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Chapter No: 6

Boolean Algebra

Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1:         Boolean algebra was formulated by English Mathematician George Boole in

(a) 1857          

(b) 1853          

(c) 1854          

(d) 1847

2:         If Z is a Boolean variable then its value can be

(a) 0 – 9

(b) 0 – 7

(c) 0 & 1

(d) 0 or 1\

3:         Which of the following are basic logical operators in Boolean algebra?

(a) AND          

(b) OR

(c) NOT          

(d) All

4:         The operator that gives complement of the given value is called

(a) AND

(b) OR

(c) NOT

(d) All

5: If A = 1 and B = 0 then A And B = ?

(a) 0

(b) 10

(c) 11

(d) 1

6:         Boolean Algebra is the __ of logic

(a) Mathematics

(b) Solution

(c) Algebra

(d) Geometry

7:         __ uses symbols to represent logical statements instead of words.

(a) Algebra

(b) Geometry

(c) Boolean Algebra

(d) Digital data

8:         If A = 1,B = 0 then A and B = ?

(a) 0

(b) 10

(c) 11

(d) 1

9:         If  A =1, B=1, C=O then A+B+C = ?

(a) 0

(b) 10  

(c) 01

(d) 1

10:            If A = 1 ,B =0, C = 1 then X = A + B + C

(a) 0

(b) 101   

(c) 1

(d) 10

11:       A + B = B + A and A . B = B. A represents which of the following.

(a) Existence of identity         

(b) Commutative law

(c) Associative law     

(d) Idempotent law

12:       Boolean Algebra was formulated by the                   

(a) Charles Babbage

(b) Napir         

(c) Pascal       

(d) George Boole

13:       According to distributive law A . (B + C ) = ?            

(a) A+(B . C)

(b) (A+B) . (A+C)

(c) A . B + A . C

(d) (A+B) + C

14:       According to Existence of identity element A . 1                  

(a) 1A

(b) 0

(c) A

(d) 1

15:       As per Existence of inverse A + A Z ?                      

(a) 0

(b) 2A

(c) 0

(d) 1

16:       Computer chips are made up of

(a) Transmitters         

(b) Transistors

(c) Circuits    

(d) None

17:       According to inverse the output will be 0 if

(a) A + A

(b) A . A

(c) 1 + A

(d) 0 + A

18:       Boolean Algebra consists of In Boolean Algebra each variable at one time can take how many values?

(a) Variable

(b) Constant

(c) Both

(d) None

19:    AND operator represent   

(a) .

(b) *

(c) /

(d) “”

20:       In Boolean algebra each variable at a time can take how many values?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

21:       Which is called an unary operator?

(a) NOT         

(b) AND          

(c) OR

(d) All

22:       All electronic devices consist of circuits of    

(a) Buttons     

(b) Cables      

(c) Elements  

(d) Switches

23:       A switch at any given time is in one of the states.     

(a) 2

(b) 4

(c) 1

(d) 5

24:       Which operator is used for logical multiplication?     

(a) OR

(b) AND         

(c) NOT          

(d) All

25:       Which of the following operations are used by the Boolean Algebra

(a) Boolean Addition  

(b) Boolean Multiplication

(c) Complement         

(d) All 

26:       Logical addition refers to operation of

(a) OR gate   

(b) AND gate  

(c) NOT gate  

(d) Inverter gate

27:       A serial circuit is represented by

(a) – operator  

(b) . operator 

(c) + operator 

(d) All

28:       Boolean Algebra derives its name form the British mathematician  

(a) Napir         

(b) Charles Babbage  

(c) George Boole     

(d) Bill Gates

29:       A Boolean variable can only have one of the two values     

(a) 3,1

(b) 2,0

(c) 0,1

(d) 0,0

30:       An OR gate has at least inputs

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 1

31:       An AND gate has at least inputs

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 4

(d) 1

32:       A parallel circuit is represented by

(a) . operator  

(b) – operator  

(c) + operation

(d) All

33:       Two valued Boolean Algebra is a set that has elements and operations

In order to get high output in AND gate all the input must be

(a) High          

(b) Low            .

(c) Equal        

(d) None

35:       The output of the NOT gate is always the __ of the original value.  

(a) Same        

(b) Reverse   

(c) Both a & b 

(d) None

36:       Which of the following is a proposition?

(a) What is your Name?        

(b) Who is your father?

(c) Are you male?     

(d) None of these     


37:       In the representation of Boolean function, the A bar is assigned the value

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) A

(d) Aa

38: The table that represents the output of a Boolean expression for all possible combination of input is called

(a) True Table

(b) Truth Table         

(c) Test Table 

(d) Boolean Table

39:       Which of the following logical operator is denoted by + sign

(a) AND          

(b) OR

(c) NOT

(d) None

40:       Boolean Algebra deals with

(a) Octal digits   

(b) Hexadecimal digits   

(c) Decimal digits   

(d) Binary digits

 41:    Truth table show all possible combinations of   

(a) Inputs   

(b) Outputs   

(c) Both a & b   

(d) None

42:    Boolean operators and Boolean variables combine to form Boolean   

(a) Outputs   

(b) Expression

(c) Both a & b   

(d) None

43: Who did overcome the disadvantages of Boolean algebra laws for simplification of expression?

(a) Pascal

(b) Charles Babbage

(c) Maurice Karnaugh

(d) George Boole

44: Which is Boolean constant

(a) 0   

(b) 1   

(c) 0 & 1

(d) – 1

45:       X, Y are called

(a) Boolean constant

(b) Variables

(c) Numbers

(d) None

46:        we can use it to change the order of evaluation of operations in a Boolean expression.

(a) Bars          

(b) Parentheses        

(c) Square brackets   

(d) Braces

47:       A truth table of a two variable expression will always have  

(a) 20  

(b) 2 1 

(c) 22  

(d) 23

48:       f ( x, y ) = x + y is a               

(a) Boolean variable   

(b) Boolean Expression         

(c) Boolean Function           

(d) Boolean Algebra   

49:       Standard product is known as

(a) Boolean function

(b) Maxterms

Standard sum is known as    

(c) Minterms 

(d) Literals

50:        Standard sum is known as

(a) Boolean function

(b) Maxterms

(c) Minterms  

(d) K-map