12th Class Chemistry Mcqs With Answers Chapter 3| 2nd Year chemistry mcqs with answers pdf

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Chapter no 3

Group lllA And Group IVA Elements

1. Which metal is used in thermite process because of its activity choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Fe
  2. Cu
  3. Al
  4. Zn

2. Aluminum oxide is choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Acidic
  2. Basic
  3. Amphotric
  4. None of these

3. Which element form an ion with change +3 choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Be
  2. Al
  3. C
  4. Si

4. Which of the  element is not present abundantly in earth’s crust choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Si
  2. Al
  3. Na
  4. O

5. Which of the  radicals give blue colour (in cold and hot state) in  oxidizing flame when subjected to Borax Bead test choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Cu+2
  2. Co+2
  3. Cr+3
  4. Ni+2

6. Sulphur is not present in choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Onion
  2. Garlic
  3. Egg
  4. Fat

7. Which is the formula of clay choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Al2O3 . SiF4
  2. Al2O3
  3. Na2O3 . 2H2O
  4. Al2O3 . 2SiO2 . 2H2O

8. BF3 acts as Lewis acid because it behaves as choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Free radical
  2. Cationic specie
  3. Electrophile
  4. Nucleophile

9. Which of the gas will turns lime water milky choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Cl2
  2. NO2
  3. CO
  4. CO2

10. Elements which exhibits maximum catenation property choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. C
  2. Pb3O4
  3. Ge
  4. PbO2

11. Chrome yellow choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. PbMoO4
  2. K2Cr2O7
  3. PbCrO4
  4. K2CrO4

12. Which is the formula of litharge choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. PbO
  2. PbO2
  3. Pb3O4
  4. Pb2O3

13. A gas which burn with blue flame is choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. CO2
  2. N2
  3. CO
  4. NO

14. Which compound of silicon used as filler in soap to make it heavy choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. SiO2
  2. Na2SiO3
  3. H2SiO3
  4. Silicones

15. Pb3O4 has chemical name of choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Litharge
  2. Massicot
  3. Sandhur
  4. Halite

16. Stable shape in which PbCrO4 exist choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Triclinic
  2. Monoclinic
  3. Rhomleric
  4. None of these

17. Chief ore of Al is choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Na3AlF6
  2. Al2O3 . 2H2O
  3. Al2O3
  4. Al2O3 . H2O

18. Tincal is a mineral of choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Al
  2. B
  3. Si
  4. C

19. What is the nature of solution of Borax choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. Neutral
  2. Alkaline
  3. Acidic
  4. Corrosive

20. Which is the correct number of lone-pair with oxygen in CO choose one among the following which is correct:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4