12th Class Chemistry Mcqs With Answers Chapter 15| 2nd Year chemistry mcqs with answers pdf

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Chapter No 15

Common Chemical Industries In Pakistan

1. Which component, if present in paper causes brittleness choose which one is correct:

  1. Chlorine
  2. Cellulose
  3. Sodium hydroxide
  4. Lignin

2. Which of the following three elements are largely needed for healthy growth  of plants choose which one is correct:

  1. N, P, S
  2. N, P, C
  3. N, P, K
  4. N, P, H

3. Nitrogen helps in choose which one is correct:

  1. Normal growth of plant
  2. Protein synthesis
  3. Nucleic acid synthesis
  4. All of above

4. The nutrients which are required in very small amount for growth of plants  are called choose which one is correct:

  1. Nitrogenous fertilizers
  2. Micronutrients
  3. Macronutrients
  4. Surfactants

5. Which of the following element is not macro-nutrient choose which one is correct:

  1. B
  2. Ca
  3. S
  4. H

6. Which of the following is not micro-nutrient choose which one is correct:

  1. Fe
  2. Mn
  3. Cu
  4. H

7. Which of the following is not calcareous material choose which one is correct:

  1. Lime stone
  2. Marine shell
  3. Clay
  4. Marble

8. Which is not argillaceous material choose which one is correct:

  1. Lime stone
  2. Clay
  3. Slate
  4. None

9. The %age of nitrogen in NH4NO3 is choose which one is correct:

  1. 33 − 33.5%
  2. 30 − 33.5%
  3. 30 − 32.5%
  4. 31 − 32%

10. What is the main function of rotary kilin choose which one is correct:

  1. Heating lime stone
  2. Heating of clinker
  3. Drying of slurry
  4. Preparation of clinker

11. Which of the following process is alkaline choose which one is correct:

  1. Kraft process
  2. Sulphite process
  3. Neutral sulphite semi chemical process (NSSC)
  4. None

12. DAP contains P2O5 choose which one is correct:

  1. 48%
  2. 38%
  3. 68%
  4. 75%

13. Which of the following compounds is present in highest percentage in cement choose which one is correct:

  1. Lime
  2. Clay
  3. Na2O
  4. Alumina

14. Which fertilizer is widely used in Pakistan choose which one is correct:

  1. Urea
  2. KNO3
  3. DAP
  4. K2SO4

15. Which of the following fertilizers, contains 75% nutrient choose which one is correct:

  1. DAP
  2. TAP
  3. Urea
  4. NH4NO3

 16. Which of the following is woody material choose which one is correct:

  1. Bamboo
  2. Poplar
  3. Bagasse
  4. Wheat straw

17. Which of the following is main process in paper industry choose which one is correct:

  1. Screening
  2. Bleaching
  3. Digestion
  4. Stock preparation

18. Which of the following bleaching agents is largely used for bleaching of pulp,  in Pakistan choose which one is correct:

  1. O2
  2. O3
  3. ClO2
  4. Cl2

19. Micronutrients requirement (per acre) for the normal fertility of soil choose which one is correct:

  1. 4 − 10 g
  2. 6 − 200 kg
  3. 6 − 200 g
  4. None of above

20. The word paper is derived from reedy plant choose which one is correct:

  1. Papyrus
  2. Rose
  3. Acacia
  4. Papaya

21. The nutrients which are required in very small amount for growth of plants  are called choose which one is correct:

  1. Nitrogenous fertilizers
  2. Micronutrient
  3. Macronutrient
  4. Surfactants

22. What is clinker choose which one is correct:

  1. Roasted calcareous material
  2. Roasted gypsum
  3. Roasted argillaceous
  4. Roasted calcareous and argillaceous material

23. Which one of the following is woody raw material used for making pulp and  paper choose which one is correct:

  1. Eucalyptus
  2. Wheat straw
  3. Bagasse
  4. Cotton linter

24. Which of the following fertilizer is not useful for paddy rice choose which one is correct:

  1. DAP
  2. Ammonium sulphate
  3. Urea
  4. Ammonium nitrate

25. Which substance is used as filler or additive in paper making choose which one is correct:

  1. Cellulose
  2. Starch
  3. Lime
  4. Gypsum salt

26. Phosphorus helps the growth of choose which one is correct:

  1. Root
  2. Leave
  3. Stem
  4. Seed

27. Rotary kiln has how many zones choose which one is correct:

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

28. Which element is often present in all fertilizers choose which one is correct:

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Carbon
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Potassium

29. The %age of nitrogen in urea is choose which one is correct:

  1. 35%
  2. 46%
  3. 82%
  4. 75%

30. “Rock Phosphate” has composition of choose which one is correct:

  1. CaH3PO4
  2. Ca(H2PO4)2
  3. Ca3(PO4)2
  4. CaHPO4

31. Which one of the following is an organic fertilizers choose which one is correct:

  1. Manure
  2. Ammonium nitrate
  3. Urea
  4. Both A.  and (c)

32. Which of the following cannot be used as phosphatic fertilizer choose which one is correct:

  1. CaH3PO4
  2. (NH4)2HPO4
  3. Ca3(PO4)2
  4. P2O5

33. Cement was introduced by a mason choose which one is correct:

  1. D-H Whore
  2. Humphry Davy
  3. Joseph Aspdin
  4. F. Wholer

34. The %age gypsum in the cement is choose which one is correct:

  1. 1 − 2%
  2. 2 − 3%
  3. 3 − 4%
  4. 4 − 5%

35. In the cement manufacture, the digestor revolves at R.P.M.

  1. 2
  2. 2.5
  3. 3.0
  4. 3.5