951.When new operator is overloaded at global level then corresponding built-in new operator will not be visible to whole of the program?
- True
- False
952.If there is more than one statement in the block of a for loop, which of the following must be placed at the beginning and the ending of the loop block?
- parentheses
- braces {}37
- brackets []
- arrows < >
953.The return type of a function that do not return any value will be?
- float
- in void
- double
954.UNIX has been developed in language?
- B
- C
955.Like member functions can also access the private data members of a class.
- Non-member functions
- Friend function
- Any function outside class
- None of the given options
956.Which of the following statement is best regarding declaration of friend function?
- Friend function must be declared after public keyword.
- Friend function must be declared after private keyword.
- Friend function must be declared at the top within class definition.
- It can be declared anywhere in class as these are not affected by the public and private keywords
957.The operator function overloaded for an Assignment operator = will be?
- Non-member function of class
- Member function of class
- Friend function of class
- None of the given options
958.The endl and flush are?
- Functions
- Operators
- Manipulators434
- Objects
959.If a symbolic constant has been defined, it will be an error to define it again?
- True
- False
960.The operator used for casting, in C, is standard?
- none of the given options.
- cast
- cost
- const
961.Constructors cannot be overloaded like ordinary functions?
- True
- False
962.which of the following function call is correct for the function prototype?
Default Parameters int a, int b = 7, char z = ‘*’;
- default Parameters (5;
- default Parameters (5, ‘8’;
- default Parameters (6, ‘#’;
- default Parameters (0, 0, ‘*’, 0;
963.When an operator function is defined as member function for a binary Plus then the number of arguments it takes is?
- Zero
B. One
C Two
D. N arguments
964.We cannot define a variable of user-defined data type in the class?
- True
- False
965.When an object of a class is defined inside the class?
- Constructor of enclosing class will be called first
- Constructor of inner object will be called first
- Constructor and Destructor will be called simultaneously
- None of the given options
966.The appropriate data type to store the number of rows and column of the matrix is?
- float
- int
- char
- none of the given options.
967.Class of a user defined is?
- data type
- memory referee
- value
- none of the given options.
968.A pointer variable can be?
- Decremented
- Incremented
- Multiplied
- Both Incremented and Decremented
969.NULL value has been defined in?
header files.
- strings.h and iostream’s
- ctype.h and conic
- conio.c and conio.
- stdlib.h and stddef.h
970.A Matrix can be composed of floats or doubles as their elements. Best way is to handle this
Write a separate class to handle each?
- Use templates
- Use strings to store all types
- None of the given options
971.Which of the following option will be true, if we overload “-=” operator?
- only – operator needs to be overloaded Minus (- and = operators need to be overloaded
- the -= operator need to be overloaded explicitly
- the – ad = operators need to be overloaded implicitly
972.In C/C++ if we define an array of size eight then the last element of this array will be stored?
- Arr[F.
- Arr[8]
- Arr[7]
- Arr[-1]
973.When an array is passed to a function then default way of passing this array will?
- By data
- By reference
- By value
- By data type
974.Array is a data structure which store?
- Memory addresses
- Variables
- Data Type
- Data
975.We can also create an array of user define data type?
- True
- False
976.When we define an array of objects then?
- Destructor will call once for whole array
- Destructor will call for each object of the array
- Destructor will never call
- Depends on the size of array
977.What is the sequence of event(s when allocating memory using new operator?
- Only block of memory is allocated for objects
- Only constructor is called for objects
- Memory is allocated first before calling constructor
- Constructor is called first before allocating memory
978.We can delete an array of objects without specifying [] brackets if a class is not doing dynamic memory allocation internally?
- True
- False
979.The second parameter of operator functions for << and >> are objects of the class For which we are overloading these operators?
- True
- False
980.Which of the following is correct way to initialize a variable x of int type with value 10?
- int x; x = 10;
- int x = 10;
- int x, x = 10;
- x = 10;
981.Default mechanism of function calling in case of array is and in case of variable is?
- Call by value, call by reference
- Call by reference, call by reference
- Call by reference, call by value
- Call by value, call by value
982. STL stands for?
- Source template library
- Standard template library
- Stream template library
- Standard temporary library
983.Skill are needed by programmer’s
- Paying attention to detail
- Think about the reusability
- Think about user interface
- All of the given options4 & 5
984.For which array, the size of the array should be one more than the number of elements in an array?
- Int double
- float
- char
985.new and delete are whereas allocation of memory?
- Functions, operators
- Classes, operators
- Operators, functions
- Operators, classes
986.Friend functions are of a class.
- Member functions
- Public member functions
- Private member functions
- Non-member functions
987.The prototype of friend functions must be written the class and its
- definition must be written?
- inside, inside the class
- inside, outside the class
- outside, inside the class
- outside, outside the class
988.If overloaded plus operator is implemented as non-member function then which of the following statement will be true for the statement given obj3 = obj1 + obj2;
- obj2 will be passed as an argument to + operator whereas obj2 will
- drive the + operator
- obj1 will drive the + operator whereas obj2 will be passed as an argument to + operator
- Both objects (obj1, obj2 will be passed as arguments to the + operator (not sure
- Any of the objects (obj1, obj2 can drive the + operator
989.Which one of the following is the declaration of overloaded pre-increment operator implemented as member function?
- Class-name operator + (Class-name operator + (int;
- Class-name operator ++ (;
- Class-name operator ++ (int;
990.For cin, the source is normally a and destination can be? .
- File, native data type
- Disk, user-define type
- Keyboard, variable
- For cin, the source is normally keyboard and the destination can be an ordinary variable
- File, user-define type
991.We can also do conditional compilation with preprocessor directives?
- True
- False
992.The programs, in which we allocate static memory, run essentially on?
- Heap
- System Cache
- None of the given options
- Stack280
993.The programs, in which we allocate static memory run essentially on stack
- The default value of a parameter can be provided inside the
- function prototype
- function definition
- both function prototype or function definition
- none of the given options.
994.The default value of a parameter is provided inside the function prototype or function definition.
While calling function, the arguments are assigned to the parameters from? .
- left to right
- right to left
- no specific order is followed
- none of the given options.
995.When an operator function is defined as member function for a binary Plus (+ operator then the number of argument it take?
- 0
- One
- Two371
- N arguments
996.With user-defined data type variables Objects, self assignment can produce?
- Syntax error
- Logical error
- Link error
- None of the given options
997.Assignment operator is used to initialize a newly declared object from existing
- True
- False
998.In the member initialize list, the data members are initialized?
- From left to right
- From right to left
- In the order in which they are defined within class
- None of the given options
999.new operator allocates memory from free store and return?
- A pointer
- A reference
- An integer
- A float
1000.”new” and “delete” keywords are in C++ language?
- Built-in- Function
- Operators
- Memory Allocation Function
- None of the given options