Introduction to Computing Mcqs Pdf for CS 101 | Introduction to Computing Final Paper Mcqs

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1.Vacuum tubes were supplanted by

  1. Punch cards
  2. Transistors
  3. Micro Processors
  4. Resistors

2.Hexadecimal number framework is based on digits

  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 16

3.Java script connect with client through

  1. Special control
  2. Internet pioneer
  3. Event controllers
  4. Java script doesn’t connect with client

4.Which one is right for JavaScript?

  1. The Mouse Over
  2. On Mouse Over
  3. over
  4. All of the given

5.Projects that live on Web workers and get information that a client enters in a structure, are known as

  1. Server-Side Scripts
  2. Client-Side Scripts
  3. Super Scripts
  4. Form Scripts 

6.CGI scripts on UNIX workers ASP scripts on Windows workers

The associated with any remaining modules of the chip.

  1. Control unit
  2. Memory unit
  3. Floating Point unit
  4. Arithmetic and Logic unit 

7.WWW represents

  1. Wide World Web
  2. World Wide Web
  3. World White Web
  4. World Web Wide

8.Supercomputers are utilized in

  1. Weather determining
  2. Aero plan
  3. manufacturing
  4. Atomic bomb tests
  5. All of the given decisions

9.Which one of these isn’t an illustration of capacity gadgets?

  1. Tape
  2. RAM
  3. Floppy
  4. DVD

10.To show a checkbox on the website , we use tag

  2. CHECK
  3. INPUT

11.Clients speak with the PC utilizing a predictable UI given by the OS.

  1. True
  2. False 

12.OO programming is about     .

  1. Behaviors
  2. Methods
  3. Properties
  4. Objects

13.Web principles are being created by

  1. Mozilla
  2. Microsoft
  3. IBM
  4. World Wide Web Consortium  

14. These are incredible for showing portions of an entire that are by and large communicated in rates.

  1. Line Charts
  2. Pie Charts
  3. Bar Charts
  4. None of the alternatives portrayed

15.A diode is a terminal gadget

  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. One
  4. None of above

16.Select the property of the <form> tag

  1. Method
  2. Action
  3. Value
  4. All of above  74

17.Audit of the Tags Used in Forms


name=”name of The Form”

method=”get” or “post” action=”URL”

comprises of cells orchestrated in lines and segments

  1. Accounting s Software
  2. Word processor
  3. Show Software
  4. Spreadsheet SW (2)

18.Comprise of cells orchestrated in lines and segments deals with the HW and SW assets ( memory, plate drives and so forth) of the PC framework, frequently undetectably.

  1. Explorer.exe
  2. Framework Files
  3. Working System
  4. Application Software

19.Structures can be submitted through &  strategies

  1. Incorporate, POST
  2. Incorporate, GET
  3. GET, POST

20.To show a checkbox on the , we use tag

  2. CHECK
  3. Info
  5. Rehashed

21. You  can  from/to a site containing intelligent structures.

  1. Just read
  2. Just compose
  3. Peruse and compose
  4. Not peruse and compose

 22.There is a battery on the motherboard to Offer capacity to the processor

  1. Save data when PC is off
  2. Save data when PC is on
  3. Offer capacity to the motherboard

23. We can change the foundation tone in HTML, utilizing property of <body>


  1. BG color
  2. Back the color
  3. Back ground color

24. contains the name of the convention needed to get to the asset, an area name that distinguishes a explicit PC on the web and a pathname on the PC

  1. HTML
  2. HTTP
  3. URL
  4. WWW

 25.the client. is a customer program that utilizes HTTP to make solicitations to Web workers all through the web for the benefit of

  1. Web Application
  2. Internet Browser
  3. Web Application
  4. HTML

26. WWW represents

  1. Internet
  2. World White Web
  3.  World Wide Web
  4. World Web Wide

27.The shortcomings of the PC are

  1. Example acknowledgment and Storage
  2. Speed and Innovative thoughts
  3. Example acknowledgment and Innovative thoughts
  4. Speed and Storage

 28.comprises of cells organized in lines and segments

  1. Accounting s Software
  2. Word processor
  3. Show Software
  4. Microsoft Paint Software

 29. deals with the HW and SW assets ( memory, plate drives and so forth) of the PC framework, frequently undetectably.

  1. Explorer.exe
  2. Framework Files
  3. Working System
  4. Application Software

 30.Structures can be submitted through &  strategies

  1. Incorporate, POST
  2. Incorporate, GET
  3. GET, POST Sure

 31. To show a checkbox on the , we use tag

  2. CHECK
  3. Information
  5. Rehashed

 32.You can from/to a site containing intuitive structures.

  1. Just compose
  2. Peruse and compose
  3.  Just read
  4. Not peruse and compose

 33. There is a battery on the motherboard to

  1. Offer capacity to the processor
  2. Save data when PC is off
  3. Save data when PC is on
  4. Offer capacity to the motherboard

 34. We can change the foundation tone in HTML, utilizing property of <body>


  1. BG color
  2. back color
  3. back ground color

 35.contains the name of the convention needed to get to the asset, an area name that distinguishes a explicit PC on the web and a pathname on the PC

  1. HTML
  2. HTTP
  3. URL
  4. WWW a customer program that utilizes HTTP to make solicitations to Web workers all through the

web in the interest of the client.

  1. Web Application
  2. Internet Browser
  3. Web Application
  4. HTML

37. WWW represents

  1. Wide World Web
  2. Internet
  3. World White Web
  4. World Web Wide

  38.The shortcomings of the PC are

  1. Example acknowledgment and Storage
  2. Speed and Innovative thoughts
  3. Example acknowledgment and Innovative thoughts
  4. Speed and Storage

39.Gliding point unit is otherwise called unit

  1. Genuine
  2. Number
  3. Numeric
  4. Fragmentary

40. Projects that live on Web workers and get data that a client enters in a structure, are known as

Worker Side.

  1. Customer Side Scripts
  2. Super Scripts
  3. Structure Scripts

41. is unstable memory

  1. RAM     
  2. ROM
  3. Hard Disk
  4. Album ROM

42. What will be the consequence of the accompanying recipe in Spreadsheet application ? SUM(A2A3) =                 (Assume that A2 = 25 A3 = 75)

  1. 25
  2. 50
  3. 75

 43. VisiCalc was the principal famous application on Pc’s.

  1. Accounting  151
  2. Word processor
  3. Show
  4. Data set a framework programming that changes over the source code written in significant level language into machine language code.

  1. Utilities
  2. Drivers
  3. Language Translator  59
  4. None of the these

45. What occurs on the off chance that I start another rundown without shutting the first one?

  1. A blunder will be created
  2. A settled rundown will be made  52
  3. Past rundown will end and another will begin.
  4. Nothing will occur a program that executes guidelines line by line written in an undeniable level language.

  1. Mediator  130, 131
  2. Compiler
  3. Indicator
  4. Agent

 47. There are rules to compose the Pseudo Code.

  1. Standard
  2. No standard  109.
  3. Severe
  4. Pre-characterized

 48.Which one isn’t the structure square of a calculation?

  1. Proclamations  107
  2. Groupings
  3. Reiterations
  4. Conditionals

 49.In stream outlines, there is just a single passage point in conditions while there is/are         exit focuses.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

50.A strategy that normally yet not generally works or that offers almost the right response is called

  1. Deterministic Algorithm
  2. Heuristic Algorithm  102
  3. Voracious Algorithm
  4. Randomized Algorithm

 51.A Modem is a sort of

  1. Info gadget
  2. Yield gadget
  3. Capacity gadget
  4. Info and Output gadget  25

 52.The memory size of the Altair 8800 was

  1. 128 bytes
  2. 128 Kilo bytes
  3. 256 Kilo bytes
  4. 256 bytes  15

 53. was known as “plant” in Analytical motor.

  1. Memory
  2. Processor
  3. Screen
  4. Mouse

54.Vacuum tubes were supplanted by

  1. Punch cards
  2. Transistors          2
  3. Micro Processors
  4. Resistors

55.Java script interface with client through

  1. Special control
  2. Internet pilgrim
  3. Event overseers
  4. Java script doesn’t interface with client

56.Which one is right for JavaScript?

  1. Mouse Over  15 (Web improvement 5)
  2. On Mouse Over
  3. mouseover
  4. All of the given

57.Projects that live on Web workers and get information that a client enters in a structure, are known as

  1. Server-Side Scripts  71 (Repeated)
  2. Client-Side Scripts
  3. Super Scripts
  4. Form Scripit       

58.The ….is connected to all other modules of the microprocessor.

  1. Control unit  36
  2. Memory unit
  3. Floating Point unit
  4. Arithmetic and Logic unit  


59.WWW stands for

  1. Wide World Web
  2. World Wide Web 
  3. World White Web
  4. World Web Wide

60.Supercomputers are used in

  1. Weather forecasting
  2. Aeroplan manufacturing
  3. Atomic bomb experiments
  4. All of the given choices  4

61.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?

  1. Tape
  2. RAM Sure  4
  3. Floppy
  4. DVD

62.To display a checkbox on the web , we use tage

  2. CHECK
  3. INPUT  92

63.Users communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided by the OS.

  1. True sure
  2. False

64.OO software is all about         .

  1. Behaviors
  2. Methods
  3. Properties
  4. Objects

65.Web standards are being developed by

  1. Mozilla
  2. Microsoft
  3. IBM
  4. World Wide Web Consortium

66.are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed in percentages.

  1. Line Chart
  2. Pie Charts  154
  3. Diagram (Repeated)
  4. Bar Charts
  5. None of the options described

67.A diode is a terminal device

  1. Three
  2. Two  32
  3. One
  4. None of above

68.Select the attribute of the <form> tag

  1. Method
  2. Action
  3. Value
  4. All of above <form name=”” method=”” action=”” value=””> </form>

 69.Ada, Countess of Lovelace developed first

  1. Computer
  2. Website
  3. Computer Program  1
  4. Analytical engine

70. Charles Babbage was a/an

  1. Mathematician 
  2. Computer Scientist
  3. Physician
  4. Analyst

71.Detailed plan, specifying the required resources and expected deliverables, is done in  phase.

  1. Planning
  2. User Requirements
  3. Design
  4. Developer Specification 
  5. Diagram.

72.A computer program that facilitates the communication between the computer and a peripheral device is called                

  1. Operating system
  2. Utilities
  3. Language Translator
  4. Device Drives

73. To start an ordered list from 20 instead of 1, we will write

  1. <OL begin = “20″>
  2. <OL initiate = “20″>
  3. <OL start = “20″>  53
  4. <OL from = “20″>

74. is the best known builder for supercomputers.

  1. Sun
  2. Cray Research p a g e 21
  3. Microsoft
  4. Apple

75.Using COLSPAN, number of rows of the current cell should extend itself

  1. Upward
  2. Downward  56
  3. Both Upward and Downward
  4. None of the given choices

76.Interactive forms are always placed between

  1. TITLE
  2. HEAD
  3. BODY
  4. HTML

77.Speakers fall into the hardware category.

  1. True
  2. False directly interacts with the hardware.

  1. Application software
  2. System software

 79. is known as the best feature in word processing.

  1. Cut
  2. Copy
  3. Paste
  4. Undo because by using undo we can recover our mistakes and do experiments without risks.

80.In java script objects may have properties.

  1. Single
  2. Several
  3. Multiple
  4. All of the given options

81.In java script objects may have properties.

  1. Single
  2. Several
  3. Multiple
  4. All of the given options

 82. are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed in percentages.

  1. Line Charts
  2. Pie Charts  154 repeated
  3. Bar Charts
  4. None of the options described

83.Small Computer System Interface is

  1. Slower and harder to configure then serial and parallel ports
  2. Faster then USB
  3. Both first choices
  4. Slower then USB but Faster then serial and parallel 24

84.Vacuum tubes were replaced by       

  1. Punch cards
  2. Transistors Repeated
  3. Micro Processors
  4. Resistors

85.Hexadecimal number system is based on digits

  1. 8
  2. 12
  3. 16

86.Java script interact with user through             

  1. Special control
  2. Internet explorer Repeated
  3. Event handlers
  4. Java script does not interact with user

87.Which one is correct for JavaScript?

  1. On Mouse Over Repeated
  2. On Mous Over
  3. On mouses over
  4. All of the given

88.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, are known as

  1. Server-Side Scripts
  2. Client-Side Scripts
  3. Super Scripts
  4. Form Scripts

89.The …is connected to all other modules of the microprocessor.

  1. Control unit Repeated
  2. Memory unit
  3. Floating Point unit
  4. Arithmetic and Logic unit

 90.The WWW stands for

  1. Wide World Web
  2. World Wide Web
  3. World White Web
  4. World Web Wide

91.Supercomputers are used in

  1. Weather forecasting
  2. Aeroplan manufacturing
  3. Atomic bomb experiments
  4. All of the given choices  4

92.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?

  1. Tape
  2. RAM
  3. Floppy
  4. DVD

93.To display a checkbox on the web , we use tag

 Cray-1 was first commercial       computer

  1. Super Repeated 
  2. Mini
  3. Micro
  4. Personal

94.language is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs, but it is not as flexible as the C programming language

  1. BASIC
  2. PASCAL  131
  3. JAVA

95.What happens if I start a new list without closing the original one?

  1. An error will be generated
  2. A nested list will be created Repeated
  3. Previous list will end and a new will start.
  4. Nothing will happen
  5. one       

96.A computer program that facilitates the communication between the computer and a peripheral device is called                

  1. Utilities
  2. Language Translator
  3. Device Drives
  4. Operating system

97.AutoCAD falls in the category of

  1. Engineering Applications
  2. Graphics Applications
  3. Scientific Applications
  4. Business Applications

98.Tag used to make a Text Bold is

  1. <BOLD></BOLD>
  2. <B></B> sure
  3. <BODY></BODY>
  4. None of these

99. Which one of these is NOT an example of embedded computers?

  1. IMB PC
  2. Microwave oven
  3. Refrigerator
  4. Calculator

100.Supercomputers are used in

  1. Weather forecasting
  2. Aeroplane manufacturing
  3. Atomic bomb experiments
  4. All of the given choices

101.Which one of these is NOT an example of storage devices?

  1. Tape
  2. Repeated
  3. Floppy
  4. DVD
  5. RAM

102.In which case Cache Memory is used

  1. To increase RAM speed
  2. To overcome BUS speed
  3. To overcome Speed rate between RAM and CPU
  4. To overcome CPU speed

103.A set of stand alone productivity applications designed to work together known as

  1. Productivity software suites
  2. Compiled software
  3. Secure software
  4. Intelligent software

104.File handling in java script is done  .

  1. In more accurate way
  2. In more easy way
  3. Both more easy and in accurate way
  4. Not at all

105.Which one of the following is a valid variable name?

  1. Break
  2. Switch
  3. Catch
  4. None of the given  21

106.An algorithm that always takes the best immediate or local solution while finding an answer is called        

  1. Deterministic Algorithm
  2. Non deterministic Algorithm
  3. Greedy Algorithm  102
  4. Randomized Algorithm

107. A    B             C             D

4   ABC003           65           =c4=c4

  1. Expression format in cell D4 is NOT correct.
  2. True According to Ms-Excel
  3. False

108. User interface provided by UNIX operating system is

  1. Shell / GUI  68
  2. Shell
  3. GUI
  4. Command line  

109. language is very good for writing well-structured and readable programs, but it is not as flexible as the C programming language

  1. BASIC
  2. PASCAL  131
  3. JAVA

120. interacts directly with the computer Hardware

  1. Compiler
  2. Operating system
  3. Repeated
  4. Application software
  5. Assembler         

121.If type attribute of INPUT tag is set to “reset”, then it will

  1. Save all the data
  2. Set the shape of all the fields
  3. Set all fields to their default values Sure
  4. Do nothing, you have to write code for it

122.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, are known as

  1. Server-Side Scripts 
  2. Client-Side Scripts
  3. Super Scripts
  4. Form Scripts      

123.The world first computer program was written to compute

  1. Simple sequence
  2. Multiple sequence
  3. Bernoulli’s sequence  9
  4. Increasing sequence

124.The key strengths of computers are

  1. Speed
  2. Storage
  3. Do not get bored
  4. All of the given choices

125. is the interface in computer that supports transmission of multiple bits at the same time.

  1. Serial Port
  2. Parallel Port
  3. Universal Serial Bus
  4. None of the given choices

126.Which of the following is NOT supported by PC’s power supply.

  1. -12 and +12  V DC
  2. -10  and +10 V DC
  3. -5 and + 5 V DC
  4. All are supported

127. NOWRAP extends of a cell, if necessary, to fit the contents of the cell the in a single line

  1. Height
  2. Length
  3. Width  56
  4. Value   

128.We need for memory management in computer

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Operating System OS is used for memory management.
  4. Application Software     

129.The first component of an operating system that runs when a typical computer is turned

ON, is

  1. Device Manager
  2. File Manager
  3. Loader
  4. Device Driver   

130.Speakers fall into the hardware category.

  1. True
  2. False     

131.HTML s are edited by           

  1. MS Front
  2. Notepad
  3. Dream weaver
  4. All of These       

132.Power Builder falls in the category of

  1. Assembly Languages
  2. 4-th Generation Languages
  3. Machine Languages
  4. High-Level Languages 


133.Java script is an.

  1. Object based language
  2. All of the given 
  3. Interpreted language
  4. Event driven language

134.In java script objects may have properties.

  1. Single
  2. Several
  3. Multiple
  4. All of the given options known as the best feature in word processing.

  1. Cut
  2. Copy
  3. Paste
  4. Undo because by using undo we can recover our mistakes and do experiments without risks.

136.In java script objects may have do not properties.

  1. Single
  2. Several
  3. Multiple
  4. All of the given options

137.In java script objects may have properties.

  1. Single
  2. Several
  3. Multiple
  4. All of the given options

138. are great for showing parts of a whole that are generally expressed in percentages.

  1. Line Charts
  2. Pie Charts 
  3. Bar Charts
  4. None of the options described

139.Small Computer System Interface is

  1. Slower and harder to configure then serial and parallel ports
  2. Faster then USB
  3. Both first choices
  4. Slower then USB but Faster then serial and parallel

140.Vacuum tubes were replaced by     

  1. Punch cards
  2. Transistors
  3. Micro Processors
  4. Resistors

141. Hexadecimal number system is based on digits

  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 16  

142.Java script interact with user through           

  1. Special control
  2. Internet explorer Repeated
  3. Event handlers
  4. Java script does not interact with user

143.Which one is correct for JavaScript?

  1. On Mouse Over Repeated
  2. On Mouse Over
  3. On mouseover
  4. All of the given

144.Programs that reside on Web servers and receive info that a user enters in a form, are known as

  1. Server-Side Scripts Repeated
  2. Client-Side Scripts
  3. Super Scripts
  4. Form Scripts