Chapter 10
Simple harmonic motions & waves
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options:
1. A spider detects its prey due to ____ produced in the web
(a) Movement
(b) Disturbance
(c) Vibration
(d) Elasticity
2. A body is said to be ___ if it moves back and forth about a point
(a) least circulate
(b) vibrating
(c) rotating
(d) none of these
3. The particles of the solid Can vibrate about their
(a). vertices
(b) edges.
(c) mean position
(d) length
4. Vibration is also known as
(a) Trip
(b) Movement
(c) Oscillation
(d) Circulation Motion of Mass Attached to spring
5. Motion of mass attached to spring is an example of motion.
(a) simple harmonic
(b) linear
(c) circular
(d) vibration
6. The force applied on a body is directly proportional to the change in length. This is,
(a) Weber Fechner law
(b) Hooke’s Law
(c) Law of gravitation
d) Archimedes principle
7. The maximum potential energy of a vibrating mass attached to a spring is at ___
(a)Equilibrium position
(b) Extreme position
(c) Between equilibrium and extreme positions
(d) All the above
8. In F = kx , k indicates,
(a)force constant
(b) spring constant
(c) constant
(d) displacement
9. The value of k depends upon of spring.
(b) width
c) elasticity
(d) stiffness
10. The value of spring constant in case of soft spring is :
(a) Small
(b) large
(c ) mild
(d) none
1 1. Force exerted on the body is always directed at the displacement of mass.
(a) towards
(b) opposite to
(c) at
(d) away from
12. force always pushes or pulls the object performing oscillatory motion towards the mean position.
(a) gravitational
(b) applied
(c) spring
(d) restoring force
13. The magnitude of the restoring force _____ with the distance from the mean position.
(a). decreases
(b) not change
(c) increases
(d) remains same
14. Due to the mass it does not stop at the mean position but continues its motion.
(a) restoring force
(b) inertia
(c) reactional force
(d) gravitational force
15. The speed of mass ____ As it moves towards the extreme position.
(a)remains sonle
(b) increases
(c) decreases
(d) none of these
16. The ratio of exerted force to displacement is called
(a) Hooke’s. Law
(b) spring constant
(c) restoring force
(d) All of these
17. Kinetic energy is ____ at an extreme position.
(b) moderate
(c) high
(d) zero
18. In the ball and bowl system the ___ force acts as a restoring force.
(a) gravitational
(b) applied
(c) reactional
(d) none of these
19. Ball and bowl system is an example of
(b) Law of mass action
(c) SHM
(d) Hooke’s law
20. In ball and bowl system the mean position is at
(a) Earth
(b) extreme position
(c) floor of bowl
(d) centre of bowl
21. A human eardrum can oscillate back and forth up to ____ times in one second
(b) 2,000
(c) 200,000
(d) 200
22. The displacement of an object in SHM when the kinetic energy and potential energy is equal ___
(a) Equilibrium position
(b) Extreme position
(c) In the middle of equilibrium and extreme positions
(d) All the above
23. The to and fro motion of ball about mean position Continues till all its energy is lost due to ___
(a) gravitational
(b) frictional force
(c) friction
(d) weight Motion of Simple Pendulum
24. In ____ position, the net force on bob is zero and the bob is stationary.
(b) frictional
(c) extreme
(d) none of these
25. The period of a pendulum is independent of its
(a) length
(b) mass
(c) amplitude
(d) both b and c
26. Transmission can be heard ira such areas where the waves can not reach directly due to:
(a) Reflection
(b) Refraction
(c) Interference
(d) Diffraction
27. Which is example of simple harmonic motion
(a)up and motion of’ leaf in water pond
(b) motion of a ceiling fan
(c) motion of Clock
(d) none these
28. The time in which the vibrating body to complete one vibration is called
(a) Frequency
(b) Time period
(c) Pitch
(d) Altitude
29. If the mass of bob of a simple pendulum is doubled, its time period
(a) is doubled
(b) becomes four times
(c) remains the same
(d) none of the above
30. Diffraction of waves can clearly be observed if size of the slit or obstacle is nearly equal to ___ of wave:
(b) Crest
(c) Amplitude
(d) Wax elength
31. Frequency is of time period
(a) reciprocal
(b) inversely proportional
(c) directly proportional
(d) none these
32. The product of frequency and time period is equal to:
a) V
b) 1
c) 0
d) H
33. Christian Huygen invented the pendulum clock in
(a) 1658
(b) 1657
(c) 1656
(d) 1654
34. The net force is zero when bob of simple pendulum is
(a) Moving with uniform speed
(b) at rest
(c) Both of these
(d) none of these
35. In case of simple pendulum which component of weight acts as restoring force
(a) mg sin 0
(b) mg cos 0
(c) mg
(d) None of these
36. In SHM acceleration of vibrating body is always directed towards
(a) extreme position
(b) away from extreme position
(c) towards Illean position
(d) way from extreme position
37. In SHM acceleration of vibratory motion is maximum At
(a) mean position
(b) extreme position
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
38. In SHM velocity of vibrating b ‘(l maximum at
(a) Mean position
(b) extreme
(c.) both a & b
(d) none
39. In SHM velocity of vibråiing body is zero at
(a) Mean position
(b) Extreme
(c) Both a and b
(d) non these
40. The bending of waves around the corners of obstacles is:
(a) Reflection
(b) Refraction-
(c) Interference
(d) Diffraction
41. Water and light waves are
(a) transverse waves
(b) longitudinal wave
(c) electromagnetic waves
(d) None of these
42. If mass of bob of simple pendulum is twiced its time period will
(a) doubled
(b) Four tinies
(c) remain the same
(d) none of these
43. Which one of the following is not example of SHM
(a) Mass attached to spring
(b) ball and bowel system
(c) simple pendulum
(d) A bouncing ball
44. Time period of simple pendulum is independent of
(a) mass
(b) Amplitude
(c) length
(d) Both a and b
45. Time required to complete one cycle is called
(a) alliplitude
(b) frequency
(c) Time period
(d) none of these
46. Number of vibrations completed in one second is called
(a) Frequency
(b) tilne period
(e) Amplitude
(d) none of these
47. ___ developed the first pendulum clock that could accurately measure time.
(a) Galileo
(b) Architnedes
(c) Einstein
(d) Huygens
48. Vibratory motion of ideal systems when there is no friction or resistance continues ___
(a) indefinitely
(b) directly
(c) definitely
(d) all of these\
49. The oscillations of a system in the presence of some resistive force are ___
(a) ‘”ave motion
(b) wavelength
(c) damped oscillations
(d) both a and b
50. Shock absorbers damp vibrations and convert their energy into ___ energy of oil.
(a) kinetic
(b) potential
(c) solar
(d) heat
51. ___ are travelling disturbances.
(a) waves
(b) Power
(c.) frequency
(d) tune
52. Wave transfer
(a) energy
(b) Power
(c) frequency
(d) disturbance
53. The are ___ basic types of waves:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
54. Such waves which require medium for their production and propagation are called waves;
(a) Radio
(b) some electromagnetic
(c) Mechanical rays
(d) x rays
55. Electromagnetic. waves consist of electrié .and magnetic fields oscillating to each other
(a) opposite
(b) perpendicular
(c) in accordance
(d) both a and b
56. Heat and light waves are
(a) electromagnetic
(b) daniped
(c) mechanical
(d) none
57. __ are parts of longitudinal waves where loops of spring are far apart from each other.
(a) compression
(b) rarefactions
(c) crest
(d) troughs
58. Waves which do not require medium is called
(a) Electromagnetic waves
(b) Mechanical waves
(c) Both a and b
(d) none of these
59. Electromagnetic waves consist of
(a) electric field
(b) Mågnetic field
(c) electric field and magnetic field
(d) none of these
60. Heat and light waves are some example of
(a) Mechanical waves
(b) Transverse wave
(c) Longitudinal aves
(d) Electromagnetic waves