PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | Religions of the World

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Religions of the World | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers

Religions of the World

Q No: 1 Which is the world oldest religion?

  1. Judaism
  2. Islam
  3. Christianity
  4. Hinduism

Q No: 2 Which is the largest religion in the world?

  1. Islam
  2. Hinduism
  3. Christianity
  4. Judaism

Q No: 3 When was Buddhism founded?

  1. 500 BC
  2. 523 BC
  3. 400 BC
  4. 300 BC

Q No: 4 Who was the founder of protestant sect of Christianity?

  1. Martin Luther
  2. Pope Labin
  3. Rapind
  4. Pop john poll

Q No: 5 Confucianism is the main religion of ______.

  1. Arabia and Iraq
  2. China and Taiwan
  3. Japan and Sri Lanka
  4. Nepal and Afghanistan

Q No: 6 Which among the following is the sacred text of the confucianists?

  1. The Tripitaka
  2. The Analects
  3. Torach
  4. None of these

Q No: 7 Where was Jesus Christ born?

  1. Iraq
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Mecca
  4. Madina

Q No: 8 Christianity is nearly _____ years old.

  1. 1500 years
  2. 2000 years
  3. 2500 years
  4. Over 2500 years

Q No: 9 The sacred place of Christians is _____.

  1. Nazareth
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Mecca
  4. None of these

Q No: 10 Who founded Judaism?

  1. Prophet Mohammad (SAW)
  2. Jesus Christ
  3. Moses
  4. None of these

Q No: 11 Gautam Siddharta Buddha founder of Buddhism was born in 563 BC in ______.

  1. Bhutan
  2. Nepal
  3. India
  4. Sri Lanka

Q No: 12 In which of the following countries Buddhism is following as their religion?

  1. Sri Lanka
  2. Korea
  3. Japan
  4. All of them

Q No: 13 The Tripitaka is sacred text of which religion?

  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Confucianism
  4. Taoism

Q No: 14 Which of the following place is the place of  worship of Buddhism?

  1. Synagogue
  2. Central Shrie of Ise
  3. Stoopa
  4. Tao-te Ching

Q No: 15 Who was founder of Confucianism?

  1. Hinayana
  2. Lao Tse
  3. Kung Fu Tsu
  4. Maha Youa

Q No: 16 Confucianism was founded in ______.

  1. 400 BC
  2. 520 BC
  3. 500 BC
  4. 475 BC

Q No: 17 The Lun Yu is sacred book of which religion?

  1. Taosim
  2. Zorastraianism
  3. Confucianism
  4. Shintoism

Q No: 18 Ashoka was great king o f Sub continent Indo Pak. His religion was _____.

  1. Jeansim
  2. Hinduism
  3. Shintoism
  4. Buddhism

Q No: 19 Hinduism was founded how many year ago?

  1. 2000 BC
  2. 1500 BC
  3. 2500 BC
  4. 3000 BC

Q No: 20 Which of the following is the sacred book of Hinduism?

  1. Vedas
  2. Upanishads
  3. Ramyana
  4. All of them

Q No: 21 Moses (A.S.) founder of Judaism was born in______.

  1. Jeruslem
  2. Iraq
  3. Egypt
  4. Jordan

Q No: 22 Judaism was founded in ______.

  1. 1000 BC
  2. 1100 BC
  3. 1300 BC
  4. 900 BC

Q No: 23 Torah is the religious text of which religion?

  1. Judaism
  2. Christianity
  3. Taoism
  4. None of them

Q No: 24 Synagogue is place of worship of which religion?

  1. Confucianism
  2. Judaism
  3. Shintoism
  4. Buddhism

Q No: 25 Jerusalem is a sacred place for _____.

  1. Christians
  2. Jews
  3. Muslims
  4. All of them

Q No: 26 Religion shintoism is followed in which of the following countries?

  1. China
  2. Thailand
  3. Japan
  4. Nepal

Q No: 27 Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak in _____.

  1. 875 AD
  2. 1650 AD
  3. 1500 AD
  4. 1575 AD

Q No: 28 Golden Temple is the sacred place of which religion?

  1. Sikhism
  2. Hinduism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Taoism

Q No: 29 Who is the founder of Taoism?

  1. Lun Yu
  2. Tao-te-ching
  3. Lao-tse
  4. Hung fe

Q No: 30 Taoism is followed in which of the following countries?

  1. China
  2. Taiwan
  3. Brunai
  4. All of them

Q No: 31 Taoism was founded in ______.

  1. Sixth century BC
  2. Second century BC
  3. Ninth century BC
  4. Seventh century BC

Q No: 32 Tao-te-ching is the sacred book of

  1. Confucianism
  2. Shintoism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Taoism

Q No: 33 After Christianity and Islam, the third biggest religion in terms of followers is:-

  1. Judaism
  2. Shintoism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Hinduism

Q No: 34 What is the meaning of Vishnu?

  1. The preserver
  2. The helper
  3. The creator
  4. None of these

Q No: 35 What is the meaning of Vishva?

  1. The helper
  2. The destroyer
  3. The creator
  4. None of these

Q No: 36 What is the meaning of Brahma?

  1. The helper
  2. The destroyer
  3. The creator
  4. None of these

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