901.Social Structure of a society is the network of?
- Institutional relations
- Value System
- Traditions
- Compliance to Norms
- None of these
902.WID approach believes in?
- Gender mainstreaming
- Gender Segregation
- Incorporating women in development activities
- None of these
903. Geronotology is the study of?
- Human Beings
- Special Groups
- Aged and Aging
- All of these
904.The most pervasive of the social processes are?
- Cooperation
- Over Conflict
- Competition
- None of these
905. Abstract Sentiments are?
- Closer to the center of the self than moral rules
- Provide a focus for allegiance
- Are compellers of action
- None of these
906.The creative potential of personality is accounted for by?
- Stimulus-response psychology
- Drive psychology
- Trait psychology
- None of these
907.When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called?
- Interview Schedule
- Questionnaire
- Observation
- Interview guide
- None of these
908. Power that people consider legitimate is known as?
- Right
- Authority
- Privileged
- None of these
909. Social Structure of a society is the network of: Institutional relations
- Value System
- Traditions
- Compliance to Norms
- None of these
910. WID approach believes in: Gender mainstreaming
- Gender
- Segregation
- Incorporating women in development activities
- None of these
911. Gerontology is the study of: Human Beings
- Special Groups
- Aged and Aging
- All of these
912. The most pervasive of the social processes are: Cooperation?
- Competition
- None of these
913. Abstract Sentiments are:
- Closer to the center of the self than moral rules
- Provide a focus for allegiance
- Are compellers of action
- None of these
914.The creative potential of personality is accounted for by: Stimulus-response psychology
- Drive psychology
- Trait psychology
- None of these
915. The country with better record for gathering population statistics then any other is:
- Japan
- Sweden
- None of these
916. The exception to the typical application of endogamy is: Tribe
- Kinship
- Race
- None of these
917. Stratified samples fall under:
- Probability sampling design
- Non-Probability sampling design
- Multi-stage sampling design
- None of these
918. Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from: Excessive regulation
- Excessive individualism
- Over migration with group
- None of these
919. A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:
- Max Weber
- Karl Max
- Emile Durkheim
- Wright Mill
- None of these
920. A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as:
- Clan
- Tribe
- Kin group
- Class
- None of these
921. A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:
- Haw throne effect
- Invasion
- Anomie
922. In theoretical field social research aims at: finding problems of human being
- identifying delinquent behavior
- reducing social conflict
- None of these
923. Survey Means:
- Overlooking
- Organizing social data
- Observation
924.Independent variables are:
- Experimental Groups
- Study of social investigation
- Study of social life
- None of these
925.Qualitative Data Means:
- Expressed in number
- Expressed in words
- Both of these
- None of these
926. A Liker scale emphasizes: Reproducibility
- Uni dimensionality
- None of these
927. Who said “Man is a social animal”? Aristotle
- True
- false
928.Who called sociology “Social Physics”?
- August
- Comte
- Wilfred
- Herbert
- Spencer
929.Bourgeois type of society was introduced by?
- Karl Marx
- Yes
- no
930.When cultural traits spread from one society to another the process is called “Diffusion“?
- Yes
- no
931. An ascribed status is one that is endowed at birth?
- yes
- no
932.Ethnocentrism means
- superiority of ones own culture
- yes
- false
933.A system in which one husband is married to many women is called;
- Polygamy
- T
- F
934.Levirate means;
- Marriage of a man with the widow of his deceased brother
- Marriage of a man with the sister of his deceased wife
- None of these.
935. Joint family may be preferred because it has;
- greater financial security
- Division of labor
- workable as a cooperative
- all of these
936.Which of the following is not a major feature of capitalism? = Equitable distribution of income
- Y
- N
937.Movement from rural to urban area is called = Urbanization
- Y
- N
938.Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
This definition has been given by;
- Durkheim
- T
- F
940.Rapid growth of urbanization is due to advancement in;
- modernization
- westernization
- technology
- transport
941.Whose statement is this” where there is life there is society”
- August Comte
- Herbert Spencer
- Durkheim
- MacIver & Page
942.Who developed the “organic theory of society”
- Herbert Spencer
- Henry Maine
- Thomas Hobbes
- MacIver
943. What does culture usually reflect in Modern society?
- Group culture
- National culture
- Geographical culture
- religious culture
944.Customs are powerful in regulating the conduct of people in:
- Simple societies
- Urban societies
- Industrialized societies
- All of these
945.Which one of these is not an essential element of community
- Individual interest
- Yes
- no
946. Norms in society indicate;
- Standardized generalization about normal expected mode of behavior
- Yes
- no
947. Which one of the following is not a healthy social process?
- Competition
- Co-operation
- Integration
- None of these.
948. A double-barrel question has the potential of having:
- Two acceptable responses/answers
- Two answers but incompatible with each other
- Both and
- None of these .
949.Those who cannot compete have no right for higher learning and must be refused accordingly who believed in the above thesis?
- August comets
- Spencer
- Karl max
- None of these
950.Whose theorizing social change is depicted/comes closer to Iqbal’s verse
- “AA tug ko baton main tardier imams kea hay shams her w sane away taboos w rabbi achier”
- Karl- Marx
- Ibn-i-Kaduna
- George Hegel
- None of these.