MDCAT MCQs for Entry Test with Answers Page 2 | Mcat Physics mcqs chapter wise pdf with answers

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51. In SI system volt per meter is the unit of which among the following

  1. Electric field 
  2. Electric field strength  
  3. Potential 
  4. Potential difference 

52. In SI system, Ohm is the unit of which among the following

  1. Inductance 
  2. Electric resistance  
  3. Resistivity 
  4. Conductance 

53. The unit of energy is which among the following 

  1. J/s 
  2. Watt-day  
  3. Kilowatt 
  4. None Of theme 

53. A light year is the unit of which among the following

  1. Speed 
  2. Energy 
  3. Time 
  4. Distance  

54. M.K.S. unit of pressure is which among the following

  1. Atmosphere 
  2. Dynes per 
  3. Meter 
  4. Pascal  

55. Which one of the following is a scalar quantity choose correct option?

  1. Mass 
  2. Time 
  3. Volume 
  4. All the above  

56. Which one of the following is a vector quantity choose correct option 

  1. Velocity 
  2. Acceleration 
  3. Force 
  4. All the above  

57. The first law of motion supplies the definition of which among the following

  1. Force 
  2. Velocity  
  3. Acceleration 
  4. Momentum 

58. A man is at rest in the middle of and on perfectly frictionless ice. He can get himself to the shore by taking the help of Newton’s choose which among the following

  1. I law 
  2. II law 
  3. III law  
  4. All the above 

59. The action and reaction forces referred in Newton’s third law of motion is which among the following

  1. Must act upon the same body 
  2. Must act upon different bodies  
  3. Need not to be equal in magnitude but must have the same line of action D. None of theme 

60. A force of 100 dynes acts on a body of 5 gms for 10 secs. Find the change in momentum in which among the following

  1. 10 C.G.. Units 
  2. 100 C.G.. Units 
  3. 1000 C.G.. Units  
  4. 10000 C.G.. Units 

61, A force of 100 dynes acts for 10 seconds on a body of mass 500g. What is the change in momentum among the following options 

  1. 100 C.G.S. units 
  2. 10 C.G.S. units 
  3. 1000 C.G.S. units 
  4. 5000 C.G.S. units  

62. A rope attached to a post in the ground is pulled horizontally with a force of 80 kg. The pole pulls back with a force of which among the following

  1. 1000 kg 
  2. 80 kg  
  3. 40 kg 
  4. 160 kg 

63. We can clean a dirty carpet by beating This is in accordance with which among the following

  1. Newton’s first law  
  2. Newton’s second law 
  3. Newton’s third law 
  4. None of the above 

64. A force of 100 dynes acts on a body of 5 gms for 10 secs. What is the velocity produced among the following option 

  1. 2 fr/sec 
  2. 20 fr/sec 
  3. 200 fr/sec  
  4. 2000 fr/sec 

65. Swimming is possible because of which law of motion among the following  

  1. Second 
  2. First 
  3. Third  
  4. None of the above 

66. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 gm. Moving at a rate of 20m/s. If the catching process be completed in 0.1 s. The force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hands is which among the following 

  1. 3000N 
  2. 300N 
  3. 30N  
  4. 30,000N 

67. When a body is accelerated what among following will occur

  1. Its velocity always changes  
  2. Its direction always changes 
  3. Its speed always changes 
  4. Its falls towards the earth 

68. A force of 150 dynes acts on a mass of 50 gms for 5 seconds. What is the acceleration produced among the following  

  1. 4 cms/sec2 
  2. 9 cms/sec2 
  3. 10c cms/sec2 
  4. None of these  

69. The action and reaction forces referred in Newton’s third law of motion which among following is correct

  1. Must act upon the same body 
  2. Must act upon different bodies  
  3. Need not to be equal in magnitude but must have the same line of action 
  4. Must be equal in magnitude bu tneed not have the same line of action 

70. A force of 100 dynes acts on a body of 5 gms for 10 secs. Find the change in momentum.among the following 

  1. 10 C.G.. Units 
  2. 100 C.G.. Units 
  3. 1000 C.G.. Units  
  4. 10000 C.G.. Units 

71. The direction of the velocity of a body cannot change, when its acceleration is constant. The statement is which among the following 

  1. True 
  2. False  
  3. Uncertain 
  4. None of the above 

72. What acceleration will a force of 5N impart to a mass of 5 kg choose which among the following 

  1. 5 N/kg 
  2. 5M/sec2 
  3. 1M/sec2  
  4. None Of the above 

73. When a body is accelerated what changes will be occur

  1. Its velocity always changes  
  2. Its direction always changes 
  3. Its speed always changes 
  4. Its falls towards the earth 

74. A force of 100 dynes acts for 10 seconds on a body of mass 500g. What is the change in momentum among the following options

  1. 100 C.G.S. units 
  2. 10 C.G.S. units 
  3. 1000 C.G.S. units 
  4. 5000 C.G.S. units  

75. We can clean a dirty carpet by beating. This is in accordance with which among the following

  1. Newton’s first law  
  2. Newton’s second law 
  3. Newton’s third law 
  4. None of the above 

76. A force of 100 dynes acts on a body of 5 gms for 10 secs. What is the velocity produced choose among following 

  1. 2 fr/sec 
  2. 20 fr/sec 
  3. 200 fr/sec  
  4. 2000 fr/sec 

77. Swimming is possible because of which law of motion among the following option

  1. Second 
  2. First 
  3. Third  
  4. None of the above 

78. A force of 150 dynes acts on a mass of 50 gms for 5 seconds What is the acceleration produced choose one among the following option

  1. 4 cms/sec2 
  2. 9 cms/sec2 
  3. 10c cms/sec2 
  4. None of these  

79. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 gm. Moving at a rate of 20m/s. If the catching process be completed in 0.1 s. The force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hands is which among the following 

  1. 3000N 
  2. 300N 
  3. 30N  
  4. 30,000N 

80. The action and reaction forces referred in Newton’s third law of motion is which among the following

  1. Must act upon the same body 
  2. Must act upon different bodies  
  3. Need not to be equal in magnitude but must have the same line of action 
  4. Must be equal in magnitude but need not have the same line of action 

81. A body at rest may have which among the following

  1. Speed 
  2. Momentum 
  3. Velocity 
  4. Energy  

82. The weight of a 10 kg block is which among the following 

  1. 98 N  
  2. 9.8 N 
  3. 10 N 
  4. 0.98 N 

83. Let a disc, a cylinder, a solid sphere, and a ring be rolled down in an inclined plane simultaneously. Which will reach first among the following 

  1. Disc 
  2. Cylinder 
  3. Solid sphere  
  4. Ring 

84. Which kind of storage device can be carried around among the following

  1. Floppy disk  
  2. Hard disk 
  3. System cabinet 
  4. Hard disk derive 

85. Forces of 3N, 4N and 12N act at a point in mutually perpendicular direction The magnitude of the resultant force in newton is which among the following 

  1. 13 
  2. 11  
  3. Indeterminate from the information given 

86. Which of the following is not necessary for work to be done which one is correct

  1. An applied force 
  2. A force component along the displacement 
  3. A displacement 
  4. A constant speed  

87. A fixed pulley is employed to which among the following

  1. Do more work with the same force but without using pulley 
  2. Change the direction of force  
  3. Same work 
  4. Have mechanical advantage greater than one 

88. The static friction is which among the following

  1. Always greater than the dynamic friction 
  2. Always less than the dynamic friction 
  3. Equal to the dynamic fiction 
  4. Sometimes greater and sometimes less than the dynamic friction 

89. Which is the suitable method to decrease friction among the following 

  1. Polishing 
  2. Ball and roller bearings 
  3. Lubrication 
  4. All of the above  

90. The force of friction that comes into action after the motion has started is known as which among the following

  1. Dynamic friction 
  2. Static friction 
  3. Friction only 
  4. Limiting friction  

91. The pressure at the bottom of a tank of liquid is not proportional to which among the following 

  1. The density of the liquid 
  2. The area of the liquid surface  
  3. The height of the liquid 
  4. The acceleration 

92. What will be the shape of the liquid meniscus in a capillary tube placed in a liquid that wets the surface of the tube choose which one is correct

  1. Flat  
  2. Concave downwards 
  3. Convex up 
  4. None of the above is correct 

93. A piece of weighted wood just floats in water When placed in alcohol (of lower density) it will which among the following 

  1. Float lower  
  2. Float higher 
  3. Stay as before 
  4. Sink 

94. A force of 100 dynes acts for 10 seconds on a body of mass 500g What is the change in momentum among the following options

  1. 10 C.G.S units 
  2. 100 C.G.S units 
  3. 1000 C.G.S units 
  4. 5000 C.G.S units  

95. A 40kg cart moving/moved at 3 m/s makes a head a head-on collision with a 20 kg cart at rest, as illustrated in Fig.1 If the collision is completely/totaly  inelastic, the speed with winch the carts leave the impact is approximately what among the following

  1. 2 m/s  
  2. 6 m/s 
  3. 20 m/s 
  4. 0.2 m/s 

96. If the earth stopped rotating, the weight of objects at the equator would be which among the following 

  1. Be greater  
  2. Be the same as before 
  3. Be less 
  4. Very with latitude 

97. A satellite travels/moves in a circular orbit at a speed of 20,000 km/hr to stay at a constant altitude To escape from the earth, the speed would have to be increased how much among the following 

  1. 28,000 km/hr 
  2. 21,000 km/hr 
  3. 40,000 km/hr  
  4. 64,000 km/hr 

98. A projectile was fired at an angle of 37° with an initial speed of 100 m/s Which among the following will be the approximate versicle component/part of its velocity after 2s

  1. 80 m/s 
  2. 40 m/s  
  3. 60 m/s 
  4. 100 m/s 

99. Two pieces/parts of wire of the same/equal material have their lengths in the ratio of 1:2 and diameters in the ratio of 2:1 If they are stretched by the equal force, elongation will be in the ration of what among the following?

  1. 1:2 
  2. 2:1 
  3. 1:8  
  4. 8:1 

100. With the help of dimensions method it can be proved that frequency of a stretched wire choose one among following 

  1. Does not depend on the mass of the wire 
  2. Depends on the displacement of the wire 
  3. Depends on the mass of the wire  
  4. None of these