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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1. Laws of motion was presented by:
(a) Einstein
(b) Newton
(c) Galileo
(d) Archimedes
2. Isaac Newton described the laws of motion in his which famous book:
(a) Qanoon-ul-Masoodi
(b) Principia Mathematica
(c) Kitab-ul-Astralab
(d) Al-Manazir
3. laws of motion established a relationship between motion and–
(a) Force
(b) Torque
(c) Acceleration
(d) Momentum
4. The First Law of motion is also called as law of–
(a) Torque
(b) Acceleration
(c) Inertia
None of these
5. The direct measure of inertia of body is:
(a) Mass
(b) Energy
(c) Momentum
(d) All of above
6. The characteristic of a body by which it tends to retain its state of rest or of uniform motion is called as
(a) Weight
(b) Force
(c) Inertia
(d) Momentum
7. Which is the agency which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of
uniform motion of a body:
(a) Weight
(b) Force
(c) Inertia
(d) Momentum
8. Law of inertia is actually the __ law of motion:
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
9. When a force is applied on the body, _ is produced in the body:
(a) Weight
(b) Acceleration
(c) Energy
(d) None of these
10. The acceleration produced in a moving body is always in which direction of applied —
(a) velocity
(b) Force
(c) speed
(d) momentum
11. When mass of the body is doubled while keeping the force constant, then what will be acceleration
(a) One half
(c) One fourth
(b) doubled
(d) Four times
12. If force applied on the body is doubled while keeping the mass constant, then acceleration will be:
(a) One half
(b) One fourth
(c) doubled
(d) Four times
13. SI unit of force is
(a) kilograms
(b) Dynes
(c) newton
(d) pounds
14. When a force of 8 newton is applied on a body of mass 2 kg, then the acceleration
(a) 16 ms-2
(b) 4 ms-2
(c) 0.4 ms-2
(d) 160 ms-2
15. 1 N =
(a) Kgms-2
(b) Kgms-1
(c) Kgm2s -1
(d) Kg2ms 2
16. Action and reaction are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction is known as
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) third
(d) Fourth
17. Walking on road is an example of law of motion:
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) third
(d) Fourth
18. If a block is lying on a smooth surface, it’s weight is balanced by:
(a) Mass
(b) Momentum
(c) Inertia
(d) Normal Reaction
19. What will be the weight of a body of mass 10 kg on earth :
(a) 10N
(b) 1N
(c) 100N
(d) 1000N
20. The ————- of a body always acting towards the center of the earth:
(a) Force
(d) Weight
(b) Force
(d) Weight
21. Quantity of matter in a body known as :
(a) Force
(d) Weight
(b) Force
(d) Weight
22. The Force with which earth attracts a body towards its centre is known as:
(a) Mass
(b) Force
(c) Weight
(d) Inertia
23. The characteristic of a body which determines the magnitude of acceleration produced when a certain force acts upon it:
(a) Mass
(b) Force
(c) Inertia
(d) weight
24. Mass of the body is measured by:
(a) Free Fall Apparatus
(b) Physical balance
(c) Spring balance
(d) All of above
25. Weight of the body is measured by:
(a) Free Fall Apparatus
(b) Physical balance
(c) Spring balance
(d) All of above
26. Unit of weight will be
(a) kg
(b) ms-1
(c) Nm
(d) N
27. __ of a body remains same everywhere:
(a) weight
(b) Acceleration
(c) velocity
(d) Mass
28. __of a body does not remain same everywhere:
(a) weight
(b) Inertia
(c) Mass
(d) All of above
29. The value of weight of a body of constant mass depends on:
(a) Inertia
(b) Momentum
(c) Force
(d) ‘g’
30. Mass is a quantity:
(a) Scalar
(b) Vector
(c) Derived
(d) Negative
31. Weight is a quantity:
(a) Scalar
(b) Vector
(c) Unitless
(d) Negative
32. If a block is hanging with the help of a rope then weight of the body is balanced by:
(a) Acceleration
(b) Inertia
(c) Displacement
(d) Tension
33. There are cases of motion of the body hanging with the help of rope:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
34. The tension produced when one body moves vertically and the other moves horizontally is as compared to the tension produced when both bodies move vertically:
(a) Half
(b) One fourth
(c) Double
(d) Four times
35. Quantity of motion in a body is called as:
(a) Mass
(b) Momentum
(c) Velocity
(d) Acceleration
36. Product of mass and velocity is known as:
(a) Force
(b) Speed
(c) Momentum
(d) Acceleration
37. SI unit of Momentum is:
(a) Kgms2
(b) Ns
(c) Kgms1
(d) Both b & c
38. Kgms
(a) N
(b) J
(c) Ns
(d) W
39. The Rate of change of momentum is equal to:
(a) Force
(b) Velocity
(c) Acceleration
(d) Impulse
40. Direction of the rate of change of momentum will be in the direction of:
(a) Acceleration
(b) Momentum
(c) Velocity
(d) Force
41. The force which resists the motion of one surface on another surface is known as:
(a) Gravity
(b) Friction
(c) Weight
(d) Repulsion
42. If the object is at rest, the force of friction is called as __ friction:
(a) Static
(b) Limiting
(c) Kinetic
(d) Dynamics
43. The maximum value of static friction is known as ————- friction:
(a) Static
(b) Limiting
(c) Kinetic
(d) Dynamics
44. When an object is in motion then the force of friction is known as —–friction:
(a) Static
(b) Limiting
(c) Kinetic
(d) Dynamics
45. Static friction is than kinetic friction:
(a) Less
(b) Quartered
(c) Greater
(d) Equal
46. Rolling friction is _ than Sliding friction:
(a) Less
(b) Quartered
(c) Greater
(d) Equal
47. The coefficient of friction has ————– unit:
(a) Newton
(b) Dynes
(c) No
(d) Kilogram
48. Friction of liquid __ than friction of solids:.
(a) less
(b) Quartered
(c) Greater
(d) Equal
49. The Coefficient of friction does not depend upon the _ between two surfaces:
(a) Area of contact
(b) Normal Reaction
(c) weight
(d) Roughness
50. The rolling friction is about times smaller than sliding friction:
(a) 10
(b) 50
(c) 100
(d) 1000
51. Friction in the human joints is much reduced due to the presence of:
(a) Bones
(b) Muscles
(c) Fluid
(d) Gas
52. Value of coefficient of friction (11k) depends upon:
(a) Nature of the surfaces
(b) Area of contact
(c) Force
(d) All of above
53. The Rotation of water sprinkler is an example of law of motion:
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
54. A spider web remains intact due to:
(a) Weight
(b) Momentum
(c) Tension
(d) None of these
55. Momentum of a moving body depends upon its:
(a) Mass
(b) Velocity
(c) Weight
(d) Both a & b
56. Motion of the rocket is an example of:
(a) First law of motion
(b) Law of conservation of Momentum
(c) Law of conservation of Energy
(d) Weight
57. Value of coefficient of static friction (Its) is typically __ than coefficient of kl friction (Pk):
(a) Less
(b) Quartered
(c) Greater
(d) Equal
58. When air is released from an inflated balloon, it shoots off is an example of:
(a) First law of motion
(b) Law of conservation of Energy
(c) Weight
(d) Law of conservation of Momentum
59. Sliding friction is normally converted into Rolling friction by the use of:
(a) Ball bearing
(b) Oil
(c) Grease
(d) Polish
60. The front sides of high speed vehicles, aeroplanes and ships are shaped wedge like to reduce:
(a) Weight
(b) Pressure
(c) Speed
(d) Friction