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Encircle the most appropriate answer from the following options

1.         Processes that carry nerve impulses away from the cell body are called;  

(a) Axons

(b) Dendrites  

(c) Synapses

(d) Myelin sheath

2.         The portion of the nervous system  that is involuntary in action:

(a) Somatic nervous system

(b) Dendrites

(c) Synapses

(d) Myelin sheath

3.         Which neurons are present inside  the central nervous system?

(a) Sensory neurons only

(b) Motor neurons only

(c) Sensory and motor neurons both

(d} Interneurons only

4.         which part of the brain responsible for muscle movement interpretation of the senses and the memory is the;

(a) Pons 

(b) Medulla oblongata

(c) Cerebrum

(d) Cerebellum

5.         Apart from hearing, what other major body function is performed  by the ear? 

(a) Hormones secretion

(b) Body balance      

(c) Reduction in nerve pressure 

(d) All of these


6.         The myelin sheath is formed by   which wrap around the axons of some neurons;  

(a) Nodes of Ranvier

(b) Axons

(c) Dendrites

(d) Schwann Cells

 7.        Which is not a part of the hindbrain:

(a) Pons

(b) Medulla oblongata

(c) Cerebrum

(d) Cerebellum

8. If you look at an intact human brain, what you see the most is a  large, highly convoluted outer surface. This is the;

(a) Cerebrum

(b) Cerebellum

(c) pons

(d) Medulla oblongata

9.         Insulin and glucagon are produced In the

(a) Hypothalamus      

(b) Anterior pituitary

(c) Liver          

(d) Pancreas

10.       All of these are hormones except:

(a) Insulin       

(b) Thyroxin

(c) Glucagon  

(d) Pepsinogen 

11.       The elongation of eye-ball results in: 

(a) Myopia  

(b) Blindness

(c) Deafness  

(d) None of these 

12.       The pathway followed by the nerve impulses for producing a reflex action is called;

(a) Reflex action

(b) Reflex arc

(c) Neuron

(d) Spinal cord

13.       Ali Ibn-e-lsa’s book on study of diseases and surgery of eye is;

(a) Biology

(b) Botany

(c) Ophthalmology   

 (d) Zoology

14.       A          coordinated     action  has components;

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

15.       The organs which are specifically Built to detect the particular type of stimulus are called

(a) Receptors

(b) Effectors

(c) Stimuli

(d) All of these

17.       The nervous System consists of  billions of neurons and;

(a) Hormones

(b) Nephrons

(c) Neuroglial cells

(d) Receptors 

18.       Nucleus and cytoplasni of neuron is located in;

(a) Cell body

(b) Dendrites

(c) Axons

(d) Myelin sheath

 19.      The sensory layer of eye is;

(a) Cornea      

(b) Iris

(c) Sclera       

(d) Retina

20.       The sensory part of ear is;

(a) Succulus   

(b) Stapes

(c) Vestibule

(d) Cochlea

21.       Ibn-al-Haytham is famous for his  book of:

(a) Chemistry

(b) Optics

(c) Biology

(d) Co-ordination

22.       Who is unable to see during the day

(a) Rabbit

(b) Owl

(c) Cat

(d) Human

23.       Which one is the smallest bone of the human body

(a) Malleus

(b) incus

(c) Stapes

(d) Cochlea

24.        Which gland is pea shaped

(a) Hypothalamus

(b) Pancreas

(c) Pituitary

(d) Adrenal

25.        Which separates the middle ear from inner ear

(a) Malleus

(b) incus

(c) Stapes

(d) Eustachian tube

26.       Non-Myelinated points between the myelin on an axon are:  

(a) Saltatory nerves

(b) Nodes of Ranvier

(c) Neuroglial cells

(d) Schwann cells

27.       Glucagon is secreted by

(a) Exocrine part of pancreas

(b) Islets of Langerhans

(c) Pituitary Gland

(d) None of these

28.       are sensitive to dim light.

(a) Rods

(b) Cones       

(c) Retina

(d) Cornea      

29.       Night blindness is caused due to  the deficiency of the body. 

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Iodopsin

(c) Protein      

(d) Fats

30.       The lens found in human eye is•

(a) Biconcave

(b) Biconvex

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of these

31.       Lobe concerned with senses of hearing •and smell:

(a) Frontal

(b) Parietal

(c) Occipital

(d) Temporal

32.       The largest part of the fore-brain that controls skeletal muscles, thinking, intelligence and   emotions;    

(a) Cerebellum 

(b) Cerebrum

(c) Hypothalamus

(d) Thalamus

33.       This is not the part of hind brain:

(a) Pons

(b) Medulla Oblongata

(c) Jer Cerebrum

(d) Cerebellum

34.    The hormone calcitonin is secreted   by:

(a) Pituitary gland

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Pancreas

(d) Adernal gland

35.    Central nervous system consists of  brain and: 

(a) Effectors

(b) Receptors

(c) Nerves

(d) Spinal cord

36.    Under the influence of which hormone of pituitary gland thyroxine and calcitonin is   produced? 

(a) Thyroid stimulating hormone

(b) Glucagon

(c) Testosterone

(d) Androgens

37.    Which part of human body plays le in balancing the body:

(a) Eye

(b) Ear

(c) Nose   

(d) Teeth

38.    Female secondary •sex characters  are controlled by:  

(a) Estrogen

(b) Progesterone

(c) Testosterone 

(d) Estrogen and Progesterone

39.    Functional disorder of nervous  system is:    

(a) Dwarfism    

(b) Paralysis

(c) Epilepsy

(d) Gigantism

40.     Father of optics is

(a) Newton

(b) Ali ibn isa

(c) Ibn Al haytham

(d) Al farabi

41.      Rods and cones are absent in

(a) optic disc

(b) Blind spot

(c) retina

(d) Optic disc and blind spot

42.       Muscular ring formed by choroid is

(a) cornea

(b) Pupil

(c) Iris

(d) Sclera

43.      Pairs of cranial nerves are

(a) 21

(b) 12

(c) 33

(d) 3

44.      Pair of spinal nerves are

(a) 2

(b) 33

(c) 31

(d) 12

45.      Connection between cerebellum and spinal cord is

(a) Medulla oblongata

(b) Mid brain

(c) Pons

(d) Cerebrum

46.       Brain stem involves:

(a) Medulla oblongata and Pons

(b) Cerebrum

(c) Midbrain 

(d) Medulla oblongata, Pons,and Mid brain

47.       Which lobe permits -conscious control of skeletal muscles?

(a) Frontal     

(b) Occipital

(c) Parietal     

(d) Temporal 

48.       Visual information is received and   analysed by which lobe?

(a) Frontal      

(b) Occipital  

(c) Temporal  

(d) Parietal

49.       Sensation of smell is created by:

(a) Cerebrum 

(b) Cortex

(c) Olfactory bulbs

(d) Medulla

50.       Which lobe co-ordinates movements   involved in speech? 

(a) Frontal     

(b) Parietal

(c) Occipital   

(d) TemporaL

51.       Layers of brain are called: 

(a) Cranium

(b) Meninges

(c) Lobes 

(d) Central canal 

52. Cerebrospinal fluid is present in:

(a). Ventriéles

(b) Central canal        

(c) Ventricles and Central canal 

(d) Meninges

53.       Sound receptor cells are present

(a) Succulus   

(b) Stapes

(c) Vestibule   

(d) Cochlea

54.       The special neuroglial cells located   at regular intervals along axons  are called:   

(a) Dendrites

(b) Myelin sheath

(c) Schwann cells    

(d) Nodes of. Ranvier

55.       Which of the following contains sensory areas that received impulses from skin?

(a) Frontal Lobe

(b) Occipital Lobe

(c) Temporal Lobe

(d) Parietal Lobe

56.       In rene.x action, which of the following acts as co-ordinator?

(a) Brain

(b) Neurons

(c) Reflex Arc

(d) Spinal Cord

57.Progesterone is secreted by:

(a) Pancreas

(b) Adrenal glands:

(c) Testes

(d) Ovaries

58.       For farsightedness the image is  formed:

(a) Behind the retina

(b) In front of retina

(c) On the retina

(d) On blind spot

59.       The length of spinal cord Is:

(a) 20 cm       

(b) 30 cm

(c) 40 cm       

(d) 50 cm

60.       A pigment Iodopsin is present in:

(a) Rods

(b) Cones

(c) Cornea

(d) Sclera

61.      Which types of problems are rectified by the used of Convex lens?

(a) Hypermetropia

(b) Short sightedness

(c) Night blindness

(d) Myopia     

62. Auditory canal ends in:

(a) Cochlea

(b) Ear drum

(c) Middle ear

(d) Eustachian tube

63.       Hyperthyroidism is caused by:

(a) Overproduction of Thyroxine

(b) Underproduction of Thyroxine

(c) Overproduction of Insulin

(d) Overproduction of glucagon

64.       Parathormone is secreted by:

(a) Parathyroid gland

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Adrenal gland

(d) Gonads

65.       Which hormone prepares body to  overcome emergency situation? 

(a) Parathormone 

(b) Vasopressin

(c) Thyroxin

(d) Adrenaline

66.       The pathway which conduct  impulses from CNS to effectors?  

(a) Sensory pathway

(b) Motor pathway

(c) Mixéd pathway

(d) interneuron pathway

67.       In unicellular organisms,  Co-ordination is brought about by:

(a) Nerves 

(b) Chemicals

(c) Brain

(d) Braig and nerves  

68.     Brain and Spinal cord are  examples of: 

(a) Stimuli

(b) Receptors  

(c) Coordinators

(d) Effectors

69.       Endocrine glands are: 

(a) Effectors

(b) Coordinators

(c) Receptors

(d) Stimuli       

70. In which parts of the body many  Neurons cell bodies combine to make a group:

(a) Nerves

(b) Tissues

(c) Ganglion  

(d) Muscles