MDCAT MCQs for Entry Test with Answers Page 4 | Mcat Physics mcqs chapter wise pdf with answers

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151. The dimensions of frequency are which among the following?

  1. I.T 
  2. Lt2 
  3. Mt2 
  4. T2  

152. One giga is equal to which among the following?

  1. 1 x 103 
  2. 1 x 106 
  3. 1 x 10-9 
  4. 1 x 109  

153. One micro meter is equal to which among the following?

  1. 10-3
  2. 10-6 m  
  3. 10-2
  4. 10-3

154. Candela is the unit of which among the following? 

  1. Electric flux 
  2. Magnetic induction 
  3. Luminous intensity of light 
  4. Loudness of sound 

155. The unit of absolute temperature is which among the following?

  1. Fahrenheit 
  2. Centigrade 
  3. Kelvin  
  4. None of above 

156. The atomic bomb is based of the principle of which among the following?

  1. Radioactivity 
  2. Pair 
  3. Fission reaction  
  4. None of above 

157. The prefix Pico represents which among the following? 

  1. 1012 
  2. 10-9 
  3. 109 
  4. 10-12  

158. Which of the following is dimensionless choose correct one?

  1. Pressure 
  2. Angle  
  3. Density 
  4. Momentum 

159. The SI unit of angular displacement is which among the following?

  1. Meter 
  2. Foot 
  3. Radian  
  4. Centimeter 

160. Light year is a unit of which among the following?

  1. Time 
  2. Light 
  3. Velocity 
  4. Distance  

161. Following pairs of physical quantities have identical dimensions choose correct one

  1. Moment of a force and Angular Momentum 
  2. Work and Energy  
  3. Torque and Energy 
  4. None of these 

162. In SI system the correct unit of luminous intensity is which among the following?

  1. Kelvin 
  2. Lumen 
  3. Candela  
  4. Lux 

163. In SI system the correct unit of amount of substance is which among the following?

  1. Mole  
  2. Liter 
  3. Gram 
  4. Milliliter 

164. Sun and the other stars are virtuously huge nuclear explosion chambers producing a large amount of head and light yet, we do not hear any of the explosions because which among the following?

  1. Heat and light are electromagnetic  
  2. Sound waves get attenuated completely before they reach the earth 
  3. The outer space is an absolute vacuum  
  4. None of above 

165. The advantage of AC over DC are which among the following? 

  1. its generation coats much less 
  2. it contain more electrical energy 
  1. it can be transmitted over long distances with minimum power loss it is free 
  2. from voltage fluctuation 

166. A man is at rest in the middle/center of and on perfectly frictionless ice He can get himself to the shore by taking the help of which law of Newton’s?

  1. I law 
  2. II law 
  3. III law  
  4. None of above 

167. Which one Air bubble in water shines because of the phenomenon of which among the following?

  1. Refraction 
  2. Dispersion 
  3. Diffraction 
  4. Total internal reflection  

 168. The action and reaction forces referred in Newton’s third law of motion among the following?

  1. Must act upon the same body 
  2. Need not to be equal in magnitude but must have the same line of action 
  3. Must act upon different bodies  
  4. None of above 

169. The quantity e 2/hc , where ‘e’ is the electronic charge ‘h’ is the Planck’s constant and ‘c’ is the velocity of light choose correct one

  1. Has the dimension of mass 
  2. Is dimensionless  
  3. Has the dimension of length 
  4. Has the dimension of time 

170. When a body undergoes an acceleration it will be which among the following? 

  1. It falls toward the earth 
  2. Its velocity increases 
  3. A force acts upon it  
  4. Its speed increases 

171. In Wilson cloud chamber radiations become visible reflection light from which among the following?

  1. Ions 
  2. Nuclear radiations 
  3. Droplets of fog  
  4. Glass window 

172. The track formed in the Wilson cloud chamber due to/beacuse of alpha particles is which among the following?

  1. Thin and broken line 
  2. Thick continuous line  
  3. Thick line track in random direction 
  4. None of above 

173. The track formed the Wilson cloud chamber due to beta particles is which among the following?

  1. Thin and broken line  
  2. Thick continuous line 
  3. Whole region exposed to radiations 
  4. None of above 

174. The spontaneous emissions of radiations from heavy nucleus ( A > 83 ) is called which among the following? 

  1. Nuclear fission 
  2. Nuclear Fusion 
  3. Radioactivity  
  4. None of above 

175. Alpha particles are which among the following? 

  1. Protons 
  2. Positrons 
  3. Negatively charged 
  4. Helium nuclei  

176. When a nucleus emit an Alpha particles its charge number decreases by which among the following?

  1. 2  

177. Beta particles are which among the following?

  1. Protons 
  2. Electrons  
  3. Positrons 
  4. Neutrons 

178. Beta  particles, carries a charge which among the following?

  1. 2e 
  2. +2e 
  1. -e 
  2. None of above 

179. When a nucleus emits an alpha particle its atomic mass decreases by which among the following?

  1. 4  

180. Gamma rays carries a charge among the following? 

  1. -e 
  2. +e 
  3. No charge  
  4. None of above 

181. The reciprocal of the square root of the product of the magnetic permeability of a medium and its dielectric constant will be which among the following? 

  1. The velocity of light  
  2. Its reluctance 
  3. Its impedance 
  4. Its specific heat 

182. The radius of the circular path of a charge particle moving at right angles to a uniform magnetic field is directly proportional to the which amon the following 

  1. Flux density 
  2. Momentum of the particle  
  3. Wave length of ht radiation 
  4. Charge on the particle 

183. A person cannot see distinctly objects situated at a distance greater than/higher than 60 cm from the eye. The power (in diopters) of the lens he must use for the spectacles to correct the defect is which among the following?

  1. 1.67 D 
  2. -1.67 D 
  3. -50 D 
  4. +60 D  

184. When we decrease the diameter of the objective lens of a telescope, then the resolution of telescope will be which among the following? 

  1. Decreases 
  2. Remains the same 
  3. Depends on the focal length of the lens 
  4. Increases  

185. A astronomical telescope has a magnifying power of 8 when focuses for parallel for parallel rays. If the length of the telescope be 18 cm, the focal length of the objective is which among the following? 

  1. 16 cm 
  2. 10 cm  
  3. 144 cm 
  4. 2.25 cm 

186. The vibrations of an unpasteurized light are taking place which among the following? 

  1. In all planes  
  2. In one plane 
  3. In no plane 
  4. All are true 

187. The quantity/amount of the charge that passes through a conductor while a current of 5.0 A flows through it for 100S (in coulombs) is which among the following? 

  1. 1800 
  2. 1000 
  3. 500  
  4. None of these 

188.  Lenz’s law in E.M.I follows from Law of Conservation of which among the following? 

  1. Energy  
  2. Momentum 
  3. Mass 
  4. Charge 

189. The longitudinal chromatic aberration for an incident parallel beam of light on a lens of unit focal length is numerically equal to which among the following? 

  1. Reciprocal of its dispersive power 
  2. Its dispersive power 
  3. Its focal length  
  4. None of these 

190. A magnet makes 5 oscillations per minute in earth’s magnetic field (H = 0.3 Gauss). By what amount/quantity the field should be increased/high so that the magnet may make 10 oscillations per minute choose one among the following? 

  1. 0.3 Gauss 
  2. 0.6 Gauss 
  3. 0.9 Gauss  
  4. 1.2 Gauss 

191. To allow the body to oscillate with a measurably large amplitude under the influence of an external periodic force is which among the following option? 

  1. F/m should be small 
  2. M should be small and F should be large  
  3. W should be very large compared to w0 
  4. M should be large and F should be small 

192. An automobile sounding/sounds its horn is moving away from an observer The pitch of the horn’s sound relative to its normal pitch is which among the following?

  1. The same 
  2. Higher or lower depending upon the exact frequency 
  3. Lower  
  4. Higher 

193. Ultrasonic sound waves are which among the following?

  1. Cannot be heard  
  2. Can be heard with the help of microphone 
  3. Can be heard by a normal human ear 
  4. Can be heard with the help of hearing apparatus 

194. In stationary wave which among the following is correct? 

  1. All the particles between two adjacent nodes vibrate in phase 
  2. All the particles perform simple harmonic motion 
  3. Particles on opposite sides of a node vibrate with a phase difference of 
  4. The amplitude of particle vibration at an anti node is equal to that of either component wave  

195. Assertion (A): Diffraction of sound waves is more/highly evident in daily experience than that of light waves. Reason (R): Sound waves are longitudinal, while light waves are transverse which among the following is correct?  

  1. Both A and R correct and R is the correct explanation of A 
  2. Both A and R correct but R is the correct explanation of A  
  3. A is correct,but R is incorrect 
  4. A is incorrect but R is correct 

196. A tuning fork when sounded together with a tuning fork of frequency 256 emits two beats On loading the tuning fork of frequency 256, the no of beats heard/listened are 1 per second The frequency of the tuning fork is which among the following?

  1. 254  
  2. 256 
  3. 257 
  4. 258 

197. Two organ pipes of same dimensions are filled with hydrogen and oxygen respectively If oxygen is 16 times heavier than/greater than hydrogen the ratio of the fundamental frequencies of the two organ pipes (assuming the elasticities of gases to be nearly equal)will be which among the following? 

  1. 16:1 
  2. 1:1 
  3. 4:1  
  4. 5:1 

198. Assertion (A): Solids can transmit both longitudinal and transverse wave Reason (R):They resist changes in volume but not changes/remain same of shape which among the following  is correct?

  1. A is incorrect, but R is correct  
  2. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A 
  3. Both A and R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A D. A is correct, but R is incorrect 

199. In order to achieve/get good acoustic property, a hall should have which among the following? 

  1. Small but non-zero  
  2. Zero reverberation 
  3. Large reverberation 
  4. None of the above is correct 

200. Which among the following is the point on the crest of a transverse wave shall reach the trough after time/period? 

  1. T/4  
  2. T/2 
  3. 3T/4