PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Past Papers MCQs | Lecturer Computer Science Paper 1

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PPSC Lecturer Computer Science Past Papers MCQs | PPSC Past Papers Solved MCQ’s

1.which module give control of the CPU to the process selected by the short term scheduler?

  1. Dispatcher
  2. Interrupt
  3. Scheduler
  4. None of these

2.The process that are residing  in the main memory for execution are kept on a list?

  1. Job queue
  2. Ready queue
  3. Execution queue
  4. Process queue

3.The interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of completion is termed as:

  1. Waiting time
  2. Turnaround time
  3. Response time
  4. Through put time

4.Which scheduling algorithem allocates the CPU first to the process that request the CPU first:

  1. First comes first serves schedulling
  2. Shortest job scheduling
  3. Priority scheduling
  4. None of these

5.In pariority scheduling algorithem:

  1. CPU is allocatedto the process with highest priority
  2. CPU is allocated to the process with the lowest priority
  3. Equal priority processes cannot be scheduled
  4. None of these

6.in priority scheduling algorithem,when a process arrives at the ready queue,its priority is compared with the priority of:

  1. All process
  2. Currently running
  3. Parent process
  4. Init process

7.time quantum is defined in:

  1. Shortest job scheduling algorithem
  2. Round robin scheduling algorithem
  3. Priority scheduling algorithem
  4. Multilevel queue scheduling algorithem

8.In multilevel feedback scheduling algorithem;

  1. A process can move  to the different classified  ready queue
  2. Classification of ready queue is permanent
  3. Processes are not classified into groups
  4. None of the mentioned

9.which one is not scheduled by the kernel?

  1. kernel level thread
  2. user level thread
  3. process
  4. none of these

10.A process refers to 5 pages A,B,C,D,E in the orders:A,B,C,D,A,B,E,A,B,C,D,E.if the page replacement algorithem in FIFO,the number of page transfer with an empty internel store of 3 frames is:

  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 9
  4. 7

11.Amemory page containing a heavily used veriable that was initialized  very early and is in constant

Use is remove and then the page replacement algorithm used is:

  1. LRU
  2. LFU
  3. FIFO
  4. None of these

12.Users are ………..that their process are running on a paged system.

  1. Aware
  2. Unaware
  3. Informed
  4. None of these

13.The aim of creating page replacement algorithms is to:

  1. Replace pages faster
  2. Increase the page fault rate
  3. Decrease the page fault rate
  4. To allocate multiple pages to processes

14. A FIFO replacement algorithm associates with each page the:

(a) Time it was brought into memory

(b) Size of the page, in memory

(c) Page after and before it

(d) All of these

15. Optimal page – replacement algorithms is difficult to implement, because:

(a) Replace the page that has been not used for a long time

(b) Replace the page that has been used for a long time

(c) Replace the page that will not be used for a long time

(d) None of these

16. Optimal page – replacement algorithm is difficult to implement, because:

(a) It requires a lot of information

(b) It requires future knowledge of the reference string

(c) It is too complex

(d) It is extremely expensive

17. LRU page – replacement algorithm associates with each page the____:

(a) Time it was brought into memory

(b) Time of that page last use

(c) Page after and before it

(d) All of these

18. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is:

(a) 15

(b) 16

(c) 18

(d) 25

19. CPU fetches the instruction from memory according to the value of:

(a) Program counter

(b) Status register

(c) Instruction register

(d) Program status word

20. A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential is called:

(a) Slack pointer

(b) Cache

(c) Accumulator

(d) Disk buffer

21. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU:

(a) Physical address

(b) Absolute address

(c) Logical address

(d) None of these

22. Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by:

(a) Memory management unit

(b) CPU

(c) PCI

(d) None of these

23. Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for use in main memory is called:

(a) Fragmentation

(b) Paging

(c) Mapping

(d ) None of these

24. The Interrupt-request time is a part of the:

(a) Data line

(b) Control Line

(c) Address line

(d) None of these

25. The return address form the interrupt-service routine is stored on the: 

(a) System Heap

(b) Processor register

(c) Processor slack

(d) Memory

26. The signal sent to the device from the processor to the device after receiving an interrupt is:

(a) Interrupt-acknowledge

(b) Return signal

(c) Service signal

(d) Permission signal

27. A relational database consists of a collection of:

(a) Tables

(b) Fields

(c) Records

(d) Keys

28. A ____in a table represents a relationship among a set of values:

(a) Column

(b) Key

(c) Row

(d) Entry

29. The term is used to refer to a row:

(a) Attribute

(b) Tuple

(c) Field

(d) Instance

30. The term attribute refers to a____ of a table:

(a) Record

(b) Column

(c) Tuple

(d) Key

31. For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called the ____of hat attribute:

(a) Domain

(b) Relation

(c) Set

(d) Schema

32. Which of the following is a tuple-generating dependency:

(a) Functional dependency

(b) Equality-generating dependencies

(c) Multi-valued dependencies

(d) Non-functional dependency

33. The main task carried out in the____ is to remove repeating attributes to separate tables:

(a) First Normal Form

(b) Second Normal Form

(c) Third Normal Form

(d) Fourth Normal form

34. Which of the normal form is based on multi-valued-dependencies:

(a) First

(b) Second

(c) Third

(d) Fourth

35. Which form has a relation that possesses data about an individual entity:

(a) 2NF

(b) 3NF

(c) 4NF

(d) 5NF

36. Which of the wing has each related entity set has its own schema and there is an additional Schema for the relationship set:

(a) VA many-to-many relationship set

(b) A multi-valued attribute of an entity set

(c) A one-to-many relationship set

(d) Both A and B

37. In which of the following, a separate schema is created consisting of that attribute and the primary key of the entity set:

(a) A many-to-many relationship set

(b) A multi-valued attribute of an entity set

(c) A one-to-many relationship set

(d) Both (a) and (b)

38. In 2NF:

(a) No functional dependencies (FDs) exist

(b) No multi-valued dependencies (MVDs) exist

(c) No partial FDs exist

(d) No partial MVDs exist

39. ____can help us detect poor E-R design:

(a) Database Design Process

(b) E-R Design Process

(c) Relational scheme

(d) Functional dependencies

40. Build & Fix Model is suitable for programming exercises of____ LOC (Line of Code):

(a) 100-200

(b) 200-400

(c) 400-1000

(d) Above 1000

41. What is the best way to represent the attributes in a large database:

(a) Relational-and

(b) Concatenation

(c) Dot representation AD

(d) All of these

42. Designers use which of the following to tune performance of systems to support time critical operations:

(a) Demoralization

(b) Redundant optimization

(c) Optimization

(d) Realization

43. RAD stands for:

(a) Relative Application Development

(b) Rapid Application Development

(c) Rapid Application Document

(d) Rational Application Document

44. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any change:

(a) Build & Fix Model

(b) Prototyping Model

(c) RAD Model

(d) Waterfall Model

45. With one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model:

(a) Quick Design

(b) Coding

(C) Prototype Refinement

(d) Engineer Product

46. RAD Model has:

(a) 2 phases

(b) 3 phases

(c) 5 phases

(d) 6 phases

47. What is the major drawback of using RAD Model:

(a) Highly specialized and skilled developers / designers are required

(b) Increases re-usability of components

(c) Encourages customer/client feedback

(d) Both (a) and (c)

48. SDLC stands for:

(a) Software Development Life Cycle

(b) System Development Life Cycle

(c) Software Design Life Cycle

(d) System Design Life Cycle

49. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC:

(a) Waterfall Model

(b) Prototyping Model

(c) RAD Model

(d) Both (a) and (c)

50. Two devices are in network if:

(a) A process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device

(b) A process is running on both devices

(c) PIDs of the processes running of different devices are same

(d) None of these

51. In computer network nodes are:

(a) The computer that originates the data

(b) The computer that routes the data

(c) The computer that terminates the data

(d) All of these

52. Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in:

(a) Broadcast network

(b) Uni-cast network

(c) Multi-cast network

(d) None of these

53. Bluetooth is an example of:

(a) Personal area network

(b) Local area network

(c) Virtual private network

(d) None of these

54. A is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packed:

(a) Bridge

(b) Firewall

(c) Router

(d) All of these

55. A ____list of protocols used by a system, one protocol per layer, is called:

(a) Protocol architecture

(b) Protocol stack

(c) Protocol suit

(d) None of these

56. Network congestion occurs:

(a) In case of traffic overloading

(b) When a system terminates

(c) When connection between two nodes terminates

(d) None of these

57. Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks:

(a) Local area network

(b) Virtual private network

(c) Enterprise private network

(d) Storage area network

58. The network layer concerns with:

(a) Bits

(b) Frames

(c) Packets

(d) None of these

59. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer:

(a) Routing

(b) Inter-networking

(c) Congestion control

(d) None of these

60. The 4 byte IP address consists of:

(a) Network address

(b) Host address

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

61. In virtual circuit network each packet contains:

(a) Full source and destination address

(b) A short VC number

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

62. Which one of the following routing algorithm can be used for network layer design:

(a) Shortest path algorithm

(b) Distance vector routing

(c) Link stale routing

(d) All of these

63. The network layer protocol of Internet is:

(a) Ethernet

(b) Internet protocol

(c) Hypertext transfer protocol

(d) None of these

64. ICMP is primarily used for:

(a) Error and diagnostic functions

(b) Addressing

(c) Forwarding

(d) None of these

65. The lexical analyzer takes____ as input and produces a stream of ____as output:

(a) Source, program tokens

(b) Token, source program

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

66. Parsing is also known as:

(a) Lexical Analysis 

(b) Syntax Analysis

(c) Semantic Analysis

(d) Code Generation

67. A compiler program written in a high level language is called:

(a) Source Program

(b) Object Program

(c) Machine Language Program

(d) None of these

68. The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as:

(a) Resolution

(b) Depth

(c) Mass

(d) None of these

69. In graphical system, the array of pixels in the picture is stored in:

(a) Memory

(b) Frame buffer

(c) Processor

(d) All of these

70. Which of the following is key characteristic of hacker:

(a) Afraid to say they don’t know the answer

(b) Willing to find answers on their own

(c) Not willing to find answers on their own

(d) All of these

71. Which of the following focuses on the discovery of (previously) unknown properties on data:

(a) Data mining

(b) Big Data

(c) Data wrangling

(d) Machine Learning

72. Which process model should be used in virtually all situations of web engineering:

(a) Incremental Model

(b) Waterfall Model

(c) Spiral Model

(d) None of these

73. Which analysis is a part of Analysis model of the web engineering process framework:

(a) Content Analysis

(b) Interaction Analysis

(c) Functional Analysis

(d) All of these

74. Which of the following statements are incorrect with reference to web-based systems? Web-based systems:

(a) Should be un-scalable

(b) Must be to cope uncertain, random heavy demand on services

(c) Must be secure

(d) Are subject to assorted legal, social and ethical scrutiny

75. What category of web-based system would you assign to discussion group:

(a) Information Work

(b) Transaction-oriented

(c) Web portals

(d) Workflow-oriented

76. What categories of web-based system would you assign to discussion groups: 

(a) Collaborative work

(b) Online communities

(c) Web portals

(d) Workflow-oriented

77. “W3C stands for:

(a) World Wide Web Consortium

(b) World Wide Web Collaboration

(c) World Wide Web Community

(d) None of these

78. Which of the following is a risk associated with using hypertext in web applications:

(a) Loss of sense of locality and direction

(b) Cognitive overload for users

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

79. Which of the following is not a NoSQL database:

(a) SQL Server

(b) MongoDB

(c) Cassandra

(d) None of these

80. Which of the following is a NoSQL Database type:

(a) SQL

(b) Document databases

(c) JSON

(d) All of these

81. Which one of the following is an example of Operating System:

(a) Microsoft Word

(b) Microsoft Excel

(c) Microsoft Access

(d) Microsoft Windows

82. By default on which page the Header or the Footer is printed, in MS Word:

(a) On first page

(b) On alternate page

(c) On every page

(d) None of these

83. Complete the number series: 15, 31, 63, 127, 255____:

(a) 513

(b) 511

(c) 523

(d) 517

84. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%:

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

85. “To face the music” means:

(a) To be greeted rudely

(b) To be offered warm hospitality

(c) To be on the front seat in a concert

(d) To bear the consequences

86. What is the synonym of “Posthumous”:

(a) After death

(b) Moisture

(c) Rich

(d) Rear

87. What is the antonym of “Meandering”:

(a) Sliding

(b) Straight

(c) Sloping

(d) Curved

88. Find the correctly spelt word:

(a) Dicotomy

(b) Dicotemy

(c) Dichotomy

(d) Dechotomy

89. To which fruit is Plantain similar to:

(a) Grapefruit

(b) Apples

(c) Jackfruit

(d) Bananas

90. Exposure to sunlight results in formation of in the bod:

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin C

(c) Vitamin K

(d) Vitamin D

91. Who was the first American President to resign while in office:

(a) Theodore Roosevelt

(b) Bill Clinton

(c) Richard Nixon

(d) John Quincy Adams

92. The current capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. Name the former capital:

(a) Almaty

(b) Dushanbe

(c) Bishkek

(d) None of these

93. In Geography what do you understand by “Pangaea”:

(a) A super continent

(b) Hills formed by lava outflow

(c) Concentration of sulphur in hot springs

(d) None of these

94. After partition of Bengal, the Capital of East Bengal and Assam was:

(a) Dhaka

(b) Calcutta

(c) Chittagong

(d) Sylhet

95. Which was the official language during the Muslim Rule in India:

(a) Urdu

(b) Turkish

(c) Persian

(d) Arabic

96. Which of the following is not an Olympic Sport:

(a) Squash

(b) Badminton

(c) Wrestling

(d) Fencing

97. The flag of which country is also known as the Union Jack:

(a) UK

(b) USA

(c) New Zealand

(d) Barbados

98. Boao Forum for Asia, which holds its annual conference at Boao Hainan Province, China, was originally proposed by former President Ramos of Philippines, former Prime Minister Monhiro Hosokawa of Japan and:

(a) Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke of Australia

(b) Former Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad of Malaysia

(c) Former President Hu Jintao of China

(d) Former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz of Pakistan

99. In triangulation method, the whole area is divided into:

(a) Scale triangles

(b) Triangles

(c) Obtuse triangles 

(d) Well-conditioned triangles

100. The headquarter of NATO is located in____:

(a) New York

(b) Paris

(c) Brussels

(d) Geneva