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Chapter 11


Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options :

1,         The study of sound is called

(a) Acoustic  

(b) Optics

(c) Electrostatics   

(d) All of these

2.          Sound is produced by

(a) Propagation          

(b) Vibration

(c) Both of these   

(d) None of these

3.         Sound can travel only in presence of

(a) Medium    

(b) vacuum

(c) Air   

(d) Both a and c

4.           Sound is        Wave

(a) Electromagnetic

(b) Transverse

(c) Longitudinal        

(d) None of these

5. Characteristic by which We can differentiate two sounds of same loudness and pitch is called

(a) Loudness  

(b) Pitch         

(c) Quality     

(d) intensity of sound

6.         Pitch of sound depends on    

(a) Amplitude 

(b) frequency

(c) time period

(d) Displacement

7.         Distance between two consecutive compressions and rarefactions is the sound wave.

(a) Amplitude 

(b) Frequency

(c) Wave Length   

(d) none of these


8.         Loudness of sound depends on

(a) Amplitude of vibrating body         

(b) Area of vibrating body

(c) Distance of vibrating body

(d) All Of these

9.         is the characteristic of sound by which we will distinguish between a shrill and a grave sound.

(a) Pitch         

(b) loudness

(c) intensity

(d) quality

10.       Frequency of silent whistle Lies between

(a) 20,000Hz – 25,000Hz

(b) 20,000Hz – 35,000Hz

(c) 20Hz – 20,OOOHz

(d) 15000Hz – 40,000Hz

11.      The intensity of sound depends on the

(a) Time period          

(b) frequency

(c) Amplitude   

(d) None of these

12.       Intensity is a    quantity.

(a) Vector       

(b) Scalar

(c) Physical quantity

(d) None of these

13.    Intensity of faintest sound is

(a). 1012 Wm-2

(b) 10-12Wm-2

(c) 10-8Wm-2

(d) 10-9Wm-2

14.      Researcher in observed giraffes to stop and waitTor the others that were out of sight

(a) 1898          

(b) 1993          


(d) None of these

15.       Bats can hear frequency up to

(a) 120, 000Hz           

(b) 2,000 Hz   

(c) 20, 000 Hz

(d) 15,000 Hz

16.       The loudness of sound is directly proportional to loéarithm of intensity, this Law is  called

(a) Weber Fechner Law

(b) Law of Gravitation

(c) Intensity Level

(d) Echo

17.       Voice of Child is

(a) Grave       

(b) Shrill        

(c) Faint          

(d) Loud

18.       I bell is equal to

(a) 20dB         

(b) 10dB

(c) I00dB        

(d) 50dB

19.       The amplitude of 100 dB sound is

(a) 1000          

(b) 10,000       

(c) I00, 000

(d) 1001000

20.       By using an__we can see sound waves.

(a) Electroscope        

(b) stroboscope

(c) Gastroscope         

(d) oscilloscope

21.       Echo of sound is

(a) Refraction 

(b) Reflection

(c) Diffraction

(d) Interference

22.       The sensation of sound persists in our brain about

(a) 1 s 

(b) 0.1 s

(c) 0.01s         

(d) 2s

23.       For hearing distinct echoes, the minimum distance of obstacle from source of source of sound must be

(a) 34 m

(b) 17 m

(c) 38m

(d) 16m

24.       The speed of sound in solid is about   times that in gases.

(a) 5    

(b) 15  

(c) 20  

(d) 10

25.       The speed of sound in air at a2 atm pressure and at room temperature (21°C) is

(a) 320ms-1

(b) 360m/s

(c) 343ms-1

(d) None of these

26.       The speed of sound varies with

(a) Temperature         

(b) Humidity

(c) both a and b

(d) None of these than liquid and air

27.       The speed of sound in solid is

(a) Greater    

(b) Sinaller      

(c) Equal        

(d) None of these

28.       Bats can hear Frequencies up to 120,000Hz

(a) I0, 000Hz  

(b) 120,000Hz

(c) 1 2,00,000Hz

(d) 120,00,000Hz

29.       Mice can hear frequencies up to

(a) 35,00Hz    

(b) 35,000Hz  

(c) 45,00Hz

(d) 100,000 Hz

30.       Compressions are places Where air is slightly           than the surrounding air

(a) Less          

(b) Higher      

(c) Equal        

(d) None of these

31.       Rarefactions are places where air is slightly ___       than the surrounding air

(a) Less         

(b) Higher       

(c) Equal

(d) None of these

32.       The speed of sound in air was first accurately measured in

(a) 1838          

(b) 1738          

(c) 1638          

(d) 1938

33.       Such sound Which are pleasant to our ears are called

(a) Musical Sound    

(b) Noise        

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of these

34.       Such sounds which are unpleasant to our ears are Called

(a) Musical Sound      

(b) Noise        

(c) Both a and b         

(d) None of these

35.       Corresponds to irregular and sudden vibrations-produced by some sound

(a) Noise        

(b) Musical- Sound

(c) Notes of tuning fork

(d) None of these

36.       The Level of noise in most countries is recommended

(a) 75-80dB    

(b) 85-90dB

(c) 95-100dB  

(d) 115-120dB

37.       The method used to absorb undesirable sound by soft and porous surface is called

(a) Acoustics

(b) Echos       

(c) Intensity

(d) Pitclu

38.       Multiple reflections called      

(a) Acoustics  

(b) reverberations    

(c) Vibration

(d) All of these

39.       We hear sound produce by muSical instrument-such as                 

(a) Flute          

(b) Violin         

(c) Harmomc 

(d) All of these

40.       For a normal person audible frequency range for sound wave lie between

(a) 10th and 10 Khz

(b) 20 Hz and 20KHz

(c) 25Hz and 25 KHz

(d) 30Hz and 30 KHz

41.       Noise correspond        vibration

(a) Irregular    

(b) Sudden     

(c)Both a and ‘b’

(d) Slowly slowly

42.       Noise has negative effects on human health it cause except

(a) Aggression

(b) Hypertension        

(c) stress  level

(d) Fever/flu

43.       Which are the acoustic protection except

(a) Lecture Halls        

(b) Auditorium

(c) Theater halls         

(d) Kitchen

44.       Audible frequency range is

(a) 200Hz-2000Hz

(b) 15Hz-15000Hz

(c) 20Hz-20KHz

(d) None of these

45.       Old people cannot hear sound even above   

(a) 20, OOHz 

(b) 15 KlHz     

(c) 15,000 Hz

(d) Both (b) and (c)

46.       Which bird fly easily between wires in the black room         

(a) Sparrow    

(b) Bat

(c) Cow          

(d) Parrot

47.       The range of the frequency which human, ear can hear is called

(a) Audible frequency range

(b) Ultrasonic waves

(c) Transonic waves

(d) None of these

48.       Sound waves with frequency less than 20Hz are called       

(a) Ultrasonic 

(b) Infrasonics          

(c) Notes

(d) Acoustic

49.       Ultrasound is the frequency of sound higher than                 

(a) 20Hz         

(b) 20KHz      

(c) 15,000 Hz

(d) 25,000 1-Iz

50.       Infrasonic is the frequency of sound less thin           

(a) 20Hz         

(b) 20 KHz      

(c) 15,000 Hz 

(d) 25,000 Hz