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Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download
Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download
01Software Engineering MCQS Set 0102Software Engineering MCQS Set 02
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05Software Engineering MCQS Set 0506Software Engineering MCQS Set 06
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Top 1000+ Software Engineering Subject Mcqs Pdf Download

All delivered MCQs which are published on the MCQsFundry are the latest, new, and 100% unique. The answers of all MCQs are 99% correct are quelity checked by VU Study Solution. These MCQs were not shared before on the internet. Most MCQs are conceptual based that will help you to build concrete conceptual based knowledge.

  • Requirement engineering mainly deals with the ………… of the system
    A: definition phase

    B: development phase
    C: maintenance
    D: non of the above

  • 40-60% of all defects found in software projects can be traced back to poor ……-….
    A: Requirements

    B: Design
    C: Coding
    D: Testing

  • In the N-Tire Architecture the idea is to enhance scalability and ………… by distributing both the data and the application using multiple server machines
    A: Performance

    B: Efficiency
    C: Usability
    D: non of the all

  • MVC pattern was based on the …………- pattern
    A: Observer

    B: Structural
    C: Behavioral
    D: Non of them

  • Classes should be declared in individual header files with the file name matching the ………- name
    A: class
    B: method
    C: object
    D: non of the all

  • Unit testing is roughly equivalent to ………- testing for hardware in which each chip is tested thoroughly after manufacturing
    A: Circuit level
    B: Chip Level
    C: component level
    D: system level

  • Software should be tested more like hardware, with Built-in self testing: such that each unit can be tested ……-…….
    A: freely
    B: independently
    C: dependtly
    D: completely

  • A system ……-……. is the period in which tremendous pressure is on developers end to fix the problem and make the system running again
    A: Uptime
    B: Downtime
    C: Currentime
    D: futuretimr

  • Which one of the given below is not a symptom of memory overrun?
    A: Program crashes quite regularly after a given routine is called, that routine should be examined for a possible overrun condition
    B: If the routine in question does not appear to have any such problem the most likely cause is that another routine, called in the prior sequence, has already trashed variables or memory blocks
    C: Checking the trace log of the called routines leading up to one with the problem will often show up the error
    D: Compiler warnings

  • Three tier architecture contains ……-……. layers
    A: Presentation
    B: Application
    C: Database
    D: All of the above

  • Variables should be initialized where they are declared and they should be declared in the ………… scope possible
    A: Smallest

    B: largest
    C: medium
    D: None of the given

  • …………-…. are two important tools that can help in managing and mastering the complexity of a program
    A: abstraction and encapsulation

    B: abstraction and Inheritence
    C: abstraction and Polymarhphism
    D: None of given

  • Which of the following is a/are tool used in requirement analysis?
    A: Flow Graphs
    B: Data Flow Diagrams
    C: Activity Networks
    D: Module Dependency Diagrams

  • Consider the following comment. “The software which I bought won’t run on windows and when it runs I can’t use WORD at the same time”. Which of the following do you think are violated by the newly bought software?
    A: dependability, interchangeability
    B: platform independence, interoperability
    C: reliability, dependency
    D: interoperability, reliability

  • ……………… is a diagramming technique used to identify the types of objects in the system and the static relationships that exist among them?
    A: Class Diagram
    B: Document flow diagrams
    C: Data flow diagrams
    D: Flow charts

  • Which of the following interaction style best suit the design of an interface for visually impaired users?
    A: direct manipulation

    B: direct manipulation
    C: natural language
    D: command line

  • Which of the following testing involve purely black box testing?
    A: unit testing, beta testing
    B: acceptance testing, interface testing
    C: beta testing, acceptance testing
    D: integration testing, interface testing

  • What are the three generic phases of software engineering?
    A: definition, development, support

    B: what, how, where
    C: programming, debugging, maintenance
    D: analysis, design, testing

  • In the context of requirements analysis, partitioning results in the elaboration of data, function, or behavior
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • Quantitative methods for assessing the quality of proposed architectural designs are readily available
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • In refining the DFD during transaction mapping it is unnecessary to create a PSPEC since only the CSPEC is relevant to this type of architectural style
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • In transaction mapping the first level factoring results in the…………..
    A: creation of a CFD
    B: derivation of the control hierarchy
    C: distribution of worker modules
    D: refinement of the module view

  • Variable names must be in mixed case starting with upper case
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • Class variables should be declared public. This concept violates which of the following
    A: Information hiding
    B: Encapsulation
    C: Information hiding and Encapsulation
    D: None of given

  • Real-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix
    A: performance
    B: reliability
    C: security
    D: time

  • The construction is used to avoid …………… errors
    A: compilation

    B: runtime
    C: design time
    D: non of them

  • All comments should be written in……-….
    A: English

    B: French
    C: C++
    D: JAVA

  • One of the Guidelines to avoid common mistakes is to never use ……… except for declaration
    A: ,

    B: ;
    C: =
    D: ||

  • The order in which bytes of one word are stored is ……-…. dependent
    A: Hardware

    B: Software
    C: language
    D: system

  • Verification and validation are the processes in which we check a product against its ……… and the …………- of the users who will be using it
    A: specifications, expectations

    B: statements, expectations
    C: specifications , arguments
    D: statements, arguments

  • Two tests are considered to be equivalent if it is believed that: if one discovers a defect, the other probably will too, and if one does not discover a defect, ……………-
    A: the other probably may
    B: the other probably won’t either
    C: the other probably will
    D: non of them

  • It was lady named ……………- who actually coin the term “bug” for the fiest time
    A: Elisay Chistopher
    B: Admiral Grace Hopper
    C: Ana Nicholson
    D: Jane Hopper

  • The first “bug” was actually a moth, which flew through an open window and into one of the Mark ………’s relays
    A: I
    B: II
    C: III
    D: IV

  • Symptoms of logical errors are …………
    A: code is misbehaving
    B: The program doesn’t crash, but the flow of program takes odd branches through the code
    C: Results are the opposite & Output looks strange
    D: all of the given

  • First hand accounts of the problem are always useful in Debugging process
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • Software architecture elements are further divided into categories which in total are ……-….
    A: 2
    B: 3
    C: 4
    D: 5

  • Establishing responsibilities for objects includes
    A: Generalization Relationships
    B: Specialization Relationships
    C: identifying Association relationships
    D: all of the above

  • Source files can have the extension ……………
    A: c++ .
    B: .C
    C: .cpp
    D: all of the given

  • Be very careful when you use functions with side effects – functions that change the values of the ……-…….
    A: parameters

    B: variables
    C: constants
    D: None of given

  • Which of the following is not a characteristic of software?
    A: Software is tangible

    B: A change to a piece of code may implicitly affect the functions of the rest of the code
    C: Software is configurable
    D: Software does not wear and tear

  • Which of the following is a fact finding method?
    A: Site visits
    B: Prototyping
    C: Study of similar systems
    D: All of given

  • The statements given below are associated with system development, testing and maintenance. Identify the correct statement from among them
    A: Some of the activities in the implementation phase are building individual system components, writing of programs and development of user interfaces
    B: The post implementation review is performed to see that the computer system is working
    C: System development phase consists of a development phase and an implementation phase
    D: None of Given

  • Quantitative methods for assessing the quality of proposed architectural designs are readily available
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • A decision table should be used…………..
    A: to document all conditional statements
    B: to guide the development of the project management plan
    C: only when building an expert system
    D: when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component

  • Test cases should be designed long before testing begins
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • Which of the following are characteristics of testable software?
    A: observability

    B: simplicity
    C: stability
    D: all of the given

  • Comparison testing is typically done to test two competing products as part of customer market analysis prior to product release
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • By collecting software metrics and making use of existing software reliability models it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines for determining when software testing is done
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • Configuration reviews are not needed if regression testing has been rigorously applied during software integration
    A: True
    B: False
    C: NA
    D: NA

  • A change becomes ……-……. because of close presence of data and fucntions
    A: Localized
    B: Private
    C: Global
    D: Accessible