First Year Biology Mcqs with Answers Chapter 7 | Class 11 Biology Mcq with Answers pdf  chapter wise test

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Chapter 7

The Kingdom Protista (or Prototista)

 Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1.         Which of the following is not present in protista?

  1. Photosynthesis           
  2. Embryo
  3. Flagella           
  4. Parasites

2.         Who amongst the followings formed group of prokaryotes within protista in 1861?

  1. John Hogg    
  2. Earnest Haeckel
  3. Herbert Copland
  4. Robert Whittaker

3.         Who amongst the followings did propose the formation of protista for microscopic organisms in 1866?

  1. Johan Hogg   
  2. Earnest Haekal
  3. Herbert Copland        
  4. Robert Whittaker

4.         Who amongst the following separated the prokaryotes from the protista and gave it the status of kingdom?

  1. Johan Hogg   
  2. Earnest Haekal
  3. Herbert Copland        
  4. Robert Whittaker

5.         Who amongst the following placed only unicellular eukaryotes in protista?

  1. Johan Hogg   
  2. Earnest Haekal
  3. Herbert Copland
  4. Robert Whittaker

6.         How many phyla of protoctista formed by Margulis and Schwartz?

  1. 17       
  2. 23
  3. 27       
  4. 29

7.         Euglena belongs to phylum choose one:

  1. Zooflagellates           
  2. Amoebas
  3. Actinozoan     
  4. Foraminifer

8.         Radiolarians belong to choose one:

  1. Zooflagellates 
  2. Amoebas
  3. Actinozoan   
  4. Foraminifer

9.         Vorticella belongs to choose one:       

  1. Ciliates          
  2. Amoebas
  3. Actinozoan     
  4. Foraminifer

10.       Amoebic dysentery is caused by choose one:

  1. Amoeba         
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Entamoeba   
  4. Stentor

11.       Which of the following is giant amoeba?

  1. Vorticella        
  2. Pelomyxa
  3. Stentor
  4. None of above

12.       Which of the following Zooflagellates lives as symbionts in the gut of termites?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Choanflagellaes         
  4. None of above

13.       Which of the following Zooflagellates are supposed to be the ancestors of the sponges?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Choanflagellaes       
  4. None of above

14.       Which of the following dose cause sleeping sickness?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Choanflagellaes
  4. None of above

15.       Which of the following group have two nuclei?

  1. Ciliates          
  2. Amoebas
  3. Actinozoan     
  4. Foraminifer

16.       The shape of the ciliates is maintained by choose one:

  1. Cell wall          
  2. Cell membrane
  3. Pellicle           
  4. Cilia

17.       Conjugation takes place in which of the following protozoans?

  1. Ciliates          
  2. Amoebas
  3. Actinopoda     
  4. Formainifera

18.       The shell of foraminiferans is made up of choose one:

  1. Silica
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Sponging fibers
  4. None of above

19.       The shell of actinopoda is made up of choose one:

  1. Silica  
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Spongin fibers
  4. None of above

20.       Locomotory organs are absent in choose one:

  1. Ciliates
  2. Apicomplexans
  3. Actinopoda     
  4. Forminifera

21.       In man, plasmodium first enters into the choose one:

  1. RBC   
  2. Liver
  3. Salivary gland
  4. None of above

22.       50 to 60% photosynthesis in the earth takes place by choose one:

  • Plants 
  • Algae
  • Photosynthetic bacteria
  • Cyanobacteria

23.       The filaments of algae which lack cross walls are called choose one:

  1. Thallus
  2. Coenocytes
  3. Colony
  4. Plant like

24.       Which of the followings have thallus body?

  1. Euglena          
  2. Volvox
  3. See weed      
  4. Ceratium

25.       Which of the followings is a red pigment?

  1. Xanthophyll    
  2. Phycoerythrin
  3. Phycocyanin  
  4. Carotene

26.       Ceratium belongs to which of the following groups of algae?

  1. Euqenophyta  
  2. Phyrrophyta
  3. Chrysophyta  
  4. Phaeophyta

27.       Pinnularia is belonged to which of the following groups?

  1. Eugenophyta
  2. Phyrrophyta
  3. Chrysophyta
  4. Phaeophyta

28.       Amoeba move and obtain food by means of choose one:

  1. Plasmodium   
  2. Flagella
  3. Cilia    
  4. Psuedopodia

29.       Ulva belongs to which of the following groups?

  1. Chlorophyta   
  2. Phyrrophyta
  3. Chrysophyta
  4. Phaeophyta

30.       Flagella are absent in which of the following groups of algae?

  1. Eugenophyta  
  2. Rhodophyta
  3. Chrysophyta
  4. Phaeophyta

31.       Which of the following pigments is absent in Dinoflagellates?

  1. Chlorophyll a  
  2. Carotenes
  3. Xanthophyll  
  4. Fucoxanthin

32.       Which of the followings are called kelps?

  1. Diatoms          
  2. Brown algae
  3. Red algae       
  4. Green algae

33.       Which of the followings is stem like?  

  1. Blades
  2. Holdfast
  3. Stipes
  4. Kelps

34.       The red algae attach with the rock by choose one: 

  1. Blades
  2. Holdfast
  3. Stipes 
  4. Kelps

35.       Which of the followings is a colonial alga?

  1. Spirogyra
  2. Chlorella
  3. Volvox           
  4. Ulva

36.       Which of the following is a unicellular alga?

  1. Spirogyra      
  2. Chlorella
  3. volvox
  4. Ulva

37.       African sleeping sickness is caused by choose one:

  1. Entamoeba    
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Vorticella        
  4. Pelomyxa

38.       Which of the followings is not obtained from algae?

  1. Algin   
  2. Carrageenan
  3. Agar   
  4. None of above

39.       The closest relative of fungi is probably choose one:

  1. Animals          
  2. Slime mold
  3. Brown Algae  
  4. Vascular plants

40.       Phytophthora causes which of the following diseases in potato?

  1. Fire blight       
  2. Late blight
  3. Red rots         
  4. Mildew

41.       Which of the following reasons is not valid reason for the formation of

Protista as a separate kingdom?

  1. None of them could fit themselves in any other kingdom
  2. They are unicellular organisms
  3. They are ancestors of all other kingdoms
  4. They do not produce blastula and embryo

42.       Which of the following reasons seems to be most reasonable for not placing protista in other kingdom?

  1. None of them could fit themselves in any other kingdom
  2. Most of them are unicellular or have simple multi cellular body
  3. They are ancestors of all other kingdoms
  4. They do not produce blastula and embryo

43.       Who from the following scientists proposed the formation of Monera as a separate kingdom?

  1. John Hogg     
  2. Ernst Heackel
  3. Herbert Copeland    
  4. Robert Whittaker

 44.      The difference between the kingdom Protista of Robert whittaker and Margulis and Schwartz is choose one:

  1. Whittaker placed simple organisms in Protista while Margulis and Schwartz placed complex organism in Protista
  2. Whittaker placed unicellular organism while Margulis and Schwartz placed unicellular, and simple multicellular organism
  3. Whittaker did not place fungi and fungi like protists while Margulis and Schwartz did
  4. None of above

45.       In which character, protists do not show diversity?

  1. Ways of obtaining nutrients
  2. Interaction with other organisms
  3. Mode of reproduction
  4. None of the above

46.       Which of following groups does not form pseudopodia?

  1. Amoebas        
  2. Actinopoda
  3. Forminifera    
  4. Apicomplexans

47.       Which of following characters is not of zooflagellates?

  1. These protists are mostly unicellular. A few organisms are colonial
  2. They have spherical or elongated bodies
  3. They have single central nucleus
  4. They have pseudopodia

48.       Which of following are free living zooflagellates?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Choanoflagellates    
  4. None of above

49.       Which of the following zooflagellates is the possible ancestor of sponge?

  1. Trichonymphas
  2. Trypanosoma
  3. Choanoflagellates    
  4. None of above

50.       Micronuclei of ciliates are involved in choose one:

  1. Control of nutrition     
  2. Sexual reproduction
  3. Asexual reproduction 
  4. Control of movement of cilia

51.       Which of the followings is not the function of macronucleus?

  1. Control of nutrition     
  2. Sexual reproduction
  3. Control of metabolism
  4. Control of movement of cilia

52.       Which group of the followings have outer shell or test?

  1. Amoebas        
  2. Actinopoda, Forminifera
  3. Apicomplexans          
  4. Ciliates

53.       Which of the following take part in the formation of coral reefs?

  1. Amoebas        
  2. Forminifera
  3. Apicomplexans          
  4. Ciliates

54.       Which group of the followings has no locomotory organs?

  1. Amoebas
  2. Actinopoda, Forminifera
  3. Apicomplexans        
  4. Ciliates

55.       The coenocytes are choose one:                     

  1. An algae without nucleus       
  2. An algae with many nuclei
  3. An algae with on nucleus
  4. None of above

56.       A thallus is a body choose one:

  1. Having no specific structure
  2. Having roots, but stem and leaves are absent
  3. Having stem but no true leaves or roots
  4. Having no specific root, stem and leaves

57.       Which of the following pigment is absent in algae choose one:

  1. Carotenoids    
  2. Xanthophylls
  3. Ohycoerythrin
  4. Phycocyanin

58.       Some biologists believe that Euglena is an animal, because choose one:

  1. It can move    
  2. It lack cell wall
  3. It reproduce like plants           
  4. It can ingest food like animal

59.       Which of the following pigment is not present in dinoflagellates?

  1. Chlorophyll a  
  2. Carotenes
  3. Fucoxanthin   
  4. Phycoerythrin

60.       Which characteristic of the following is not shown by Diatoms?

  1. They are usually unicellular
  2. The do not have cilia as locomotory organs
  3. Their pigments are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, carotenes and fucoxanthin
  4. The cell wall of each diatom consists of two shells

61.       The kelps are choose one:

  1. Small red algae          
  2. Large red algae
  3. Small brown algae     
  4. Large brown algae

62.       The red algae have a red pigment called choose one:

  1. Chlorophyll a, 
  2. Carotenes
  3. Fucoxanthin
  4. Phycoerythrin

63.       Monophyletic lineage means choose one:

  1. Origin from one group
  2. Origin form one phylum
  3. Origin from one ancestor
  4. Origin from many ancestor

64.       Green algae are supposed to be ancestor of plants because choose one:

  1. They perform photosynthesis like plants
  2. Their body is plant like
  3. Their pigments are plant like
  4. Some of them are multicellular like plants

65.       Which of the following algae is used as food source?

  1. Volvox
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Ulva    
  4. Chlorella

66.       Fungus like protists is not placed in Fungi because choose one:

  1. Their body is not fungi like
  2. Their method of reproduction is not plant like
  3. Their cell wall is not plant like
  4. Their method of reproduction is not plant like

67.       The feeding stage of slime mold is called choose one:

  1. Trypanosoma 
  2. Plasmodium
  3. Volvox
  4. Swarm cells

68.       Physarum polycephalum is used as model organism in biology for the study of choose one:

  1. Mitosis
  2. Streaming movement of cytoplasm
  3. Methods of reproduction
  4. Methods of locomotion

69.       Phytophthora infestansi is notorious in human history because choose one:

  1. It has caused many disease in man
  2. It has caused famine for man
  3. It has destroyed many animals
  4. None of above

70.       The kingdom Protista contain   major groups of eukaryotic organisms.

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5

71.       Trichonymphas are choose one:

  1. Symbiont      
  2. Parasites
  3. Green Algae   
  4. Red Algae

72.       Who Proposed the Kingdom Protista for microscopic organisms?

  1. Haeckel          
  2. Copeland
  3. Whittaker        
  4. John Hogg

73.       African sleeping sickness is caused by choose one:

  1. Pelomyxa       
  2. Stentor
  3. Entamoeba    
  4. Trypanosoma

74.       These are unicellular organisms with a flexible flagella choose one:

  1. Actinopods     
  2. Foraminiferans
  3. Flagellates
  4. Ciliates

75.       The cell wall consists of two over lapping shell in choose one:

  1. Euglenoids     
  2. Brown algae
  3. Dinoflagellates         
  4. Diatoms

76.       Polysiphonia is a representative of choose one:

  1. Brown algae   
  2. Diatoms
  3. Green algae   
  4. Red algae

77.       It has cells with two halves choose one:

  1. Desmid           
  2. Ulva
  3. Dinoflagellats           
  4. Volvox

78.       It is a fungus like protist choose one:

  1. Chlorella         
  2. Physarum polycephalum
  3. Rhizopus        
  4. Penicillium

79.       Oomycotes show close relation with fungi and their cell wall contains choose one:

  1. Chitin 
  2. Muramic acid
  3. Silica
  4. Cellulose

80.       Amoeba moves and obtains food by means of choose one:

  1. Cilin    
  2. Flagella
  3. Pseudopodia
  4. Gametangia

81.       The sexual process exhibited by most ciliates is called choose one:

  1. Oogamy         
  2. Fertilization
  3. Binary Fission
  4. Conjugation

82.       Parasitic Protozoans that form spores at some stage in their life belong to choose one:

  1. Apicomplexans        
  2. Ciliates
  3. Actinopods     
  4. Diatoms

83.       Algae in which body is differentiated into blade, stipe and hold fast belong to choose one:

  1. Kelps 
  2. Euglenoids
  3. Golden algae  
  4. Green algae

84.       The feeding stage of a slime mold is called choose one:

  1. Myceliun        
  2. Pseudopodium
  3. Hyphae
  4. Plasmodium

85.       All protists have evolved from choose one:

  1. Protists           
  2. Prokaryotes
  3. Polyphyletic   
  4. Plants

86.       Eukaryotic kingdom arose from choose one:

  1. Prokaryotes  
  2. Polyphyletic
  3. Plasmodium
  4. Protists

87.       The protists are choose one:     

  1. Eukaryotic    
  2. Prokaryotic
  3. Subcellular     
  4. All of the above

88.       Which one is not develop from a blastula?

  1. Protists         
  2. Prokaryotes
  3. Plasmodium   
  4. Polyphyletic

89.       The kingdom protista contains how many major groups of eukaryotic organisms?

  1. Five    
  2. Three
  3. Two    
  4. Four

90.       In which year Herbert Copeland elevated the prokaryotes to the status of kingdom?

  1. 1932   
  2. 1938
  3. 1931   
  4. 1929

91.       Most biologists regard the Protists as a group of organism.

  1. Polyphyletic   
  2. Protists
  3. Prokaryotes
  4. Plasmodium

92.       Which of these is an example of foraminifera?

  1. Plasmodium   
  2. Protists
  3. Limestone      
  4. Foramis

93.       A common example of the group apicomplexans is choose one:

  1. Polyphyletic   
  2. Plasmodium
  3. Limestone      
  4. Prokaryotes

94.       Paramecium, vorticella and stentor belong to the group choose one:

  1. Ciliata
  2. Silica
  3. Limestone      
  4. Tsetse

95.       Which of these causes amoebic dysentery is human?

  1. Zooflagelates 
  2. Euglenoid
  3. Ciliates
  4. Entamoeba histolytica

96.       The giant amoeba obtains its energy from choose one:

  1. Methanogenic bacteria
  2. Foramis
  3. Trichonympha
  4. Apicomplexans

 97.      Which of these has multiple membrane-bound nuclei but none of the other organelles?

  1. Giant amoeba           
  2. Foramis
  3. Ciliata 
  4. Plasmodium

98.       Which of these live as symbionts in the guts of termites?

  1. Red    
  2. Trichonympha
  3. Tsetse
  4. Silica

99.       Trypanosoma is trammitted by the bite of infected choose one:

  1. Entamoeba histolytica
  2. common fly
  3. Tsetse fly      
  4. Trichonymphus

100.    Shells of actinopods are made of choose one:

  1. Silica  
  2. Giant amoeba
  3. Ciliata
  4. Limestone