  1. primary
  2. secondary
  3. logical
  4. foreign

624.In a three level DBMS architecture, the ____     level interacts directly with the users.

  1. external
  2. conceptual
  3. internal
  4. physical

625.A collection of concepts that can be used to describe the structure of a database?

  1. Database
  2. DBMS
  3. Data model

626. Which of the following constraints enforces entity integrity? 

  3. CHECK

627.Which feature of database provides conversion from inconsistent state of DB to a consistent state ensuring minimum data loss?

  1. User accessible catalog
  2. Data processing
  3. Recovery service 
  4. Authorization service

628.Which of the following is NOT a component of a DFD?

  1. Dataflow
  2. Data store
  3. External entities
  4. Relationship between external entities

629.Data inconsistency leads to a number of problems such as?

  1. loss of information and in results
  2. less secure
  3. data
  4. redundant data

630.User rights information is stored in

  1. Physical
  2. database
  3. Catalog 
  4. Logical

631.A table can be logically connected to another table by defining                

  1. Hyperlink
  2. common attribute
  3. primary key
  4. super key

632.Which levels are mostly used for Detailed DFD? 

  1. Level0, Level
  2. Level, Level2
  3. Level2, Level3
  4. Level3, Level4

633.Which of the following constraints enforces entity integrity?

  3. CHECK

634.The most widely used conceptual model is the    model?

  1. Implementation
  2. ER
  3. Object Oriented
  4. Intern

635.A primary key is an attribute or set of attributes that has been chosen for an entity, whose values are used to uniquely identify a particular instance of an entity. True or false?

  1. True
  2. False Partially
  3. True
  4. None of the
  5. given

636.Which model operates at the lowest level of abstraction? 

  1. conceptual
  2. internal
  3. external
  4. physical

637.Which feature of database provides conversion from inconsistent state of DB to a consistent state ensuring minimum data loss?

  1. User accessible catalog
  2. Data processing
  3. Recovery service
  4. Authorization service

638.A description on a particular collection of data using the given data model

  1. Database
  2. Relation
  3. Schema
  4. None

639.A candidate key that does not have a null value and is selected to uniquely identify all other a attribute values

 in any given row is called a _    _

  1. Super key
  2. candidate key
  3. primary key
  4. secondary key

640.A relational database

  1. one that consists of two or more tables
  2. a database that is able to process tables, queries, forms, orts and macros
  3. one that consists of two or more tables that are joined in some way the same as a flat file database

641.A description on a particular collection of data using the given data mod

  1. Database
  2. Relation
  3. Schema
  4. None

642.A candidate key that does not have a null value and is selected to uniquely identify all other

 values in any given row is called a _    _

  1. Super key
  2. candidate key
  3. primary key
  4. secondary key

643.A relational database one that consists of two or more tables

  1. a database that is able to process tables, queries, forms, orts and macros
  2. one that consists of two or more tables that are joined in some way
  3. the same as a flat file database

644.Which of the following is NOT a component of a DFD

  1. Dataflow
  2. Data store
  3. External entities
  4. Relationship between external entities

645.Data inconsistency leads to a number of problems such as

  1. loss of information and in results
  2. less secure data
  3. redundant data

646.Which of the following constraints enforces entity integrity?

  3. CHECK

647.Which of the following is a feature of CHECK


  1. limit the values that can be placed in a column.
  2. used to enforce referential integrity.
  3. enforces the uniqueness of the values in a set of columns .
  4. is a unique identifier for a row within a database table.

648.In “One to Many” cardinality one instance of a relation is mapped with

  1. many instances of second entity type
  2. One instance of second entity type
  3. Primary key of 2 relations
  4. none of above

649.Binary relationships are those, which are established between

  1. One entity type
  2. Two entity type
  3. Three entity type
  4. Unlimited entities “many to many relationship” one instance of first entity can be mapped with many instances of second entity

  1. true
  2. false