Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 16

751. Wright Mills asserted that the “sociological creative mind” change in

  1. Logical examination into presence of mind
  2. Individuals into allies of the norm
  3. Sound judgment into laws of society
  4. Individual issues into public issues

752. Which of coming up next are elements of aberrance noted by Emile Durkheim?

  1. Reacting to abnormality advances social solidarity.
  2. Reacting to abnormality explains moral limits.
  3. Aberrance attests social qualities and standards.
  4. The entirety of the given alternatives

753. Comprehension of sub-societies, social standards and assumptions are all essential for:

  1. Play stage
  2. Game stage
  3. Summed up other
  4. Huge others
  5. The Stage of the Generalized Other.

754. Which of coming up next is the wellspring of benefit, in which business people can put for their own utilization?

  1. Excess worth
  2. Common assets
  3. Utilization
  4. Methods for creation

755.excess worth is the wellspring of benefit, which entrepreneurs can put to their own utilization. The work turns into a ware. Abundance is delivered on a scale a long ways past anything seen previously, however laborers have little admittance to the abundance their work makes.

756. Family and marriage is a ___________ highlight of the multitude of societies.

  1. Variable
  2. All inclusive
  3. Sent
  4. Socia
  5. All inclusive.

757. The perceived and planned outcomes of a social example are known as _________.

  1. Show capacities
  2. Inert capacities
  3. Social capacities
  4. Dysfunctions
  5. Show capacities

758. Discovering that assists an individual with accomplishing an ideal position is called as ___________.

  1. Socialization
  2. Secret educational plan
  3. Expectant socialization
  4. Cooperation
  5. Expectant socialization.

759. As indicated by the functionalist point of view, _____________ is the most striking element of society.

  1. variety
  2. security
  3. imbalance
  4. human organization
  5. security.

760. A Statement of how and why explicit realities are connected is known as a

  1. hypothesis
  2. connection.
  3. hypothetical worldview.
  4. idea

761. The term society in sociology is used to refer to:

  1. The person living in an area
  2. The persons professing the same religion.
  3. The system of social relationship
  4. The organized relations between individuals
  5. None of the these.

762. Herbert Spencer classified the society into:

  1. Four classes
  2. Eight classes 
  3. Two classes 
  4. Three classes 
  5. None of these.

763. ‘The bourgeoisie type of society was compounded by:

 Max Weber

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Hegel
  3. T.H. Green
  4. None of these.

764.  Language is important to society because?

  1. It makes social contracts easy.
  2. It raised man from a savage to a noble being
  3. It is an invention of society
  4. It easily satisfies man’s need of expression (e> None of these. .

765.  Socialization is a process involving:

  1. Setting up the social norms
  2. Gradual changing of an organism
  3. Declaring everything as belonging to society
  4. Training to adapt id society
  5. None of these.

766. According to Hegel assimilation is:

  1. a person not a result
  2. a person as well a result
  3. a result and not a process
  4. All of these.
  5. None of these.

767. *An association is characterized by:

  1. Norms
  2. Customs
  3. Folk ways
  4. Usage 
  5. None of these.

768. ‘The research process occurs:

  1. Sometime quickly, sometimes slowly
  2. ^ With a very high degree of familiarization and rigor
  3. Always through the interaction. of several scientists
  4. Only if the scientist’s imagination
  5. None of these.

769. Operational definitions:

  1. Are composed of primitive and derived terms
  2. Represent concepts that can be directly observed
  3. Are sets of procedures that describe measurement activities
  4. Specify the meaning of concepts through ostensive definitions

770. If we-develop a system that describe a city}s. traffic flow by setting up a simulated road network, traffic signals and vehicles, we have constructed a/an: .

  1. Axiomatic theory
  2. Model
  3. Ad-hoc classificatory system
  4. Taxonomy
  5. None of these.

771. In principle, the age of a person is a:

  1. Control variable
  2. continuous variable
  3. discrete variable
  4. spurious variable
  5. None of these.

772. If a change in X produces a change in Y then:

  1. X is not casually related to Y
  2. X and Y do not ovary / 
  3. X ‘could he cause of Y
  4. Y is a cause of X
  5. None of these.

773. What is the lowest Level of measurement in which numbers or symbols are used to classify objects

  1. Nominal
  2. Ordinal
  3. Internal
  4. Ratio 
  5. None of these.

774. Population of Pakistan is around:

  1. 150 million
  2. 140 million
  3. 160 million
  4. 130 million
  5.  None of these.

775. Population of Pakistan has been increasing at the rate of:

  1. 3 percent
  2. 2.1 percent
  3. 1.5 per cent
  4. 2.6 percent
  5. None of these.

776. Average life of a Pakistani woman is:

  1. Equal to men
  2. Shorter than man
  3. Longer than man
  4. None of these.

777. Status may be:

  1. ascribed
  2. achieved
  3. Both ascribed and achieved
  4. None of these,

778. An achieved status is: i

  1. shared by caste-minded people
  2. inherited from parents
  3. derived from abilities and skills
  4. dependent upon biological condition
  5. None of these.

779. Role conflict -in society emerges out of the fact that:

  1. Performers do not know the nature of Vole performed «
  2. There is lack of balance in the system of the role performed
  3. They do not observe the desired standards,
  4. They do not get adequate award -for  the role performed, . .
  5. None of these.

780. “Bourgeoisie is a term used by:

  1. ‘Aristotle
  2. Karl Mar X
  3. Max Weber
  4. Macular
  5. None of these

781. Man is a social animal, who said:

  1. Aristotle
  2. Bin-i-Khaldun
  3.  Max Weber
  4. AI-Ghazali
  5. None of these

782. Who has written the book “Das Kapita P”.

  1. Lewis Morgan
  2. Max Weber
  3. Karl Marx
  4. August Comte
  5. None of these

783.  Who mainly presented the idea of Social Conflict?

  1. Herbert Spencer
  2. Emile Durkheim
  3. Karl Marx
  4. Talcott Parsons
  5. None of these

784. Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism for understanding society:

  1. August Comte
  2. Max
  3. Weber
  4. George Simmel
  5. Robert Park
  6. None of these

785.  Who is really the founder of Sociology?

  1. Imam Ghastly
  2. Ibh-i-Chaldean
  3. Parsons
  4. Wright Mills
  5. None of these

786. In the division of labor in the society which one of two types of solidarity identified by Durkheim:

  1. Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
  2. Mechanical and Physical Solidarity
  3. Physical and Spiritual Solidarity
  4. Physical and Organic Solidarity
  5. None of these

787. Who mainly advocated that “the economic structure of the society is the real foundation of the society”: ) Karl Marx

  1.  Charles Cooley
  2.  Robert Merton
  3.  August Comte
  4.  None of these

788. Which one is first step of knowledge:

  1. Theory
  2. Law
  3. Assumption
  4. Intuitive
  5. None of these

789. Concept of Co-variation means:

  1. When two variables vary together
  2. Remain Unchanged
  3. One variable changes, other remains unchanged
  4. None of these

790. Age is a:

  1. Nominal variable
  2. Ordinal variable
  3. Interval
  4. Ratio
  5. None of these

791. Stratified Random Sampling technique is a:

  1. Probability Sampling technique
  2. Non-probability
  3. None of these

792. Polyandry means:

  1. A form of marriage that joins one female with more than one male.
  2. A form of marriage that joins one female with one male.
  3. A form of marriage that joins more than one female with one male
  4. None of these

793.Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:

  1. School
  2. Religion
  3. Family
  4. Community
  5. None of these

794. Population change is mainly based on:

  1. Fertility  and  Mortality
  2. Fertility  and  migration
  3. Mortality  and  migration
  4. Fertility,  Mortality  and migration

795. The infant mortality level in Pakistan is around:

  1. 10
  2. 25
  3. 60
  4. 160
  5. None of these

796. Demography is a scientific study of human population with respect to:

  1. Size of population
  2. Structure of population
  3. Composition of population
  4. Size, structure and composition of population
  5. None of these

797. Dispersion and Variation can be examined through calculating:

  1. Mean
  2. Standard deviation
  3. Correlation Co-efficient
  4. Regression Co-efficient
  5. None of these

798. How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around:

  1. 10 percent
  2. . 20 percent
  3. 32 percent
  4. 58 percent
  5. None of these

798. How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around:

  1. 10 percent
  2. . 20 percent
  3. 32 percent
  4. 58 percent
  5. None of these

798. How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around:

  1. 10 percent
  2. . 20 percent
  3. 32 percent
  4. 58 percent
  5. None of these

799. Norms and values are components of:

  1. Society
  2. Religion

800. Any method of data collection that directly removes the researcher from research site

  1. Erosion measure
  2. Accretion measure
  3. Unobtrusive measure
  4. None of these