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Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following options

1          Shielding effect is greater in atoms with greater number of:

(a) Protons

(b) Neutrons

(c) Electrons

(d) Positrons

2          There are total groups and periods in the modern periodic table:

(a) Seven, eight

(b) Eighteen, seven

(c) Eight, seventeen

(d) Sixteen, eight

3          If we move from left to right in a period, the value of ionization energy:

(a) Remains same

(b) Decreases

(c) Increases

(d) Not effected

4          The ionization energy of sodium is:

(a) +495.8 kj/mol

(b) +594.8 kj/mol

(c) -495.8 kj/mol

(d) -594.8 kj/mol

5          It is the amount of energy released when an electron is added up in the outermost shell of an isolated gaseous atom:

(a) Shielding effect

(b) Electron affinity

(c) Electro negativity

(d) Ionization energy

6          Salts of sodium give:

(a) Bluish green

(b) Red

(c) Yellow

(d) Green

7          The half of distance between the nuclei of the two bonded atoms is referred as:

(a) Atomic size

(b) Atomic radius

(c) Ionic radii

(d) Both (a) and (b)

8          Sixth and seventh periods are called:

(a) Short period

(b) Normal period

(c) Long period

(d) Very long period

9          The d-block elements lie between the blocks:

(a) s-p

(b) d-f

(c) p-s

(d) f-d

10        Which one of the halogens has the highest electro-negativity?

(a) Bromine

(b) Iodine

(c) Chlorine

(d) Fluorine

11        The shielding effect of the inner electrons is responsible for:

(a) Increasing ionization energy value

(b) Decreasing ionization energy value

(c) Increasing electron affinity

(d) Increasing electronegativity

12        As per modern periodic law, the characteristics of the elements are periodic function of their:

(a) Atomic number

(b) Number of electrons

(c) Mass number

(d) Number of valence electrons

13        Which is the best reason for increasing ionization energy from left to right in a period?

(a) The shielding effect remains the same

(b) The nuclear chare increases

(c) The number of inner electrons increases

(d) Increasing electronegativity

14        Units of ionization energy are:

(a) Calones/mol

(b) kj/mol

(c) kj


15        5-f series of inner transition elements are called:

(a) Lanthanides

(b) Actinides

(c) Halogens

(d) Alkali metals

16        Halogens belong to group:

(a) 17

(b) 16

(c) 18

(d) 32

17        How many elements are there in 4th period of the periodic table?

(a) 7

(b) 8

(c) 18

(d) 32

18        Which one is the incomplete period in the periodic table?

(a) fourth period

(b) second period

(c) seventh period

(d) first period

19        Which among the following scientist had given the idea of octaves for the arrangement of elements?

(a) Mendeleev

(b) Al-Razi

(c) Newlands

(d) Dobereiner

20        Atomic number of K = 19. Its valence shell configuration is:

(a) 4s1

(b) 3s1

(c) 6s1

(d) 5s1

21        Keeping in view the size of the atom, which order among of the following is correct one?

(a) Mg > Sr

(b) Ba> Mg

(c) Ca> Ba

(d) Cl> I

22        In 5th period the elements have range from:

(a) 19 to 36

(b) 37 to 54

(c) 11 to 18

(d) 55 to 86

23        Zero group or noble gases have general electronic configuration.

(a) ns2, np2

(b) ns2, np4 

(c) ns2, np6 

(d) ns2, np5 

24        Which element exists in liquid form at room temperature?

(a) Ba

(b) Br

(c) Be

(d) B

25        Number of elements placed in 6th period is:

(a) 18

(b) 8

(c) 32

(d) 14

26        Point out the number of electrons in the valence shells of halogens:

(a) 6

(b) 5

(c) 7

(d) 8

27        Electronegativity of oxygen is:

(a) 2.5

(b) 3.0

(c) 3.4

(d) 4.0

28        Which one is the smallest among the following?

(a) Na

(b) F

(c) O

(d) N

29        The radius of carbon atom is:

(a) 154 pm

(b) 77 pm

(c) 68 pm

(d) 70 pm

30        Elements of group I and group II have valence electrons in:

(a) s-subshell

(b) p-subshell

(c) d-subshell

(d) f-subshell

31        In 1860 correct atomic mass of elements were determined by:

(a) Cannizzaro

(b) Newlands

(c) Mosely

(d) Mendeleev

32        How much  elements were arranged by Mendeleev in order of increasing atomic masses?

(a) 60

(b) 61

(c) 62

(d) 63

33        How many periods are there in the modern periodic table?

(a) 6

(b) 7

(c) 8

(d) 9

34        32 elements are present in which period of periodic table?

(a) 5th

(b) 6th

(c) 4th

(d) 8th

35        Mark the incorrect statement.

(a) 1st period contains two elements

(b) 2nd period contains eight elements

(c) 3rd period contains 18 elements

(d) 7th period contains 23 elements only

36        In which atom outermost electrons are highly shielded?

(a) F

(b) C1

(c) Br

(d) I

37        Which of the following does not belong to 1st group?

(a) Hydrogen

(b) Sodium

(c) Rubidium

(d) Calcium

38        Which one of the following halogen has highest electronegativity?

(a) F

(b) I

(c) Cr

(d) CI

39        Indicate among the following which has highest value of electron affinity

(a) F

(b) CI

(c) Br

(d) I

40        Lanthanide series start after:

(a) La

(b) Ba

(c) Ra

(d) Cs

41        ns2 is the general electronic configuration of:

(a) Boron family

(b) Nitrogen family

(c) Alkali metals

(d) Alkaline earth metals

42        For Boron Z= 5, it belongs to which block:

(a) s

(b) p

(c) d

(d) f