MDCAT MCQs for Entry Test with Answers Page 5 | Mcat Physics mcqs chapter wise pdf with answers

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201. Air bubble in water shines because of the phenomenon of which among the following? 

  1. Dispersion 
  2. Total internal reflection  
  3. Refraction 
  4. Diffraction 

202. Ice floats on water because the density of Ice is less than that of water, Out of the following what part of giant icebergs remains above water choose one? 

  1. 1/10 
  2. 1/4  
  3. 1/2 
  4. ¾ 

203. Which one of the following coolers has the longest wavelength choose right option? 

  1. Green 
  2. Yellow 
  3. Blue 
  4. Red  

204. Sun and the other stars are virtuously huge/high nuclear explosion chambers producing a large/huge amount/quantity of head and light yet, we do not hear any of the explosions because of which among the following?

  1. Heat and light are electromagnetic 
  2. The outer space is an absolute vacuum  
  3. Sound waves get attenuated completely before they reach the earth 
  4. The process involved in the interior of the sun and the starts relate to atomic and subatomic particles and not molecules and their vibration 

205. The advantage of AC over DC is that one among the following?

  1. it can be transmitted over long distances with minimum power los 
  2. It contain more electrical energy 
  3. it is free from voltage fluctuation 
  4. its generation coats much less 

206. The spherical shape of a small drop of a rain is due to which among the following? 

  1. Viscosity 
  2. Surface tension 
  3. atmospheric pressure 
  4. gravity 

207. The blue color of sky can be attributed to which among the following?? 

  1. differential scattering of the sunlight by the atmosphere 
  2. Total internal reflection of the sunlight by the atmosphere 
  3. Absorption of sunlight 
  4. Refraction of sunlight by the atmosphere 

208. Which one of the following sets of properties are relevant for an electrical fuse wire needed for normal application choose correct one? 

  1. Thick wire, high melting point alloy, short length  
  2. Short length, low melting point alloy, thin wire 
  3. Large length, low melting point alloy, thin wire 
  4. Thick wire, low melting point alloy, large length 

209. Which of the following device is use to step down the voltage of alternating current choose correct one?

  1. induction cool 
  2. Transformers 
  3. Transistor 
  4. Rectifier 

210. Which one among of the following can be used to focus sunlight chose correct

  1. Plan mirror 
  2. Concave lens 
  3. Concave mirror 
  4. Convex mirror 

211. A mass of 20 kg is at rest/relax Its momentum is which among the following? 

  1. Zero  
  2. 200 kg m/sec 
  3. 196 n.sec 
  4. 20 kg m/sec 

212. As we go away from the surface of earth, the value of g is which among the following? 

  1. Increases 
  2. Decreases  
  3. Becomes zero 
  4. None of these 

213. How many feet are in a yard choose correct one? 

  1. One 
  2. Two 
  3. Three  
  4. Four 

214. S.I is also called which among the following? 

  1. M.K.S System  
  2. C.G.S. System 
  3. F.P.S. System 
  4. None Of These 

215. Motion of molecules of a body at absolute zero is which among the following?

  1. Maximum 
  2. Minimum  
  3. Zero 
  4. None of these 

216. Newton is the unit of which among the following?

  1. Work    
  2. Force  
  3. Energy 
  4. All of these 

217. Force per unit area is called which among the following?

  1. Density 
  2. Viscosity 
  3. Pressure  
  4. Energy 

218. Momentum is called which among the following?

  1. Force 
  2. Pressure 
  3. Tension 
  4. Impulse  

219. A 5 kg mass is falling freely. Its weight will be which among the following?

  1. 5 N 
  2. Zero  
  3. 19.6 
  4. 49 n 

220. Earth is which among the following? 

  1. Inertial frame 
  2. Non-inertial frame  
  3. Reference exist 
  4. Three dimension 

221. Al – Beruni found out this of various metals: 

  1. Mass 
  2. Densities  
  3. Atomic number 
  4. Atomic weight 

222. Dr. Abdul Salam got a Noble prize in Physics in which among the following? 

  1. 1959 
  2. 1969 
  3. 1979  
  4. 1989 

223. Yaqub Alkindi’s most important work was in sound and which among the following?

  1. Optic  
  2. Music 
  3. Nuclear physics 
  4. Thermodynamic 

224. Al – Haitham wrote a book on optic called which among the following?

  1. Qanoon-al-Masoodi 
  2. Kitabul Manazir  
  3. Hujjatul Baligha 
  4. Al – Hikama 

225. Dr. Abdul Qadeer was born in which among the following? 

  1. 1926 
  2. 1936  
  3. 1946 
  4. 1950 

226. Al – Beruni wrote how much books? 

  1. 150 Books  
  2. 250 Books 
  3. 350 Books 
  4. 450 Books 

227. Dr. Abdul Salam was born in which city among the following?

  1. Jhang  
  2. Sialkot 
  3. Lahore 
  4. Karachi 

228. In scientific work the most important thing is which among the following? 

  1. Experiment 
  2. Theory 
  3. Observation  
  4. Hypothesis 

229. A systematic error is due to which among the following?

  1. Experiment 
  2. Instrument  
  3. Weather 
  4. System 

230. The formula for the density is which among the following ? 

  1. Mass/volume  
  2. Weight/volume 
  3. Height/volume 
  4. None of above