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Physical Quantities and Measurement
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options
1. The branch of science which deals with the study of properties of matter, energy and their mutual relationship is known as:
(a) Astronomy
(b) Physics
(c) Geology
(d) Chemistry
2. The study of properties of the ionic state of matter is called
(a) Plasma Physics
(b) Astrophysics
(c) Sound
(d) Electromagnetism
3. The study of internal structure of earth and its activities like seismography is called:
(a) Solid state physics
(b) Heat
(c) Mechanics
(d) Geophysics
4. The study of the isolated nuclei of an atom is known as:
(a) Plasma Physics
(b) Astrophysics
(c) Nuclear Physics
(d) Biophysics
5. Most of the universe is made up of:
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Plasma
(d) All of above
6. The international system of units is abbreviated as:
(a) IS
(b) SI
(c) Both a & b
(d) none
7. The terms used internationally for multiples and submultiples of various units are known as:
(a) Standard
(b) Scientific notation
(c) Prefixes
(d) All of above
8. Meter rule can measure the length exactly up to:
(a) 1 mm
(b) 1 cm
(c) 1 nm
(d) 1 km
9. can accurately measure up to one tenth of a millimeter.
(a) Meter rule
(b) Vernier callipers
(c) Screw Gauge
(d) All
10. The SI unit of intensity of light is known as:
(a) Newton
(b) Kelvin
(c) Kilogram
(d) Candela
11. One meter is equal to:
(a) 103 mm
(b) 10-3 km
(c) 102 cm
(d) All
12. Volume measuring scale has a vertical scale in:
(a) Milliliter
(b) cm
(c) Both a & b
(d) none
13. One Femto is equal to:
(a) 10 15
(b) 10-1 ‘
(c) 10-9
(d) 1012
14. The least count of vernier calipers is:
(a) O. lcm
(b) O. Imm
(c) 0.0 lcm
(d) Both b & c IS.
15. Total length of the vernier scale is:
(a) 1 mm
(b) 9 mm
(c) 10 mm
(d) 1 cm
16. Number of divisions on the vernier scale are:
(a) 1
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 100
17. Length of the smallest division on main SCRIe of the vernier calipers is:
(a) 1 cm
(b) 1 mm
(c) 0.9 mm
(d) All
18. Separation between division on the vernier scale of the vernier calipers is:
(a) 1 cm
(b) 1 mm
(c) 0.9 mm
(d) All
19. If zero of the vernier scale is on the right side Of the zero of the main scale then it is known as zero error.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) No error
(d) none of these
20. If zero of the vernier scale is on the left side of the zero of the main scale then it is known RS zero enor.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) None of these
(d) No error
21. If zero of the vernier scale is on the right side of the zero of the main scale then zero error is to be:
(a) Added
(b) Subtracted
(c) Multiplied
(d) Divided
22. If zero of the vernier scale is on the left side of the zero of the main scale then zero error is to be
(a) Added
(b) Subtracted
(c) Multiplied
(d) Divided
23. The least count of Screw Gauge is:
(a) 0.1 mm
(b) 0.01 mm
(c) 0.1 cm
(d) 0 01 cm
24. Total number of divisions on the circular scale of Screw Gauge are:
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 100
(d) 200
25. Pitch of the screw gauge is:
(a) 1m
(b) 1 mm
(c) 1 cm
(d) 0.1 mm
26. If the zero of the circular scale is above the horizontal line then the zero error will be:
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) None of these
(d) No error
27. If the zero of the circular scale is below the horizontal line then the zero error will be:
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) None of these
(d) No error
28. If the zero of the circular scale is above the horizontal line then the zero error is to be:
(a) Added
(b) Subtracted
(c) Multiplied
(d) Divided
29. If the zero of the circular scale is below the horizontal line then the zero error is to be:
(a) Added
(b) Subtracted
(c) Multiplied
(d) Divided\
30. For scientific notation internationally accepted practice is that there should be ——digit(s) before the decimal point.
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) No
31. In screw gauge, the distance moved forward or backward in one complete rotation of the circular scale is known as:
(a) Least count
(b) Pitch
(c) Constant
(d) None of above
32. A physical balance is used to measure:
(a) Weight
(b) Volume
(c) Length
(d) mass
33. Least count of mechanical stop watch is:
(a) I second
(b) I minute
(c) 0.1 second
(d) 0.01 second
34. Least count of digital stop watch is:
(a) I second
(b) I minute
(c) 0.1 second
(d) 0.01 second
35. In any measurement, the exactly known digits and first doubtful digit are called :
(a) Prefixes
(b) Significant figures
(c) Real numbers
(d) All
36. The radius of wire is 0.022 cm. The number of significant figures in the measurements will :
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
37. The number of significant figures in 1.406 are:
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1
38. The number of significant figures in 1.40 x 105 are:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
39. Vernier constant is also known as of vernier calipers:
(a) Pitch
(b) Proportionality constant
(c) Vernier value
(d) least count
40. The zeros in between the digits are considered:
(a) Significant
(b) Insignificant
(c) Constant
(d) None of above
41. 106 Stands for:
(a) Micro
(b) Pico
(c) Nino
(d) Mega
42. lys is equal to:
(a) 10-9 s
(b) 10-3 s
(c) 10-6 s
(d) 1012s
43. To measure correctly the volume of the liquid, the eye must be kept on the ———–surface of meniscus:
(a) Lower
(b) Upper
(c) Middle
(d) All of above
44. SI unit of electric charge is
(a) Ampere
(b) Kelvin
(c) Pascal
(d) Coulomb
45. The word science is derived from the Latin word
(a) Scientia
(b) Santia
(c) Scient
(d) None of these
46. Least count of digital vernier callipers is
(a) 0. Imm
(b) 0.01 mm
(c) 0.001 mm
(d) I mm
47. The number of base units in System International are:
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 9
48. Which one among of the following units is not a derived unit?
(a) Pascal
(b) kilogram
(C) Newton
(d) watt
49. The Amount of a substance in terms of numbers will measured in:
(a) Gram
(b) kilogram
(c) Newton
(d) mole
50. An interval of 200 us is equivalent to:
(a) 0.2 s
(b) 0.02 s.
(c) 2x 10-4s (d) 2x 10-5s