Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 12

551. The Industrial Revolution in England occurred through

  1. fleece industry
  2. mining industry
  3. cotton industry
  4. stumbling industry

Ans. (d)

552. The modern arrangement of creation is recognized from different frameworks based on accessibility of

  1. gifted work
  2. methods for creation
  3. capital
  4. lifeless wellspring of energy

Ans. (d)

553. The idea of metropolitan reusing alludes to

  1. contamination control components
  2. movement of businesses around there
  3. remodel of old structures and development of new units
  4. movement of the city at another site

Ans. (c)

554.. People are probably not going to have significant degrees of political interest in the event that they accept that the result of occasions will be good without their inclusion. Who has proposed this?

  1. C.W. Factories
  2. R. Dahl
  3. Wilson
  4. Lester Milbrath

Ans. (b)

555. Who has composed the book “The White Umbrella – Indian Political idea from Manu to Gandhi”?

  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. Jyotiba Phule
  3. D.M. Earthy colored
  4. Mountbatten

Ans. (c)

556. Which book has a decent record of the impact of groups, rank and different powers upon state governmental issues?

  1. Social construction
  2. Factional governmental issues in an Indian state. The congress party in Uttar Pradesh
  3. Indian social construction
  4. Caste and governmental issues: A contextual investigation of Tamil Nadu Assembly

Ans. (b)

557. An acephalous society is one in which

  1. individuals have low insight
  2. there is no proper head
  3. there is no political framework
  4. insurgency wins

Ans. (b)

558. At the point when inborn predominance of a group over another is legitimized as far as organic credits, it is called

  1. bigotry
  2. nationality
  3. society
  4. social pride

Ans. (a)

559. The stories pass down in oral transmission is named as

  1. legend
  2. folkways
  3. fables
  4. nothing unless there are other options

Ans. (c)

560. Weber’s idea of force is

  1. ‘Hopeful’ power
  2. ‘Quirky’ power
  3. ‘Lose-lose’ power
  4. ‘Rationalistic’ power

Ans. (c)

561. Which one of the accompanying alludes to the ability to make a free move despite opposition and conflict?

  1. Self-regard
  2. Power
  3. Authority
  4. Influence

Ans. (b)

562. Vertical social portability experienced by a family ancestry throughout the span of at least two ages, is called

  1. Co-horizontal portability
  2. Procedural versatility
  3. Inter-generational social versatility
  4. Scale versatility

Ans. (c)

563. People as well as entire gatherings may encounter up or down ward portability. This wonder might be called

  1. Caste versatility
  2. Occupational versatility
  3. Group versatility
  4. Societal versatility

Ans. (c)

564. Which of coming up next isn’t the reason for normal disparity?

  1. Color
  2. Education
  3. Race
  4. Gender

Ans. (b)

565. Sex definition implies

  1. Stratification dependent on strict worth
  2. Stratification as far as sexual contrast
  3. Class contrast
  4. Stratification dependent on station framework

Ans. (b)

566. Tick the correct one

  1. The social separation hypothesis of Marx and Weber are indistinguishable
  2. Weber focuses on class, gathering and status, while Marx focuses on class as it were
  3. Weber has not uttered a word on friendly definition
  4. Weber’s hypothesis depends on station, while Marx’s hypothesis is on class

Ans. (b)

567. ‘Franks’ were occupants of

  1. Northern Alps
  2. Rocky mountains
  3. Indes mountains
  4. Mount Fiji

Ans. (a)

568. Vandls and Moors were found in

  1. Indonesia
  2. Ethiopia
  3. North Africa
  4. North America

Ans. (c)

569. “In ancestral life the chief connections for the entire society depend on Kinship,” Whose assessment is this?

  1. Mandelbaum
  2. Lucy Mair
  3. Evans Petchand
  4. Radcliffe Brown

Ans. (a)

570. The Mundas, Santhals and Hos are distinguished as particular clans based on their____ other than different traits.

  1. shading
  2. dance
  3. language
  4. house design

Ans. (c)

571. The attributes of worker social orders was laid out by

  1. M.N. Srinivas
  2. P.C. Joshi
  3. Theodore Shanin
  4. Henry Maine

Ans. (c)

572. Who presented the term connection for consanguineal connections, and recognized it from affinal connections?

  1. Malinowski
  2. A.R. Radcliffe Brown
  3. S.F. Nadel
  4. Kroeber

Ans. (b)

573. The term indicates thought and activity which are cognizant as per the principles of rationale and observational information, where objective are reasonable, commonly steady and accomplished by the most fitting methods. Which term is alluded to here?

  1. Behavior design
  2. Rationality
  3. Empiricism
  4. Methodology

Ans. (b)

574. Who do you think has been answerable for the most broad utilization of the term in human science?

In British humanism L.T. Hobhouse fused the idea of discernment in its broadest sense into his hypothesis of human advancement as a natural standard which blended all parts of individual and public activity.

  1. Marx Weber
  2. W.G. Sumner
  3. Karl Marx
  4. Talcott Parsons

Ans. (a)

575. _______ are rehashed wrongdoers who neither figure out how to keep away from location nor are dissuaded from submitting further offenses either by conviction or the sentences they get

  1. Juvenile Delinquents
  2. Criminals
  3. Recidivists
  4. Terrorists

Ans. (c)

576. Any tenet that tries to clarify a higher request wonder as far as a lower request one would be called

  1. Nominal’s
  2. Reductionism
  3. Methodological independence
  4. Formalism

Ans. (b)

577. In a decidedly slanted appropriation the worth of:

  1. Mean is greatest
  2. Mode is greatest
  3. Mean and mode are same
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (a)

578. Singular Extreme qualities can’t impact:

  1. Median
  2. Mean
  3. Average
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (a)

579. The normal week by week wages of a gathering of 50 specialists were Rs.400. It was subsequently found that two sections were misread as Rs.230 and Rs.140 rather than Rs.320 and Rs.410. The right normal is:

  1. Rs.409.3
  2. Rs.407.2
  3. Rs.395.6
  4. Rs.409.7

Ans. (b)

580. In any examination one ought to:

  1. know it all nearby without trying to get familiar with the subtleties assuming any
  2. discover increasingly more about less and less in certain particular sub regions
  3. not evaluate anything aimlessly yet stand by until an unexpected glimmer shows up to him
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (b)

581. Properties of items, occasions or things which can be estimated are called:

  1. information
  2. subjective measure
  3. factors
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (c)

582. ‘While the individuals who own and control the powers of creation, including work, may have an objective view of the relationship be¬tween their, points and the methods of accom¬plishing them, the individuals who are subordinate don’t.’ Which idea do you believe is im¬plied in the above proclamation of Karl Marx?

  1. A Alienation
  2. B Praxis
  3. C False awareness
  4. D Social transformation

Ans. (C)

583. Who characterized family along these lines?

The family is a gathering of people joined by the ties of marriage, blood, or selection; con¬s

blood, or adoption; con­stituting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister; creating a common culture’-

  1. L. H. Morgan
  2. MacIver and Page
  3. E.W. Burgess and H. J. Locke
  4. Park and Burgess

Ans. (C)

584. A perspective on human science which underscores the significance of the investigation of the type of a social relationship and the near investigation of cases which contrast while the structure stays consistent is:

  1. Formalism
  2. Symbolic interactions
  3. Comparative humanism
  4. Synthetic perspective on humanism

Ans. (A)

585. Recognize the school to which the accompanying sociologists have a place – Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Freidrich Pollock, Karl Wittfogel, Leo, Lowenthal, and J. Habermas.

  1. Formal school
  2. Frankfurt school
  3. Synthetic school
  4. Chicago school

Ans. (B)

586. Who comprehended religion as ‘a satisfaction or placation of forces better than man which are accepted to direct and control the course of nature and human existence’?

  1. Sir James Frazer
  2. Emile Durkheim
  3. Bronislaw Malinowski
  4. Karl Marx

Ans. (A)

587. Who of coming up next is of the view that in sociological speech a foundation is net of people ways and mores?

  1. Ginsberg
  2. H. E. Barnes
  3. Maxwell
  4. Gillin and Gillin

Ans. (c)

588. Which one of coming up next isn’t required for the working of an affiliation?

  1. There ought to be gathering of individuals
  2. individuals ought to be efficient
  3. They ought to notice implicit rules
  4. They ought to have regular philosophy

Ans. (a)

589. Who of the accompanying has said that “A social establishment is a practical setup of culture design”?

  1. Kamphell Young
  2. Maclver
  3. Ginsberg
  4. Gillin and Gillin

Ans. (d)

590. “Social foundations are sets of coordinated human relationship; set up by regular will” was said by-

  1. C.H. Cooley
  2. A. Ross
  3. Kingsely Davis
  4. Sheriff and Sheriff

Ans. (b)

591. Which one of coming up next is valid for establishment however not of local area?

  1. It has unconstrained beginning
  2. It has worry with society overall
  3. It has no unconstrained beginning
  4. It manages public activity of individuals

Ans. (c)

592. What isn’t pertinent to social elements of gathering life?

  1. It checks silly activities of individuals
  2. It helps in developing a set of principles
  3. It helps in liking prerequisites of the others
  4. It helps in advancing feeling of elatedness among individuals from the gathering

Ans. (d)

593. The rule of social change for the translation of the coordinated changes of assorted human existence was utilized by:

  1. Kroeber
  2. F.S. Chapin
  3. Oswald Spengler
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (b)

594. Expressing that lone specific races are fit for making society, other need to make due as parasites, is to support the upsides of:

  1. Racial disparity
  2. Biological disparity
  3. Racial abilities
  4. Cultural relativism

Ans. (a)

595. Who has said “culture is life communicating itself thoughts in valuations and in styles”?

  1. R.M. Maclver
  2. Dewey J.
  3. M.R. Gardner
  4. G.S. Ghurye

Ans. (a)

596. During our opportunity battle a portion of our chiefs could bring legislative issues close to our kin on the grounds that:

They helped individuals to remember India about their past greatness

  1. They were rich and individuals feared them
  2. They had been taught abroad and masses cherished them
  3. They drove western way of life

Ans. (a)

597. Socialization happens through different inspirational cycles which might be called too___________ of socialization.

  1. Ends
  2. Mechanisms
  3. Modes
  4. Elements

Ans. (b)

598. At the point when job tenants partition themselves into subgroups, the last mentioned:

  1. carry on with more limited life than the individual individuals
  2. carry on with longer life than the individual individuals
  3. has as much life as the individual individuals
  4. steers clear of the existence of individual individuals

Ans. (b)

599. Who had referenced five components of socialization, viz., support, termination hindrance, replacement, impersonation and ID?

  1. Radcliffe Brown
  2. Nadel
  3. Parsons
  4. Merton

Ans. (c)

600. Which one of coming up next isn’t practical issue of social construction?

  1. example of support
  2. transformation
  3. climate
  4. incorporation

Ans. (c)