12th Class Chemistry Mcqs With Answers Chapter 2| 2nd Year chemistry mcqs with answers pdf

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Chapter 2

S-block Elements

1. Which one  is not an alkali metals choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Fr
  2. Cs
  3. Rb
  4. Ra

2. Down’s cell is used to prepare choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Na2CO3
  2. NaHCO3
  3. Na
  4. NaOH

3. Chile saltpeter has the chemical formula choose which one among the following is right:

  1. NaNO3
  2. KNO3
  3. Na2B4O7
  4. Na2B4O7 . 10H2O

4. Which ion will have the maximum value of heat of hydration choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Na+
  2. Cs+
  3. Ba+2
  4. Mg+2

5. Beryllium metal is as hard as choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Fe
  2. Cu
  3. Zn
  4. Diamond

6. One of the  alkali metals is the most reactive which is that choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Cs
  2. K
  3. Na
  4. Li

7. Which one does not give flame test choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Zn
  2. Ba
  3. Sr
  4. Ca  

8. Sodium metal cannot be stored in choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Toluene
  2. Alcohol
  3. Benzene
  4. Kerosene oil

9. Dolomite is a carbonate of choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Ca and Ba
  2. Mg and Al
  3. Ca and Mg
  4. Na

10. Which one configurations corresponds to an alkaline earth  metals choose which one among the following is right:

  1. [Ar] 3d10 4s2
  2. [Ne] 3d23p2
  3. [Ar] 4s2
  4. [Ar] 3d10 4s1

11. Dead burnt gypsum is choose which one among the following is right:

  1. CaSO4 . 2H2O
  2. CaSO4 . 12 H2O
  3. CaSO4
  4. MgSO4 . 7H2O

12. When some water is added to plaster of Paris, it becomes hard and expansion  in volume how much choose which one among the following is right:

  1. 1%
  2. 10%
  3. 4%
  4. 2%

13. Which of the  compound in formed when Na burn in excess of air choose which one among the following is right:

  1.  NaO2
  2. Na2O2
  3. Na2O
  4. Na2O3

14. Chemical formula of slaked lime is choose which one among the following is right:

  1. CaCO3
  2. Ca(OH)2 . H2O
  3. Ca(OH)2
  4. CaSO4

15. Which  is not a function of sulphur choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Enlarged root system in plants
  2. Chlorophyll development in leaves
  3. Good yield of crops
  4. Control of pH of soil

16. Which is produced at the cathode during the electrolysis of brine in Nelson’s  cell choose which one among the following is right:

  1. H2
  2. Na
  3. Cl2
  4. O2

17. Which of the elements can produce H2 gas when treated with  sodium hydroxide choose which one among the following is right:

  1. Be
  2. Mg
  3. Ca
  4. Sr

18. The operating temp of Down’s cell is choose which one among the following is right:

  1. 800°C
  2. 600°C
  3. 1800°C
  4. 900°C

19. CaMg3(SiO3)4 is the composition of choose which one among the following is right:

  1.  Dolomite
  2. Gypsum
  3. Calcite
  4. Asbestos

20. Halite is chemical name of choose which one among the following is right:

  1. KCl
  2. NaCl
  3. MgCl2
  4. SrCl2