Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 20
951.The lowest density of population per square kilometer is found in:
- Singh
- N.W.F.P
- Baluchistan
- None of these
952.Alteration is the state of affairs in which:
- the society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows the
- the individual has no claim over the product that he has finished
- the worker is least emotionally related to the product that he develops, the co-workers and the work environment.
953.The rate of return for a mailed questionnaire is usually:
- very high
- very low
- it can be both a and b
- None of these
954. According to Emile Durkheim the Mechanical Solidarity is based on:
- blood relations and neighborhood
- division of labor and specialization
- The contribution individuals make to each other
- None of these
955.Cultural Shock is caused by:
- Playing is different role and getting role strain
- finding values, norms and customs against ones cultural socialization usually opposite to what one has been socialized in and they turn out to
- be dysfunctional.
- Both and
- None of these
956.Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in essence the :
- Central tendency
- Spread of the sample means/values
- Both a and b
- None of these
957.Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics:
- Population and common territory
- Shared beliefs and collective destiny
- Both sexes and all ages
- None of these
958.The essential function of punishment in society is:
- Reform Revenge
- Affirmation of moral standards
- None of these
959.The most pervasive of the social processes are:
- Cooperation
- Overt Conflict
- Competition
- None of these
960.One of the following is alien to the concept of culture:
- Religious ritual
- Changelessness
- Idealized ways of thinking and doing
- None of these
961. A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth would lack all but one of the followings:
- Rudimentary
- personality
- Self Language
- None of these
962. Abstract sentiments are :
- Closer to center of self than moral rules
- Provide a focus for allegiance
- Are compellers of action
- None of these
963. A person is consciously motivated primarily by his:
- Social values
- Real traits
- Picture of himself
- None of these
964.Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following:
- Broadening of role specification
- Plurality of moralities
- increase in number of achievable positions
- None of these
965.The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:
- Stimulus- response psychology
- Drive psychology
- Trait psychology
- None of these
966.Once formed the self is:
- Interactive
- Proactive
- Rigid
- None of these
967.In modern society, cultural change is most likely to be the by product of:
- Planning
- Diffusion
- Social struggle
- None of these
968.The country with better record for gathering population statistics than any other is:
- Japan
- Sweden
- None of these
969.The population of the world is expected to double in the next :
- 35 years
- 75 years
- 100 years
- None of these 2014, the estimated world population would reach
- 3.7 billion
- 6.0 billion
- 9.0 billion
- None of these
971.Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is :
- Available acreage
- Improved technology
- Motivation to achieve
- None of these
972.The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in :
- Conformity
- Loyalty to superior
- Personal responsibility
- None of these
973.The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in :
- America
- England
- Japan
- None of these
974.In a highly intra-competitive situation, individual can guarantee the trust of peers by :
- Self modesty
- Genuine goodwill
- Withholding praise of superior
- None of these
975.The item alien to the concept of mass is :
- Vastness
- Anonymity
- Responsibility
- None of these
976.The exception to the typical application of endogamy is :
- Tribe
- Kinship
- Race
- None of these
977.Ferdinand Tonnies used the term ————–. To refer to societies dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishment and self-interests.
- Society
- Gesell’s chart
- Community
- Gamins chat
978.When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called
- Interview Schedule
- Questionnaire
- Observation
- interview guide
979.———– Is the process by which people learn all patterns of social life.
- Interaction
- Communication
- Socialization
- Dissemination
980.According to ——- all societies across the world are stratified
- Anthropologists
- Sociologists
- Economists
- Political Scientists
981.Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ——
- Heterosexuality Gender
- Sex
- Homosexuality
982.A family consisting of step relations is called :
- Plural family
- Joint family
- Extended family
- Compound family
983.Power that people consider legitimate is known as
- Force
- Right
- Authority
- Privilege
984.Mugging, rape and burglary are examples of ——- crimes.
- Organized crimes
- general crimes
- Street crimes
- Modern crimes
985.A norm is always enforced by sanctions.
- True
- False
986. Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study.
- True
- False
987.Endogamy is the marriage among certain relatives.
- True
- False
988.Social structure of a society is the network of ————- Institutional Relations Value system
- Traditions
- Compliance to norms
989.Polygamy means ——————
- Several Husbands
- Several Wives
- Several Marriages
- Single Marriage
990.Demography means ————-?
- Male
- Population
- Human Population
- Women population
- Adult Population
991.-———– is striving for equal treatment of women and men and for abolishing inequality.:
- Feminism
- Gender Studies
- Political
- Science Law
992.WID approach believes in:
- Gender mainstreaming
- Gender Segregation
- Incorporating women in development activities
- None of these
993.Is Pakistan a signatory of CEDAW?
- Yes
- No
994.Human Rights pertain to caring for the rights of;
- Women
- Men
- Minorities
- All of these.
995.Symbolic behavior of a person means ————
- Covert behavior
- Overt behavior
- Significant behavior
- Meaningful behavior
996.Gerontology is the study of —————
- Human beings
- Special groups
- Aged and aging
- all of these
997.When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called
- Interview Schedule
- Questionnaire
- Observation
- interview guide
998.———– Is the process by which people learn all patterns of social life.
- Interaction
- Communication
- Socialization
- Dissemination
999.According to ——- all societies across the world are stratified
- Anthropologists
- Sociologists
- Economists
- Political Scientists
1000.Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ——
- Heterosexuality Gender
- Sex Homosexuality