12th Class Chemistry Mcqs With Answers Chapter 6| 2nd Year chemistry mcqs with answers pdf

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Chapter No 6

Transition element

1. What is formula of haematite choose which one is correct:

  1. FeS2
  2. FeO3
  3. Fe2O3
  4. Fe3O4

2. Which is non-typical transition elements choose which one is correct:

  1. Cr
  2. Mn
  3. Zn
  4. Fe

3. Highest oxidation state of Mn in which compound choose which one is correct:

  1. K2MnO4
  2. KMnO4
  3. MnO
  4. MnO2

4. The trace metal present in insulin is choose which one is correct:

  1. Mn
  2. Co
  3. Fe
  4. Zn

5. The hybridization of Ni in [Ni(CN)4]2ion is choose which one is correct:

  1. Sp3
  2. dsp3
  3. D2sp3
  4. dsp2

6. Which of the following cation has maximum unpaired electron choose which one is correct:

  1. Ni+2
  2. Co+2
  3. Mn+2
  4. Fe2+

7. Which is the configuration of Cr choose which one is correct:

  1. 3d44s2
  2. 3d54s1
  3. 3d64s1
  4. 2d14s2

8. The black image on an exposed and developed photographic film is  composed of choose which one is correct:

  1. Ag
  2. Ag2O
  3. AgBr
  4. Ag[(SrO3)2]

9. The strength of binding energy of transition elements depend upon choose which one is correct:

  1. No. of ē-pair
  2. No. of unpaired ē
  3. No. of neutron
  4. No. of proton

10. Mild steel contain carbon choose which one is correct:

  1. 0.1 − 0.2%
  2. 0.2 − 0.7%
  3. 0.1 − 1.0%
  4. 17

11. To prevent corrosion, iron pipes carrying drinking water are covered with  Zn by process called choose which one is correct:

  1. Alloy formation
  2. Electroplating
  3. Galvanizing
  4. Soldering

12. No of ē-pairs accepted by the central atom in a transition metal complex is  called choose which one is correct:

  1. Co-ordination sphere
  2. Co-ordination complex
  3. Co-ordination number
  4. Chelate

13. Group VIB of transition elements contains choose which one is correct:

  1. Zn, Cd, Hg
  2. Fe, Ru, Os
  3. Cr, Mo, W
  4. Mn, Te, Re

14. Which of the following is a typical transition metal choose which one is correct:

  1. Sc
  2. Y
  3. Ra
  4. Co

15. Co-ordination number of Pt in [Pt Cl(NO2)(NH3)2 4] is choose which one is correct:

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 6