Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download Set No 08

Q No 1:In OOD, the attributes (data variables) and methods (operation on the data) are bundled together is called…………….
A: Classes
B: Objects
C: Encapsulation
D: Inheritance

Q No 2:Which design defines the logical structure of each module and their interfaces that is used to communicate with other modules?
A: High-level designs
B: Architectural designs
C: Detailed design
D: All mentioned above
Detailed design(Answer)

Q No 3:Which tools are used in Implementation, Testing and Maintenance?
A: Upper case tools
B: Lower case tools
C: Integrated case tools
D: None of the above
Lower case tools(Answer)

Q No 4:Which tools are used for project planning, cost, effort estimation, project scheduling and resource planning?
A: Process modeling tools
B: Project management tools
C: Diagram tools
D: Documentation tools
Project management tools(Answer)

Q No 5:Which design deals with the implementation part in which it shows a system and its sub-systems in the previous two designs?
A: Architectural design
B: High-level design
C: Detailed design
D: Both A & B
Detailed design(Answer)

Q No 6:Modularization is a technique to divide a software system into multiple discrete and independent modules.
A: True
B: False

Q No 7:What is the project and process level that provides the Quality Metric benefit?
A: Defect amplification
B: Defect removal efficiency
C: Measuring quality
D: All mentioned above
Defect removal efficiency(Answer)

Q No 8:Cohesion metrics and coupling metrics are metrics in which level of design?
A: User interface design
B: Pattern-based design
C: Architectural design
D: Component-level design
Component-level design(Answer)

Q No 9:Which condition defines the circumstances for a particular operation is valid?
A: Postcondition
B: Precondition
C: Invariant
D: None of the above

Q No 10:Which subsystem implements a repository that encompasses the following elements,Content database
2) Database capabilities
3) Configuration management functions
A: The publishing subsystem
B: The management subsystem
C: The collection subsystem
D: None of the above
The management subsystem(Answer)

Q No 11:Which is not a SQA activity?
A: Black box testing
B: White box testing
C: Integration testing
D: Unit testing
White box testing(Answer)

Q No 12:PAD is metric indicates the number of classes that can access another class attributes and a violation of encapsulation.
A: True
B: False

Q No 13:Find out which phase is not available in SDLC?
A: Coding
B: Testing
C: Maintenance
D: Abstraction

Q No 14:From the following, which software has been characterized by ‘Number Crunching’ Algorithms?
A: System software
B: Artificial intelligence software
C: Embedded software
D: Engineering and scientific software
Engineering and scientific software(Answer)

Q No 15:IEEE provides a standard as IEEE 830-1993. For which activity this standard is recommended standard?
A: Software requirement specification.
B: Software design.
C: Testing.
D: Both a and b
Software requirement specification. (Answer)

Q No 16:generic process framework for software engineering encompasses five activities. What are those activities?
A: Communication, risk management, measurement, production, deployment.
B: Communication, Planning, Modeling, construction, deployment.
C: Analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance
D: None of the above.
Communication, Planning, Modeling, construction, deployment. (Answer)

Q No 17:Who deliver the technical skills that are necessary to engineer for a product or an application?
A: Project managers
B: Practitioners
C: Customers
D: End users

Q No 18:Project risk factor is considered in which model?
A: Spiral model.
B: Waterfall model.
C: Prototyping model
D: None of the above.
Spiral model. (Answer)

Q No 19:What is a child window that contains message for the user and request for some action to be taken?
A: Dialogue box
B: Text-Box
C: Check-Box
D: Radio Button
Dialogue box(Answer)

Q No 20:Project can be characterized as ….. .
A: Every project may not have a unique and distinct goal.
B: Project is routine activity or day-to-day operations.
C: Project does not comes with a start time and end time.
D: All mentioned above.
e. None of the above.
ANSWER: None of the above. (Answer)

Q No 21:Which model is not suitable for large software projects but good one for learning and experimenting?
A: Big Bang model
B: Spiral model
C: Iterative model
D: Waterfall model
Big Bang model(Answer)

Q No 22:Which includes modifications and updations done in order to correct or fix the problems, that are either discovered by user or concluded by user error reports?
A: Perfective maintenance
B: Adaptive maintenance
C: Corrective maintenance
D: Preventive maintenance
Corrective maintenance(Answer)

Q No 23:Boehm suggests an approach that addresses project objectives, milestones and schedules, responsibilities, management and technical approaches and required resources, This principle is called as …… .
A: W3HH principle
B: WHO principle
C: W5HH principle
D: None of the above.
W5HH principle(Answer)

Q No 24:The objective for formal technical review is to core errors in software work products.
A: True
B: False

Q No 25:CASE tools are set of automated software application programs, that are not used to support, accelerate and smoothen the SDLC activities.
A: Yes
B: No

Q No 26:From the following give three major categories of risk,
A: Schedule risk

B: Project risk

C: Technical risk

D: Business risk
A: 1,2 and 3

B: 2,3 and 4

C: 1,2 and 4

D: 1,3 and 4
B:- 2,3 and 4(Answer)

Q No 27:Activities and action taken on the data are represented by circle or round-edged rectangles is called ….. .
A: Entities
B: Process
C: Data storage
D: Data flow

Q No 28:The six sigma for software engineering what gives the existing process and its output to determine the current quality performance?
A: Define
B: Analyze
C: Measure
D: None of the above

Q No 29:Which tools are helpful in all the stages of SDLC, for requirement gathering to testing and documentation?
A: Upper case tools
B: Lower case tools
C: Integrated case tools
D: None of the above
Integrated case tools(Answer)

Q No 30:OOD languages provide a mechanism where methods performing similar tasks but vary in arguments, and that can be assigned to the same name is called ….. .
A: Classes
B: Object
C: Polymorphism
D: Encapsulation

Q No 31:Abbreviate the term SMI.
A: Software Maturity Index
B: Software Model Instruction
C: Software Maturity Instruction
D: Software Model Index
Software Maturity Index(Answer)

Q No 32:What computer-based system can have a profound effect on the design that is chosen and also the implementation approach will be applied?
A: Scenario-based elements
B: Class-based elements
C: Behavioural elements
D: Flow-oriented elements
Behavioural elements(Answer)

Q No 33:SRS is a document created by system analyst after the requirements are collected from various stakeholders.
A: Yes
B: No

Q No 34:Which structures in Organizational Paradigms on a team loosely and depends on individual initiative of the team members?
A: Closed paradigm
B: Open paradigm
C: Random paradigm
D: Synchronous paradigm
Random paradigm(Answer)

Q No 35:Give the name to diagram that represents the flow of activities described by the use cases and at the same time the captors are involved in UML .
A: State diagram
B: Swim lane diagram
C: Activity diagram
D: Component diagram
Swim lane diagram(Answer)

Q No 36:Which phase is refers to the support phase of software development?
A: Acceptance Phase.
B: Testing.
C: Maintenance.
D: None of the above.
Maintenance. (Answer)

Q No 37:Which model is also called as the classic life cycle or the Waterfall model?
A: Iterative Development
B: Linear Sequential Development
C: RAD Model.
D: Incremental Development
Linear Sequential Development(Answer)

Q No 38:What is the average effective global activity rate in an evolving E-type system is invariant over the lifetime of the product?
A: Self-regulation
B: Reducing quality
C: Feedback systems
D: Organizational stability
Organizational stability(Answer)

Q No 39:Which document is created by system analyst after the requirements are collected from Various stakeholders?
A: Software requirement specification
B: Software requirement validation
C: Feasibility study
D: Requirement Gathering
Software requirement specification(Answer)

Q No 40:Which is focused towards the goal of the organization?
A: Feasibility study
B: Requirement gathering
C: Software requirement specification
D: Software requirement validation
Feasibility study(Answer)

Q No 41:The architectural model is derived from which of these sources?
A: Information about the application domain for the software to be built;
B) Specific requirements model elements such as data flow diagrams or analysis classes, their relationships and collaborations for the problem at hand;

C) The availability of architectural styles and patterns.
A & B
B: Both B & C
C: Both A & C
D: All mentioned above
All mentioned above(Answer)

Q No 42:What is the correctness, completeness, and consistency of the requirements model will have a strong influence on the quality of all work products that follow?
A: Requirement quality
B: Design quality
C: Code quality
D: Quality control effectiveness
Requirement quality(Answer)

Q No 43:An entity in ER Model is a real world being, which has some properties called….. .
A: Attributes
B: Relationship
C: Domain
D: None of the above

Q No 44:What is the most common measure for correctness?
A: Defects per KLOC
B: Errors per KLOC
C: $ per KLOC
D: Pages of documentation per KLOC
Defects per KLOC(Answer)

Q No 45:Which documentation works as a key tool for software designer, developer and their test team is to carry out their respective tasks?
A: Requirement documentation
B: User documentation
C: Software design documentation
D: Technical documentation
Requirement documentation(Answer)

Q No 46:Which tools are used in implementation,testing and maintenance?
A: Upper case tools
B: Integrated case tools
C: Lower case tools
D: None of the above
Lower case tools(Answer)

Q No 47:Which risk gives the degree of uncertainty and the project schedule will be maintained so that the product will be delivered in time?
A: Business risk
B: Technical risk
C: Schedule risk
D: Project risk
Schedule risk(Answer)

Q No 48:You are working in CareerRide as a project manager. Company wants to develop a project. You are also involved in planning team. What will be your first step in project planning?
A: Establish the objectives and scope of the product.
B: Determine the project constraints.
C: Select the team.
D: None of the above.
Establish the objectives and scope of the product. (Answer)

Q No 49:Configuration management is an essential part of the system maintenance. It is aided with version control tools to control versions, semi-version or patch management.
A: True
B: False