Sociology Solved MCQS With Answers PDF Download | Top 1000+ Sociology Subject Mcqs Pdf Set No 9

401. In the Marxian wording the foundations and worth framework structure the ____________of society.

  1. establishment
  2. superstructure
  3. center
  4. base

Ans. (b)

402. In the Marxian viewpoint _____________ structures the foundation of the general public.

  1. economy
  2. religion
  3. governmental issues
  4. conviction frameworks

Ans. (a)

403. Who composed the Communist Manifesto?

  1. Marx
  2. Lenin
  3. Engels
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (a)

404. The selection of mates in position framework is for the most part

  1. exogamous
  2. endogamous
  3. restricted
  4. open

Ans. (b)

405. In primitive society one factor which was answerable for social definition was-

  1. domain
  2. religion
  3. way to deal with the focal point of force
  4. nothing from what was just mentioned

Ans. (a)

406. In an agrarian culture social controls were practiced with the assistance of:

  1. Feudal masters
  2. Religious clerics
  3. Folkways and mores
  4. Superior sovereign

Ans. (c)

407. An agrarian culture started when individuals started:

(a) chasing

  1. (b) began loving same divine beings
  2. (c) to comply with something similar over ruler
  3. (d) to train the creatures

Ans. (d)

408. In an agrarian culture fundamental control of individuals was:

  1. chasing
  2. food gathering
  3. instrument making
  4. limited scope ventures

Ans. (b)

409. Which one of coming up next would one say one was of the attributes of agrarian culture?

  1. agribusiness was the principle control of individuals
  2. individuals utilized logical methods for development
  3. limited scope businesses were making scratch in the general public
  4. the general public had powerless area bonds

Ans. (a)

410. Kind of family framework which was normal in agrarian culture was:

  1. solitary
  2. joint
  3. more joint than single
  4. nothing unless there are other options

Ans. (a)

411. Expansion in populace

  1. fostered the time of logical agribusiness
  2. fostered the time of serious development
  3. didn’t influence the old strategies of agribusiness
  4. steered clear of the existence of people

Ans. (a)

412. The inclination to lead settled life set up-

  1. the town networks
  2. the metropolitan networks
  3. the semi-country networks
  4. the semi-metropolitan networks

Ans. (a)

413. With the specialization because of the division of work in the agrarian stage-

  1. additional businesses extended
  2. volume of exchange expanded
  3. level of business went up
  4. more clash emerged in the general public

Ans. (b)

414. Which of the accompanying become the focuses of exchange attributable to the Industrial Revolution?

  1. Villages
  2. Cities
  3. Towns
  4. Dales

Ans. (b)

415. In the enormous scope unit-

  1. the connection among work and business turned out to be all the more sweet
  2. the connection between the work and business turned out to be more generic
  3. the connection between the business and workers didn’t go through any change
  4. nothing unless there are other options things occurred

Ans. (b)

416. Imprint out among the accompanying, the purposes behind the presence of biggest number of towns in the Ganga Yamuna Valley.

  1. individuals are not intrigued by town or city life
  2. Illiteracy makes individuals live in the towns
  3. The two streams are sacred
  4. The dirt is rich and useful for development

Ans. (d)

417. Who characterized ‘city’ as a generally huge, thick and lasting settlement of socially heterogeneous people?

  1. Le Play
  2. Louis Wirth
  3. Murdock
  4. Burgess

Ans. (b)

418. Which one of following is right about agrarian culture?

  1. individuals had unoriginal contacts with one another
  2. The general public was struggle ridden
  3. Neighborhood relations were powerless
  4. individuals loved nature and not nature’s divine beings

Ans. (d)

419. One of the critical highlights of post-agrarian period was:

  1. development become more logical
  2. individuals started to carry on with nearly basic life
  3. land got isolated into little pieces
  4. land property turned out to be large

Ans. (d)

420. Which of coming up next was NOT valid for the agrarian culture?

  1. It offered spot to medieval framework
  2. It gave a difficulty to primitive framework
  3. It tested medieval framework
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (a)

421. In an agrarian culture individuals:

  1. had no confidence in religion
  2. were occupied in financial exercises
  3. were strictly stirred
  4. had daze confidence in religion

Ans. (d)

422. In agrarian culture individuals initially had:

  1. no longing to have private property
  2. had rage for having private property
  3. didn’t permit some other individual to have land once developed by him
  4. continuous struggles over the ownership of private property

Ans. (a)

423. Because of the ascent of farming, men-

  1. changed the tissue diet of nomadism to the eating regimen of more vegetables
  2. didn’t change the eating routine by any stretch of the imagination
  3. began eating cooked tissue
  4. deserted tissue eating and began eating milk items

Ans. (a)

424. Individuals began driving a more settled life in the-

  1. horticultural stage
  2. peaceful stage
  3. chasing stage
  4. nothing from what was just mentioned

Ans. (a)

425. A few exchanges were created during the farming phase of advancement. Which of coming up next is such an exchange?

  1. Pottery making
  2. Weaving of fleece
  3. Wearing of cotton
  4. All of the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

426. Agribusiness was the main occupation till-

  1. mid eighteenth century
  2. mid nineteenth century
  3. mid seventeenth century
  4. finish of nineteenth century

Ans. (a)

427. In the rural phase of improvement individuals were

  1. mindful of the gathering action and joint work
  2. not mindful of the gathering action and joint work
  3. mindful of the gathering action however not joint work
  4. not mindful of the gathering action yet worked together

Ans. (a)

428. Harmony and effortlessness describes the town life. Imprint out among the accompanying which you believe is the genuine justification it?

  1. The unambitgous character of the town
  2. Their obliviousness of the world outside
  3. The visually impaired confidence in the customs
  4. They accept their livelihoods as the lifestyle

Ans. (d)

429. What among the accompanying doesn’t add to the rustic economy?

  1. Cottage industry
  2. Animal farming
  3. Availability of better supplies
  4. Private cash loaning practice

Ans. (d)

430. The “historical backdrop of all up to this point existing society is a past filled with class battle”. To whom is this assertion ascribed?

  1. Engels
  2. Lenin
  3. Ralph Dahrendorf
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (d)

431. The sensation of class cognizance is important to comprise a _____________ however not _____________.

  1. class, position
  2. position, class
  3. status bunch, class
  4. position, status bunch

Ans. (a)

432. For him social orders were good frameworks and it was relevant to inspect images and their importance to individuals. In this he served to direct the interest of social anthropologists into another bearing. Who right?

  1. Radcliffe Brown
  2. B. Malinowski
  3. Evans Pritchard
  4. M. Gluck man

Ans. (C)

433. Which of the accompanying suspicions would be right from a factual perspective?

  1. Errors of perception will have frequen¬cies that can’t surmised the nor¬mal likelihood bend
  2. Linear extents have estimated fre¬quencies intently following the ordinary likelihood bend.
  3. Measures of physical and mental characteristics can’t be acknowledged to follow the nor¬mal likelihood bend.
  4. Linear sizes have estimated fre¬quencies that are constantly slanted.

Ans. (B)

434. Think about the accompanying articulations regarding mechanical fortitude:

1. The social design dependent on mechani¬cal fortitude is little in size

2. The division of work in this sort of friendly design depends on age and sex


3. A sharp feeling of solidarity is found in this sort of construction

4. Separating of mechanical solidar¬ity has prompted a breakdown in current cultures

435.Which of these assertions is/are right?

(A) 1 in particular

  1. (B) 4 in particular
  2. (C) 1, 2 and 3
  3. (D) 2 and 3

Ans. (B)

436. Think about the accompanying explanations:

1. Law is make, custom is a development

2. Law needs an exceptional office for enforce¬ment, custom doesn’t

3. Law is explicit, traditions are not

4. Law is unbending, traditions adaptable

Which of these assertions are right?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1, 2 and 3
  3. 2, 3 and 4
  4. 1, 3 and 4

Ans. (B)

437. Which of the accompanying assertions in regards to social class is inaccurate?

  1. There is right off the bat, a sensation of uniformity, corresponding to individuals from one’s own class, a cognizance that one’s method of conduct will blend with the conduct of comparative norms of life.
  2. Secondly, there is an inclination of mediocrity comparable to the individuals who remain above in the social scale.
  3. Thirdly, there is the inclination of prevalence over those underneath in the social chain of importance.
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (D)

438. ________ is concrete whereas__________ is unique.

  1. Association, people group
  2. Social gathering, Society
  3. Community, Society
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (c)

439. Who of the accompanying has characterized establishment by saying that, “Foundation is unequivocal association seeking after some particular interest with a certain goal in mind”?

  1. R.M. Maclver
  2. Ogbum
  3. Ginsberg
  4. E. A. Ross

Ans. (a)

440. Which of coming up next is a trait of a local area?

  1. No specific name
  2. Fulfillment of a specific end
  3. No legally binding connection
  4. Legal status

Ans. (c)

441. One of the fundamental components of local area is that it is:

  1. Natural
  2. Created by an arrangement
  3. Partly common and incompletely made by some game plan
  4. Neither regular nor made

Ans. (b)

442. Which of the accompanying applies to Community, however not to Association?

  1. In it there is severe set of principles
  2. Gap in lead is filled by some grounded customs
  3. Members go along with it for accomplishing certain egotistical finishes
  4. In it local area suppositions are frail

Ans. (b)

443. What isn’t pertinent to both culture and civilization?

  1. Both react to one another
  2. Both impact our morals
  3. Both are worried about way of life
  4. Both are connected with brain science

Ans. (d)

444. Anatomical contrasts might be related with knowledge, culture and different characteristics so that races might be separated into unrivaled and mediocre races. This view is called:

  1. Cultural predominance
  2. Racialism
  3. Genetic prevalence
  4. None of the abovementioned

Ans. (b)

445. Who of the accompanying accepted that “all societies go through an ordinary progression of stages”?

  1. Arnold J. Toynbee
  2. Oswald Spengler
  3. F.S. Chapin
  4. A. L. Kroeber

Ans. (b)

446. ‘Culture is the result of agro realities, relics, sociofacts and mentifacts’ who said this?

  1. Bindey
  2. C.H. Cooley
  3. Redcliff Brown
  4. Sapir

Ans. (a)

447. Who said this? “In eastern India man’s status fluctuates in backwards proportion to the width of his nose”.

  1. Risibly
  2. Gharry
  3. M.N. Srinivas
  4. Hutton

Ans. (a)

448. At the point when the individual or gathering contrasts himself or itself and the other individual or gathering, this is called:

  1. Imitation
  2. Reference bunch conduct
  3. Identification
  4. Acculturation

Ans. (b)

449. The gatherings, framed by sociologists and analysts rather than the actual individuals are called:

  1. Spatial gatherings
  2. Congregate gatherings
  3. Statistical gatherings
  4. Involuntary gatherings

Ans. (c)

450. Which hypothesis begins with the possibility that each individual needs to live in gathering and subsequently doesn’t wish to “disappoint his gathering chiefs?

  1. Freudian Theory
  2. Trotter Theory
  3. McDougal Ps Theory
  4. Multiple Factors Theory