First Year Biology Mcqs with Answers Chapter 2 | Class 11 Biology Mcq with Answers pdf  chapter wise test

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Chapter 2

Biological Molecules

Encircle the most appropriate answer among the following options

1.        Which one is a protein

  1.  Colestrol
  2. ATP
  3. There is no way of knowing without seeing the chemical reaction
  4. Cellulase

2.         Glycogen is an example of choose one:

  1.  Both a polysaccharide and a carbohydrate
  2. Phospholipid
  3. Polysaccharide (only)
  4. Carbohydrate (only)

3.         A triglyceride is a choose one:

  1.  Protein
  2. Nucleic acid
  3. Simple sugar
  4. Lipid

4.         Which is an organic molecule?

  1.  NO2   
  2. C6H12O6
  3. H2O    
  4. H2SO4

5.         Which class of molecule is the major component of cell membrane?

  1.  Cellulose       
  2. Phospholipid
  3. wax    
  4. Triglyceride

6.         Peptide bonds are found in choose one:

  1.  Proteins
  2. Inorganic compounds
  3. Lipid    
  4. Carbohydrate

7.         Glycerol is the backbone molecule for choose one:

  1.  ATP   
  2. DNA
  3. Triglycerides
  4. Disaccharides

8.         When a protein undergoes a hydrolysis reaction the end-products are choose one:

  1.  Amino acid
  2. Nucleotides
  3. Fatty acid       
  4. Monosaccharide’s

9.         To produce Lactose choose one:

  1.  Glucose and galactose must undergo a dehydration reaction.
  2. Glucose and fructose must undergo a hydrolysis reaction. 
  3. Two amino acids must form a peptide bond.
  4.  Pairing of nitrogenous bases must occur between nucleotides.

10.       The biological function of a protein is determined by its choose one:

  1.  Primary structure      
  2. Quaternary structure
  3. Secondary structure  
  4. Tertiary structure

11.       Enzymes are choose one:                      

  1.  Proteins       
  2. Triglycerides
  3. Steroids
  4. Polysaccharides

12.       The function of ATP is to choose one:

  1.  Store energy
  2. Act as a catalyst
  3. Determine the function of a cell
  4. Act as a template for production of protein

13.       All organic compounds contain the elements choose one:

  1.  Iron and oxygen        
  2. Carbon and hydrogen
  3. Carbon and nitrogen  
  4. Carbon and oxygen

14.       All of the following are organic compounds except choose one:

  1.  Water
  2. Enzyme
  3. ATP    
  4. Glucose

15.       Which of the following is considered to be neutral?

  1.  Cytoplasm     
  2. HCI
  3. Urine  
  4. Pure water

16.       Glyceraldehyde is one example of a group of sugers called choose one:

  1.  Pentose         
  2. Tetrose
  3. Triose
  4. Octose

17.       Nitrogen bases such as choline, ethanolamine and serine are important of choose one:

  1.  Sphingolipid   
  2. Phospholipid
  3. Phosphatidycholine
  4. Phosphodiester

18.       Which molecule is used for short term energy storage?

  1.  Chitin 
  2. Fat
  3. Cellulose        
  4. Glycogen

19.       The functional group COOH is choose one:

  1.  Basic 
  2. Never ionized
  3. Acidic
  4. AllA,BandC

20.       Which of these is an example of hydrolysis?

  1.  Dipeptide + H20-amino acid + Amino acid 
  2. Amino acid + Amino acid — Dipeptide + H20
  3. Neither of these is correct     
  4. Both of these (A) and (B) are correct

21.       A fatty acid is unsaturated if it choose one:

  1.  Contain double bonds
  2. Contains an acidic group
  3. Bonds to glycogen
  4. Contain hydrogen

22.       Which is not a lipid?         

  1.  Polysaccharides
  2. Wax
  3. Steroid
  4. Fat

23.       Nucleotide contains choose one:

  1.  Sugar, nitrogen base and carbon
  2. Sugar, nitrogen — containing base and a phosphate molecule
  3. Monomer for fat and Polysaccharide
  4. Sugar, glycerol and phosphate

24.       ATP choose one:

  1.  Has a helical structure          
  2. is an amino acid
  3. Provide enzyme for metabolism
  4. is a high — energy molecule

25.       A hormone is an example of which functional class of proteins?

  1. Regulatory    
  2. Catalytic
  3. Contractile
  4. Structural

26.       The Sugar found in R.N.A. is choose one:

  1.  Galactose      
  2. Fructose
  3. Ribose           
  4. Deoxyribose

27.       Steroids are classified as choose one:

  1.  Lipids
  2. Protein
  3. Carbohydrate 
  4. Nucleic acid 

28.       Hemoglobin is an example of which functional class of protein?

  1.  Regulatory    
  2. Contractile
  3. Transport      
  4. Structural

29.       In RNA the Nitrogen base that takes the place of thymine is choose one:

  1. Adenine          
  2. Guanine
  3. Cytosine         
  4. Uracil

30.       Which of the following represent accurate pairing in D.N.A. molecules?

  1.  Adenine to cytosine and guanine to thymine
  2. Adenine to uracil and cytosine to guanine
  3. Adenine to adenine and guanine to guanine
  4. Adenine to thymine and cytosine to guanue

31.       The Suffix that denotes a sugar is choose one:

  1.  ide     
  2. ase
  3. ose     
  4. amide

32.       The melting points of palmitic acid is choose one: 

  1.  800C  
  2. 720C
  3. 63.10C
  4. 700C

33.       Polar molecules choose one:

  1.  Have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other end
  2. Are found at the ends of other molecules
  3. Are pointed at both ends
  4. None of the above

34.       Metabolic activities included choose one:

  1.  Photosynthesis          
  2. Respiration
  3. Digestions      
  4. All of the above

35.       Large molecules with skeletons of carbon atoms are said to be choose one: 

  1.  Carbonic       
  2. Inorganic        
  3. Carboxylate   
  4. Organic

36.       The Combining capacity of an atom or ion is called choose one:

  1.  pH     
  2. Valency
  3. Elemental balance
  4. Bonding capacity

37.       DNA model was suggested by choose one:

  1. Wilkins and Franklin   
  2. Hershey & Chase
  3. Watson and crick     
  4. Char gaff

38.       Conjugated Histon Proteins are choose one:

  1.  Transport protein
  2. Only structured protein
  3. Only regulatory protein
  4. Structural and (Functional) regulatory protein

39.       Branch of biology, which deals with the study of chemical components and chemical process in the living organism, is called choose one:

  1. Ecology          
  2. Physiology
  3. Biochemistry
  4. Histology

40.       Basis element of organic compound is choose one:

  1.  Water
  2. Aldo — sugar
  3. Solid   
  4. Carbon

41.       Carbohydrates are also called choose one:

  1.  Saccharides 
  2. Glycogen
  3. Glycosidic bond
  4. Ribofuranose

42.       The sugar with aldehyde group is called choose one:

  1.  Aldo-sugar   
  2. Keto-suger
  3. Acylglycerol   
  4. Glycogen

43.       Ribose form a ring structure when in solution known as choose one:

  1.  Hydrolysis     
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Ribofuranose
  4. Carbon

44.       Oligosaccharides yield from two to ten monosaccharides on choose one: 

  1.  Polymerization          
  2. Hydrolysis    
  3. Glycosidic bond
  4. Condensation

45.       The covalent bond between two monosaccharides called choose one:

  1.  Phophodiester linkage
  2. Peptide bond
  3. Hydrophobic interactions
  4. Glycosidic bond

46.       Starches have unbranched chains of glucose and soluble in hot water are choose one:

  1. Acylglycerol   
  2. Amylase
  3. Amylopectin   
  4. Herbivores

47.       Starches have branched chains and are insoluble in hot or cold water are choose one:

  1. Amylopectin            
  2. Amylose
  3. Phospholipids             
  4. Acylglycerol

48.       Animal starch is choose one:

  1. Carbon           
  2. Amylose
  3. Glycogen      
  4. Amylopectin

49.       Cellulose is digested because of microorganism in their tract by choose one:

  1.  Omnivores    
  2. Carnivores
  3. Herbivores    
  4. Macrophages

50.       The nature of Lipids is choose one:

  1.  Inorganic       
  2. Carbon
  3. Heterogeneous        
  4. Proteinacous

51.       These are composed of glycerol and fatty acids choose one:

  1.  Phospholipids
  2. Waxes
  3. Acylglycerol 
  4. Terpenoids

52.       In animal fatty acids are choose one:

  1.  Solid  
  2. Ringed
  3. Straight         
  4. None of these

53.       Solubility of fatty acids in organic solvents and their melting points increase with increasing number of choose one:

  1. Carbon          
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Oxygen          
  4. All of the above

54.       At room temperature animal Fats are choose one:

  1. Solid  
  2. liquids
  3. Semi-solid
  4. All of these

55.       Fats and oils are lighter than choose one:

  1.  Air      
  2. Oil                                 
  3. Glycerol                    
  4. Water

56.       Derivatives of phosphatidic acid are.  

  1.  Waxes             
  2. Terpenoids
  3. Phospholipids                     
  4. Acylgycerols

57.       Terpenoids are made up of simple repeating units called choose one:

  1. Isoprenoid units       
  2. Amino acid
  3. Peptide unit    
  4. Glycosidic unit

58.       Most abundant organic compound to be found in the cells is choose one:

  1. Proteins        
  2. Carbon
  3. Nucleic acid   
  4. Lipids

59.       Protein’s polymers are choose one:

  1.  Nucleotides
  2. Amino acid
  3. Glucose          
  4. Fatty acids

60.       Number of peptide bonds in a dipeptide choose one:

  1.  Four   
  2. Three
  3. Two    
  4. One

61.       Which structure of protein comprises the number and sequence of amino acid in a protein molecule?

  1.  Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary           
  4. Quatenary

62.       Each alpha chain of hemoglobin contains amino acid.

  1.  141    
  2. 142
  3. 139     
  4. 140

63.       Oxygen carrying protein of red blood cells exhibits quaternary structure of protein.

  1. Hemoglobin  
  2. Myoglobin                   
  3. Insulin 
  4. Fibrinogen 

64.        In tertiary structure of protein polypeptide chain bends and folds upon itself forming a shape choose one:

  1. Ellipsoidal                   
  2. Square
  3. Globular         
  4. Triangular

65.       In aqueous medium fibrous proteins are choose one:

  1.  Soluble          
  2. least soluble
  3. Insoluble       
  4. readily soluble

66.       Globular proteins are ellipsoidal or choose one:

  1.  Helix  
  2. linear
  3. Fiber like        
  4. Spherical

67.       DNA and RNA are made up of choose one:

  1.  Nucleoside    
  2. Amino acids
  3. Nucleotide      
  4. Nucleic acid

68.       A 5 carbon monosaccharide, a nitrogen base and a phosphoric acid are three sub units of choose one:

  1.  Nucleoside    
  2. Nucleotide
  3. Nucleic acid   
  4. Carbohydrates

69.       The compound formed by combination of a base and a pentose sugar is called choose one:

  1.  Nucleic acid  
  2. ATP
  3. Nucleotide      
  4. Nucleoside

70.       DNA is?

  1. Heredity material
  2. proteinacous material
  3. Fatty material 
  4. Cellular material

71.       Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide abbreviated as choose one:

  1. DNA   
  2. NADH
  3. NAD   
  4. DAN

72.       The amount of DNA is fixed for a particular species as choose one:

  1.  Centromere   
  2. Chromatids    
  3. Chromosomes
  4. Histones

73.       Heamophilus influenzae is?

  1. Virus   
  2. Fungi
  3. prion   
  4. Bacteria

74.       RNA synthesis by DNA is known as choose one: 

  1.  Translation    
  2. Transcription
  3. Replication                
  4. Semi conservative replication

75.       RNA comprises about 10 to 20% of the choose one:

  1.  Chromosome RNA   
  2. Conjugated RNA
  3. Cellular RNA
  4. Globular RNA

76.       Two different molecule belonging to different categories, usually combine together to forms choose one:

  1.  Protein molecules     
  2. Cellular molecules
  3. Conjugated molecules        
  4. Lipids molecules

77.       The nucleohistone is present in choose one:

  1.  Chromosome          
  2. Centromere
  3. Nucleus          
  4. Homologues Chromosomes

78.       Which one pick amino acid and transfer them to ribosome where they linked to form protein choose one:

  1.  rRNA 
  2. tRNA
  3. mRNA
  4. RNA

79.       Nonpolar organic molecule choose one:

  1.  CO2    
  2. NAD
  3. H2O    
  4. dGTP

80.       Covalent bond choose one:

  1.  Result when atoms complete their electronic shell by sharing electron
  2. Result when atoms complete their electronic shell by donating electron
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these

81.       Cane suger is a/an choose one:

  1.  Polysaccharides
  2. Oligosaccharides     
  3. Monosaccharides
  4. None of these            

82.       A nucleotide of DNA choose one:        

  1.  Serine
  2. ATP    
  3. dGTP
  4. CTP

83.      Carbon is choose one:      

  1.  Bivalent         
  2. Tetravalent   
  3. Trivalent
  4. All of the above

84.       Translation choose one:

  1.  Synthesis of RNA     
  2. Three adjacent nuclcotide on mRNA
  3. Synthesis of protein
  4. Structual component of ribosome

85.       Codon choose one:         

  1.  Structual component of ribosome
  2. Histone
  3. Three adjacent nucleotide on mRNA
  4. Purine of DNA

86.       Adenine choose one:

  1.  Synthesis of protein  
  2. Histone
  3. Purine of DNA          
  4. Pyrimidine of DNA

87.       rRNA choose one:

  1.  Structual component of ribosome
  2.  Histone
  3. Purine of DNA
  4. Synthesis of protein

88.       Protein attach to chromosome choose one:

  1.  Three adjacent nuclcotide on mRNA
  2. Purine of DNA
  3. Histone
  4. Structual component of ribosome

89.       Deoxyribose choose one:

  1.  Pentose sugar         
  2. Pyrimidine of DNA
  3. DNA
  4. DNA model

90.       Contain an anticodon choose one:     

  1.  tRNA 
  2. DNA model
  3. mRNA
  4. DNA

91.       Watson and crick choose one:             

  1.  DNA                                     
  2. DNA model
  3. Nucleotide                 
  4. Pentose sugar

92.       Double helix choose one:                      

  1.  DNA                          
  2. Pentose sugar
  3. tRNA               
  4. DNA model

93.       Nucleoside + Phosphate choose one:

  1.  tRNA
  2. DNA
  3. Nucleotide    
  4. mRNA

94.       Steriodes and triglycerides are example choose one:

  1.  DNA  
  2. Lipids
  3. pH7    
  4. Disaccharide

95.       Starch choose one:                      

  1.  pH7   
  2. Give blue colour with iodine
  3. Phospholipid   
  4. Monosaccharide

96.       Sucrose and Lactose are example of choose one:

  1.  Lipids 
  2. Phospholipid
  3. Monosaccharide        
  4. Disaccharide

97.       Glucose and fructose are example of choose one:

  1.  Monosaccharide     
  2. PH7
  3. Lipids
  4. Disaccharide

98.       Nutral solution choose one:      

  1.  Disaccharide 
  2. PH7
  3. Lipids
  4. Give blur color with iodized

99.       Act as solvent for ionic compounds in body fluid choose one:

  1.  Water
  2. Globular protein.
  3. ATP    
  4. COOH

100.    The branch of biology that deals with the study of in-organic and organic molecules that make up the body of a living organism is choose one:

  1.  Pharmacology          
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. Pharmaco-dynamics