PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | PPSC Test Preparation Mcqs (Afghanistan Issue)

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Afghanistan PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers


Q No 1 : Ahmad Shah, the successor Nadir Shah, founded the first ever unified state in Afghanistan in______________.

  1. 1940 AD
  2. 1747 AD
  3. 1750 AD
  4. 1700 AD

Q No 2 :  After Ahmad Shah dynasty, there rose a competition for control between Russians and____________.

  1. British
  2. Afghanis
  3. Arabs
  4. None of these

Q No 3 : Following the Third Afghan War, Afghanistan gained its independence in_____________.

  1. 1919
  2. 1911
  3. 1924
  4. 1921

Q No 4 : Afghanistan gained its independence in 1921 under the leadership of ______________.

  1. Jamalu Din Afghani
  2. Nadir Shah
  3. AmanUl Allah
  4. None of these

Q No 5 : Afghanistan is separated from Central Asia by ___________.

  1. Onus
  2. Aral river
  3. Caspian sea
  4. None of them

Q No 6 : Zahir Shah ruled Afghanistan from 1933 till 1973 when he was over thrown by______________.

  1. Noor Muhammad Taragai
  2. Muhammad Daud
  3. NajibUllah
  4. BabrakKarmal

Q No 7 : After assassination of Daud who come into power in 1978?

  1. BabrakKarmal
  2. NajibUllah
  3. Noor Muhammad Tarakai
  4. BurhanuddinRebbani

Q No 8 : When Pakistan forced to sever its diplomatic relation with Afghanistan due to unwanted support of Afghan government to Pakhtoonistan issue?

  1. 10th October, 1961
  2. 15th November, 1961
  3. 6th September, 1961
  4. 20th December, 1961

Q No 9 : The former Soviet Union sent its forces in Afghanistan in_________.

  1. 1979
  2. 1976
  3. 1977
  4. 1981

Q No 10 : Who was the ruler of Afghanistan at the time of Soviet invasion?

  1. Noor Muhammad Taragai
  2. BabrakKarmal
  3. NajibUllah
  4. Muhammad Daud

Q No 11 : When Soviet forces withdrew from Afghanistan?

  1. 1987
  2. 1989
  3. 1985
  4. 1986

Q No 12 : ‘Geneva Accord’ which provided for the withdrawl of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was signed on____________.

  1. 5th March, 1988
  2. 1st January, 1988
  3. 14th April, 1988
  4. 15th November, 1988

Q No 13 : When Taliban regime came into power in Afghanistan?

  1. 1992
  2. 1995
  3. 1996
  4. 1994

Q No 14 : Taliban remained in power from 1996 till 2001. Who was their leader?

  1. Mullah Umar
  2. Usama Bin Laden
  3. BurhenudddinRabbani
  4. HikmatYar

Q No 15 : Which of the following countries recognized Taliban government in Afghanistan?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. UAE
  3. Pakistan
  4. All of them

Q No 16 : What is meant by “Loya Jirga”?

  1. Ruling Clergy
  2. Grand assembly of all factors
  3. Arbitration Council
  4. None of them

Q No 17 : After Russians left Afghanistan whose government was recognized by UNO?

  1. GulbdinHikamtYar
  2. Ahamd Shah Masood
  3. BurhanuddinRabbani
  4. Rashid Dostam

Q No 18 : After the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre American government accused Taliban Regime of supporting Al Quada and other terrorist activities and attacked Afghanistan in __________.

  1. 2000
  2. 2001
  3. 2002
  4. 2003

Q No 19 : Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan is___________.

  1. Uzbek
  2. Tajik
  3. Hazaras
  4. Tazters

Q No 20 : After the downfall of Taliban Hamid Karzai was elected as head of state by Loya Jirga on________.

  1. July 20, 2002
  2. June 13, 2002
  3. August 15, 2002
  4. September 10, 2002

Q No 21 : When Hamid Karzai for the second time was elected as the president of Afghanistan?

  1. October, 2003
  2. October, 2005
  3. November, 2009
  4. October, 2002

Q No 22 : When “Good Neighbor Declaration” guaranteeing the country’s independence and territorial integrity was signed?

  1. December, 2002
  2. November, 2001
  3. October, 2001
  4. September, 2001

Q No 23 : Which is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan?

  1. Uzbek
  2. Tajik
  3. Pushtuns
  4. Hazaras

Q No 24 : Which of the following provinces of Adfghanistan shares border with Pakistan?

  1. Paktya
  2. Ghazni
  3. Qandhar
  4. All of them

Q No 25 : During the 19th century, Afghanistan functioned as buffer state between Russia and___________.

  1. China
  2. Iran
  3. Britain
  4. Turkmenistan

Q No 26 : Buffer state of Asia is the geographical surname of ______________.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Pakistan
  3. Iran
  4. Uzbekistan

Q No 27 : Long boundary line between Pakistan and Afghanistan was demarcated in_____________.

  1. 1893
  2. 1896
  3. 1890
  4. 1885

Q No 28 : The declared national name of Afghanistan is

  1. Islamic Republic Afghan
  2. Daulet Republic Afghanistan
  3. Republic of Afghanistan
  4. Daulet-e-Islamia Afghanistan

Q No 29 : On December 1, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the US will begin to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan in____________.

  1. January 2012
  2. December 2010
  3. March 2013
  4. July 2011

Q No 30 : Afghanistan has____________ Provinces.

  1. 34
  2. 25
  3. 15
  4. 8

Q No 31 : NATO and Afghanistan signed an agreement in November 2010 in Lisbon to hand over full control of security operations to Afghan forces by the end of____________.

  1. 2016
  2. 2015
  3. 2014
  4. 2013

Q No 32 : With which country was Pakistan involved in a cross-border skirmishes, which started on 13th June 2016?

  1. Iran
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Afghanistan

Q No 33 : What was the name of the Pakistan Army Major who was injured by Afghan firing along Torkham border and later declared on 14th June 2016? 

  1. Ali JawadChangezi
  2. Anwar Shah
  3. Bakhtawar Khan
  4. Asslam Malik

Q No 34 : In which area did Afghan border guards fire upon the Pakistani soldiers in order to disrupt the construction of Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier on 13th June 2016?

  1. Dorah Pass
  2. Broghol
  3. Gomal Pass
  4. Torkham Pass

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