PPSC General Knowledge Mcqs with answers 2021 | Worlds Airports

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Worlds Airports | PPSC General Knowledge Past Papers | PPSC Mcqs with Answers

Worlds Airports


Q No: 1 Schiphol airport is situated in:

  1. Amsterdam
  2. Liverpool
  3. Bristol
  4. Rotterdam

Q No: 2 Busiest airport of world is:

  1. Sheefal
  2. O’Hare
  3. New York
  4. None of these

Q No: 3 What is the name of Oslo airport?

  1. Fornebu
  2. Dallas
  3. Subang
  4. El Alto

Q No: 4 Hellenikon is the airport of:

  1. Malta
  2. Greece
  3. Syria
  4. France

Q No: 5 Kimpo airport is situated in:

  1. N. Korea
  2. S. Korea
  3. Laos
  4. Latvia

Q No: 6 Tegel is the airport of:

  1. Germany
  2. France
  3. USA
  4. Italy

Q No: 7 Heathrow airport is the airport of:

  1. London
  2. Liverpool
  3. Rome
  4. Paris

Q No: 8 What is the name of Rome airport?

  1. Dorval
  2. Mirabol
  3. Subang
  4. Leonardo da Vinci

Q No: 9 Ch. De Gaulle is the name of

  1. Paris airport
  2. London airport
  3. Montreal airport
  4. None of these

Q No: 10 Narita is the name of

  1. Seoul airport
  2. Tokyo airport
  3. Nairobi airport
  4. Rome airport

Q No: 11 What is the name of Bombay airport?

  1. Santa Cruz
  2. Dum Dum
  3. Nehru
  4. Gandhi

Q No: 12 Dum Dum is the name of airport

  1. Calcutta
  2. Lagos
  3. Oslo
  4. Dhaka

Q No: 13 Ketak is the airport of

  1. Bangkok
  2. Hong Kong
  3. China
  4. Sweden

Q No: 14 J.F. Kennedy is name of airport of

  1. Washington
  2. New York
  3. Seattle
  4. California

Q No: 15 Schwechat is the name of airport of

  1. Oslo
  2. Geneva
  3. Chile
  4. Vienna

Q No: 16 Jinnah airport is the name of

  1. Karachi airport
  2. Islamabad airport
  3. Lahore airport
  4. Ziarat airport

Q No: 17 O’Hare airport is the name of

  1. New York airport
  2. Chicago airport
  3. Paris airport
  4. Washington airport

Q No: 18 King Abdul Aziz international airport is the name of

  1. Makkah airport
  2. Jeddah airport
  3. Riyadh airport
  4. Middina airport

Q No: 19 Largest airport of the world is

  1. New York airport
  2. Chicago airport
  3. King Abdul Aziz airport
  4. Washington airport

Q No: 20 Ezezia Aeroparque is the airport of

  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. China
  4. Argentina

Q No: 21 Dorval is the name of the airport of

  1. Canada
  2. Russia
  3. Japan
  4. China

Q No: 22 Khalda is the international airport of

  1. China
  2. Pakistan
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Lebanon

Q No: 23 Subang is the name of airport of

  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Nepal
  4. Sri Lanka

Q No: 24 Which of the following airport belongs to Australia?

  1. Schewchat
  2. Tullamarine
  3. Dorval
  4. None of these

Q No: 25 Mirabol is the airport of

  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Russia
  4. Canada

Q No: 26 Congonhas is the name of

  1. Airport of Brazil
  2. Airport of Paris
  3. Airport of Sri Lanka
  4. None of these

Q No: 27 Chaklala is the airport of

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. Nepal
  4. USA

Q No: 28 Bandranaike is the name of

  1. Airport of Sri Lanka
  2. Airport of Iran
  3. Airport of Italy
  4. Airport of USA

Q No: 29 Gatwick is the international airport of

  1. Canada
  2. UK
  3. Russia
  4. USA

Q No: 30 Jeddah is the airport of

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Pakistan

Q No: 31 Sherenetyevo is the name of airport of

  1. Russia
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Canada
  4. China

Q No: 32 What is the name of Lahore airport?

  1. Allama Iqbal airport
  2. Jinnah airport
  3. Punjab airport
  4. Faiz airport

Q No: 33 Fornebu is the name of airport of

  1. USA
  2. Japan
  3. Norway
  4. Sweden

Q No: 34 Hisa Hito is the name of airport of

  1. Japan
  2. Canada
  3. China
  4. Nepal

Q No: 35 Somaniya airport is the international airport of

  1. Congo
  2. Somalia
  3. Eriteria
  4. Chad

Q No: 36 How many airports are there in the world?

  1. 49024
  2. 50780
  3. 47750
  4. 37028

Q No: 37 Which country has maximum number of airports in the world?

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. USA
  4. India

Q No: 38 How many airports are there in Pakistan?

  1. 35
  2. 40
  3. 42
  4. 55

Q No: 39 Which airport in the world has maximum turnovers of passengers?

  1. Moscow
  2. Shanghai
  3. Atlanta
  4. Washington

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